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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 9

by Ahren Sanders

  The morning news is playing quietly in the living room, and Quinn is sitting on the sofa with a cup of coffee. After getting my own mug, I join her and give her a dirty look.

  “What?” she asks.

  “Your loud ass woke me up. What the hell were you yelling at?”

  “I did it on purpose. Apparently, you were in a coma. I’ve been making noise for an hour, trying to get you up.”


  “Because I need moral support before Dean’s plane gets here in an hour.”

  “An hour? I thought his flight was this afternoon.”

  “He hopped an earlier flight.”

  “That’s good, right?”

  “Yeah, I’m just nervous and excited.”

  “I can understand that. I resembled a jackrabbit waiting for Bryce.”

  “But you guys are official. I’m not sure what Dean and I are.”

  “We’ve gone over this. He’s obviously interested in you.”

  “Think it would be too much to get special lingerie for Valentine’s Day?”

  “No, as a matter of fact, I may have some for you. Looks like mine is a wasted effort.”


  “Bryce has put a ban on sex. Every time we get close, he stops it.”

  “Even now?”


  “I could understand in Miami. You two had just gotten together, but now, it’s been like six weeks.”

  “Tell me about it.”

  “Well, let’s come up with a seduction plan. Make it so he can’t resist you.”

  “I want him to want me. I’ve loved this guy for almost eight years. Getting shot down really screws with my confidence. He knows I’m not a virgin so what’s the problem? Is sex—”

  “So should I wear the purple or black?” Quinn’s eyes grow wide as she interrupts me. She nods her head and glares over my shoulder.

  I turn around and see Bryce scratching his head, looking confused. He’s in a pair of flannel pajama pants and nothing else, and my mouth waters at the sight. Then I inwardly panic that he overheard our conversation. His face is unreadable, but then when he smiles at me, I relax.

  “Morning, sleepyhead,” I joke.

  “Why didn’t you wake me?”

  “You were peaceful, and besides, Quinn needed me. Want me to grab you a cup of coffee?”

  “Nah, I’ll get it.” He walks over and kisses my forehead before going to the kitchen.

  “Shit! Do you think he heard me?”

  “No, but I guess we can’t really come up with a seduction plan with him in the other room. I’ll think on it and get back to you.” She gets up. “Now, I need to get dressed and go to the airport.”

  “Good luck. Want us to wait for you and all go to lunch?”

  “Yes, that sounds good. Thanks for helping me get my mind off Dean. Your drama is always much juicier than mine.” She winks and then closes her bedroom door.

  Bryce comes to sit down and pulls me into him. “What are we doing today?”

  “Dean’s coming in early, so we’ll go to lunch with them later. With the traffic, I think we should leave for D.C. no later than three.”

  “So, technically, how much time do we have until we need to be ready for lunch?”

  “Few hours.”

  “That’ll do.” He stands quickly and bends to pick me up. “I’m taking you back to bed for a proper good morning. We have six weeks of ‘frustration’ to work on.”

  “I like the sound of that.” I giggle.

  “Hopefully, you’ll do more than like it.” He gives me a look that sends a shiver through my body.

  Two hours later, I come to the conclusion that if not having sex with Bryce is this good, finally having sex will be amazing.

  Chapter 10

  Getting to Washington took longer than we expected, and by the time we check into our hotel, there’s only an hour before we have to leave. The good thing about this is I’m so rushed, there’s no time to get nervous.

  “Hey, will you help me with my zipper?” I ask, stepping into my shoes.

  “Gorgeous,” he whispers against my neck as he zips the dress.

  “Pretty good looking yourself.” I turn to him and admire how hot he is in a classic black suit. He opted not to wear a tie and left the top buttons of his shirt open. In my opinion, he looks like he walked off the pages of a magazine.

  “Stop looking at me like that or we’ll be late.” Bryce helps me into my jacket and kisses my cheek softly.

