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The Dragon's Heart: Dragon's Blood M.C.

Page 5

by B. A. Stretke

  Alrick was still buried deep within his mate, and he wanted to stay there. Neither of them had made a move to separate, seemingly content with their connection. Alrick moved to the side and as he did his now softened member slipped out of Dane. He was gifted with a delicious moan and Alrick could not help but place a heated kiss to those plump, abused lips. He also dropped a kiss on the mating mark which elicited another moan from his mate.

  "Do you believe in magic?" Alrick smoothed the hair back from Dane's face as he looked deep into his eyes. He was going to explain, and he wanted to watch for understanding and fear. Dane did not respond vocally to the question but nodded his head quickly as if wanting Alrick to hurry and tell him more.

  "What do you know?" Alrick was pushing Dane to tell him. It was evident by his lack of fear and eagerness to know more that Dane already had a clue to what was in front of him. Dane was watchful for a few moments before answering with meticulously chosen words.

  “I was born and raised in Jackson. My father was a systems analyst for the police department. My mother did not work outside the home, but she was involved in a lot of volunteer work. They met a lot of different kinds of people in their day to day lives.” Dane knew what he wanted to say, but he wasn’t sure how to say it.

  "Jackson has a lot of elites, and my parents often were involved with them in one way or another. Usually, it involved my mother's volunteer work. She was rabid when it came to taking care of others." Dane smiled at the memory.

  Alrick listened as before, silent and observant. His mate was explaining not only his understanding of magic but also giving Alrick glimpses into his life. The small smile that graced Dane's lips at the memory of his mother caused a pang of sadness to touch Alrick but was followed by a sense of peace. His mate had known love, acceptance, and happiness. His life had been a happy life.

  "There are people in Jackson, a faction of the elites that defy explanation. You don't pick up on it if you don't see them often. My mother volunteered at a clinic that was frequented by this faction, and I often accompanied her when I was younger. After I had grown up, I maintained my curiosity and continued to study. I saw things that didn't make sense unless bracketed by the word magic." He'd let his gaze lower to stare at Alrick's chin.

  “I know that mythology is not all myth. I’ve seen and heard things that at first I brushed aside, but a preponderance of the evidence, so to speak, had me broadening my mind.” He raised his eyes to lock with Alrick’s. “So, to answer your question, yes, I believe in magic.”

  “The Death Rangers, they aren’t human.” Alrick decided to just state the fact and see how Dane reacted.

  "I know." Dane's voice was just above a whisper, and his eyes continued to hold Alrick in a death grip. "They're like the secretive faction of elites that I mentioned from Jackson."

  “What are you saying?” Alrick wanted him to stop dancing and speak plane.

  “Don’t laugh.” Dane acted both unsure yet determined.

  “I won’t laugh.”

  “They’re vampires.” Dane waited and watched.

  "Yes, they are," Alrick confirmed with deadly seriousness. "The group in Jackson is an established Coven, very old. They pose no danger. The Rangers are rogues; they're foul and disgusting creatures."

  “My sister is dead. Lance has been lying.” Dane felt the prickle of tears touch the corners of his eyes.

  “I don’t know, sweetheart.” Alrick smoothed the hair back from Dane’s forehead and placed a kiss there. “But we will find out. I promise you that.”

  “I saw you change, that first night at Night Whispers and then in my room when Grant attacked me and just now. Are you a vampire?” Dane’s question was a mere whisper.

  This discussion was a lot harder to navigate than he'd first thought and he thought it would be hard. Alrick wasn't sure how far to go and how much to share. Eventually, he'd share it all, but was now the right time?

  "No, my people have existed since the beginning of time. We are older than the vampires, older than the shifters, older than the mystics and fairy folk, we are dragon, and you are my mate." Alrick let the words flow from his lips and watched the expressions play across Dane's face.

