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The Alpha Loves The Brat

Page 65

by Allysa Mkermo

  I leaned down and kissed him and pushed my tongue into his mouth as my ass rolled around and shifted on his prick. “Cum in me again. Fill me up. I want to feel it inside of me.”

  He moaned and pushed into me with one big thrust and I felt the pulsing of his orgasm. I felt the tremors of my own climax as they matched his, and I moaned out as well.

  I continued to lay on him, not wanting to get off of his dick yet. “Hunter I love you.”

  “I love you too Sue.” He kissed me and I felt the hardness in me move once more. I didn’t get much sleep that night, but I sure had fun.


  Chapter One

  The bell echoed throughout the room in a thunderous chorus of continuous ringing. “Class dismissed.”

  Samantha Appleby lifted her head off of her textbook, feeling the ache in the front of it again as it made its return. Last thing she knew, Mrs. Briggs – their teacher – was discussing America’s participation in World War 2, but when Samantha looked up at the clock she realised that she had been talking about that almost forty-five minutes ago. She must’ve dosed off. Clearly she needed it. She had practically slept through the whole class, only just waking as the bell signified the end of it with its ear-shattering ringing. Maybe she wouldn’t have been so tired if she hadn’t been forced to lie awake all night, with a pillow wrapped around her head, trying to drown out the sound of her mom’s moans that were reverberating around the entire house. She was getting sick of it by now. Her and her stepdad, Richard, were at it pretty much every night. Why did she have to put up with it? Though she’d be lying if she were to say that she wasn’t sort of jealous. She had been getting a definite lack of action lately and on top of that, judging by the volume at which her mom was screaming, it certainly sounded like a good time.

  The pain in the front of her head forced her out of her seat, reminding her that it was home time. And not a minute too soon, she thought. All she wanted to do was just get on the bus and rest her head against the cold glass. Then it would be straight up the stairs and into her room, where she would run the bath and sit in there soaking in the warmth and bubbles for the rest of the night. Hoping that she wouldn’t be able to hear her mom in the act again when Richard got back from work.

  The corridor was as it usually appeared after the final bell of the day: packed with a sea of students carrying books, files, backpacks and sports bags. Cell phones in out in front of them. That droning sound of one hundred people all talking at once swarming the entire area. It was just like one colossal mosh-pit of inaudible speech, far too little personal space and of course the rife smell of teenager B.O. Samantha recognised the backpack of the person in front of her as soon as she took her place in the stampede. She grabbed the black leather strap and tugged it hard. Rachel turned around, looking as though she was about to swing a punch, but then the menacing look was replaced with a smile when she realised that it was Samantha. “Hey girl! Where’ve you been? I haven’t seen you since recess.”

  “I’ve been sat in double history, mainly sleeping. How about you, which wonderful lessons have you had this afternoon?” Samantha asked in response.

  “Sounds like you’ve had it better than I have. I had Literature and then Chemistry.”

  “Those aren’t too bad.” Samantha said, snatching the space that opened beside Rachel.

  “Literature with Mrs. Darkside and then Chemistry with Mr. Carmichael.”

  “Oh, now I see why it’s been bad.” Samantha said, the chuckle that she gave off hurting her head a little.

  “They’re both nightmares. I’m not actually sure which of them I hate more.” Rachel said, putting her cell back into her jacket pocket.

  “Yeah… I’d have to say Darkside is worse, purely because Mr. Carmichael is kinda good-looking.”

  Rachel gave her a look as if to say ‘if we weren’t currently in a moving stampede, I’d come to an instant standstill and gawp at you right now’. “You know Samantha, I worry about you sometimes. He’s gross, he’s like all grey looking and his skin looks like leather.” The brightness of the Autumn sun cast itself over them as they neared the main entrance. They were almost free. Just a few more steps.

  “I don’t know what it is. I think he’s hot. He kinda reminds me off my stepdad.” She said, giggling playfully.

  “You do know that what you have just said is wrong on so many levels, right?”

  “I bet my mom would find him hot too.” Samantha added.

  “Well, you’d think so, seeing as he reminds you of her husband and all.” Rachel turned to show Samantha the sarcastic grin.

