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Finding Our Course: Collision Course Duet

Page 10

by Ahren Sanders

  Bryce never left my side for the rest of the weekend. We were as social as possible, but it was hard to keep our hands off one another. We only left my room a few times on Sunday, and one of those was to tell Dean goodbye. So when I had to take Bryce to the airport, after spending four nights wrapped in his arms and endless hours wrapped around his body, I was hysterical.

  Nate and Bryce’s Spring Break starts today, and they are driving here for the week. We’ll spend this weekend together, and then they go to Norfolk for a few days to see the base while I’m in school. Then Quinn and I are driving over to Virginia Beach to close out their trip.

  I’ve spent two days cleaning and getting ready for them to arrive. Besides school, it’s the only thing that keeps me busy.

  “Whew, smells like Fabuloso,” Quinn says walking in the door from class.

  “Couldn’t help it. Cleaned the kitchen again,” I respond.

  “You know we can eat off the counters right?”

  I shrug my shoulders and grab my laptop.

  “What time are they supposed to be here again?”

  “In an hour. I’d call Bryce again, but Nate threatened me.”

  “A little obsessive?” she jokes.

  “Laugh all you want. I can’t wait.”

  “What exactly are you going to do about your brother?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “You two aren’t exactly quiet.”

  “I guess we’ll have to be aware. Maybe you can help me plow Nate with beer so he passes out.”

  “I’ll try, but I’d hate to see him beat Bryce’s ass.”

  “Shut up!” I throw a pillow at her head.

  “Well, as your best friend, I’ll try my best to get you laid as many times as possible without Nate throwing a full on hissy fit.”

  “And that is why I love you.”

  “One of the many reasons. What ya looking at?” She motions to the computer screen.

  “I’m checking out a new program offered to Journalism majors. We can apply, and they send groups to select locations around the world to cover certain stories. They’ve had some volunteers from the top news organizations to lead groups. We could get up to nine credit hours this summer if accepted.”

  “Really?” She grabs her laptop and sits down next to me.

  We spend the next forty-five minutes looking over the information and applying for the program. Quinn leaves the room when Dean calls, and I go to the back porch to watch for Nate and Bryce. The cool wind chills my body, but as soon as I see the familiar headlights of Nate’s truck pull into a parking spot, I forget about it.

  I rush through the house and out the door to meet them. Bryce sees me first and holds his arms out for me. I jump into his embrace, his familiar scent surrounding me. He kisses along my neck softly, whispering how much he missed me. I lift up to kiss him lightly when there’s an animalistic growl behind me.

  “Fucking stop it now.” Nate glares at us, but his face softens when I untangle myself and give him a hug.


  “Seriously, Dev. Get used to it.”

  “Babe, don’t let him get to you. We have all night to celebrate,” he teases, and my brother’s face turns red.

  “Fucker, I already warned you, none of that shit while I’m around.”

  “Come on in.” I take Bryce’s hand and lead them into my apartment.

  We order pizza and settle in front of the TV where the guys insist on watching NCAA basketball. Nate only slightly scowls when I curl up next to Bryce on the sofa. Things seem to be going well until Quinn mentions going home on our break in a few weeks.

  Bryce’s body goes stiff under me, and he mutes the television. “I thought you two were going to do something fun?”

  “Plans changed. Quinn’s going to drive home. Dean’s driving up from Atlanta for part of the week to meet her parents.”

  “What about you?”

  “I’ll stay here. Sure I can find something to do.”



  “Why don’t you go home with her?”

  “My parents will be on that cruise, remember?”

  “I don’t want you here alone. Knoxville’s almost six hours away if you need me.”

  “I’ll be fine.”

  “No, you’re coming to our place.”

  “I’ll be fine,” I repeat.

  “I agree with Bryce, Devon,” Nate states. “This will be a ghost town during Spring Break. I don’t want you here alone.”

  “I didn’t think it was a good idea to come to Knoxville right now.” I think of running into Holli.

