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The Phoenix Agenda: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 6)

Page 47

by JC Ryan

  “We were hoping you’d suggest that.” Dennis smiled.

  “We’d also like to know how the Supreme Council’s latest insanity impacted he Tectus members and their families.”

  Eric replied. “Well Sam, the good news is that, thanks to the forewarning and advice from Peter, most of us came through it unscathed. Everyone including their families is still alive. The bad news is that nine of our members and their families were chipped. Although we are taking care of them so that they have food and shelter, we had to break all other contact with them. We were going to ask you for the necessary equipment to remove the chips and move them to secure locations. It wasn’t easy to abandon them like that. You know our old military motto ‘no one left behind’. But, in this case, we had no choice, we had to think of the bigger picture.”

  “Don’t stress about that. We can help you. Salome can explain it.”

  Salome explained about the changes that Raj and Roy made to undermine the adverse features of the chips.

  “That is a major step forward!” Dennis exclaimed when she finished.

  “Yes that’s indeed the case. But we will have to be very careful not to start demilitarizing chips left and right. Doing that will cause a big security risk. If the authorities discover it, you can be sure new software will be downloaded to the chips via the Skywalkers immediately. That will be disastrous for us, as it will put us right back to where we started many months ago without chips,” Salome warned them.

  “I can see the danger. We will have to think it through carefully and get back to you for your advice and approval. Tell us what you have in mind for the immediate future and how we can help you?” Eric asked.

  Sam gave them an overview of the brainstorming session a few days ago. “We’ve identified three major targets. First and most important is the free-roaming bots. We have to find out who produces them, where the manufacturer is located, and all the technical details. I take it you agree that as long as we can’t eliminate those bots we’re still up the creek?”

  Eric and Dennis nodded their agreement.

  “The next two targets are the Beast and the Skywalkers, which we believe are both controlled from somewhere in Brussels. We have to find out exactly where the control centers are and how those devices work. For all three of the targets, we need your assistance,” Sam concluded.

  “You got it,” Dennis and Eric replied in accord, without hesitation.

  “I have another important matter to discuss,” Salome said. “We want to know if you can get access to the records of former security force and law enforcement personnel.”

  Dennis laughed. “I think I know where you are going with that. Yes, we can. In fact we already have access. It was one of our first operations. We’re not only able to access the records - we can also edit them. Is that what you had in mind?”

  “Exactly what I had in mind,” Salome answered as smiles broke across Sam and Luke’s faces. “I am sure that’s going to come in very handy in the future.”

  “Well, as you are probably aware, many of our members are ex-military and police. It is important to make sure their names disappear from the books. Just let us know when you need that service. For you, there will be no charge.” Eric laughed.

  The discussions continued for a few more hours. By the end of the videoconference meeting, they’d agreed that Tectus would immediately mobilize a team of hackers to track down the manufacturer of the free-roaming killer bots and try to hack into their systems.

  They would contact their members in Europe and launch an operation to start collecting information about the government offices and employees in Brussels. Over time, their agents would be provided with the necessary apparatus to expand their operations.

  They would dedicate a team of hackers to work full time on breaking into the networks of the warehouses and start collecting every bit of information they could get.

  Sam ended the meeting on a counselling note. “It is critical that we remain undetected until the very last minute. Therefore, it’s important that you remain a small but effective organization. The more members you have, the more chance you have of discovery. If it’s necessary to reassign some of your members or break contact with them, then do so. Only recruit new people if it is absolutely necessary because of a specific skill that neither you nor we have.”

  Dennis and Eric understood the importance of Sam’s request, and had no issues with it.


  Peter and Kelly went in search of Jack Symonds the day after they and the Bells arrived in LA. They soon discovered that Jack and Sue-Ellen, now married with two small children, had abandoned their shop a few weeks ago. The new financial system ruined their business overnight, as it did for so many others. On top of that, their shop was looted during the riots - people collecting valuables to barter for food and shelter stole everything. Their savings and livelihood vanished in just a few days.

  Peter and Kelly drove out to Jack’s home address, and parked a few blocks away. Each launched a spyfly and navigated it to the address while they remained in the car with tinted windows, which had been supplied by an LA Tectus member.

  “Peter what do you think? The place seems to be empty. I get the impression there is no one living there at the moment.”

  “I got the same idea. Okay, let’s bring the flies in and go back. I’ll have to get one of Alison’s extreme makeovers to come back and talk to the neighbors.”

  Later that afternoon, Peter returned in a different car, disguised as a man with long blond hair, blue eyes, thick black-framed glasses, and a limp in his left leg.

  “Ma’am sorry to trouble you. I am looking for Jack Symonds.”

  “They used to live next door, but they moved away a few weeks ago. Didn’t have much contact with them. I don’t know where they went. But the old lady in the house on the other side knew them very well and might be able to tell you.”

  “Thank you, ma’am. It’s very kind of you.”

  Peter walked around to the house, sincerely hoping that he wouldn’t come to another dead end.

  “Ma’am apologies for the intrusion. The lady two houses down said you might be able to tell me where I can find Jack Symonds.”