  We meet Dean and Quinn in the lobby and then get a cab to the museum. As soon as we arrive, butterflies flutter in my stomach. I see most of the other students mingling around. Professor Davis comes over to greet us and tells us where to find the programs with the layout of the exhibit.

  Bryce and Dean grab us drinks, and we walk around admiring the pieces. There’s a section dedicated to the student work, but in my opinion, some of our projects are just as good as the professional works.

  “Quinn told me about her story and picture, but tell me about yours,” Dean asks me.

  “The day we came to D.C., I passed a woman and her children sitting in an alley crying. The woman was trying to sooth her two small children. They were hesitant of me at first, but once I explained I was a student working on a project, they relaxed. The reason I chose this picture was the tear-stained cheeks and look of pain on the mother’s face. You can clearly see they are Middle Eastern, Iraqi, but they are American citizens.

  “Walking through the streets that day, the war protestors’ screams scared the children. They asked their mother about some of the things being said. Once they started crying, she took them into the alley to calm them down.”

  “Were the protestors actually screaming at them?” Dean looks horrified at the thought.

  “No, and in actuality, my project wasn’t about their experience. I chose to hone in and exploit the innocence of the children. That mother had to explain the concept of hatred and violence to her five and six year old that day. An outing to do Christmas shopping turned into a nightmare for this woman.

  “I just gave you the cliff notes version, but my story was much more detailed. I fully respect the right to free speech but tried to spin how sometimes we get lost.”

  “Sounds interesting.”

  “It’s a great paper,” Bryce adds.

  A sense of pride fills me, and I circle my arms around his waist. We go over to Quinn’s project, and she explains it to Bryce. Hers is more politically driven about the actual protests.

  A woman walks up on stage and welcomes everyone. She points out the committee members in the crowd and then does a general congratulations and thanks for coming. The committee is going to be coming to each of the exhibits, hoping to meet us, so Bryce and I stay close to my work.

  “This is really amazing.” I glance around the room.

  “It is. I’m so proud of you.”

  “Thank you for being here with me.”

  “There’s nowhere else I’d be.” He bends and brushes a light kiss over my lips.

  “Devon.” Professor Davis comes up with two men.

  He introduces them, and they instantly ask questions. For the next hour, I talk to several people interested in my story. By the time the buffet is opened, I’m relieved. Talking about myself is exhausting.

  “How do you feel about eating and getting out of here?” I whisper when we sit down.

  “You sure? This is a big deal.”

  “Yes, we’ve been here long enough. I think we’ve spoken to everyone involved.”

  We eat quickly and find Quinn and Dean to say goodbye. She gives me a knowing look and winks. The cab ride back to the hotel seems to take forever, and by the time we get out, my body is humming.

  When we get to the room, I grab my bag and start toward the bathroom. “Devon,” Bryce says lowly.

  “Yeah?” My stomach sinks when I turn and see him. He looks unhappy. His arms are crossed and his stare is dark.

�Drop your bag and come here.”

  I do as he says. Once in front of him, he moves quickly, both hands going to the sides of my head and lacing through my hair. Our eyes lock, and the heat in his expression isn’t anger; it’s desire.

  “Tell me, Devon.”

  “Tell you what?” I whisper.

  “You know what. I heard you talking to Quinn this morning.”

  Heat rushes to my face.

  “Don’t, baby, don’t be embarrassed. Don’t get flushed. I feel it, too. It may have taken me a longer time to figure it out. I need to hear you say it.”

  Fear hits me. It’s one thing to be in love with someone for all these years, but it’s another to actually say it out loud—to him.

  “Please, Devon,” he pleads.

  “I love you, Bryce.”

  “Fucking finally. I love you, too, so much it hurts. I’ve always loved you in some way, but now it’s so powerful it consumes me. You’re all I think about. Every decision I’ve made lately revolves around you. You have the ability to destroy me.”

  Two tears fall down my cheeks as the levity of his words sink in.

  “You too, Bryce, you have the ability to destroy me. In my mind, you already did once, but now I know the difference. I had no idea back then the weight of these feelings.”