  “That was a dumb decision on my part. Our relationship was new and somewhat fragile. I wanted to protect you in case Holli showed up. I knew how much seeing her would affect you. At this point, it doesn’t matter. You know how I feel about you, and hopefully, your paths won’t cross.”

  Apparently, Holli and Bryce still run into each other, but he made it clear he’s in a serious relationship and she backed off. Now, when they see each other, it is coincidental. I personally don’t believe it’s an accident that she is always at the gym, library, or same bars he is, but I don’t want to sound petty.

  “Babe, I would have asked you to come, but I thought you were going somewhere with Quinn.”

  “You’ve got to be kidding me. You guys talk forty times a week and you didn’t know her plans changed?” Nate laughs.

  “It’s not entirely his fault! Quinn just decided to go home a few days ago.” I look to her for help, but she’s snickering and shaking her head.

  “Regardless, ride with Quinn, and she can drop you off at our place.”

  I nod in agreement and lay back on Bryce’s chest. Truth is, I didn’t want to be alone for the week either, but I was too proud to mention it. The thought of running into Holli doesn’t scare me, because I do know how Bryce feels about me. But there’s a small part of me that knows, if I do see her, it will be a reminder of a painful memory.

  “I love you, Devon,” Bryce whispers and kisses my forehead.

  “You too. And as soon as my brother falls asleep, I plan to show you how much,” I murmur.

  Nate sighs loudly and says, “It’s going to be a long fucking week. Are they always like this?”

  “You just wait,” Quinn answers. “You ain’t seen nothing yet.”

  “Devon, wake up, baby.”

  “Ummm,” I moan and bury my face in the pillow. When I feel Bryce pulling off my pajama bottoms, I realize there’s probably no more sleeping.

  “Nate just left for a five-mile run. We have anywhere from forty-five minutes to an hour before he gets back. Quinn left for class. I need to hear you screaming my name.”

  This wakes me up and sends flutters to my stomach. Nate and Bryce have been here for three days, and finding time alone has been tough. We’ve had to be creative, and being quiet has been a challenge. Since Nate is using my bathroom, we can’t exactly lock the door at night. The thought of us having the apartment alone is wonderful.

  My eyes flutter and then snap open. Bryce is braced over me, completely naked. His cock is jetting out, hard and thick. Instantly, I’m turned on and take a mental picture to file away.

  “What did you have in mind?” I tease.

  His hand slides up my inner thigh until it grazes my slick entrance. “If we could, I’d make you come with my fingers, mouth, and then my dick. But I’m a selfish bastard and want you to ride me. I’ve been dreaming of you straddling me since I left here.”

  If I wasn’t already wet, I’m now drenched. Every position with Bryce is good, but when I’m on top, he usually gives me two orgasms. Desire takes over, and I push back, rolling him under me. He reaches over to my nightstand and hands me a condom. I roll it on, appreciating the smooth silky skin and his length.

  His hands grip my hips, and my hands brace on his tight abdomen as I slide down, taking every inch of him. As soon as he’s filled me, I rip my tank top over my head and throw it
to the side. His eyes widen and fill with desire. I grin as I begin rocking against him. His hands slide up my body, leaving a trail of goose bumps. When he reaches my tight nipples, he massages them tenderly.

  I throw my head back, pleasure pouring from my body as he pumps into me from below. Together, we find a rhythm that has us both groaning. My core spasms as the first wave of an orgasm hits. When his thumb swipes across my clit, I explode, yelling his name.

  He jack-knifes up, pressing our chests together, and doesn’t let me slow down. His hands squeeze my ass as he pounds into me, chasing his own release.

  “Another one, baby girl. Can you give me that?”


  He leans back and lowers his head, taking my breast in his mouth. He takes turns with each one, nipping lightly then licking to erase any sting. His panting grows louder, which makes my already overheated body burn more.

  I swivel my hips, and he hits my g-spot. “Oh my God!” I cry out. His thrusts become faster, and when he lifts his face to mine, he’s close. I throw my head forward and yell his name again. He groans loudly, and I feel him coming with me. His grip gets tighter as his lips latch onto my shoulder.

