Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy)

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Rock and Roll Never Forgets (The Rock and Roll Trilogy) Page 26

by Barbara Stewart

  John paused a moment longer and asked, “And Dr. Reilly knows this and gives his approval?”

  Andy nodded again.

  “It might be good for her to get out.” And he knew that was so. But his decision caused turmoil for him. The bottom line was that if he agreed he would be allowing her to return to her past, and he feared that outcome.

  Feeling like he could read John’s mind, Andy wondered how he would answer such a request, but he didn’t think he would have been OK with ‘her past’ staying in the same house. Andy realized how different from himself John really was.

  Finally, John responded, “It will be good for her. Yes, you should ask her.” And he worried what that decision would come to mean in the end.

  Andy did ask her to go and she was very excited. She’d been feeling pretty good, physically, and the thought of the trip gave her a mental boost as well. She talked to John, a lot, about going to the Grammys with Andy. She was torn with mixed emotions. He told her over and over again that it was fine, it was the right thing to do; it would be a good diversion.

  It terrifies me a little…

  ~ ~ ~

  January 1, 2002 ~ Another year passes and it all goes far too quickly. I am trying to absorb every precious moment that I can.

  Norton comes and goes, working on the book, but he has also become part of this family, these people who I love. He spends hours with me, but he visits with everyone, I know he is gathering info, but I see friendships forming…

  As the time drew closer to the Grammys Beth was suddenly concerned about being out, worried about her appearance. Kimmy came over one evening with a gift to help ease her mind. She had gone to Frederick’s of Hollywood and presented Beth with panties with built-in buns. She had gotten several pairs and had them altered so that only the left side was padded. Everyone got a big kick out of those.

  January 16, 2002 ~ I have this big, huge dent where the cheek of my butt used to be. Those panties sure helped! Kimmy wants to take me shopping. I don’t think I feel up to that. I’m sure I have something, or maybe she can just go and find something, I’m not that excited about it, the shopping I mean.

  Beth was alone in the bedroom, a somewhat cherished moment because alone time was very minimal any more. She went in the closet and dug until she found it. Wondering if it might still fit she found the black dress from the first trip to the Grammys. She still had it. She took it from the garment bag and pulled a pair of the padded panties on and slipped the dress over her head. She’d lost some weight the last couple months so it was kind of loose, not clingy at all. She stood in front of the mirrors in the bathroom, turning this way and that to see it from every angle. It looked good.

  She called Kimmy, and shared her thoughts about the dress. Kimmy loved the idea. She went to Beth’s and Beth put the dress on and modeled it for her.

  “Perfect!” Kimmy said.

  “I think I like that word!”

  She told John about it but he kept encouraging her to go find something new. She didn’t see the point. She decided not to tell Andy.

  I’ll just wear it and see if he even notices.

  Andy and Roddy had all the arrangements made for their trip. They chartered the plane, booked the hotel room, and as promised, planned private entrance to and from the ceremonies. They wanted as little press exposure as possible.


  Rock and Roll Never Forgets

  Chapter Twenty~Six

  February 2002 ~ The Grammys

  They flew out early Monday morning and arrived in Los Angeles around noon. Andy and Roddy wanted to make sure Beth had plenty of time to rest. The plane had lounge seats so she was able to spend a lot of time lying down, but the flight was still long, and she ended up sitting a lot of the time, and she felt it.

  Settled in her room, she turned on the TV and stretched out across the bed on her stomach and dozed. Roddy’s room was on one side and Andy’s on the other. One of them had a door that came into hers, she suspected, but she wasn’t sure which. After a while there was a knock at that door and it opened and both stuck their heads in.

  “You decent?” Roddy asked, and Beth laughed.

  “Come in,” she said, and started to roll over to sit up as they did.

  “No, no, just stay right there for now. Relax.” Roddy told her. He carried a bottle of wine and some glasses.

  Andy carried a beautiful vase filled with Calla Lilies, placed them on the table beside the bed, and sat down beside her.