  “Do you see a future with me? Can you imagine being with me—say, forever?”

  “Yes,” I squeak.

  The look of relief that washes over him is visible. Without saying anything else, he lowers his mouth to mine and gives me a searing kiss. His hands still hold me in place so all I can do is clutch at his shirt.

  This kiss is different than any other we have shared. It’s full of passion and love. My heart races and knees go weak. He feels me sway a little and pulls back, kissing a trail over my face. One hand releases my head and goes to my back. He slowly pulls down on the zipper of the dress and locks eyes with me, looking for approval. I nod breathlessly.

  Once it is unzipped, he leans back and guides it over my shoulders. It falls easily down my body and pools at my feet. He hisses at the sight of me in only my lingerie and heels, and a spasm shoots through my body.

  I push his jacket off and move quickly to the buttons on his shirt. He kicks off his shoes and socks and then bends over to pick me up. Once he lays me gently on the bed, we both rip his shirt and toss it to the side.

  Suddenly, I’m in a rush to get him naked before he changes his mind. If he stops us again tonight, I’m going to scream. I kick off my shoes as my hands fumble with his belt and zipper until he has to help me. Once he strips down to his boxers, he covers my body with his and kisses me again.

  One of my legs wraps around his waist, pressing him as close to me as possible. He pulls back, and in a single movement, he has my bra off. His mouth covers one tight nipple as his hand travels down my stomach and into the silver lace of my panties. The instant his fingers slide into me, I want to come undone.

  He works his fingers slowly, building me up. It hasn’t been ten hours since he gave me my last orgasm, but the need and desire I feel right now makes it seem like forever ago. My hips jerk under his hand, pushing up, wanting more. His thumb rolls over my heated skin, and he inserts another finger. I whimper and clamp down.

  “Come for me. I need to see it, hear it, feel it.”

  At his words, the orgasm rushes through me, causing me to scream. I toss my head back and try to catch my breath. Bryce takes no time removing my underwear and his own. When I look into his eyes, they have darkened to almost the color of cobalt.

  “In my life, I’ll never get tired of that sound.”

  He shifts and reaches in his pants, pulling out a condom. I watch in fascination as he rolls it on and then moves back over me.

  “Please, Bryce, don’t make me wait any longer.” I widen my legs and feel his tip.

  My gaze moves down to watch him enter me, but he cups my chin. “Eyes on me, baby.”

  I move my hands up his back and cling to his neck. He slides in slowly, giving my body time to adjust. The feel of his smooth skin sinking into me is unlike anything I’ve ever felt. A small moan escapes. Wanting to feel every inch of him, I swivel my hips, forcing him inside.

  A slight pain causes me to moan. He stops immediately, going pale. His worried eyes search mine for any sign of discomfort. The weight of what just happened hits us both. Instead of being embarrassed, I’m thrilled. This is what I used to dream about. Bryce loving me, taking me to bed, owning my virginity. One tear slips down my cheek, and he starts to retreat.

  I shake my head and dig my fingers into his neck, urging him to continue. He starts to move, and the friction ignites the familiar buzz in my stomach. I wrap my legs back around him and push into his thrusts. The sensation of our bodies moving together brings me closer to the edge.

  I lean up to kiss him, wanting to be connected everywhere. Our tongues swirl together as he picks up his pace. My core muscles squeeze tight, and Bryce growls.

  My hands clutch his hair as the next orgasm erupts inside of me, and I scream his name. He rocks back twice more before joining me. Hearing him groan through his own release is the sexiest sound he’s ever made.

  We lay in each other’s arms, trying to get our breathing under control.

  “I hate to move, but I need to take care of this condom, babe,” he says softly in my ear.

  Watching his naked form walk to the bathroom, my heartbeat races again. When he shuts the door, I stretch and squeal to myself.

  I grab his discarded shirt off the floor and slip it on then pull back the sheets and climb into bed. Bryce comes out with a washcloth and slides in next to me.

  “Lay back, Devon.” He presses the warm cloth to my center and cleans me gently then throws it toward the bathroom.

