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The Phoenix Agenda: A Thriller (A Rossler Foundation Mystery Book 6)

Page 48

by JC Ryan

  “I can’t foresee any issues either. I think it would be good to have them here. And it will be especially good for the children,” Salome responded.

  “Raj and Roy, are you confident in your ability to broadcast a false location? Are there any technical issues you can foresee?” Daniel asked.

  They both shook their heads to the latter question.

  “Good. It is settled then. Peter and Kelly will demilitarize their chips before they leave LA, fly them to Mount Ararat, and then bring them over to us,” Daniel summarized the discussion.

  “Kelly, you look a bit sad. Or is it just the screen resolution?” Sarah remarked.

  Kelly laughed. “Nothing escapes you, Sarah Rossler! Yes, I am a bit sad, but I don’t know exactly why. Maybe it’s because I was sort of looking forward to having the two little ones around, you know.”

  Rebecca giggled. “Are you getting broody Kelly?”

  “I guess that could be the case!” Kelly had a mischievous little smile on her face while Peter grinned from ear to ear.

  “Okay, Peter, before you and Kelly go off to create a population explosion at Mount Ararat can you please see to it that Eric wipes out Jack’s military record?” Daniel’s final quip had them all rolling with laughter.


  Jack and his family were ready when the van pulled up in front of their house at 10 pm the Wednesday night. Jack even looked a bit excited. They'd said goodbye to their neighbors earlier, telling them that Jack got a good job on a ranch in Texas.

  All inside the van, Peter introduced them to Kelly and took off. About a mile away, he stopped and got hold of Raj. “Okay, Raj we're ready when you are.”

  “Let’s do it,” Raj replied.

  Kelly explained to them what she was going to do. Jack indicated they were happy to carry on. She took the deactivator out and held it close to everyone’s right shoulder for a few seconds until a little green light appeared on the device. Peter reported the progress to Raj, who was activating the signal tracking diversions as Kelly completed each person’s chip. Three minutes later, they were back on the road, on the way to the airstrip.

  Kelly made sure that she packed enough food and drink for the almost five-hour flight to Mount Ararat. Kelly sat in the back with Sue-Ellen, Jack was in the co-pilot’s seat next to Peter, and the children were both fast asleep shortly after takeoff.

  When they reached cruising altitude, Jack looked at Peter for a long while. “My friend, we will be eternally in your debt for what you did for us.”

  Sue-Ellen had tears in her eyes. “Thank you so much for the food and the medicine. You will never know how timely that arrival was.”

  “Don’t mention it. It was the least we could do. I just wish we could have pulled you out of there earlier,” Kelly replied with a warm smile.

  “Okay, Peter. I guess you are now at liberty to give us the full picture. Do you mind telling us where we are going and what to expect?” Jack inquired on behalf of Sue-Ellen and himself.

  For the next four hours, Jack and Sue-Ellen got their induction to the world of the Rosslerites. The two of them often voiced their disbelief in what they heard. Kelly and Peter just had to laugh as they remembered their own initiations.

  When they landed at Mount Ararat and taxied into the hangar Owen, Alison, Sam, Daniel, Sarah, and Rebecca were waiting for them. A big applause went up when they stepped off the plane. Sam was the first person to hug and welcome them before introducing them to the rest.

  Rebecca did a thorough examination on all of them. She was satisfied that they were all in good health with no need for any immediate medical treatment. They sat down to a king’s breakfast, which Alison prepared and brought over to the hanger.

  Rebecca couldn’t help but smile as she saw Kelly sitting with both the little boys on her lap. She winked at Sarah and pointed with her head at Kelly. “She definitely has a mother’s touch.”

  Sarah laughed. “You can say that again. She had little Nicholas wrapped around her finger within half an hour after she saw him the first time.”

  Another few hours of talking followed before they all found a place to sleep until nightfall, when they would move over to the Rabbit Hole where another warm and sincere welcome and many pleasant surprises were awaiting them.


  “Rafael my friend, what are your thoughts about our discussion of the other day?” Ruben asked after the server had taken their orders and disappeared.

  “Amigo, I gave it a lot of thought. First, we have to make sure we remain in the background - we have to buy the expertise and services we need. I have been thinking how we could do it. We could easily take down the satellites and the Central Human Control Unit, which would destroy the whole empire. The problem is that we cannot do that until we shut down the chips first. You know what happened with the Eight Cycle. That is how they destroyed themselves. As you know, the only person that keeps the secret to the shutdown of the chips is John.”

  “How did it come to this? How did we allow a madman to become so powerful?”

  “I have the same questions, amigo, but as they say, ‘that is water under the bridge’. We can only change the future, not the past. We can now only remedy our past mistakes by doing the right thing in the future. What are your ideas?”

  “I guess you are right about the past and the future – wise words. Well, with your control over the world’s communications systems and having launched all those chip satellites, that and the CHCU should be an easy job as you said. But I kept on bumping my head against the same wall as you with the problem of shutting down the chips first. My idea is that we could hire our own scientists who can dissect the chip and find out how to shut it down.”