  Dane began to breathe harder and a panic shown around the edges of his eyes. Alrick moved back slightly to give him room but did not release him. He could feel Dane's heart racing where they were pressed together. He was desperate to reassure and quiet his mate, so he did what dragons have done forever to soothe their mates, he began to hum softly and nuzzled Dane's shoulder at the sight of the mating mark. Alrick Keith of Clan Keith, destroyer of man and beast was humming softly to his human mate and holding him in the gentlest of hands.

  Dane felt his head swimming and his vision blurring at the sudden revelations. They weren't unexpected, yet they were fantastical at the same time. Somewhere in the back of his mind, he'd hoped for Alrick to bring sense to everything and in a way, he had. His mind was now warring with the crazy thoughts and struggling to accept them as real.

  Alrick pulled Dane closer when he began to tremble and continued to soothe him. His dragon was present and concerned but refrained from showing himself. Gradually he felt Dane relax and cuddled close as he drifted into a light sleep. Alrick wasn't sure how to interpret Dane's reaction.

  He didn't physically pull away, and he didn't scream, so that was good. But he fell silent, and a confused fear was present in his scent, which Alrick found disconcerting. The bite and the bonding sealed them for all time, and the draw that Dane has felt from the beginning will begin to intensify.

  Alrick felt his mate in his mind and his body, and he knew that Dane would soon feel the same. Dragon mates shared many things including a sensitivity towards each other regarding emotional needs and physical needs. Dane would begin to feel what Alrick was feeling for him and he would no longer doubt what was between them.

  Alrick had felt the shadow of doubt that came with the confusion. He would banish that shadow and fill his mate with the understanding that he was the center of this dragon’s world and always would be.


  Dane woke late the following day. It had been a harrowing night but still he was surprised to see that he slept through a large part of the day. The clock on Alrick's nightstand said it was two in the afternoon. He was in the large plush bed all alone. He glanced around the room but saw no one.

  Memories of the night before came to him in a rush, and he felt himself begin to freak out but managed to calm down when he pushed his face into Alrick's pillow and took a deep breath. He wasn't sure why he did that, but it worked, the calming scent filled his mind.

  Dane sat up and threw back the blankets and scooted to the edge of the bed. He needed to talk this out with someone, and the only person who would understand was Chance. The stuff running through his mind was outrageous but apparently true, he needed to get it out of his head and talk it through.

  He checked the top drawer on the nightstand, and his personal things were inside like before. He pulled out his phone and dialed Chance. Chance had texted him saying that he was going away with Calum for a few days, he hoped that Chance was willing to help him out and assist him in making sense of everything.

  “Hello Dane.” Chance answered on the second ring and sounded so damn happy that Dane couldn’t help but smiled.

  "I need to talk to you for a bit. I have some questions. Do you have time?" Dane tried to keep the desperation out of his tone but wasn't completely successful. It was probably the way his voice quivered at the end of his sentence that gave him away.

  “What’s wrong?” Chance took on the same tone.

  Dane didn't want to get into all of it since Chance was not aware of Kara or the Death Rangers. He'd kept that part of his life away from his friend, who he believed had enough on his plate already. "Alrick told me some things last night about himself and the club, the Dragon Bloods. Do you know anything about this?"

  "What did he tell you?" Never had Chance ever gotten cagy with
him. He wore everything on his sleeve. Chance was hiding something and being careful with his words. That in itself told Dane plenty.

  "You know what he told me. He said we are mates and that he and everyone in the club are part of a very ancient culture of special beings." Dane was being a little cagey himself, but he was having trouble saying the word.

  “You’re trying very hard not to use the word dragon.” Chance’s evasiveness ended.

  “Is it true? Is Calum . . .”

  "Yes, it's true, and yes, Calum is." Chance answered easily this time. "You can't discuss this with anyone, Dane. Their secret is to be kept, it cannot be shared, ever." Chance was uncharacteristically forceful, but unnecessarily so, because Dane did not intend on telling anyone.

  “He said I was his mate.” Dane blurted.

  “I am Calum’s mate.” Chance paused for just a heartbeat and then added. “It’s unbelievable, I know. I struggled at first too, but look deep, Dane, check your heart, what are you feeling?”