  “Maybe a little too hot.” And based on the look Samantha gave her, Rachel knew exactly what she was referring to.

  “Really? Not again? You must be sick of them.” Rachel laughed, more out of pity than actual humour.

  “Honestly, they’re at it like fucking rabbits. The woman’s forty next year and she gets more action than me.”

  “You’re just jealous.” Rachel teased, as they began down the concrete staircase which lead to the bus stand.

  “Maybe I am.” Samantha said, flashing her a vindictive smile.

  “You aren’t seriously thinking about him like that, are you?” Rachel asked, slapping her arm. “Samantha! You whore!” She laughed.

  “Honestly Rachel, I’ve been thinking about him for the past month. You know, when I’m in the bathroom alone at night…”

  “Please.” Rachel said, holding up her hand. “Spare the details.”

  “I’m just saying. From what I’ve heard, he certainly knows how to please a girl. Which is more that can be said for the assholes here!” She shouted that last part to the group of guys behind her as the paper ball struck her on the back of her head. “Fucking Randy. I knew it would be that dork.” Randy was her ex-boyfriend. “Too bad you aren’t as good in the bedroom as you are with that throwing arm of yours.” She shouted back at them again, but this time she held her hand up in the air, and wiggled her pinkie finger up and down a few times, just for good measure. The students around them broke out into fits of laughter and Randy ducked his head down in shame. Samantha and Rachel carried on towards the bus stop.

  “That was hilarious.” Rachel said as they reached the waiting point. “Did you see the fucking look on his face?

  “Yeah I know. That’s the final straw for me. I’m done with little boys once and for all. Now I have my heart set on a real man. A real man who knows what he’s doing.”

  “You mean your stepdad?” Rachel asked, poking her arm and smiling sarcastically.

  Samantha kept a straight face, turned to look at Randy and then turned back to face her, her expression still hard. “You fucking bet.”

  Chapter 2

  Richard Appleby felt like smashing his head off of his office keyboard over and over again, until there was nothing left of it but a whole in the desk and twenty-six scattered letters amongst the rubble. His day at work had been nothing short of shit. With numerous meetings (all of which were equally boring) and with numerous bundles of paperwork (all of which were equally mind-numbing), it couldn’t get much worse. The only thing that could make the day worse, would be a visit from his boss. That would be the icing on the cake. But then as he picked up his iPhone and read the message on the front of the screen, he also got what would turn out to be the cherry on top. There was a message from Hailey, his wife, which explained that she would be working late tonight and wouldn’t be home until at least ten o’clock. Great, Richard thought, looks as though it’s another night of lube and Pornhub for me. The highlight of his day, the highlight of every day, was going home and fucking his wife. It was practically what he lived for. It was the only thing that he got any satisfaction from.

  The sex in their marriage was next level. They were at it twice a day most days, once as soon as they got home from work (whilst Samantha was still at school – if they were lucky) and then once when they were all tucked up in bed, before going to sleep. Tracy was a freak. Had been si
nce the very first night they had met at that bar in Midtown Manhattan. The rest was history. They knew that Samantha would probably be able to hear them in their night time session. She would probably have to be deaf in order not to, but it didn’t bother them. She was old enough to know what they were doing now. And besides, it’s not as though they had taken their fair share of turns listening to her in the sack either, with that Randy prick. She could do so much better than that little weed – that’s what Richard thought every time he set foot in the house. And judging by the weakness and unenthusiastic tone in her moans, she clearly needed someone who was better in the sack too.

  He had thought about it before, giving his stepdaughter a good, hard fucking. Had even jerked off to the thought of it. She was just like her mother, except the younger, more pure version. She had the same blonde hair that fell down towards the base of her spine, the same perfectly ovular face, bright, sapphire blue eyes, small little nose with the mouth to match and most importantly: she shared her mother’s heavy DD bust and incredibly round ass. She was everything a man pushing on for fifty dreamed of, whether he cared to admit it or not. But just like most things in his life, Richard knew that it would never happen. That it could never happen. It was just much too risky. Not to mention the fact that Samantha is an eighteen-year-old girl and that all of her previous boyfriends have been your typical pretty boy with those movie star good looks. He was just an old guy, with greying hair, who was fighting to stay in his forties.

