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The Dragon's Heart: Dragon's Blood M.C.

Page 6

by B. A. Stretke


  Dane was walking the floor of his bedroom, suddenly filled with an anxiety that he did not understand. It had nothing to do with all the secrets and labels that were thrust upon him. The feeling was tied to his sister and Alrick, and he couldn't sort them out. Something was going on, and it was serious.

  “Come, sit down.” Chance indicated the seat next to him. “Kyle said he would be back soon. Calum is with him, you don’t have to worry.”

  "Am I worried? I'm not sure what it is I'm feeling right now." Dane was being short and unpleasant, but he couldn't help it. Then it hit him, and he felt like a dolt for not figuring it out sooner. "They found Kara?" He got up in Chances face, his anxiety peaking. "Alrick said he'd help me find her. He said he knew of the Death Rangers. He found them." Dane was frantic with the need for Chance to answer him.

  Chance held his composure in the face of Dane's desperation. He took Dane's hand and pressed the fingers to the claiming mark on Dane's neck, and Dane instantly began to calm. "They will be back, Dane, and Alrick will answer your questions. Relax, calm down and take a breath." Chance spoke softly.

  Dane felt the desperate panic begin to drain the moment his fingers pressed the mark on his neck. It was a connection with Alrick, because it was his calm that he felt when he touched it.

  "It's your mating mark." Chance told him when he recognized the confusion. "Dragon's mark their mates and it's ultra-sensitive and can help to soothe when you need it." Chance moved his collar to the side and showed Dane the mark that Calum had given him. "Dragon's get only one mate and Clan Keith, or as you know them, the Dragon's Blood motorcycle club have been searching for their mates for over a hundred years."

  Dane dropped his hand and moved a few steps away from Chance. “They live for a long time, and so will we. It’s all in the bite and the exchange of fluids, Alrick will explain it to you. Just know that you are Alrick’s mate and he has been looking for you, for a century. You are that important, you are his heart.”

  Dane nodded and sat down next to Chance. "Okay, yeah, so they will be back soon, and Alrick will explain." Dane wanted to get out of the conversation he was in so just reflected Chance's words back at him. He needed to get away and find where the Death Rangers were staying.

  He'd searched for his sister for five years, and this was the closest he ever got, he couldn't miss this opportunity. Alrick said he would help, but he's keeping him in the dark. Dane couldn't just sit there and give up on finding Kara.

  “I’m really tired, do you mind if I lay down for a while?” Dane forced a yawn and stretched before getting up and walking over to the bed. He sat on the edge and kicked off his shoes.

  “No, I don’t mind. I’ll go down stairs and see if Kyle can tell me anything. If I find out anything, I let you know.” Chance got up and left the room, closing the door behind him.

  As soon as Chance was out of the room, Dane quickly put his shoes back on and grabbed his phone and put it into his pants pocket. He quietly opened his bedroom window and slipped out. He dropped to the ground, thankfully, a cluster of decorative bushes broke his fall. He made his way off the property, and up the road about a half mile before calling a cab to pick him up. He knew the bar where Grant was going to meet the guy from the gang, so he headed there.

  Dane never made it to the bar, Starlight’s, that he’d heard Grant name when talking to his lover on the phone. He was grabbed and thrown into a trunk of a car shortly after the cab dropped him just up the street from his destination. Apparently, Grant had alerted the gang to the fact that Dane was poking around and listening in on his conversations.


  The Death Rangers didn't abide anyone nosing around. Costel knew who Dane was and that he'd been following them for years. He'd never been considered a threat until now, he'd been more a source of entertainment. The word was that he'd aligned himself with some dangerous paranormals, so it was time to end young Dane Cutler.

  If he tasted as good as his sister, it would make for an enjoyable evening. Dane was bound and gagged and thrown into Costel's tent. His abductor headed back to town to collect more victims for the night's festivities.

  Costel was hungry and saw no need in waiting since Dane knew the score. Unlike their donors who had been gathered with the promise of a party, Dane wouldn't have to be manipulated into handing over his life. Costel would just take it and make it as painful and unpleasant for the man as possible.