  Dane instinctively reached up and began rubbing the bite mark on his neck in a soothing motion. He was trying to ignore it, but his emotions were raging. He was hot and cold and anxious and he couldn't seem to find the cause. Once he touched the mark, his emotions calmed, and his mind became centered. He had an overwhelming urge to find Alrick; it was so overwhelming that he stood up and started walking towards the door.

  "What are you feeling?" Chance spoke again, and Dane stopped a few feet from the door.

  "Plenty, I'm feeling so much for Alrick Keith that it's hard to sort it all out. I want him, Chance and I can tell you honestly that I've never wanted anyone. Having him near makes everything better and some things perfect." Dane paused when he heard Chance chuckle softly.

  "Go with it, Dane. He's your destiny, and he's telling you the truth."




  Alrick was up early and working with his men to locate the vampires. Kyle had alerted him to their premature movement out of Denver. They would be arriving very shortly to their destination. Alrick had his men fanned out keeping an eye on every possible campsite. Sites they’d used in the past and areas that were biker friendly.

  Alrick remained at the lodge with James, the youngest of their clan and Kyle who was steadily tracking the bikers as best he could, using CCTV and satellite images. The man was a hacker of the first order.

  Alrick would not leave his mate alone so soon after claiming. Much had been discussed last night, and when Dane awoke, he would have questions. Alrick wanted to be on hand to answer those questions. He'd checked on him every hour since leaving him around seven. He'd had a lot to sort out so, sleeping was natural and therapeutic, according to Kyle. The man should have been a therapist he seems to know everything about the human mental condition.

  Alrick glanced at the stairs hoping that Dane would come down soon. He wanted to talk and to help him adjust. He hadn't said anything to the dragon revelation last night, and Alrick was wondering if he believed and if he understood. Again, Kyle assured him that Dane's silence was common and to not worry. He would talk when he was ready.

  “James keep an eye on the security cameras while I go check on my mate.” Alrick was going to wake Dane if he wasn’t already up.

  "Yes, sir." James Keith was cousin to Alrick, Bryn, and Calum. The Clan consisted of brothers, cousins, uncles, and nephews, they were all family, they were all Clan Keith of the Shetland Circle.

  Alrick took the stairs two at a time and was just about to open the bedroom door when Dane stepped out. They stood there momentarily, just staring at one another until Alrick reached out and pulled him in for a firm hug. The satisfaction of having his mate in his arms was without compare. He kissed the mating mark first and then Dane's cheek before turning him and kissing him firmly on the lips. He loved kissing this man.

  Alrick had never been a kisser in the past. Sex was sex; it didn't require getting your heart involved. But with Dane, he knew his heart was taking center stage. This man, his presence, his acceptance, and his love was everything that Alrick craved. The scent of lavender that was Dane was so lovely, he breathed deeply and held it in his lungs.

  "How do you feel? Did you sleep well?" He asked once he released those sweet lips.

  Dane had wrapped his arms around Alrick's waist the minute he was pulled into an embrace. It just felt natural, and Dane soaked up the strength, confidence, and stability that radiated off Alrick. He was becoming addicted.

  “Yes, I slept well and I feel great. I don’t ache anymore and the marks on my face have all gone.” Dane searched Alrick’s expression and watched the light flicker and come to vibrant life as he stared into Alrick’s green eyes.

  "You're beautiful," Dane said what he was thinking, and Alrick started to chuckle and pulled him back tightly to his to his chest, wrapping him in his strong arms. He dropped a kiss to the top of his head.

  “You’re the beautiful one.”

  Dane didn’t respond, just soaked in what Alrick was giving him. He knew he needed time, his life was in an uproar with the gang, his sister, the world of magic he was thrust into. He needed some time.

  "Can we go slow? I know that I want you, I can't believe that you want me, but I'm not going to look a gift horse in the mouth, but I need to figure it all out first. You are an amazing man, and you've been nothing but kind and wonderful." Dane blushed at the memory of their lovemaking last night. "I enjoyed last night." He spoke his thoughts again.

