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The Alpha Loves The Brat

Page 66

by Allysa Mkermo

  “You can say that again.” He said as he stood up. “Now, what do you want for dinner?”

  “I’ve already had mine.” She said, with a smug look on her face.

  “Oh yeah, what did you have?”

  She giggled and gently massaged her clit between her fingers, moaning slightly as she did. “Stepdaddy cream-pie.”


  Chapter 1

  Karissa frowned as she looked over her application. Everything about her academics looked to be in order, but her extra-curricular activity area was a big blank space on the page, and it wasn’t something she could afford to overlook. Not if she wanted to get into Princeton or Northwestern. She knew she had to do something in her senior year to get everything together.

  ‘School starts tomorrow,’ she thought miserably. ‘Most of the fall semester sports teams are already practicing for the season.’ She tucked a strand of blonde hair behind her ear as she continued to think things over. Finally, Karissa let out a long sigh. She knew that the following day would be full of begging, sucking up, or whatever else it took for one of the coaches to take pity on her and put her on a team.

  Closing out of her computer programs, Karissa rolled her neck back, exhaustion building behind her carefully constructed façade of calm. Her parents didn’t need to know about any of her concerns until she had a chance to solve them for herself. She was eighteen, hardly a kid any more. She knew that she had to start dealing with her problems by herself.

  Karissa made her way to her bathroom, more than ready for a nice long bath. Her skinny jeans were obstructing enough of her blood flow anyway, and it was long past time to take them off. As the moonlight streamed in through the privacy window, Karissa stripped down. She took a moment to study herself in the mirror. The smooth curve of her waist was the first thing to catch her eye, and she let herself appreciate the gentle transition between her breasts and her hips. She rubbed at her long legs, smiling wryly at the creases that her jeans left on her thighs. She met her own gaze in the mirror, staring back into her brown eyes. The summer sun had tanned Karissa’s skin until it almost glowed, and a sprinkle of freckles across her nose drew her attention. Well, the freckles and one stubborn pimple that had sprouted in their midst. She reached over to the tub to start running a bath of steaming water and then returned to the mirror. She took a washcloth to her face and set to washing her face. Bit by bit, she scrubbed at her skin, removing the layers of makeup that she’d put on so lazily that morning.

  The bathtub filled up as she got her face clean, and Karissa lowered herself into the soothing heat, hissing at the temperature as her body adjusted to it. Her mind provided a list of different teams that she should have checked out during open house the day before as she let her head slip under the surface of the water. As she reached for the shampoo, she thought over which ones would still welcome any kind of interest.

  ‘It has to be a sport,’ she thought with a frown. ‘I’m already in plenty of honor societies and scholastic bullshit. So is pretty much everyone else applying. What I really need is something to set me apart…’

  Tears of frustration and despair built up behind her eyes, but she fought them back. As the dread cleared, Karissa had a moment of pure insight: the football team. Sure, it was a “boys’ club” and all that, but thanks to some particularly motivated and pushy parents, the team had recently been forced to go co-ed. It was mostly meant to be a technicality, something to let a specific transgender student join the team, but it wouldn’t hurt to check out.

  Relieved that she at least had some kind of plan of action, Karissa allowed herself to completely relax. She washed her hair and shaved, running her hands over the newly-smooth skin of her thighs. It wouldn’t do to show up for the first day of school looking as stressed out as she felt, so she gave into the warmth of the bath and let her eyes slip closed. She soaked up as much serenity as she could before the water cooled too far, and then she pulled the plug. Karissa went to bed feeling all the comfort that having a plan could offer.

  Of course, as she drove herself to school the next morning, she felt her nervousness return. What if the coaches told her off? She couldn’t afford for them to tell her no, and couldn’t spend her time trying out for any of the other sports teams. The full load of AP classes she was taking drastically reduced the number of free hours she had for after school practice. The only saving grace would be for a team to take her on but never need her to do anything.

  ‘It isn’t exactly the idea behind taking extracurricular activities, but I’m desperate. There just aren’t enough hours in a day for all the shit that colleges are looking for.’

  Karissa shook her head. It wasn’t time to worry about all that yet. She still had two morning classes to think about before anything else, and then it would be lunch, the time to seek out a coach and make her case. A lot of begging would be involved, she imagined, so she spent the better part of AP biology getting herself in the right mindset, and some of AP calculus trying to think out any contingency plans. Nothing came to mind before the lunch bell rang, so she had to stick to her original plan.

  As all of the students filed into the hall, meandering towards the cafeteria, Karissa backtracked, heading in the direction of the gym, specifically the coaches’ offices there. She wasn’t surprised to find the team captain already inside when she got there. Adrian Shallot had been captain of the football team since junior year, and he had the charisma to match the position. His broad shoulders stretched his t-shirt across his chest; the olive fabric matched his eyes perfectly.

  “Are you lost, little lady?” Coach Roberts asked with a crook in his eyebrow that brought a rush of color to Karissa’s face.

  “No, I wanted to talk to you actually,” she said, her voice pinched and tight in her throat. “Um, you know how last year, Sabrina Poole got to join the football team?”