  We sit there holding one another until our heartbeats return to normal.

  “Is sex always this awesome?” I ask breathlessly.

  “With us, yes, but that’s because it’s us.”

  My heart swells, and I smile back at him. It’s become common for Bryce to say things like this. He uses the terms ‘mine’, ‘forever’, and ‘always’ almost daily. I never disagree, because if Bryce Randolph wants to have a forever with me, I’m thrilled with it.

  “Babe, I think we should jump in the shower and maybe air out your room. I’m pretty sure it smells like sex, and Nate’s not an idiot.”

  “So I have to move?”


  He kisses me quickly, and we break apart. I crack open my windows and join him in the shower, hoping Nate takes his time running today. I want a little more time alone with Bryce before they leave for Norfolk in a few hours.

  Chapter 12

  Driving to Tennessee is a reminder it’s been too long since Quinn and I took a road trip. We perfected the art of long distance driving when we started our college scouting trips. Snacks, playlists, games, and rest areas are all mapped out. No matter where we’re going, at the halfway mark, we switch drivers so the other can rest, read, or do homework.

  Even with our usual routine, the drive today seems excruciatingly long. It’s only been a week since our trip to Virginia Beach, but something weird happened during that weekend.

  As predicted, it was too cold to go to the actual beach, but we spent the three days exploring the boardwalk, visiting the museums, walking through an outdoor festival, and even went to the zoo. While we were at the zoo, Bryce got a call from the leader of his ROTC unit, asking him to come to a meeting when he got back to Knoxville. Usually, this would not be weird, but Nate didn’t get the same call. They exchanged a look but didn’t say anything else.

  Each time I ask about his meeting, he tells me we’ll talk about it when I get to his place. So I’m anxious to get there and find out what’s going on.

  “You know it’ll be fine, right?” Quinn states matter of factly. She knows how worried I’ve been.


  “Wanna play our game to get your mind off things?”

  “No, honestly, with the way everything with Bryce is so perfect, it’s easy to forget about the loser list.”

  “Gag! It’s official. You’ve turned into that girl. The girl with the annoyingly perfect boyfriend with stars in her eyes.”

  “Isn’t it great?” I smile at her as she rolls her eyes.

  “There’s got to be at least one thing wrong with him.”

  “Not to me,” I answer dreamily.

  “I’ve got one!”

  “What could you possibly find wrong with him?”

  “He’s disgustingly, head over heels, pussy whipped in love with you.”

  “Quinn! Why is that a bad thing?”

  “It’s not terrible, but he’s lost some of his man appeal.”

  “You’re such a bitch.”

  “Call it like I see it.”

  “Well, get my ass to my ‘head over heels’ boyfriend.”

  We laugh and she turns up the radio and sings to the top of her lungs. After two songs, I join in and we car jam our way into Tennessee.

  When we finally pull up in front of Bryce and Nate’s apartment, my worry from earlier is gone. Bryce meets us outside to help unload our bags. Quinn is staying tonight to break up the trip. When he gets to my side of the car, he picks me up and cradles me in his arms. I start to laugh, but his mouth covers mine and cuts me off. I grip his neck tightly, kissing him passionately back.

  “I’m adding lovesick fool to my list,” Quinn shouts.

  I pull back and wink in her direction.

  “I’ll own that title.” Bryce laughs.

  “Of course you would. You’re so far gone.”

  “Quinn, tell me something I don’t know,” he responds, putting me down and lifting my suitcase before leading me into his apartment.

  Nate calls and tells us to meet him and a few of their ROTC friends at a sports bar.

  When we get there, the place is packed and every television set is on a March Madness game. Nate and his friends have pulled several tables together in the back and, by the looks of it, have already polished off a few pitchers of beer.