  Costel loved to torture during a feeding. His search for his poor sister would end in tragedy. Costel couldn’t stop laughing, as he entered his tent and saw those delicious, frightened eyes staring back at him. Fear laced blood was his favorite, it was a high he never got enough of.

  Dane recognized the lieutenant as soon as he entered. He noticed a change in Costel’s expression the closer he came but why? Why did this man suddenly look so afraid?

  It wasn’t until he dropped the flap of his tent and approached the young man that his mistake became disturbingly clear. The scent that permeated the air that enveloped and held this man was a scent of myth, of stories told by children to scare one another. Costel shook his head and refused to believe what his instinct were telling and warning.

  “Who have you been with, little bitch? Who owns you?” Costel grabbed Dane by his collar and drug him up close, face to face.


  Alrick had his men fanned out surrounding the vampire camp. So far, they’d not spotted Kara.

  Donell approached Alrick and Calum where they waited, East of the vampire camp. “We have a problem, sir.” He addressed Alrick directly. “I followed their guy into town. He stopped outside the bar Starlight’s and grabbed a man off the street, put a bag over his head, and threw him into his trunk. He then headed back here.” Donell shifted his gaze to Calum and then back to Alrick.

  "I didn't see the guy clearly when he was grabbed, but I saw him when they took him from the trunk, not his face, but still I recognized him." Donell paused for just a beat. "They have your mate, Dane Cutler. They're holding him in the large center tent, and Costel is in there with him."

  Alrick went into pure combat, dragon warrior mind set. He wasn't panicking or responding rashly. He was instantly calculating the fastest route of retrieval and devastation. The Death Rangers were his focus, and not a one was going to survive.

  Calum followed as Alrick walked directly into camp. Calum alerted his men, and they all converged on the camp coming in from all sides.


  After the first few aggressors were abruptly incinerated, the rest made a frenzied attempt to escape, but all failed. Alrick was burning a path of smoldering vampires on his way to his mate. His dragon was on the surface, and he could feel Dane close by.

  He’d felt Dane’s emotional torment earlier, the confusion, anxiety and then fear. But Dane had been experiencing those emotions since they met, so he had written it off to Dane just acclimating to his new life. He would never again make such a foolish mistake.

  He knew where his mate was, his dragon’s heart was reaching out to Dane and Dane was reaching back. Their bond was unbreakable.

  Costel heard the screams and smelled burning flesh. The reality of his situation, though, was slow to set in. Costel hauled Dane to his feet and marched him out of the tent, careful to hold the man in front of him as a shield against whatever was going on. It was then that he noticed the mating mark.

  “Who marked you.” His tone was less taunting this time and more scared.

  “My mate, Alrick Keith and he’s going to kill you.” Dane spat out and struggled to get free but it was useless. He couldn’t free himself from the vampire’s grip. He stopped struggling when he sensed his mate close by. He saw him standing in the middle of the burning encampment. Alrick began to approach, his steps steady and determined and his eyes never left Dane.

  “Stop, or I’ll rip out his throat.” Costel bared his teeth to show his threat was real. Alrick didn’t speak and didn’t stop walking towards the
m. Costel brought Dane up closer, holding him roughly against him. “If you try to kill me, you will kill your mate. You can’t burn me without burning him.” He yelled.

  Dane noticed the other men from the club gathering behind Alrick, he recognized all of them. Calum was directly behind Alrick just slightly to his left. He could see the dragon in his mate, and he saw the beast present in all the other men. They were partially shifting, the dragon within them was coming and going like in waves, there and then gone only to appear once again. It was magnificent to observe and would be even more so if Dane wasn't being held by a madman who was threatening his life.

  Alrick shifted completely into this dragon form, and he was followed by Calum and the others. Within seconds the air was filled with the sounds of roars and the beating wings of gigantic beasts of legend. The air was heating and the ground was shaking. The spectacle was breathtaking.