  “You mean Blaine,” Adrian corrected, bulging arms crossing over his chest. “His name is Blaine.”

  “Yes, her. Him I mean. Um…” Karissa bit her lip, feeling more than foolish. “I was wondering if there was a way that I could join too. You know, for an extracurricular.”

  There was a short silence, and then both Adrian and the coach burst into laughter. Karissa forced herself to keep looking Coach Roberts in the eye.

  “I don’t have to play or anything, I just need to be able to add something onto my college applications,” she persisted, clutching at her skirt and tangling her fingers in the fabric.

  “Listen,” the coach said, cutting her off before she could continue to beg. “Poole was a special case, and you very obviously don’t fit the same criteria.”

  “Please!” Karissa said, tears welling up in her eyes. “I’ll stay off the field and out of everyone’s way. I’m not trying to do anything radical or anything, I just want to get into a good college. Please!”

  Adrian cocked his head to the side, looking over Karissa. She kept a stony gaze forward, but felt his eyes dragging over her body, from her barely within dress code skirt to her slightly too tight top. She’d picked out her clothes to stand out on the first day of classes, but hadn’t considered how they would make her look to the athletes that she was trying to convince. She mentally berated herself for not butching up for this, but it was too late. She couldn’t do anything but keep begging and hope for the best.

  “That doesn’t fly with me,” the coach said with a frown. “If you’re going to be on my team, then you’re going to have to pull your own weight and then some. Frankly, you don’t look like you’re cut out for powder puff, much less a full contact sport. Sorry missy, but the answer is ‘no.’”

  “Hold on a minute, coach,” Adrian said. I turned my desperate gaze to him, and the look on his face sent a shiver down my spine. It didn’t compare to the waves of gratitude that I felt though. “Why don’t you head to lunch? I’ll talk to her some more,” he offered. “You know her type, coach. If you don’t at least give her a try-out, she’ll get her parents and the s
chool board involved, and you don’t want that. Not after all the crap we had from the Pooles last year.”

  Coach Roberts sighed, but nodded. He stood and said, “I don’t care what you have to tell her. Just get her to see reason. The last thing we need is some feminist crusader ending up in the hospital and making a spectacle out of my team.”

  “You got it,” Adrian said, and with that, the coach left the office and Karissa and Adrian were alone.

  Chapter 2

  “I’m not going to change my mind,” Karissa muttered, dropping her gaze to the floor.

  “I didn’t expect you to,” Adrian said, crossing over to sit on the coach’s desk. Karissa blinked at him, but couldn’t figure out how she was meant to respond. At his prompting, she took a seat in front of him, scooting it back to a more comfortable distance.

  “Then what did you want to talk about?” she asked. Her chest began to fill with a kind of tingling sensation that she couldn’t place, some kind of mixture of anticipation and dread.

  “I can put in a good word, and get you a place on the team, but there are certain…things that I’d want in return.”

  The tone of his voice had Karissa biting at the tip of her tongue. She wasn’t going to be the one to say the words out loud first, but she had a sneaking suspicion that she knew what he was going to ask of her.

  “You see, with our practice schedule, dating is something that we don’t really get too much time for, and well, a frustrated team doesn’t perform too well, if you get my drift.”

  Karissa could barely breathe. It felt like the entire world had frozen, and she had no idea what she could possibly say to defuse the horribly uncomfortable tension that had formed.

  “So what you’re saying…”

  “I’ll let you join the team if you can satisfy my boys. Whenever they want. However they want.” At the look on her face, Adrian waved a hand carelessly, as if to sweep away her doubts. “Don’t worry. There will be rules. No one will ever hurt you, I promise. I’ll break their legs if they do. I’m not about to have you get raped, just a bit of consensual stress-relief. In return, you’ll have your spot on the team. You’ll be playing on the field, at least once a game; fuck what Coach Roberts says, it’ll get more publicity to the team and more colleges will be watching us play. A lot of us won’t even be able to get into schools without scholarships.”

  “But I can’t play…” Karissa said, her lips numb and words weak.

  “We’ll keep you out of harm’s way until you’ve got a handle on things. I can’t promise that you’ll never get hurt, but we’ll have your back no matter what.”

  “You’ve…given this a lot of thought.” Karissa couldn’t figure out what to make of Adrian, but he didn’t seem to want her to get hurt.

  “The boys and I talked this all over last year when Sabrina was making a big deal about joining. We thought it wouldn’t be so bad having a girl around, but then ‘she’ turned out to be Blaine, so we didn’t get to go through with it. Well,” he snorted and shook his head, “there were some stupid fucks that did try some shit, but we made it clear that it wasn’t what we were about. They aren’t on the team anymore. I promise that no one on the team is like that, and if there’s ever anyone that makes you uncomfortable, you can always come to me or anyone else, and we’ll set ‘em straight. Just…”

  For the first time, Adrian broke off, looking embarrassed. “Don’t tell the coaches anything about this. It’s obviously breaking all kinds of rules, and I’d really like to not get into expelled.”

  Karissa let out a sharp bark of surprised laughter, not even close to sure about how she should react. She settled for shaking her head slowly, trying to dislodge all of the disbelief that had gathered inside of her. An angry hive of bees buzzed around in her gut, but even as she knew that she could never agree to such terms, she decided that it was the only way to get what she wanted.

