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The Avroxee Mates Series: Boxset Bks 1-3

Page 8

by Amelia Wilson

  “You can look over all of this later if you’d like, but basically it’s just a statement of agreement,” Rebecca says. I glance down at the signature line. How can I sign up for something I don’t even know anything about? I’m about to push the paper back, but something catches my eye. At the top corner of the contract is a logo, a strange collection of triangles creating a flower pattern. I recognize it immediately…it’s the same one from my dream.

  Rebecca and Trisha wait for me, glimmers of hope in their eyes. A strange mystery is unfolding before my eyes and I’m determined to see where it ends. I pick up the pen, holding my breath as I neatly sign the contract. They smile, almost with relief.

  “We’ll leave immediately,” Trisha says as they stand up. She waves at me to follow them, and I pick up my pace to catch up, locking the library behind me.

  “Where did you park again?” Rebecca asks as we saunter across the parking lot. Trisha scans the rows of cars, pointing to the farthest end of the asphalt.

  “Over here,” she says, proudly moving ahead. “Come along.” I could feel myself growing more and more nervous. How would these women have anything to do with the strange sensual dream I had last night? But that logo…I know for sure it was the same one. I saw it right there, so pronounced. I’m so caught up in my thoughts I don’t even realize that we’ve stepped off the parking lot, and are trudging through the grass. Rebecca sighs as she struggles in her high heels.

  “I’m driving next time,” she says. Trish rolls her eyes, holding up a strangely shaped key in her hand. She pushes aside a tree branch, revealing an ominously dark path that leads into a nearby cluster of trees. I freeze in my tracks. There is no way I am going in there. Isn’t this how people get murdered? Still, they eye me expectantly.

  “I know this doesn’t look right,” Trisha assures. “But I promise you, we’ll explain everything.” I don’t know why or how, but now I’m moving forward, into the trees, driven only by desire to find out what this promotion is.

  Trisha presses a button on her key and a strange light glimmers through a patch of tree branches.

  “Great cover,” Rebecca says sarcastically as she pulls off branches, revealing not a car underneath but something else. It shimmers under the moonlight, a strange purple vessel covered with thin golden glass-like material, almost like the shell of an insect. As soon as Trish and Rebecca toss aside the last branch, I’m stunned to see that it’s not a car…it’s a spaceship.

  Something inside me wants to scream

  “Hell no!” and run, but before I can, I feel Rebecca at my side, guiding me forcefully into the ship as a side door opens up. I squirm a bit. “I think I’d like to go back now,” I tell her politely.

  “Don’t worry,” Rebecca says as she shoves me into the backseat. They take their place at the front of the ship, squeezing into the seats of the cockpit. I start to panic, and reach for the door but it hisses shut as the ship whirs to life.

  “Where the hell are you taking me?” I shout at them. I pull at the door, flailing around in the back to escape. A seatbelt automatically slides out, locking me down for good. I instantly regret my decision. “Let me out!” I scream.

  “I knew we should have gone down the sedative route,” Rebecca says to Trish.

  “That’s so inhumane, Becca! Not to mention old fashioned,” Trish says, hitting her playfully.

  There’s beeping and buzzing all around me as my seat vibrates. The ship springs up into the air, and I’m pressed hard into my seat, gravity pulling violently at my entire body. Through the thin windows, I can see the city and the lights of the library fading softly into specks, and I soon find myself gazing out at the endless void of outer space.



  I love the smell of blood and sand. It’s incredibly invigorating. I rise up and grab my Avroxee brother, pummeling him into the floor of the arena. He squirms under me; his gasps heavy as he chokes for air. I’ve got him in a real headlock this time.

  “You’re gonna kill him!” Someone shouts from the stands. I laugh to myself at their concern. I’ve never killed anyone. I like to joke that I’m only eighty percent heartless. The Avroxee’s eyes bulge at me as I choke him harder. He’s got to crack sometime.