  “That would be the only way we could possibly do it. Unless …”

  “Unless what?"

  "Well, many days I have been wondering about the Rosslers. Do you think they might have found a way to do it? If that is the case we have to try and track them down.”

  “Rafael, they are the most wanted people on earth. There are millions on their heads. No one has the slightest intimation where they are. All we know is that they are alive and busy with something. For what it is worth, we could talk to Brad Johnston, the head of security in America to find out what progress they have made to find them. But I have to say I don’t think much would come from that.”

  “I suggest we don’t ignore that opportunity. I agree with you, let’s hire some scientists, and put them to work, but let’s also try and find the Rosslers. You never know - they might just be able to save us a lot of time and trouble.”

  "That might be so, but if we find them, how do you propose we get in touch with them, and how are we going to establish our bona fides with them? I suspect it won't be as if we can walk up to them and say ‘Hi we are Rafael Martinez and Ruben Weinstein of the Supreme Council. We would like you to help us take John Brideaux down’, or something like that.”

  Rafael laughed. “Amigo, a few minutes ago you were worried about the past - now you are worried about the future. Let’s see if we can find them first. Then we will see how we can contact them.”

  “Okay, I will set up a meeting with Johnston for next week so that we can hear what he has to say about the Rosslers.”

  “Ruben, what do you think of Barbara Cohen?”

  “That woman gives me the shivers! Why do you ask?”

  “Same here, I don’t know what it is that puts me off about her, but I don’t like her.”

  “Do you think there could be other council members who feel the same as us?”

  “Amigo, if there were any, I haven’t noticed them. I am not prepared to take the chance to find out. The two of us are more than capable of handling this between us. Let’s keep it like that for now.”

  Ready to go

  The moment, Jack, and his family walked into the Rabbit Hole, they knew they had arrived home at last. It felt like the proverbial red carpet had been rolled out for them. Within a few days, they were settl
ed in. Sue-Ellen and Jack quickly discovered that Peter and Kelly hadn’t told them half of what they should have expected to see and experience. However, they had to admit that even if they’d been told, they would not have believed it at the time.

  Soon after their arrival, Rebecca performed the little operation to remove the chips from Sue-Ellen and the two boys. Sarah took Sue-Ellen, who was a former mathematics and science teacher, under her wing. John and Jane Mendenhall were elated when she took up their offer of a teaching position at the Gallatin Unified School. Due to their similar ages, Nicholas and Aanya had two more best mates in Alex and Matt Symonds.

  At the start of the next operations meeting, Jack was introduced to the Tectus leaders.

  “Sam we have good news for you today,” Dennis said with a big smile on his face as the introductions ended.

  “We always welcome that type of news Dennis. Tell us about it.”

  “We found the manufacturer of the free-roaming bots. NaBoTech Enterprises, they are located on Silicon Hills in Austin, Texas.”

  “Now that is what I call good news. Excellent work guys! Sam exclaimed while the others showed the Tectus leaders a thumbs up. “As Salome pointed out before, those bots are our number one target. What else do you know about them?”

  “We've just started our surveillance activities. As can be expected, the place is extremely well guarded. We’re collecting information about the layout and surrounding areas and the employees. We haven’t penetrated the buildings yet. We’ll be deploying more reconnaissance equipment over the next day or two and will keep you posted on the progress.”

  “I have an asset in that neck of the woods that could possibly be activated to help you with the work there. Can you use more help?”

  “If this person has skills similar to your other non-existents, Peter, Kelly, and Jack, then yes, we can use that. How do you want to go about activating this person?”

  “It will save us a lot of time if I brief you and Eric for the task.”

  “Do you mind giving us a name?”

  “I guess you will need that sooner or later.” Sam laughed. “Her name is Michelle Beckett. She is a …”

  “Former FBI forensics and electronics expert!” Dennis completed the sentence for Sam.

  “What the hell … you know her?” Sam was flabbergasted. “I am stunned! Tell me how do you know her?”

  “It’s a small world, Sam. She and her husband are the leaders of our Texas chapter! She's in charge of the NaBoTech operation.” Dennis and Eric were grinning broadly.

  “Well Sam, you have just saved us a lot of time indeed, this was the quickest reactivation of them all,” Daniel quipped. “And to think how much trouble we went through with the other three while it could have been so easy!”

  Sam recovered from his surprise and continued. “In that case, I know the operation is in good hands, and we’ll get what we want relatively soon. She’s an excellent operative. Could you please issue her with one of the mirror phones? I would certainly like to talk to her.”

  “No worries. We’ll take care of that and let you know when she's connected.”

  “Well, that was all exciting stuff,” Sam continued. “Shall we carry on with the rest of the agenda?”

  For the next few hours, the team members discussed the progress they’d made with their assignments. Raj reported that he and his team had perfected the voice biometrics system and were ready to demonstrate it. Roy informed them about the progress he and his team had made with the construction of the nanonukes. He had them all laughing when he explained that unlike Raj, unfortunately, he would not be able to give any demonstrations. He also enlightened them about his research and work on the laser weapons, which he intended to use for destruction of the Skywalkers. Again, he apologized in advance for the fact that there would regrettably be no live demonstrations.