  Not to mention the fact that Hailey would kill him if she ever found out. Like literally kill him. Not that she ever would find out. He wouldn’t ever tell her and it’s not as if Samantha would walk up to her mom after school one day and go “Hey mom, Richard and I fucked last night.” It wouldn’t be something that either of them would want her to find out and they’d both keep it a secret. But Richard knew that if it ever did happen, it wouldn’t just stay a one-time thing. Not once he had gotten a taste for her young pussy and especially not after she had experienced what it was like to get fucked by a real man and not those little boys that she usually messes around with.

  There clock ticked one final time and then the alarm on his phone began ringing throughout his office. “Five o’clock already, huh?” Richard said to himself, whilst getting to his feet and turning off his alarm. “I suppose today isn’t that bad after all.” He swept the things off his desk and into his briefcase in one brush of his arm, before closing the case and then heading for the door. It had been a shitty day, but at least it hadn’t dragged. But just as he wrapped his hand around the door handle, he paused and slumped his head down onto the wood. He had just remembered the text that he had gotten from Hailey. The one in which she told him that she would be working late. He acknowledged the blood-filled lump in his boxer shorts as the thought crossed his mind and then stormed out of his office at the thought of not being able to release his stress on his wife. It had been a shitty day already, but remembering that only meant that it was going to become a whole lot shittier.

  Chapter 3

  “I’m being serious Rachel, I think Richard is hot. I know… I don’t care if he’s my stepdad. My mom text me to say that she’s working late tonight. Tonight, I get what I’ve been waiting for. Tonight, I get my real man.” Richard was stood in the corridor, just outside of Samantha’s room, peering at her bare legs through the slightly open door. He couldn’t believe what he had just stood and listened to. He had just made his way upstairs to tell Samantha that he was home from work and now he was stood outside of her room, eavesdropping on her telephone conversation with one of her friends. For a second he thought it was about some guy at school who had the same name as him. But she had said the words stepdad and mentioned her mom, she was definitely talking about him. The boner that he had tucked into the waistband of his pants was enough to confirm that.

  He knocked lightly on the door, pushing it open as he did. “Samantha, it’s just me. I’m home.” He stepped into the room, just past the doorway.

  “Hey Richard.” She replied, surprisingly coolly based on the fact that she had been pretty much caught saying that she wanted to fuck him. “Have you been up here long?”

  “Nope. Just got in, just came up.”

  “So, you didn’t hear what I just said?” She asked, lowering her phone and placing it on her torso, right between her huge, perky tits. It drew Richard’s attention to them and he admired her unbelievable cleavage, just as she had wanted him to.

  “Only thing I heard was you saying something about mom.” He was lying to her face and she knew it. He had definitely heard what she had said, that’s why he came in just after she finished the sentence. “Why?” He asked, twisting his face and cocking an eyebrow. “Have you been talking about me?” He looked on sarcastically, giving off a look that told Samantha that he had in fact heard.

  “No, not at all.” She cooed. She wanted to stand up, grab his arm and just pull him onto the bed so that he landed on top of her. She could sense that he wanted to, but it had to wait.

  “If you say so. I’m going down to cook dinner, it’ll be ready in about an hour or so.” He smiled, turned and walked back out of the room, closing the door gently behind him.

  “There’s only one thing on the menu tonight.” Samantha said as she picked up the phone again and slid her free hand into her short shorts, where she began gently running her fingers over her clit. “Stepdaughter cream-pie.” She said into the receiver, listening to the sound of Rebecca’s laughter as soon as the words fell from her mouth.

  Chapter 4

  Richard stirred the pasta around in the pan, watching the steam rising from the silver pot. It reminded him a little of the ways in which the steam had rose up in Samantha’s room just minutes ago. He would have to be a fool to miss such sexual tension. But more of a fool to act upon it in the grand scheme of things. It was one thing to fantasise about his wife’s daughter like that, but to actually go through with it and turn those fantasies into a real-life situation… Richard didn’t want to think of the consequences. He couldn’t if he tried. He couldn’t think of anything, not clearly anyway. The very second that he felt the hand on the top of his shoulder, he tensed up and was rendered incapable of thought. And movement for that matter. But he didn’t need to move. Samantha whirled him around, pulling him towards her. He hadn’t had time to get a proper look, but he didn’t need much time to realise that she was already totally naked, her petite little body beckoning him forward as it glowed under the kitchen light. She shoved him backwards so that he fell onto the small leather couch by the counter and dropped down onto her knees, unbuttoning his jeans eagerly.