  “Well, this is nice, thank you both,” she said.

  Roddy went to the little kitchen to open the bottle.

  “None for me,” she said.

  “It’s OK, we checked with Dr. Reilly, unless you just don’t want any,” Andy told her. “You doin’ OK?” He rubbed her back in a loving caress as he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m good, just a bit tired, as for the wine I’ll have a glass, maybe two!” she laughed as Roddy poured. It was the Chenin Blanc that Andy liked, chilled and it tasted good. She rolled on her side and they chatted and enjoyed the wine for a while and then there was a knock at the outside door to her room.

  Andy rose, went to allow a young man pushing a cart into the room, followed by another, and another. The room was a suite with a table and chairs, they set three places and left. Andy blew up the donut cushion that he brought for her to sit on and pulled a chair out. Beth joined them at the table. Andy sat down and Roddy started lifting lids. There was salad, Chicken Parmesan and pasta. It was heaven. Beth didn’t realize how hungry she was until she began eating. They brought another bottle of wine with the meal. Andy opened it and poured Chianti into their glasses.

  Done with the meal, Beth sat back, satiated and happy. “Thank you, this was very nice. Good food, great company,” she said. Thoughtful for a moment, she added, “Thanks for not wanting to go out. It’s still a little weird, all of this, but mostly, you know, my bottom.”

  “Looks fine to me,” Andy said, with that devilish grin, and she laughed, remembering Chicago.

  “Beth, I’m gonna head out. I have some calls to make. Vince sends his love.” Roddy rose, leaned to kiss her, and headed for the door, always the diplomat.


  “Yeah?” He turned back to look her direction.

  She held her breath a moment, trying to maintain composure. “Thank you again, for all of this. It’s very special.”

  She looked down, feeling that all too familiar lump in her throat. It didn’t take much to feel it there anymore. Looking up again, she said, “I love you.”

  “I love you mostest,” he said. But he left, quickly.

  Andy went to the phone and made a call and a few moments later the wait staff came and took away the remains of their meal. Returning to the table he finished pouring what was left in the bottle into their glasses. It was then that she realized they were alone, there were none of the distractions of home or family, it was just the two of them. They were truly alone for the very first time in many, many years. He reached across the table and took her hand and brought it to his lips.

  “Bethy,” he said. That familiar gesture, that familiar feeling, both physical and emotional, “I guess you have figured out by now, that’s my room,” he said looking toward the opened door that connected the two rooms. “I’m just a whisper away.”

  Still holding her hand he went to her and led her to the sofa. Her heart pounded to the point that she knew, without a doubt, with the next beat it would slam right out of her chest. They sat there in the quiet for a while. Finally, he put his arm around her and pulled her into him, just holding her there for the longest time. There was no conversation, just Beth there in his arms, and finally he let go. They sat quietly, and finished the wine.

  “I know you’re tired,” he said finally. “I’m gonna go now and let you get some rest. When you’re ready to crawl in, stick your head around the corner so that I know you’re OK. If you need anything, just call my name.” He slid to the edge of the sofa.

sp; “Andy?”

  “Yeah?” he said and reached to push a hank of hair back from her face. It was such a familiar gesture. He’d done it a million times before.

  “Thank you. I wasn’t sure what to expect. Thank you,” she said again.

  For a moment he said nothing. He just sat there looking at her and finally said; “Bethy, I love you so much. Thank you for allowing me to be here with you.”

  He cupped her face in his hands and brought her lips to his. Gently, tenderly, and softly, he pressed a kiss to them, and then to her eyelids and rose to leave.

  “Rest, tomorrow is a big day,” he said as he left.

  Beth showered and got into her PJs. She peeked around the door, into his room. Andy was on the phone, and he blew her a kiss. She went to her bed and crawled in. Sleep came fast and easily for her.

  ~ ~ ~

  The next morning was a lazy one. Beth had forgotten what jet lag felt like. She got up and as she wandered around, she found a note on the table from Andy.