  He tugs me into his body and positions me across him, lightly rubbing circles on my hip.

  “Are you okay?”

  “Perfect,” I answer him sleepily, trying to keep my eyes open.

  “I don’t want to ruin tonight or take away any of the beauty of what you just gave me, but tomorrow, we’re going to talk.”

  “Okay, but I want you to know, Bryce, that was everything I’ve ever dreamed about. The day I turned eighteen, before everything changed, all I wanted was to be loved by you. In my mind, you would be my first. It was beautiful.”

  “Devon, in my mind, I’m not only your first but your only.”

  I wake feeling watched and try to roll away from the position I stayed in all night. Bryce’s hold tightens, and I look up to find him staring at me.

  “Good morning,” I croak.

  “Morning, babe.”

  “You okay?”

  “Yeah, just thinking about something. So I swore I’d never ask you about the guy you slept with, but I have to.”

  “Apparently, I didn’t have sex with him.” I laugh lightly.

  “How did you not know?”

  “Do you really want to hear the story?”

  “No, because I’m relieved, but obviously, there’s a reason you thought it happened.”

  “I dated this guy, Kevin, for a while. One night, after drinks, we started fooling around. One thing led to another. I told you it wasn’t memorable because it was so quick. One minute he’s pushing into me, the next it’s over.”

  “Was there any foreplay?” He glares at me sickly.

  “Yeah, not really a lot for me, but I had him pretty primed.”

  The look of sickness turns to humor, and he laughs out loud. “That fucker jizzed.”


  “Jizzed. He was so worked up, as soon as he touched you, he came. You must have had him more than primed, or either he doesn’t know how to fuck.”


  “Yeah, babe, but seeing you naked makes me question my stamina. That guy didn’t have a chance. What happened to him?”

  “I broke it off soon after. I figured if sex was that bad, it wouldn’t get better.”

  “You bro
ke up with a guy because he was a bad lay?”

  “Well, he kinda got on my nerves, too. But being bad in bed is depressing. You know about the loser list so I’d already had some disturbing experiences.”

  “Come here.” He rolls me all the way on top of him. His hands frame my face and hold me in place. “I have never in my life been so happy about someone’s misfortune. It’s been driving me crazy that another guy had you, but now I know it’s only me.”

  My heart melts at the look on his face and the sincerity behind his words.

  “Well, you’re lucky you’re not bad in bed. Otherwise, we may have a problem.”

  “Not bad, huh?”

  “Nope, pretty fucking dynamic, I’d say. How long do you have to wait to be dynamic again?”

  His expression turns darker, and the color of his eyes deepen. “You’re going to be sore.”

  “Well, I can be sore next week when you’re gone. It’s our first Valentine’s Day.”

  His cock jumps and tightens against my stomach, and he grins.

  “I love you, Bryce.” I grow serious and lean in to kiss him.

  “I love you, too, Devon Harris,” he says against my lips.

  The next instant, I’m on my back and Bryce is reaching for his pants for a condom. I’m still wearing his shirt, and it lays open, baring my naked body to him. He rolls on the condom and then reaches down to touch me. I’m already soaking wet just thinking about him inside of me again. When he lines himself against me and pushes in, the invasion is welcome. Just like last night, he fills me completely but slows to allow my body to adjust.

  “Mine,” he moans against my lips.

  “Yours,” I confirm.


  Nodding my head against his, I allow him to make love to me until we’re both shouting each other’s name.

  Chapter 11

  It’s been three weeks since I dropped Bryce off at the airport, and I’ve cried every day. Everything changed that weekend, and being apart is killing me inside. I miss him terribly, and he seems to miss me just as much.

  When we got home from D.C., Quinn and I decided to cook dinner that night because we figured it was better than trying to go to a restaurant. Even though she didn’t have sex, Quinn had an equally monumental night with Dean after they left the exhibit. They finally talked and decided that it wasn’t casual for either of them. They decided to put a label on their relationship.


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