  Just as I predicted, he reaches up and weakly touches my arm, giving up. The gong sounds and I release him. He rolls over, coughing and gulping for air. Thunderous applause fills my ears as I proudly raise my arms, taking it all in. This is what fuels me, keeps me coming back for more. There’s nothing like a good fight to settle the nerves.

  “Asch has taken the final spot!” The announcer shouts from his stand. I watch as two Avroxee climb onto a ladder, placing a thick board with my name on it, above a whole roster of other contenders. “Come back next time, and don’t forget your coins!” The announcer continues, as the crowd loses interest and files out of the arena. They’ve seen their bloodshed, and I’m pleased to have been able to give them another stellar performance. I reach down and pat the fallen Avroxee on the back.

  “Next year, Cretz,” I tell him. Cretz rolls over in agony, his eyes narrowing at me with hate. I’ve made a few enemies here, but hey, that’s the business. I shrug at him with a smile as I make my way towards the holding room.

  A long time ago, the arena was used for the ancient Avroxee mating ritual. It used to be pretty rough, honestly, forcing women from other planets to become our mates. Sometimes Avroxee would compete for whichever woman they wanted. No matter who was chosen, the women were doomed to die. It was a pretty gruesome practice, but we used to be desperate in those times, with our population always in danger of dying out. Luckily, one couple managed to find a way forward: a human woman, Jocelyn, and an Avroxee called Krult. Since their discovery of the True Love Effect, as we’ve grown to call it, we’ve been mating for life ever since.

  I notice some new wounds on my face, but what else is new? I smile proudly at the thought of my name on that board, grateful for my tournament spot. It’s a tradition that’s held every year, and I’ve been training for years. I dream of what I’ll do with the prize money once I win, possibly get a ship of my own and take my career elsewhere. I’ve heard the fighting pits on Mantra are insane.

  I step out onto the street, trying not to stare at the crowds of couples in the busy marketplace. It’s been strange keeping women around here, even after they’ve provided an offspring. I’ll admit that even the marriage ceremonies are a little strange, promising to stay together, creating more offspring not just for Avrox, but for their own families.

  As I watch these women, multitudes of them from other planets, intermingling with the Avroxee, I feel a twinge of sadness. Everybody’s got someone these days. All I’m doing is waiting around hoping that one of them will be mine someday. Luckily I’ve put in an application with the matchmaking system. Soon I’ll have a mate of my own.

  I think I’ve found the right one, a busty girl with thick thighs and an incredible face. What more could you ask for? I can’t wait to get her on my lap, and to show her all of my trophies from tournaments. I’d go to work for the day, bashing heads and keeping my champion title, only to come home to those luscious lips begging me to hold her down and pound her until she screams. But, I’m really getting ahead of myself. I don’t even know anything about this girl that I’ve chosen, only what I’ve seen during the selection process. However, I know that once she gets a taste of me, she’ll be left wanting more.

  A courier startles me as he approaches me with a message.

  “Asch?” he asks.

  I nod and take the parchment from his hands.

  “From the Compatibility Center,” the courier explains, as he turns on his heels and disappears into the crowd of couples. I unfurl the document, discovering that in just moments I’ll be united with the mate that I’ve selected. I feel a slight chill run down my spine. I’ve been getting a little tense and it’d be nice to have some relief, if you know what I mean.

  The Compatibil
ity Center is a short ways away from the arena. It is part of a series of buildings that make up Avrox’s mating program. Next to it is the maternity center. I can feel my palms sweating just thinking about that place. Soon I’ll be face-to-face with my new mate, and once she knows that I’m her perfect match, we’ll be off to that maternity center in no time.

  The building looks much more high tech than anything else in Avrox, and it stands out from our clay buildings and ancient stone streets. We’re working on it though. Having permanent mates around has made us move away from becoming warriors and has encouraged us to be innovators instead.

  A woman, an Earthling, is waiting for me with paperwork. Her name is Trisha, and I know she’s one of the mates that have helped put together the facility. Also, she’s pretty hot, but I wouldn’t tell her mate that.

  “Hello Asch,” she says, looking over my file. “We did a compatibility test with you, just a few weeks ago, is that correct?”