  Good morning beautiful,

  Pray that you rested… I peeked in and you looked so peaceful. I’m off to the theatre to rehearse for the show tonight. Roddy is running errands and taking care of business, he’ll check on you when he gets in. Call for room service. Coffee’s good…



  She called for the coffee and kicked back to relax. Andy offered a trip to the spa for the day but she said no. She would just pamper herself.

  I don’t know how I would feel with someone else seeing my bottom. It’s not the prettiest thing I have ever seen.

  Around one, she started to think about calling room service for a bite to eat when there was a knock at the door. She opened the door to find an older woman dressed in a white sweat suit.

  “Can I help you?” she asked.

  “Carolyn Neff” she said with a lovely French accent, extending her hand. Beth took it and instead of the handshake the woman grasped Beth’s hand with both of hers and patted. It was a warm gesture.

  “I’m here to help with anything you need. Mr. Beamer asked me to assist you.” She had a small duffel bag on her shoulder.

  “Come in,” Beth said, "I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to be rude and leave you standing in the hallway, I just didn’t expect anyone.”

  She entered and set the bag down. A young man was there to help her in with a folded table. “I’m a retired nurse and I do physical therapy and massage. I’m on staff here at the hotel. Mr. Beamer explained your situation to me. He said you might want a bubble bath instead of a shower. He verified with your doctor that it was OK for you to sit in the tub.”

  “I can sit in the tub, bubbles and all?” The woman nodded and smiled. “Isn’t he just the most wonderful man?” Beth was so excited. “I haven’t had a bath in months! How he spoils me!”

  The suite had a large garden tub Jacuzzi and I have to admit that I longed to get in.

  “Oh! Yes!” Beth said, “Yes! Let’s do it!”

  From her bag she took salts and perfumed oils. She helped Beth ease into the tub. There was a knock at the door that adjoined the rooms. Once situated, she made sure Beth was comfortable, and Carolyn slipped out, pulling the door to. Beth heard Andy’s voice, and then she heard music, Bach in Woodwind, his favorite chill music.

  ‘Hmm…’ She eased down into the hot water and turned the jets on. It felt so good. She lingered there for a while, then turned the jets off, let the warm water out and replaced it again with hot and lounged there even longer.

  When Carolyn returned she helped Beth up and into a warmed robe. She felt warm, pink and wrinkly from the water, but it was heavenly. She led Beth to the outer room where she had set up a massage table. There was also a platter of cheeses and fruit and some orange juice.

  “Oh my!” Beth said with excitement. She had a snack and then Carolyn helped her on the table, covered her with a blush colored satin sheet and started her magic. So relaxed, Beth dozed off, awakened by a knock at the door. Carolyn went to answer it.

  “Hello,” Roddy said to Carolyn. “Hey beautiful,” he said to Beth as he entered the room. He’d taken her dress to be pressed for the evening’s event.

  “Have I said how much I love you?” Beth laughed.

  “Yes, but you can tell me again.” He bent to kiss her cheek. “Mmm, you smell wonderful.”

  “Thank you! What a wonderful surprise this was!”

  “I can only take credit for part of it. You can thank Andy, too.”

  “I will!”

  “Need anything?” he asked as he caressed her neck. It was a tender, loving gesture.

  “I can't imagine for the life of me what it would be,” she said as Carolyn started on her back again. It felt wonderful.

  Life is good…

  “OK then, I just wanted to check. See you around 3:30PM.”

  The two women shared wonderful conversation as Carolyn worked. After the massage Carolyn helped Beth to a cool shower. When Beth stepped out she’d brought a chair into the bathroom with the donut, and Beth sat at the counter and did her hair and make-up, and then Carolyn helped her into her dress.

  “Thank you so much, for everything.”

  “You look beautiful,” she smiled. “It was my pleasure to help you this afternoon,” she said as she packed up her things and started for the door.

  “Wait,” Beth said. She hugged the woman long and hard. “Thank you again for making this so special for me.”

