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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 36

by S. K Munt

  ‘Exactly.’ He pulled her into his arms, held her lithe body against his own. There was no heat between them, but a gentle warmth he was beginning to recognize. One of friendship. ‘You deserve so much more than an arranged marriage, Pintang. You deserve a champion.’

  ‘And Ivyanne needs you to be her champion.’ Pintang pulled back. ‘I don’t get what’s going on? You two were like magnets last Saturday and then-’

  ‘Sherri happened.’ He grumbled. ‘She made a martyr out of my rival. I had myself all pumped up to fight and then suddenly, I’m facing off with an irreplaceable cripple singing Disney songs. Kind of takes the wind out of a man’s sails!’

  ‘We’re mer, Tristan. You shouldn’t be sailing, but diving deep. I know you’re tired but if that third wind doesn’t kick in soon you are going to lose her.’

  ‘I know that.’ Tristan winced as two more shots sounded in the distance. ‘But I can only dive so far alone! I mean- she won’t even swim with me!’ Tristan ran his hand over the silken skin of the ocean and stared beyond it to where his golden tail flicked idly below. He longed to take Ivyanne down to the coral, to watch her scales catch the filtered sunlight, see her hair cloud around her. If they could just be together down there, he knew she’d see the sense in them. ‘How am I supposed to think she’s imagining a future with me at all when she won’t do what comes most naturally to us?’

  ‘This might be a dumb question, but why haven’t you actually asked her yet?’

  Tristan looked at Pintang. ‘Asked her what?’

  Pintang rolled her eyes. ‘The question. The big one.’

  Tristan shrugged. ‘She found the ring when she thought I was dead.’

  ‘How romantic.’ Pintang elbowed him. ‘You telling me you can’t come up with something better than that?’

  Tristan smiled. ‘You know I could.’

  ‘So do it. Do whatever it takes to make her see that she wants to say yes. Ask her to marry you and if she doesn’t say yes, try something else! Try anything else! She’s hurting for someone to make her mind up for her, so be the one who does.’

  Tristan laughed. ‘You make it sound so easy!’

  Pintang smiled at him. ‘And why wouldn’t it be? You’re the guy who gets the girl, right? Every time?’

  He scratched his head. ‘I thought I was. But Link is really cramping my style.’

  Pintang rolled her eyes. ‘You survived a plane crash, for god’s sake! You’re not cut out to be her bitch!’ She touched his arm. ‘You were created to make her yours. So just fulfill your destiny already and prove that we Marked children are worth the hype. Please.’

  Tristan lifted his chin. ‘I am not her bitch.’

  Pintang laughed and slapped him on the shoulder. ‘There’s the fighter I love so dearly!’

  Tristan smirked. ‘I’m a lover, not a fighter.’

  ‘Then step up Romeo and end our suffering before one of us girls forces one of you guys to make the choice for our poor conflicted queen.’ She wagged a finger at him. ‘And don’t say it can’t be done. A locked door might keep Sahori out on a full moon, but not Sahori and I.’

  ‘Best threat I’ve had in a while.’ He joked, and his body stirred, rousing from it’s coma, no doubt because of the full moon. Pintang was glowing, and her words were cloying. Temptation was in the air, and he didn’t know if he was as fortified against it in his current state as he had been the previous month. He’d been hurt too much. Had his hopes raised only to be dashed. One more rejection from the woman who consumed his every thought and he might consider leaving his door ajar, inviting temptation in.

  But then he pictured stroking straight, dark hair instead of golden curls and tears sprang to his eyes. He turned away from the mermaid and towards the siren above.

  ‘But I don’t know...I like the grand gesture idea more.’

  ‘You’re going to propose?’

  ‘I’m going to end this.’


  ‘So okay….’ Sherri snuggled onto Loren’s lap and looked at Ardhi with a questioning expression. ‘I’ll be waiting in the car with Dallas and Callum while you go in?’

  Ardhi nodded. ‘Meanwhile Jade and Lorens will arrive in the bay at ten in Callum’s boat, making as much noise as possible.’

  ‘And we won’t get shot for trespassing?’ Lorens asked warily.

  Ardhi laughed. ‘She’s rich but she doesn’t own the bay. You guys will have a picnic basket and fishing rods. So although one of the mer will probably approach you and possibly even urge you to go elsewhere, they’ll see a date, not a threat.’ He leaned back against the couch. ‘That ought to draw attention long enough for me to get onto the roof via the fence.’

  ‘Why the roof?’ Jade asked, exchanging a nervous look with Lorens.

  ‘I’ve checked that place out every night from the forest this week-the top floor is a suite of some kind, and she’s the only one I’ve seen through the window. It’s her bedroom-and that’s where the crown will be.’

  ‘How are you going to get along the roof?’ Dallas asked. ‘Won’t you make a racket?’