  "I'll kill him just for the satisfaction of seeing you suffer before I die," Costel yelled belligerent but made the fatal mistake of looking a raging dragon in the eyes. It was the part of the legend that he'd forgotten and it would be his death.

  Their gazes locked and Costel could not look away. The pain was obvious in the contorted look on his face as his eyes began to burn. Costel dropped his hold on Dane just before his head exploded. It was horrendous. Dane looked away at the instant everything went to shit.

  Alrick reached out with rough talons and pulled Dane back and tucked him beneath him. Alrick then turned his attention back to Costel’s limp and headless body and burned it to ash along with the tent behind him.

  Once the threat had been destroyed, Alrick returned to his human form. Dragons, unlike other shifters, retained their clothing after a shift, it was dragon magic and a point of dignity. He pulled Dane into his arms and kissed him hard on the lips pressing until Dane opened for him and he plunged inside.

  The kiss went on for minutes as Alrick re-staked his claim and mollified his dragon. He released his lips and began to rub his cheek on the side of Dane's head and as if making sure his scent was there to stay.

  "Did he hurt you?" Alrick's voice came out in a guttural tone, sounding barely human. But it was exactly what Dane needed. The vibration went straight to his heart and mind, calming and soothing him in that way that has become welcome and familiar.

  "Not really, just a bunch of tough talk. You got here before he could do anything." Dane pulled him down for another kiss. "Thank you and thank your dragon for me." Dane then pulled back, and his face went sober in an instant. "Is my sister here?"

  Calum stepped up. "She's here, Forbes got her out before the fight began. She's not well, they've been feeding on her for a long time and her body is shutting down. Come I'll take you both to her, but prepare yourself, Dane, because she is not going to survive."

  Calum gave orders to his men to have the entire area razed, nothing was to remain as he led the two of them over to a small wooded area. Forbes was busy giving aid, but by the looks of his patient, nothing was going to save her.

  Dane broke from Alrick and ran to his sister falling to his knees at her side. He tried to hold her but she was in too much pain to be touched, so he held her hand. She opened her eyes and began to cry softly. "They were going to kill me tonight. I was too sick, and they saw no further value in keeping me around."

  "We will help you, Kara; you'll be okay." He knew he was lying but he had to. He didn't realize he was crying until he felt the tears running down his face. Alrick came up behind him and laid a hand on his shoulder. Dane leaned back against the strong legs behind him for emotional support, but he continued to hold tight to Kara's hand.

  "No, Dane, I'm dying. I'm sorry I went with Florian, and I'm sorry I stayed. I couldn't leave after I had Archie, they wouldn't let me go. They wouldn't let me take Archie, and I couldn't leave him here alone." Kara became a little agitated as she urgently tried to get her words out.

  "Who is Archie?" Dane leaned closer, bending over her as her voice began to fail. Forbes gave her a shot of something, and she settled and looked to be in less pain.

  “My son, Florian is his father, and he wouldn’t let us go.”

  "Where is he?" Dane asked and watched as Kara glanced to her right and Dane followed her line of vision to a little boy, probably three or four standing with Flynn. She reached out her hand to the boy, and he came running to her.

  “Please take him, care for him and see that he is safe.” Her eyes were pleading with Dane as she held the little boy to her and kissed his cheeks.

  “Yes, yes, I will. Don’t worry I will keep him safe.”

  "As will I," Alrick spoke.

  "As will we all," Calum spoke for the Clan. With that statement, Calum made Clan Keith the boy's guardian.

  She looked back and forth at all the men standing around her and understanding shown in her eyes. “Go with them Archie, they will protect you.”

  Archie looked up from his mother and stared at Dane, and it broke Dane's heart. He reached out, and Archie took his hand and moved to stand beside him. He looked up at Alrick and then shifted his terrified gaze back to Dane and then his mother. "It's going to be okay, buddy. It will be okay." Dane was hoping he was telling the truth.