  "So did I, and we can go as fast or slow as you need us to go." Alrick was hopeful that with everything said, Dane was acknowledging everything they'd talked about the previous evening. He wasn't talking about the supernatural points of discussion, but he was talking relationship so Alrick would take it as a win.

  “Thank you.” Dane mumbled against Alrick’s chest.

  “You hungry?”

  "Yes," Dane said with enthusiasm. Alrick turned him in his arms and led him downstairs and into the kitchen. He sat him at the table and went about preparing him a lunch. Soon there was a turkey sandwich, chips and a glass of milk set in front of him.

  “Thank you.” Dane picked up the sandwich and took a big bite. “Aren’t you eating?”

  Alrick sat next to him and observed. “No, I ate earlier.” He was content to be able to provide for his mate. His dragon was pleased and danced across his mind, pushing for a closer look at their gorgeous mate.


  Kyle came into the kitchen followed closely by James. “May I speak with you for a minute?” Kyle asked Alrick and made sure to smile and acknowledge Dane. “James can sit with Dane until you come back.” Kyle offered, knowing that Alrick wasn’t in the mood to leave Dane alone.

  Alrick nodded his head at Kyle and indicated for James to take the seat directly across from Dane. He didn't want him sitting too close to his recently claimed mate. He knew it was an unnecessary concern, but his dragon insisted. He kissed his mate's cheek and told him he'd be back and then followed Kyle out of the room.

  Kyle lead him into the side room, off the living room that he’d made into his office. Kyle sat down in front of his computer and indicated for Alrick to sit next to him. “The Rangers have been sighted by Angus and Forbes ten minutes north of here on Fogerty. They’re camping on private property, but I doubt the owners know that they’re there.”

  Kyle zoomed in on an aerial image showing the gang setting up camp. "They've been there for about an hour. Do you want the others to converge and keep watch?"

  “Yes, but tell them to just watch them, for now. It will take them a few hours to complete their set up and arrange for their donors to be brought in. If Kara is with them or is being brought to them, we need to give them time. If we move to quickly we might miss her.” Alrick stared at the screen and studied the men as they went about pitching tents and lighting fires.

  There was a larger number than expected. Although their leader Florian did not appear to be among the
m. Vampires were not a problem; dragons trump vamps every time. The problem was finding Kara, alive hopefully, and protecting the innocent that may be among them.

  "Their lackey has already been dispatched, and Donell is following him," Kyle added, and Alrick nodded still watching the men on the screen. There were no humans among them, no one that was not a Ranger. If Kara was to be there, she was being brought in. He was brought out of his thoughts by a hand coming down roughly on his shoulder and squeezing.

  “I see you’ve located them.” Calum stood behind Alrick and peered down at Kyle’s computer screen. Alrick stood and pulled his Chieftain in for a very manly hug.

  “How is your mate?” Alrick began with the pleasantries.

  “Excellent.” He said the word with a look in his eyes that said all was right in his world. “He’s with your mate at the moment.”

  “Good, Dane could use the distraction.” Alrick quickly brought Calum up to speed with the Death Rangers and their involvement with Dane’s sister Kara. He also laid out their strategy for finding her and eliminating the gang.

  "This is your mate, Alrick, you take the lead, and I'll watch your back. The men and I will follow you." Alrick was impressed with the fact that Calum understood his need to control this situation and his dragon's need to deal with the gang that had caused his mate so much suffering. He had to lead this charge; he couldn't take a secondary role.

  “Angus has eyes on her.” Kyle interrupted. “She’s there.”

  Alrick took the phone from Kyle. “How does she look?”

  "Really bad, nothing much like her picture, but it's her," Angus reported. " Do you want us to step in?"

  “No, we’re on our way. Stay put unless her life is threatened.” Alrick headed for the door. and stopped to turn his attention to Kyle. “Tell Dane I’ll be back, tell him I had to step out. Don’t let on that we found his sister, not yet.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  "Chance will stay with him; he's in good hands, come on." Calum barked, always the leader. They were gone in an instant, taking James with them and leaving their mates with Kyle.


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