  “You will remain in my thoughts and prayers,” she said and kissed Beth’s cheeks and left her there to finish up. All that was left were accessories.

  John wanted very much to buy her jewelry to wear, but Beth didn’t see the point in it. She had so much and while she appreciated the thought, she decided to wear the necklace and earrings Andy had given her so long ago when she wore this same dress. She rarely had occasions for something so extravagant and ‘this is perfect,’ she thought. Dressed and ready, she called home to check in.

  “Hello princess,” John said.

  “Queen,” Beth corrected him with a laugh, “The princess is there with you.”

  “How’s it going?” he asked.


  “I miss you. Everything OK?”

  “Yeah, I guess I could use a vote of confidence on my hair and stuff,” Beth laughed.

  “I’m sure you look wonderful,” he said. “How was your day?”

  “Roddy and Andy treated me to a bath and a massage and I had help dressing for this whole shindig,” she laughed.

  “I know. I was in on the secret, Dr. Reilly, too. We all agreed that it’d be a nice surprise. Did you enjoy it?”

  “Oh my goodness! Yes! All of it! It was heavenly!”

  “Have you eaten?” She knew he worried about her.

  “Had some bar mix, you know peanuts and stuff, before I came back to the room. I was hanging out downstairs in the bar for a while, watching a basketball game with some college boys.”

  Silence on the other end, “Hello? I was kidding!”

  “I knew that,” he laughed.

  “Actually, Andy and Roddy are feeding me after the show. Roddy had some fruit and cheese sent to my room. I haven’t seen Andy yet today.”

  “Well, I’ll buzz off. We love you. Beth…”


  “Have fun.”

  “I will! Kiss Carlee for me, and Kimmy. See you tomorrow evening.”

  “Bye sweetheart. I love you.”

  Finished, she was ready. She looked in the mirror. ‘This is as good as it’s gonna get…’ she thought.

  There was a knock at the door and she went to open it. Roddy was there.

  “Wow!” he said. “You look incredible!” He took her hand and twirled her to see all of her.

  “Flatterer… ‘Incredible,’ hmm? I think I like that word!”

  “Andy will be ready in just a minute. He called and asked me to let you know. I’ll see you in the limo.”

  “Well, a good-look
ing man for each arm. How lucky can a girl get?” He kissed her cheek and left. She walked to the sitting area and sat on the edge of the sofa.

  Suddenly she was very nervous. ‘Was this right?’ She felt good enough, but now the prospect of it all made her very nervous. A light knock on the door between the two rooms, and it opened. Andy peered around the edge of the door.

  “You ready?”

  She rose from the sofa and made her way toward him. He was wearing a very non-traditional tux, longer jacket, string tie rather than a bow tie and that hair down his back in a ponytail. He looked like heaven and again, she felt that huge lump in her throat.

  He walked into the room. Saying nothing he put his hands on her shoulders and held her at arm’s length, taking it all in. It seemed like forever. Then slowly he rubbed his hands down her bare arms, and took her hands. He pulled her into his arms and held her against him.

  “Stop, I’m gonna cry,” Beth whispered.

  “No, you can’t. You’ll wreck your make up.” He laughed lightly. “You smell delectable,” he said, leaning to sniff her neck as she pushed him away.

  “I will cry, I feel it coming, it happens way too easily these days, so stop, please.”

  “Then let me just tell you that you are gorgeous.” He paused and the look lingered, still. “It’s like a dream, Bethy.”

  “A dream?” she repeated.

  “Yeah, like I’ve seen you here before,” he smiled. “Like Yogi Berra said, ‘It’s kind of like a déjà vu all over again’.” And again he pulled her into him.

  “You have seen me here before,” she whispered and looked up at him.

  “I have?” He stepped back for another look. Deep in thought for a moment, and then, “The Grammys, before…” he said, remembering.

  “Yes, think anyone will write that I wore the same dress?” she laughed.


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