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The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

Page 7

by Amelia Wilson

  It was a sad sight to see Pelos dragged across the floor, towards the Wanchan’s cell, but hopefully he wouldn’t be hurting anyone anymore.

  I turned back to face Jocelyn, relishing the applause from the people of my planet. I was eternally grateful to her, but I also felt a familiar twinge of sadness return as I looked into her eyes.

  Was she still going to have to leave?



  I wake up in a warm bed, taking in my first breaths of the day. I had such a crazy dream last night…

  An arm reaches across the bed, wrapping around my waist. Krult snuggles closer to me, burying his nose in my hair.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” He asks groggily. I kiss him, and then playfully push him away,

  “I have to go to the maternity facility,” I tell him as I get dressed. “There are a few new clients that have just arrived. I am going to go check their vitals and all that. You know, the boring science stuff.”

  “Such a busy woman,” he jokes from the bed, still sleeping. He looks so cute from this spot. We have plans for an official marriage ceremony in the next few days, a new tradition that has started on Avrox, since we’ve changed everything around.

  “I hope it’s going okay over there,” my mother said from a communication screen as I prepared breakfast for myself, “When are you coming home to visit?” I smile at her,

  “Hopefully when I can catch a break at work, and when we can get the light speed router fixed on the ship.”

  “I am still not used to you saying these kinds of words, honestly, Joss,” my mother shakes her head, adjusting her glasses. Krult stumbles in with tired eyes. He waves at the screen.

  “Hello Ms. Lee,” he says happily.

  “Hi, Krult,” my mother says, smiling and waving back.

  Krult kisses me on the cheek and leaves the room to get ready for the day.

  “You know,” mother says, “I wasn’t sure about the whole, you know… alien thing at first, but he’s very sweet, and you look really happy. And when you’re happy, I am happy too.”

  “That’s good to know, Mom,” I tell her.

  It’s true, I am very happy here on Avrox. I’ve been here for almost a couple of years now. It was hard to break the news to my mother that I had found an alien lover billions of light years away, but she’s settled into the idea. Plus, I get to live with Krult, and I never had to face the heartbreak of leaving this planet behind.

  Now that the new facility has been built, there have been swarms of potential mates for the Avroxee here. The Avroxee seem to be happier too, focusing less on conquering worlds, and spending more time trying to create more machinery and other mechanisms to help the planet grow. Must be from all the “companionship” they’ve been getting these days. They still fight in the arena though, from time to time, but it’s more of a tradition now than a necessity.

  I say my goodbyes to my mother and get my supplies for work. I’d been having trouble buttoning my lab coat over my stomach, which has grown considerably in the past few weeks. We’re expecting our new arrival any moment now, so I’ve been a little on edge. Krult and I are very excited to welcome him into the world. I’ve never been a parent, but I am looking forward to it now more than ever.

  I check on my patients at the maternal facility. Each day we get dozens of pregnant women from all over the galaxy that we check on, making sure they have a safe delivery. This new way of life has allowed for people of all species to come to Avrox to help these women, acting as special consultants to help accommodate their future children to the Avroxee conditions.

  It’s really beautiful to see the connections we’ve been able to make with this breakthrough. I met a woman named Teesh, whom I’d discovered is Teela’s sister. She looks almost exactly like her, too. She said what happened to her sister has made her upset, but she took a position at the facility to let other women get the kind of help her sister wouldn’t have been able to get.

  “Hey,” Teesh pulls me aside in the hall, “We got the new sonogram machine running. Do you want to test it out?” We always joke about the sex of the child, because we always know it’s going to be male. I decide to humor her, just this once, and to hear my baby’s heartbeat.

  We both watch the screen as she rubs jelly on my stomach, running a bulbous device over it. We hear the familiar whooshing sound of the baby’s heartbeat. “Sounds good to me,” Teesh says, but immediately stops, examining the screen closer. I feel wave of panic rush over me.

  “What’s wrong?” I ask, trying to hide my concern, but Teesha is beaming.

  “This is most strange,” she said, “It’s…it’s a girl!”

  I almost fly out of my seat. A girl! We’re having a girl!

  The very first, born on Avrox. I can’t wait to tell my spaceman.


  Champion of Avrox

  The Avroxee Mates Series Book 2


  Amelia Wilson

  Table of Contents:














  Where am I? My eyes are open wide, and I am immersed in shadowy darkness. I look down and see I am wearing a silky gown, which is sparkling in the dark. Ahead of me, there’s a single spotlight. I get up, the silk flowing past my knees as I tread barefoot towards the light.

  Soft motes of sparkles float down from an unseen glow in the ceiling; or the sky, I can’t tell. This is the strangest dream. Usually I just dream about work or what I had for breakfast. “Hello?” I call out into the darkness. I jump at the sound of a deep male voice answering, “Hello,” back to me. I’m not alone here. Something is lurking in this darkness. I stay in the bright circle, hopeful that it can protect me somehow.

  I’m surprised to see a shadowy figure approaching. His features are obscured but I can make out the outline of his body. He’s tall, muscular and long hair drapes to his shoulders.