  “What if I say no?” she asked in a voice barely above a whisper.

  “Then you’re free to just walk out of here. I’ll deny ever making this offer, so there’s no point in trying to get me in trouble. But I mean,” he shrugged, “I don’t really see what the big deal is. It’s not like you’re a virgin.”

  Karissa’s face grew hot again, and she caught a noise of outrage before it made it out of her mouth. Her ex had been on the football team, but he graduated last year. She couldn’t believe that he had told anyone about that, but at the same time, it was completely like him to do that. She settled for letting out a sigh and saying, “Well, so what?”

  “I’m going to give you two choices, right now,” Adrian said, a steel entering his voice that pulled Karissa’s eyes back to his. “You can agree to my terms and give me head right now to seal the deal, or you can walk out of here and lose your only chance of joining the football team. It’s up to you.”

  Silence blanketed the room as Karissa entered into a staring contest with him. Her eyes darted back and forth between his, looking for any kind of indication that he was joking or that she was about to make an idiot out of herself for nothing. It all came down to trust: could she trust Adrian Shallot? Before she had made up her mind, Karissa stood and brushed off the front of her skirt. She walked to the door with short, deliberate steps. It wasn’t until she had her hand poised over the door knob that she made up her mind.

  Karissa locked the door with an audible click and pulled the shades over the office window.

  “Good girl,” Adrian growled from behind her, and she felt a burst of shame as she turned to face him. But she felt more than just shame. As she returned to stand before him, Karissa gained confidence with each step. Adrian’s feet hit the floor and he loosened his belt. Fingers fumbled over each other as they both dragged his pants down, eyes locked on each other’s. Karissa sank back into her chair, leaning in close enough to get enough access to Adrian’s half-erect penis.

  ‘This isn’t happening,’ she thought as her tongue pulled the tip of him into her mouth. After a few exploratory licks and bobs, she had him rock hard. His fingers slid into her hair, tangling and pulling at her blonde locks as she noisily slurped around his member. She wasn’t particularly skilled when it came to blowjobs, but she knew that she would soon have plenty of practice with them.

  “Don’t use your teeth,” Adrian instructed in a low murmur. “Use your lips, make more suction.” She followed his commands as best she could, still distracted by the flavor of him. “Just like that. Good.”

  Suddenly, Adrian thrust into her mouth, and Karissa gagged. The sensation was unfamiliar and it was too much of a surprise. Adrian withdrew, rubbing his tip against Karissa’s lower lip.

  “Stick out your tongue,” he told her, and she complied. He slid his shaft along her tongue, pushing into her throat with much less resistance. Karissa closed her lips around him, careful to keep her teeth back as he thrust into her mouth. “Just like that, you’re doing great,” Adrian moaned, unable to keep his pace slow. He was losing control, and would probably come soon. Her hands rose to clutch at Adrian’s butt, fingers digging into his tight muscle. She relaxed her throat, swallowing around him to coax the orgasm from him.

  Sure enough, with a quick warning of, “Fuck, I’m gonna—” Adrian exploded into her mouth. Startled at the suddenness, Karissa pulled away, spitting his load into a nearby trashcan. Adrian’s hand rose to his still-leaking cock, and he continued to groan in satisfaction and pleasure.

  “Goddamn,” he said, taking a tissue from the box on Coach Roberts’ desk to wipe himself off. “You are something else.” He offered another to Karissa, who took it to wipe across her chin. She felt so detached from the shame of it all, and could only feel pride and arousal. None of her boyfriends had ever sounded so appreciative, and her face warmed with Adrian’s praise.

  “So what now?” she asked, the taste of come on her mouth. “Should I come to practice today, or…?”

  “No, not today. I’ll talk to the team today and get them to help me convince Roberts. It should
n’t be hard to say that I tried to tell you no, but you had a really convincing argument.” He gave her a wink, and she blushed all over again. “The boys will back me up that we should at least give you a chance, and then it’ll be up to us to make you look good at your try-out.”

  Karissa nodded, walking over to open the shades and unlock the door. “So I’ll see you tomorrow, then?” she asked, not intending it to be a question. There was no chance that a meathead like Adrian Shallot could be in any of her accelerated classes, but there was still a chance that he would want to meet up with her later.

  “Tomorrow,” he agreed, and Karissa felt a little bit down but also immensely relieved. “Just let me take care of things. It’ll all work out.”

  ‘He might be a meathead,’ Karissa thought as she walked down to the cafeteria, ‘but he seems like a pretty okay guy.’

  The rest of the school day passed in a haze of academic bullshit. She recalled introducing herself to the class at least three times, but had no idea what she had said. The taste of come stuck with her until she got home, and the arousal from her lunchtime encounter surged back as she brushed her teeth before bed. Karissa stared at herself in the mirror, studying the glow of her cheeks, the brightness of her eyes, the gentle swelling of her lips. She wondered if she made the right decision. As she climbed into her bed and felt the worries that had been building up since she had started filling out applications begin to ebb, she knew that things would work themselves out.


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