  It must be an inside joke between the guys, because when I’m introduced as the sister and the girlfriend, they give Bryce a funny look. Being around all the testosterone doesn’t change Bryce’s attention toward me. He still holds me close to him. Even when we sit down, he drapes his arm around me so I’m nestled into his shoulder.

  When he gets up to take a call from his parents, Quinn slides into his seat. We’re laughing about a commercial when the whole table goes silent. Nate’s eyes grow wide across from me.

  “Hey, guys,” a sugary sweet voice says from behind and my stomach drops.

  I turn around, and Holli is standing with another beautiful woman. Her eyes roam around the table, and when they land on me darken a bit. She plasters on a fake smile. “Nate! Your baby sister is visiting. How sweet.”

  No one says anything to her, and the silence becomes awkward.

  “Sweetie, I don’t remember your name. There was so much going on when we met.”

  What a bitch. I may not be memorable, but I did send her a condolence card. Quinn nudges my back, forcing me to talk. “Devon. My name is Devon, and this is my friend Quinn.”

  “That’s right. How are you?”

  “I’m doing well, thanks.”

  “Bryce didn’t mention you visiting Nate when I saw him yesterday. How long are you staying?”

  Her statement causes a few chuckles from the guys at the table. Nate even smirks at me, knowing this girl is humiliating herself. Oddly, I don’t feel insecure at her indication she and Bryce talk.

  As if on cue, Bryce walks back to the table, oblivious to Holli and her friend, and wraps his arms around me from behind. When he kisses my neck, she lets out an anguished cry. He raises his face and squeezes me protectively when he sees her.

  The scene becomes very uncomfortable, and I see everyone looking around, pretending not to watch what could be the train-wreck in front of us.

  Holli straightens her back and replaces her fake smile. She says hi to Bryce politely and then makes an excuse to leave the table. She waves goodbye, and I notice her lips tremble slightly.

  Quinn starts laughing, and the group follows her.

  “That was uncomfortable. Why didn’t any of you guys jump in and talk to her?”

  “Because if we did, she would take it as an invitation to stick around. We learned our lesson a long time ago. Usually, she only approaches us when Bryce is around, but she must have been curious who the two girls were sitting here,” Nate answers.

  “I personally enjoyed every second. Bryce, you should have seen the look on her face when she wanted to know how long we were staying,” Quinn pipes in.

  “You okay?” Bryce massages my shoulders gently.


  “Come to the restroom with me.” Quinn tugs me out of my chair and pulls me along behind her. She’s been afraid of this day for a long time.

  I yank on her arm to stop her when we get to the hallway. “I’m really okay,” I confirm.

  She stares me intently in the eyes, and then her gaze roams over my face. She nods her head in silent approval. “Well, I still have to go to the bathroom.” She smiles and pushes open the door.

  What I see next breaks my heart. Holli is leaned into her friend, bawling uncontrollably. Sobs wrack her shoulders as she sniffs and moans. Her friend is rubbing her back trying to console her. Memories of me in that same position cloud my mind, and I back out of the small room quietly, hoping she doesn’t know I was there. Quinn follows me back to the table where everything is back to normal. Suddenly, though, I’m not in the mood to be here.

  “Bryce, can we go?”

  “Why?” He looks at me worriedly.

  “I’ll tell you in the car, but we should leave.”

  He throws some money on the table, and we say goodbye to the guys. I take Nate to the side and tell him what I just witnessed. He offers to bring Quinn home later since she wants to stay.

  When we get in Bryce’s truck, I tell him about Holli’s breakdown.

  He blows out a deep breath and lays his head back against the seat. “What am I supposed to do, Devon? It’s been a long time. What you just saw was exactly what I went through for weeks after we lost the baby. I swear to you, I’ve never given her any indication there was another chance for us.”

  “I believe you, Bryce, but she’s in shock right now. You may have told her you were seeing someone, but I’m not sure she knew how serious it was. Knowing it’s me, she has to realize this isn’t casual. Too much at stake with friendships and families. I don’t care for her one bit and spent many a night in the same position I found her in. But it felt cruel to flaunt in front of her.”


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