  “Don’t be scared,” he says, even though it’s a little hard not to be scared. He steps forward into the circle of light, but he remains a shadow, and I realize that I’ll never be able to see his face.

  “I think you’ll be perfect,” he tells me.

  Wow, this dream is getting strange. Before I can say anything, his shadowy hand reaches over and he pulls down the straps of my gown, one at a time. Now it’s getting really strange.

  “What are you doing?” I ask, almost worried. I’ve never done anything like this before, not even in a dream; but, I figure that if it’s a dream, I might as well go along with it. I am fueled by strange curiosity.

  “Just relax,” he whispers. “I’m testing our compatibility.”

  Compatibility? I quiver under his warm touch, as his hands gently pull down the rest of the dress until I’m completely exposed. I don’t feel afraid here, only a soft warm sensation that flows through each breath I take, and the silk dress at my feet.

  He circles around me, inspecting me, and then I feel him press his body against mine as he reaches around, his fingers gently caressing my neck, then my shoulders. His hands spindle down to my breasts as he tenderly kisses my shoulder. He cups each breast with incredible softness, his thumbs rolling over my nipples. This feeling is incredible, every sensation amplified as his hands keep searching, running over my hips, then my thighs. My entire body is tingling as I can feel his breath on the back of my neck, making the hairs stand up straight.

  He pulls me closer into him, his fingers spreading towards a more intimate place as he spreads apart my lips. I lay back, my head on his shoulder and I’m breathing heavily now. He works his fingers around me until I’m warm and wet, overflowin
g with a desire.

  More, more, is the word I keep thinking until it’s practically echoing in my mind. He slips his fingers past my lips, exploring more of me as he fulfills my wish, inserting them deeper into me. I exhale deeply, reaching around to clutch onto his neck as he moves his fingers in an out, slowly feeling around inside. I’m almost dripping over him, warmth spilling from me.

  Suddenly, as if gravity has disappeared from the room, he picks me up with zero effort, and I float around to face him. He clutches my hips, pulling them towards his waist. I can feel something thick and rock-hard between his legs and he grabs it, teasing me with the tip of his dick as I wrap my legs around him.

  “I’ve never done this,” I tell him. “This is just a sample,” he says sensually as he keeps teasing. I’m overwhelmed with an unquenchable want for him to be inside me. I can’t wait any longer, and I reach down to grab him.

  He slides in easily and I feel myself closing around him, the sensation strange but so realistic for a dream. He bounces me up and down over him as he starts to float higher, and soon we’re intertwined in a sensual tangle. He grabs my ass firmly, spreading it in his hands as he works his way into a harder, deeper thrust. He’s hitting a perfect spot, and I lean back in ecstasy, taking him in as he keeps pounding in all the right places.

  I can feel myself reaching a climax as he throbs inside of me. “I can’t hold on,” I breathe, as I’m about to be hit with a wave of pleasure.

  Suddenly, we begin to sink. We touch the ground as he pulls out, leaving me unsatisfied.

  “I’m sorry,” he says. “I have to go, but don’t worry. I think I’ve made my choice.” He steps back into the dark, disappearing into the shadows.

  “Wait!” I call after him, and before he’s even completely gone, I hear a female voice saying,

  “Alright, wake them up.”

  The voice echoes through the dark room, and I look up to where the spotlight was. Instead, I catch a faint image of a woman with glasses, looking down at me. Screens appear to be everywhere on the wall.

  “Almost got him,” she says. Behind her is a sign on a wall, showing a strange triangle pattern.

  I try to memorize everything before I’m ripped through time and space, colors wavering past me and my eyes shoot open. I’m awake, disoriented, and back in my room. I’ve soaked through my pajama shorts and onto my bed. How could I have experienced such intense pleasure in a dream? Who was that shadow? Who was the woman saying she was going to wake us up? There was something more to this dream and I don’t even know where to start to try to figure it out…

  All I know is that that strange logo is burned into my memory, that strange arrangement of triangles…



  If I had to choose a section of the library that was my favorite, I’d say it was the rolling stacks. Deep under the dank staircases and through the hall where the dusty maintenance rooms and unused video archives lie undisturbed, is a room that hardly anybody at West Trench University knows about. It’s my most treasured secret. All I have to do is turn the crank to open one of the rows of shelves, and hunker down with my peanut butter sandwich and a good sized volume of ancient Egyptian hieroglyphs. It’s my idea of heaven.

  My heaven also has complete, absolute, silence; another treasure that I hold dear. It’s hard working in a university, especially since I’ve been out of it for a while now. The twenty-eight year-old me is too preoccupied with studying language these days, and less interested in the gossip of parties and stories of who-slept-with-whom. Here in the rolling stacks, none of that exists, and I can just be myself.

  However, I’m so distracted by whatever last night’s strange dream was, that I can barely concentrate on my reading. I’ve never felt such a strange and real pleasure like that before. Who was that mysterious shadow that made me feel like I was going to explode? What was up with all those strange screens around him? I’ve been trying to shrug it off, but I just can’t, and in fact I’ve been relishing every sensation I can remember.