  “I’ve dreamed about this moment for so long.”

  “Samantha, don’t you think this is a little risky. I mean, what if your mother found out? She’d kill the both of us.”

  “That’s the thing though, she won’t find out because neither of us will want her to. We’ll be totally fine.” And just as her tongue made its first stroke from the base of Richard’s cock, all the way up to the tip, he forgot all about his minor protests. He put her hair into a ponytail above her head and held it so that it was out of her way, as she began to slip the tip into her mouth, before slowly and teasingly sliding his dick in and out of her throat. She was like a pro and Richard knew that this was far from her first time doing something like this. She carried on bobbing her head, stopping every now and then to caress the tip with her tongue, placing licks up and down his shaft between gobbles. She even jerked slowly and smoothly with her hand whilst licking his balls and juggling them gently in her mouth. Richard could feel the sensation growing with each passing second. A couple more minutes of this and he was going to erupt. “It’s so fucking big, I want you to fuck me with it. Make me scream daddy.” Make that thirty seconds, he thought as she looked him in the eyes and began sucking on his ten inch, thick cock once more.

  It was her turn.

  He propped himself up further, reached down and picked her up all in one moti
on, standing to his feet as he did so. He slammed her back down onto the sofa and fell to his knees. He spread her legs apart and paused for a second in a lingering gaze at her tight, little, freshly-shaven pussy. And then a split-second later, he dove face-first and buried himself into it, massaging her labia with his tongue, stroking it over her little clit. This was met with a chorus of moans and already she was beginning to gush, he could feel the wetness gathering at the entrance to her vagina and as soon as he tasted it, he became instantly addicted. As soon as he tasted it, all he wanted to do was make his little stepdaughter come. “Oh yes, right there!” She called out as he sucked her clit into her mouth and flicked it rapidly and continuously with his tongue. And before he knew it she was gushing with wetness, it was pooling out of her onto the couch, but he didn’t care. She was close. He knew it. He carried on, picking up the pace even more. And then, suddenly, she arched her back and shot upwards so that she was almost sitting up. The screams came loud and fast. “Oh my fucking god!” She cried out as the tremor ran up her spine and echoed throughout her entire body. “I’m coming so hard for you daddy.”

  When the shaking stopped, he didn’t give her a chance to recuperate, he simply wrapped his arms around her thighs and pulled her back downwards so that she was lying with her ass over the edge of the couch, parallel with his bulging hard-on. “What do you want me to do to you?” He asked as he slapped her ass.

  She moaned at the slap and told him what she wanted. “I want you to fuck me as hard as you can with your huge cock.” And a huge cock it was, she had never seen anything anywhere near as big. As soon as the final word left her mouth, he pulled her closer towards him and thrust himself into her, gently at first and then slowly edging his way in inch by inch. “Oh my fucking god!” She called out as he pushed himself deeper and deeper inside. “It’s so fucking big. It feels amazing.” Before he knew it, he was ten inches deep in his stepdaughter, thrusting himself in and out rapidly as she screamed the whole neighbourhood down. He was pounding her harder and more aggressively than he had ever pounded before. “Fuck yes! Fuck yes! Fuck yes!” Samantha called out in breathless shouts as he smashed her. Not even her mom could take it this well. Richard was impressed. She had her legs bent with her feet pressed flat against Richards chest, writhing in pleasure as he fucked her harder and harder with each stroke. Then the sensation overwhelmed her. She screamed the loudest scream that she had ever screamed as she came again, only this time more intensely. Then she felt Richard tense up as he shot his load into her. He fell onto her chest after he had blown, both of them panting in sheer pleasure. “That was amazing.” She said, giggling like a schoolgirl – because after all, that’s what she was: a schoolgirl.


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