  Rebecca gave them an update on the nanobot research. So far, they had identified two possibilities. The first was to build their own bots that would go out on a seek and destroy mission against the malicious ones. The problem with that option was they’d have to know where the malicious bots were being deployed and be ready there to launch the counter bots.

  The second option was because the bots were, as Roy explained before, miniature electronic devices - they could be destroyed with electromagnetic pulses. She clarified that their work would remain speculative until they could get one or more of the bots and analyze them.

  The last item on the agenda was Jack’s first assignment. The few days he has been with them had given everyone who didn’t know him before the chance to observe Jack. They all liked him. His demeanor instilled confidence and trust - he was a man of very few words, a good listener, and highly perceptive.

  “Jack, we’ll have to get you over to Brussels. We suspect that the Skywalkers and the Beast’s control centers are located there. We desperately need access to those. Tectus has already started observations of the government facilities and employees. However, they don’t have any of our equipment, which would enable them to expand their surveillance to the level we require. The first part of your mission will be to take the equipment to them and to help them set up their operations properly.”

  “Ready to go when you give me the word,” Jack responded.

  Sam had a little smile on his face as he remembered the operations this man had completed with so much valor. “Good. We’ll meet again tomorrow morning and start planning the details. I think it will take us a few weeks to get everything in place.”

  What the meeting was about

  Brad Johnston was on high alert when his secretary told him that she’d received a call, demanding that his schedule had to be rearranged to meet with councilors Weinstein and Martinez the next morning.

  “Did they say what the meeting was about?”

  “No, she said it is just routine. Nothing you have to prepare for them.”

  He managed to hide his apprehension. “Yes of course. No problem, happy to meet with them at any time that suits them.”

  At 9.30 am the next morning, a security detail arrived at his office and ordered him out of his office while they secured it for the meeting.

  At 10 am, the councilors arrived with an entourage of security guards accompanying them to Brad’s office. Soon after, Brad was collected from the waiting area, searched, and escorted back into his own office.

  By the time he was introduced and took a seat in his rearranged office, his nerves were on end. What’s going on here? What trouble am I in now?

  Everyone else was ordered out of the room, and counselor Weinstein started. “Brad it’s just an informal visit. We sit there in Brussels in our ivory towers and don’t always get information from the horse’s mouth.” He laughed. “We thought it would be good to visit a few of the senior officials while we are in America this week.”

  Brad started to relax a bit. Maybe I am not in trouble. “It’s both an honor and privilege to be meeting you councilors. Is there anything specific you want to talk about?”

  “I was wondering if you could give us a detailed account of what you know about the great escape.” Martinez chuckled. “We only got bits and pieces of it, but it will be good to hear it from the man who discovered the whole thing.”

  Brad was back in panic mode. Here it comes. He licked his lips nervously, and Weinstein saw it.

  “Relax Brad, there is no trouble. We just wanted to hear the full story. Those who were neglectful were punished, and the case is closed.”

  For the next twenty minutes, he gave them a detailed account of the events, including the time when he contacted President Brideaux’s secretary. He also elaborated on the discovery of the escape of the eight Rosslerite families and their guards

  The councilors listened quietly until he finished his narrative.

  “Does anyone have an idea what happened to your predecessor, Jonathan Lucas?” Martinez asked.

  “No sir. Unfortunately, he got a few hours head start and managed to disappe
ar without a trace. At the time, the entire police force was occupied with riot control and crime prevention on the streets. We have a team working on his case, but I’m afraid they don’t have any good leads.”

  “I am interested to hear more about the Harpers and the Rosslerite families. If I understand you correctly, you were saying that there were nine families, including the Harpers and all their guards, who vanished. By my calculations, that makes it about forty people. Is that correct?” Martinez inquired.

  “Yes, sir. Forty-one in fact.” Brad was becoming uncomfortable again and tried his best to hide it. This was a topic he didn’t want to discuss if he could help it.

  “I take it you have a list of all the people in America who were terminated during this event? Do you mind showing that to us?” Martinez asked.

  “No problem. I have it right here.” His hands were shaking when he picked the list up from his desk and gave it to Martinez. If these two men have half a brain between them they’ll quickly figure out what is going on.

  Martinez and Weinstein were pouring over the list for a few minutes. Brad’s sudden change in behavior did not escape them. Martinez knew he was onto something - he gave Weinstein a quick look and continued the questioning, while Weinstein observed Brad’s body language carefully.

  “There are about five hundred names on this list. I see the bodies of all but the forty-one we have been talking about earlier have been found. Is there any explanation for that?”

  “I made the same observation. My most senior investigator has a dedicated team working on it and reporting to me every week. They are in the process of following every possible lead, checking hospitals, clinics, morgues, cemeteries, interviewing friends, family, and acquaintances. I am sure it’s just a matter of time before the bodies start turning up.” Brad rubbed his nose.

  Both of the Councilors were convinced they'd hit a nerve. Martinez decided to divert Brad’s attention a bit.

  “You said the families were all in different locations across the country at the time of disappearance. Is that correct?”


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