  “No trouble, son. Jack and his family left about four weeks ago after their shop was ransacked. They lost everything. The poor souls - and the little children - I feel so sorry for them. How do you know Jack?”

  “Jack and I have been good friends since our school days. We haven’t seen each other in years. I thought I would pay him a surprise visit while I’m in LA on business. By the sounds of it, things are not going well with my old friend?”

  “That is definitely the case. They left here with nothing. It was not only the loss of their business. Jack got into some sort of trouble. Not sure exactly what it was, but he and his family were all taken away and implanted with those things in their shoulders. I also have one of them - otherwise, I won’t get my pension. Jack and Sue-Ellen did not like those things in their bodies at all. Lovely girl, Sue-Ellen, and two lovely children. They always called me grandma.”

  Peter’s heart dropped to the floor. Jack Symonds’s case had just become a lot more complicated than he anticipated.

  “Ma’am, any idea where they went?”

  “I don’t know the address where they live, but I have Sue-Ellen’s mobile number. We phone each other every few days so I can talk to the children. Jack found a job at a factory, and she is working night shift at a grocery store.”

  “Would you mind giving me her number? I would really like to look them up and see if there is anything I could do to help my old friend.”

  “No problem. I am sure he’ll be glad to see you again, and it would be very good if you have any means of helping them.”

  “Thank you, ma’am I really appreciate your help. Please don’t tell them about me. I want to surprise them.”

  “Don’t worry, son. It will be our secret.” She smiled and winked at him.

  As soon as Peter g
ot in the car, he phoned Eric and asked him to track down the location of the cell phone. Early the next morning he and Kelly were at the address they got from Eric. They spotted Jack when he came out of the house to catch a bus to work. They launched a few spyflies, got them into the house, and hooked them up to recorders. There was nothing else to do but wait until they'd recorded a days or two of activity. They left to join Owen and Alison on their visit to the film studio.

  On the second day they retrieved the surveillance equipment and studied the recordings. It didn't take long to come to the shocking conclusion that Jack and his family were in dire straits. It was painful to see how the family was struggling to keep body and soul together. Jack hardly ever said a word - he just stared into the void. It was clear that the children felt insecure, and Sue-Ellen was stressed to breaking point. There was not enough food in the house, and Jack looked like a defeated man, only a shadow of the man Sam described to them.

  "Peter, when I compare what Sam told us about Jack to what I’ve seen and heard on those recordings I’m very worried. How much more can they take?"

  "We’ll have to move quickly. Unless you have a better idea, I’m going to approach Jack directly today. I just want to clear a few things with Daniel and Sam."

  "That sounds soon enough for me. What's your plan?"

  “We’ll need Daniel and Sam’s permission, but I’m going to suggest we get Jack and his family to Mount Ararat as soon as possible. Once there, we can decide about the rest.”

  “Good idea. It’s a good thing they aren’t under direct surveillance now. On the farm, we have enough food and accommodation for them and much better living conditions.” Kelly had a faint smile when she thought how nice it would be to have the little boys around.

  Owen and Alison were happy with Peter’s suggestion. Daniel and Sam took less than thirty minutes to get the Steering Committee’s approval.

  That afternoon when Jack left the factory, at the end of his shift, Peter waited for him at the gate. “Jack Symonds is it?”

  “Yes, who wants to know?”

  “My name is Peter Scott. Can I have a few minutes of your time? It’s very important that I talk to you.”

  “I have to catch that bus to get home before my wife goes to work.”

  “Believe me, Jack, it is not going to be a waste of time. I’ll drive you home, and we can talk on the way. Is that okay with you?”


  When they were in the car, Peter took out a letter and handed it to Jack. “It’s from a mutual friend of ours. I’d like you to read it before I continue.”

  Jack looked at the envelope with his name on it and immediately recognized the handwriting. It felt like a very long time since he’d seen that handwriting, but as far as he knew the man whom that writing belonged to was dead. He was on alert and curious at the same time when he finished reading.

  “Good. I’ve read it - it says I can trust you. I don’t, and I don’t know a Sam Lewis.”

  Peter was getting worried that the direct approach might not have been such a good idea after all. Jack was apprehensive.

  “Jack I know it’s weird but please hear me out. Sam gave me a few bits of information, which according to him, only the two of you know. I will report them to you and then you can decide what you want to do.”

  “I am listening.”

  Peter continued and related the details of a few missions that Jack worked on for Sam, including the three and four-word pass codes used on each. Jack stared out the window, emotionless.

  There were just a few people in the world whom he’d ever trusted - Sam Lewis was one of them.

  When Peter finished, Jack looked at him and said, “Stop the car. This is as far as I go.”

  Peter was devastated. I’ve blown the whole operation. Jack scribbled something on the back of the envelope when the car stopped dropped it on the seat, got out and walked away without saying a word.

  A smile broke over Peter’s face when he read the words. ‘Tonight 9:30 in the park down the street from my house.’