  When I’m not tending to other library matters, I often spend time curating the collection of ancient texts that I’ve been building up over the past few months. I’ve been applying for grants and everything, just trying to get myself over to Europe to study other ancient texts. No luck so far. These hieroglyphs will have to sustain me until then.

  It’s not long until I’m buzzed back to the desk upstairs. I sigh and pack up my things. One day I’ll be able to do this for a living instead of helping someone figure out the Dewey Decimal System, which I’m not even sure I understand myself, at times. I make the long climb back to the lobby and take my usual spot at the computer. I adjust the nameplate on my desk: Lora Jameson, looking plain and flat against the faux wood grain.

  After checking some emails, I hear the click of the door opening. I recognize the figure immediately; it’s Preston, one of the teacher’s aides. He strides towards the desk, confidence dripping off him. He’s incredibly attractive too, one of the hot topics I often hear some of the students gossiping about between the shelves. I look up from my work, awkwardly fixing my skirt.

  “Hey,” he says, real cool. I manage to nod at him, quietly hoping he’ll go away. He’s the most attractive man I’ve ever seen, and talking to him sounds like the most painful thing in the world. Don’t get me wrong; I heard he’s very nice. It’s just that I’ve never been one with words, especially with guys. I’ve never been touched by a man, though secretly I long to be. Don’t even expect me to have a real conversation with one either. Preston leans over the desk, raising a perfectly-formed eyebrow at me.

  “Where can I find probability and statistics?” he asks. His voice is low and sensual, almost sending me off my rails. It’s too much; I completely forget what he had just asked me.

  “S-sorry?” I stutter, already hating this interaction. “Can you repeat that?” He gives a confident laugh, brushing off my faux pas.

  “Prob and stats?” He asks again. I come to, realizing he’s looking for math books. Suddenly, I draw a blank, my mental map of the library is completely erased as he looks at me expectantly. I notice his smile fades a little, which makes me more anxious.

  Luckily, a student comes by, a younger girl, and very attractive. She approaches him with such amazing confidence, striking up a conversation with him out of the blue. This is my rescue, and I’m both relieved and upset as I slink away towards the shelves behind the desk. Preston doesn’t seem to notice my escape, and I lean up against some old newspapers, trying not to freak out.

  This is what every interaction, I have with a guy, looks like. I don’t always run off, of course, but I certainly choke almost every time. I know there’s some confidence in me somewhere, but as soon as I muster some up, it evaporates completely into thin air. I know this turns them off immediately. I love my strawberry blonde bob. I’m pretty proud of my curves, and I’ve been somehow blessed with D-cups; but, the second my mouth opens I’m a huge mess. As I watch through the shelves, eyeing the student leading Preston towards the math section, I can only hope that soon I’ll figure out how to talk to people, well men.

  The library is closing for the evening, which means I’m left to lock up. I’m almost tempted to take another glance at the rolling stacks, but before I can even head for the back stairwell, there’s a knock on the glass. I assume it’s just a student, who forgot something, but as I draw closer, I notice that it’s two women, nicely-dressed in modern-looking clothing. They’re sore thumbs in this quiet town. I unlock the door for them.

  “Can I help you?” I ask. One of them, dark-haired with glasses, leans closer in the doorway, almost a little too forcefully. She seems oddly familiar somehow.

  “Are you Lora Jameson?” She asks. The other woman is just as intimidating, even if they’re both smiling. “We’d like to talk to you for a moment,” the other says. She has red-hair and a surprisingly dark shade of lipstick.

  I figure this must be work related.

  “I didn’t know I had anything scheduled today,” I tell them. They look at each other, almost laughing.

  “May we?” The dark-haired woman asks, looking at my hand nervously clutching the door handle. I step aside and let them in. They walk into the library with perfect poise, making themselves at home by setting up some paperwork on a table.

  “Have a seat,” the redhead says, and I listen, incredibly nervously. I feel like they know about my secret hideaway, and my habit of poring over books when I should really be working. “Ms. Jameson, I’m Trisha,” the dark-haired woman says. “This is Rebecca, and we’re here, today, to talk to you about an exciting opportunity.”

  My heart starts to pound. These might be women from one the grants, coming to tell me the good news. I’ll finally be funded, and I can get out of here.

  “What kind of opportunity?” I ask, trying to keep cool and calm.

  “It’s a possible promotion for you,” Trisha says, the glare on her glasses making her look a little shady. “We’ve looked over your files, and realize that you are compatible for our trial,” Rebecca says. “It’s also abroad.”

  “What’s the payment?” I find myself asking. They look at each other, calculating their answer.

  “Further details will be discussed on arrival,” Trisha says. “But we can assure you, it’s certainly an opportunity to use your skills to their fullest potential.”

  “Oh, so it’s an internship,” I guess, a little defeated. I’m surprised to hear them laugh.

  “If you’d like to, you can accompany us back to our employer, and we can explain more about what the position entails.” Trisha says. I think the idea of taking a job without knowing what it is sounds scary, but something about the way they look at me fills me with a burning curiosity. They push forward a stack of papers.


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