  ‘Not as much as the thunder will.’ Ardhi smiled. ‘I’ll be able to start brewing a storm around six. That way, it’s gradual enough that they won’t suspect my involvement.’ He sighed. ‘It’ll be tiring to maintain, but I’ll be in the mangroves as I do it, deep enough so that I stay connected with the water. That will sustain me until ten, when I go for it.’

  ‘And how will you get in?’

  ‘Through the window. Ivyanne can’t stand confined spaces-I know that at least one of her windows will be unlocked, if not open.’

  ‘But ten is bed time,’ Sherri pointed out. ‘What if she comes up and catches you red-handed?’

  That was exactly what Ardhi was counting on. He’d been observing her lights out schedule all week, but he couldn’t tell Sherri that either. ‘The full moon will make them too paranoid about me to go to bed early. They’ll all be together downstairs, I guarantee it.’ He smiled. ‘I get in, I get the crown, and then I’ll get out as soon as Dallas knocks on the door, looking for Saraya.’ He turned to Dallas. ‘At eleven sharp okay? Not a minute less.’

  ‘I hate this idea…’ Dallas muttered. ‘She told me she was leaving town. Why would I show up there again?’

  ‘Because you dream of her. You crave her. You can’t live without her.’ Ardhi grinned, though he wasn’t sure how safe Dallas would be. If Saraya detained him too long, he might be there when Ivyanne’s ravishment was discovered-and he’d certainly be implicated. But that wasn’t Ardhi’s problem. He was risking his own neck-he didn’t need to worry about baby-sitting an adult mermaid too! ‘Saraya’s very vain and almost always up for a shag. Play up to that. You might be hypnotized again and turned out-which you’ll shake off fairly quickly this time, being mer, or, you’ll get lucky. Either way, your arrival will excite the entire household, and I’ll be able to make my escape.’

  ‘In the car or the boat?’

  ‘It depends on the circumstances-and that’s exactly why I want two options. But then again, I might be delayed and unable to communicate, or I might be able to just waltz out the front door. Who knows? That’s why I want you to leave at five past, and not look back. I might even head in early and scout the area first.’

  ‘And what if things go bad?’ Sherri asked softly. ‘Are you prepared for that?’

  ‘I am.’ Ardhi said seriously. ‘I can always just blow out the power with a strategically placed lightning bolt or find somewhere to hide until the coast is clear or failing that-fight my way out.’

  ‘I just hate being left out of this.’ Sherri confessed. ‘We’re a team.’

  Ardhi looked out the window, touched but knowing she’d probably change her tune if she knew what his real intentions were. If he succeeded, she’d find out eventually and he’d lose her. To his surprise, tears welled up in his eyes at the idea of her recoiling in horror.

  But like with Lux, his fondness for Sherri couldn’t sway hi
s need for Ivyanne. It had to be sated, and soon, before he lost centuries, and his mind to a heartless siren, as Luca had. He could join forces with the man-but he couldn’t allow himself to become him. And already, the fire in Ardhi’s soul was fading to coals. If he didn’t get closure soon, only ashes would remain.

  ‘I’m grateful for the way you’ve all agreed to help, especially to you Sherri-but at the end of the day, I started this alone, and I must finish it alone.’

  ‘And Lincoln?’ Sherri asked.

  ‘I’ve written him a letter.’ Ardhi patted his pocket. ‘I’ll find somewhere to leave it for him. But I need to know that Tristan’s really given up on her before I drop this bombshell or it could send her running straight to his arms.’

  Sherri exhaled. ‘I know I’m going to be a nervous wreck tomorrow night, but I also can’t wait to start again knowing that we taught that bitch a lesson!’ She furrowed her brow. ‘Though it’s going to hurt him, isn’t it?’

  ‘It’s going to kill him.’ Ardhi said cheerfully. But when he said that, he glanced at Dallas, noticing that the boy was looking more than a little concerned.

  ‘Are you okay with this?’

  ‘I am.’ Dallas stood. ‘Freaking out but...yeah. I can handle myself.’ He glanced at his watch. ‘I’m going to go call my parents okay? They keep a pretty good track of me and if I have to swim to another country well…best I give them some bullshit cover story now.’

  ‘That’s a good idea.’ Ardhi said, dismissing the boy with a wave of his hand. Silently, he was hoping Dallas said a decent good-bye. It might be the last conversation he ever had with his mum and dad.


  Tristan helped Sahori onto the boat on Friday evening before passing her gun up to her. He loved the way she moved-like the cross between a cat and a dancer and a snake, like she was boneless. She really would make a winning bride. Or a sexy ass geisha. He could certainly do worse, and only one better.

  ‘What is it we’re doing again?’ she asked, glancing around in confusion.

  ‘Garridan wants us to check the boat out nightly now given Ardhi’s tendency to hide in them.’ He glanced back towards the house and saw the other mers milling around the kitchen table, picking at Pintang’s gourmet nachos. No one was watching them.

  Sahori shrugged. ‘But why us? We’re off duty now and those nachos smell good.’