  At exactly 9:30 pm, Jack appeared out of nowhere next to Peter where he was sitting in the dark, on a bench, under a big tree. “I decided to listen to what you have to say. Don’t waste my time - say what you have to say so I can get back home.”

  Peter liked the fact that Jack didn’t waste time on idle chatter. “In that case listen carefully to me, ask your questions, and make your decision.” Peter smiled.

  Jack nodded.

  He gave Jack a brief overview of the Rosslerites’ work and history including the escape of Sam Lewis, the Harpers, and all the families.

  When he explained how they'd managed to counteract the chips, Peter noticed the first sign of emotion on Jack’s face since he met him earlier that day. “You know how to get those fuckin’ things out of people without killing them?”

  “Absolutely. Piece of cake for us.”

  “Okay, what’s the deal? What do I have to do to get that shit out of the bodies of my family and me?”

  “Jack, there are no strings attached. We will neutralize the chips in you and your family irrespective of your decision to work for Sam again or not. Sam says it’s a favor for an old and loyal friend. If you decide not to work for him, we will neutralize the chips and disappear out of your life. If you decide to work for him, we will do the same and move you and your family to Mount Ararat and set you up there.”

  Jack stared into the darkness for a long while. “Can I talk to Sam?”

  “Yes, he is waiting to talk to you. Give me a second.” Peter dialed Sam on the mirror phone. “Sam I have Jack here with me. He wants a word with you.”

  Jack listened to Sam for a while and said. “It’s a done deal. When do we start?” Jack sounded almost excited.

  “It will take a week to make all the arrangements. In the meantime, you can talk to your wife, resign your jobs, and pack what you need into two suitcases. Be ready at 10 pm next Wednesday night. Peter will be in touch the day before to confirm the final arrangements. You okay with that?”

  “Can’t wait. Let’s do it.” With that, Jack got up, gave the phone back to Peter, and disappeared into the darkness without saying a word.

  “Sam, I have to say I can’t remember the last time I met a man of so few words.” Peter chuckled.

  Sam laughed. “He has a way of getting to the point doesn’t he?”

  Since the financial desolation, a thriving black market had emerged that enabled people with the ‘right currency’ such as precious metals, gemstones, jewelry, and other valuable items to buy any product or services they wanted. It was illegal, but the police were treating it as petty crime and turned a blind eye as they had serious matters to attend to. They weren’t going to make criminals out of people trying to stay alive, despite orders to the contrary from John Brideaux.

  It was through those channels that some of the LA chapter members of Tectus acquired food, medicine, and other essential items and delivered them anonymously to the Symonds’ house the day after Peter and Jack met.

  Sue-Ellen was in tears when she opened the boxes she found on her doorstep when she got home from work in the early hours of the morning. She called Jack, and for the first time in weeks, she saw her husband smile.

  “Sue, I have something to tell you,” said Jack as he put his arms around his crying wife and pulled her close to him.


  Brad Johnston spent every minute he had studying the Rossler files. The more days that passed without a single trace of the forty-one, the more he was persuaded that the Rosslerites had discovered a countermeasure for the lethal power of the chips. His and his family’s freedom was locked up in that discovery.

  However, nothing in the files gave him any clue how and where to begin to find them. Most likely they were on American soil, but they could just as well be in Canada, Alaska or even South America. There was no indication. There were many files with information compiled by investigators who questioned, interrogated, threatene
d, and tortured people who knew anything about the Rosslerites. There were wild speculations, even reports from mystics and clairvoyants, but none had an inkling.

  After countless hours, Brad concluded that he was barking up the wrong tree. He was not going to unearth the Rosslerites. He had to approach the whole thing from a different angle.

  The next day he dictated a top-secret memo to all police chiefs across the country. There might be a chance that rogue scientists could discover a method to deactivate the chips. The police had to remain vigilant and make sure that all anomalies were brought to his attention immediately. Any discoveries of such a nature had to be kept quiet at all cost.

  When Cathy Ballmer read the memo, she wondered if Brad Johnston had changed his mind. Nevertheless, she had her orders to keep on looking for forty-one bodies, and that was exactly what she was going to do. The quicker she could get just one of them, the quicker she could get off the timewasting assignment.


  The Steering Committee was deliberating about the Symonds family. Should they be settled at Mount Ararat or the Rabbit Hole?

  “With the changes to the chips’ tracking features and the ability to broadcast a person’s presence to fake locations I see no danger in bringing them here. Or am I missing something?” Sarah argued.

  “No problems that I can see Sarah,” Sam replied. "However, be aware that Jack will have to keep his chip. Although it will be demilitarized, he will need to keep it in as we want to send him around on missions, so he must be able to pass through security checks without problems.”

  “That makes sense, but it doesn’t stop them from coming here. Does it?”

  “No, not as far as I can see,” Sam replied.

  Rebecca supported the idea. “I see no issues, Sarah. I agree with you. We can bring them all here, remove the chips and Raj can set up the diversions so that their locations are beamed to places far away from here.”

  “What do our security experts say?” Daniel looked at Sam, Luke, and Salome in turn.


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