  They stayed until Kara passed and then the group returned to the lodge with Archie Chamberlin, Dane's nephew and son of the leader of the now defunct Death Rangers. Florian Chamberlin boasted of royal blood, although family had long since broken ties with him. Alrick wondered if any of them would come looking for Archie. He would deal with them if they did.

  Kyle made the arrangements for Kara and had her returned to Jackson and buried next to her parents. There were no services and Dane did not attend the interment. An active and powerful coven existed in Jackson and was led by Master Augustin Chamberlin. They all thought it better to avoid Chamberlin’s territory.


  “He’s asleep, Bryn fed him and tucked him in.” Archie had been having a difficult time after his mother died, but, according to Kyle, that was to be expected. He said that love and security was what the boy needed and he would get all he needed of both with his new family.

  Dane curled up with his mate in their room next to Archie’s. Alrick had the room next to theirs turned into an attached bedroom and outfitted for a four-year-old. Dane was beyond thankful for his little nephew, the men helping him and for his wonderful and supportive mate.

  He understood now, after seeing Alrick in his full glory, he couldn’t imagine life without him. He loved them both, Alrick and his impulsive dragon. Alrick finally explained everything very academically and in detail regarding dragon culture, mates, and the paranormal. He also mentioned a small detail regarding pregnancy but Dane chose to ignore it, for now. Dane was Alrick’s mate, and now Dane and Archie were part of this amazing family, Clan Keith.

  "I appreciate everyone offering to help me with Archie's feedings." Archie was half vampire and required blood three times per week. When he got older, that would be reduced to once a week, and old vampires could survive with very little blood. But at Archie's age and the fact that he was growing, he needed it often.

  "Not a hardship, they all volunteered. They want to be a part of the boy's life. There hasn't been a little one in our family in centuries, let them enjoy him and spoil him." Alrick was very proud of his new family. A little while ago he was just a warrior on a quest, and now he had a mate, a son and a permanent home with his family. Life could not get much better.

  "I want you," Dane announced brazenly and rolled on top of his large mate who was stretched out next to him on their bed. Alrick pulled him down and planted a hard kiss on those soft lips.

  “You never have to ask twice.” Alrick slipped his hand inside his mate’s briefs and cupped his ass in one hand. “I do love your ass.”

  Dane chuckled and reached between them to grip Alrick's ample erection. "I do love your cock."

  "Well, I love my cock in your ass," Alrick stated and rolled Dane beneath hi
m. They'd made love many times over the past week, and it got better and hotter every time. Alrick was at a loss as to how he'd ever survived his nearly two hundred years on this earth without Dane by his side and in his bed.

  Alrick began a deep and tender kiss as he removed Dane's briefs. He loved the feel of skin on skin. Dane's tiny, needy moans set his nerves on fire and drove him crazy with a yearning for more and forever. "I love you, Dane, I will always love you."

  "I love you too, Alrick. From the beginning, I wanted you but when I discovered what a kind, loving, and giving man you were I fell in love. Your acceptance of my nephew and me was beyond anything I could have asked, and yet you gave yourself willingly and fully. I love you, I love everything about you. My heart is yours forever." Dane pushed his fingers through Alrick's thick black hair and brought his face down for a possessive kiss.

  Alrick listened to the most beautiful words he'd ever heard, and for the first time in his life, he felt the moisture of tears filling his eyes. They didn't stay because dragons run a little hot, tears are near impossible for them. But the emotion remained after the tears had burned away.

  "You are my heart." Alrick well up and the tears came again, and he snuggled his face into his mate's neck holding him close and reveling in the beauty and intensity of their bond.


  Master Augustin Chamberlin picked up the phone and called Vadin Labont the vampire assassin who was charged with ending the Death Rangers. Vadin had reported a few hours ago that the rogues had been eliminated. The Death Rangers had pushed the boundaries on acceptable behavior to a new low and could no longer be tolerated. Vadin and his team were sent to terminate the membership.

  “Did you encounter any problems?” Augustin asked.

  “None whatsoever. The gang was already dead when we arrived.”

  “All of them?”

  “It appears so.”


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