  I nod at her. The selection process is so strange, and the facility uses the Avroxee’s natural powers to project our minds into others. Basically I just sat in a chair hooked up to some machine while I tried to find mates through the program, which is very time consuming. Maybe I’m just picky. Still, I was able to have a little fun, even if it was a bit weird having people watch.

  “Your potential mate has just arrived,” Trisha says. “Would you like to meet her?” I’ve never been this nervous before, not even before a fight.

  “Bring her in,” I say, a little too excited. Trisha smiles and the doors slide open.

  She’s the most beautiful creature I’ve ever seen, even more so than what I saw during my application. I can feel myself growing aroused just looking at how she walks into the room. I like the curvy ones the most, and it takes everything in me not to jump over the table and claim her.

  Something’s not right though… she looks extremely uncomfortable, and ready to run. Trisha urges her to step towards me and she does.

  “Asch, meet Lora,” Trisha says. I put out my hand since I knew she’s an Earth girl, and I wanted to impress her with my gestures. Lora looks at me hesitantly, her eyes wide with terror.

  “Is it my face?” I joke, pointing at the recent cuts I’ve received. “Don’t worry, they’ll go away.”

  Lora doesn’t seem to find this very funny. She glances at me up and down, and I realize that this may be the first time she’s ever encountered an Avroxee. Trisha nudges Lora to shake my hand, and she does so, her fingers limp in my firm grip.

  “I’m sure the two of you will get along just fine,” Trisha says. As I look into Lora’s terrified eyes, I start to doubt Trisha’s words.



  “When can I go home?” Has been the question I’ve been throwing around endlessly today. I had no idea this was all part of a mating program scheme. What is this even supposed to be anyway? So many questions buzzing around me, and I can only hope they’ll be answered soon.

  After meeting my strangely colorful “mate,” I’ve been sent to another room, almost like a classroom, where there are other women like me. They all look as if they’re from other planets, and have strange features in all he colors of the rainbow in their skin and hair. I glance across the room and I’m relieved to see another human, like me, only to be horrified once she turns around to face me, revealing a pair of enormous bulging black eyes.

  Rebecca steps into the room. She pulls up a large plastic curtain behind her, revealing a list of bullet points laid out on a board.

  “Welcome Ladies,” Rebecca says excitedly. “Today we’re going to have a great talk about the Avroxee Mates’ Program, and everything you need to know about being a mate.” Her energy is off the charts, as if we’re learning how to bake cupcakes instead of being held against our will. I’m surprised to note that all the females in the room are clapping, which makes me wonder if I’m the only one here against my will.

  Rebecca hastily points to the first bullet point on the board, which reads “One week or you’re out!”

  “The first thing we’re going to discuss is your role during this trial period,” she explains. “You’ll have one week to spend with your Avroxee, where you’ll get to know each other, maybe even get a little physical.” She does a little flirty dance, and the women all whoop with delight. I sink further into my seat, dreading this nightmare I’m headed for. “But whatever you choose to do with your mate, and trust us, it’s not our business: what we’re looking for something called a ‘True-Love Effect’. This was cleverly named by the first Avroxee couple to discover it. You’ll recognize it as a soft glow around your Avroxee’s body, which has proven to have healing effects. Pretty cool, right?” Rebecca says, pointing to a diagram of an Avroxee, an alien with pale blue skin and bright pink eyes. This model has flowing dreads, tied up into a topknot, like Asch.

  “If you are unable to activate this effect by the time you leave, we’ll send you back to your home planet, along with a small compensation for your time and contribution to our research,” Rebecca says. I start to wonder if there are any loopholes, which I can work around, to get me home. Rebecca continues with the rules, going through each bullet point until finally we’re all handed a pamphlet decorated with hearts and frilly patterns. Inside is a long list of romantic suggestions of things we can do to “break the ice” with our mates.

  “So, your mate has already been given one of these as well,” Rebecca explains. I gaze down the list, my eyes widening with each suggestion I read from “dinner date” to “naked yoga” and a whole lot of other sexual activities peppered in between. I’m not prepared for any of these. I raise my hand.

  “Excuse me,” I ask. “But what if you didn’t know you’d have to do any of this when you signed up?” The whole room bursts into laughter. “Don’t be shy, Lora,” Rebecca says. “They’re just suggestions. Remember, our matchmaking system is one of the most advanced on the planet, with a success rate of over eighty percent! Your mate has chosen you for a reason, and we can all do our best to prove they made the right choice.”

  Everyone nods, except for me, and we’re finally dismissed into another room, a lounge-like area where a group of Avroxee waits for their mates, each of them holding a pamphlet like ours. The women all spread out, excitedly scanning the room before finding their correct match. I’m the last one, and as the crowd parts I can see a mountain of an Avroxee leaning up against the back wall. Asch. He’s brazen, his bright pink eyes staring intensely into mine, as if he’s about to tear me apart. His thick arms are crossed over his bulging chest, his muscles veiny.

  I make my way towards an exit, but Asch notices my attempt to leave. He swoops in beside me, wrapping an arm around my waist. He’s definitely handsome, I mean, for an alien. I’ve never really seen one until today. But this is all just too weird for me.

  “Don’t tell me you’re headed out so soon,” he says playfully.

  I want to say something, but I can already feel myself about to stutter. From across the room, Rebecca stares at me intensely, as if she’s challenging me to something, daring me to go against my contract. I should have read the fine print after all. I look at Asch’s face as he studies me right back, and my mind starts to wander. If we’ve been tested for compatibility and passed, then surely there has to be something between us that can work. I remember my dream again, the absolute pleasure I’ve experienced, and I realize that this towering alien in front of me was one who gave me that.

  I take a deep breath. I guess the least I can do is give him a chance, right?

  “What would you like to do first?” I ask quietly. He holds out the pamphlet to me, pointing to the first bullet on the list.

  “I thought we’d just take it simple and start at the beginning,” he says. Dinner date, not too bad I guess. “Then we’ll work our way down to doggy style—“

  I hold up a hand to stop him. We’ll cross that bridge when we get there. Maybe I won’t even have to step foot on that bridge if I�
��m lucky.

  “D-dinner is fine,” I mumble.

  Avrox isn’t exactly the most futuristic city. All the buildings are made of clay, with open marketplaces filled with Avroxee and their mates. Strange music plays in every direction, from instruments that I’ve never seen before. The streets are made of ancient stone, and the people wear simple garments here. If I had to compare it to any time in history, I’d have to say it’s almost an intergalactic replica of the Aztec civilization, minus the human sacrifices, thank God.

  We come to a small hut, with a decorated patio. Small strings of lights hang from the pillars. It’s very romantic, almost like a tropical vacation spot. Maybe it won’t be so bad here after all. Asch sits down at a table, sinking into his chair with a loud sigh. I awkwardly take my seat in front of him.

  “Well, here we are,” he says. “Welcome to Avrox. I hope your travels were alright.” I simply nod. I’ve never been on a single date in my life, and I didn’t think my first one would be on a different planet.

  “I’m glad to see you in real life,” Asch says with a smirk. “I mean, obviously we’ve met before, but I feel like it doesn’t count if it’s in your subconscious…unless you want it to.” He says the last line with a wink, and I feel a strange tingle spread over my thighs. I’m too embarrassed to even bring up the strange dream. I look around for a menu or something to distract myself, but there’s nothing.

  An Avroxee in an apron approaches our table. He talks to Asch in another language, possibly suggesting the restaurant’s specials. Asch finds one particularly interesting, and claps his large hands together with delight. The waiter leaves and Asch beams at me.

  “You’re going to love this,” he says. “It’s my favorite, so I just went ahead and go it for you.” Before I can even try to say anything he reclines in his seat. “Tough day in the arena today, but I finally earned my spot in the big tournament. You’re lucky enough to have a date with a true champion,” he says. I want to roll my eyes. He’s arrogant, a trait that I absolutely can’t stand.


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