  Tristan smiled at her. ‘Because we’re the best,’ he hoisted himself onto the deck. ‘Wouldn’t you agree?’

  Sahori smiled and helped him to his feet. ‘That we make a good couple? Yes, of course.’

  Tristan laughed and stepped into her space. ‘Is that the full moon speaking?’ He’d gone to great pains to look good that night and had dabbed on extra cologne. He needed Sahori out of her wits to agree to break the rules for him. He felt bad for leading her astray, but he was getting desperate. And the more desperate he became, the more he felt like that marooned man again. His humanity was falling away, his inner demons rising to the surface. And those demons were demanding contact with a woman the way his wrecked body had needed food and shelter.

  And closure. Which he’d only find by embracing his true nature.

  Sahori smiled. ‘The moon, yes. What crazy things it does. I have been craving things I have not ever experienced…’ She touched his sleeve. ‘...A warm body on top of mine. Kisses to curl my toes….’

  ‘Sounds like you’re being easily distracted,’ he teased her quietly. ‘Perhaps we should continue this discussion below deck, hmm? I’ll give you a lecture about…’ he ran the back of his knuckle down the front of her black bodysuit. ‘... dedication to your job.’

  Sahori’s eyebrows lifted. ‘Are you offering to..?’ an awestruck expression dominated her pretty face.

  Tristan smiled. ‘A good guard needs a clear mind, and that’s something we can help each other out with here and now.’ He stepped around her and began to descend the stairs, smiling at her over his shoulder. ‘Come on down and let’s see if we can agree on a new arrangement to tide us over until the moon wanes.’

  Sahori didn’t respond. But her light footfalls descended the stairs behind him-quickly. Tristan grinned. He’d forgotten how much fun it was to be the snake instead of the one resisting the forbidden fruit.


  Ivyanne sat next to Lincoln at the dining table, reaching across and scooping a handful of delicious smelling nachos onto her plate with a trembling hand that didn’t know if it wanted to fondle or punch people. Tensions were high but aware that her attitude would decide whether they all killed each other by the end of the weekend, she’d pasted a fake smile on her face, and tried to look like a queen who had her head together.

  ‘Mmm Pintang this looks so good,’ Ivyanne said, watching the cheese separate into gooey strings between two corn chips. ‘Wicked even.’

  ‘I agree,’ Lincoln’s hand slipped onto her thigh under the table. It was hot and and heavenly against her bare skin. ‘I could devour every inch, right now…’

  ‘Don’t be greedy.’ Ivyanne looked at him sideways and smiled. ‘There’s a sharing rule in this house you know.’

  His mouth came close to her ear. ‘I’m damn close to agreeing to that if it means I get a taste.’

  Ivyanne glanced around the table, relieved to see that no one-aside from Grace-was paying them close attention. Her wounded puppy eyes were too much for Ivyanne to bear. Like it wasn’t bad enough that she was breaking two grown men’s hearts on a daily basis-but a teenage girl’s as well?

  ‘Hey did you make a version of this without mince?’ Ivyanne asked Pintang. ‘I’d hate for Tristan to miss out.’

  ‘The vegetarian passed on dinner.’ Pintang said. ‘Old grumpy bum said he had no appetite.’

  Ivyanne bit her lip, feeling heartsick. ‘Oh.’

  ‘Yeah he has been in a foul mood lately hasn’t he?’ Adele remarked, pressing a corn chip into Price’s waiting mouth and then kissing his lips when they closed around it. Price moaned gently when Adele licked a dab of sour cream off her fingertip, and Ivyanne couldn’t help but wonder if Adele was well on the road to getting over Tristan and Lincoln. After all, the nauseating new couple were the only ones in the house who reserved the right to get into bed together without fall-out, aside from Bane and Marcus and Ivyanne had a feeling that that was already deal. The door to the theatre room had been locked the night before, music blaring from within.

  And Ivyanne was so jealous of both couples that she wanted to weep. Dreams had been assaulting her for days. The sight of Lincoln’s skin showing through the artful rip in his jeans made her shift in her seat. Seeing Tristan shower off after a swim the day before by the pool had made her want to lick him dry. She was definitely losing it.

  ‘It’s not like him.’ Grace said quietly, her sombre tone drawing Ivyanne back before she could start panting.

  ‘I can’t say I blame him.’ Bane said. ‘Things around hear have settled into a bit of a routine lately….a routine he’s conveniently been left out of.’

  Ivyanne flushed. Now it was her fault that Lincoln wasn’t on guard anymore too?

  ‘Yeah well he volunteered to split his free time between guard duty and managing a corporation via computer.’ Lincoln said swiftly. ‘He can resent the extra time I get with Ivyanne while I covet his bank account, but at the end of the day, we’re still chasing a tail that fluke-slaps us when we get too close. The fact that I’m closer just means that I’m getting slapped back more often.’

  Grace giggled. ‘Poor Lincoln.When you need someone to kiss the bruises better…’

  Ivyanne gave her a withering look. ‘I swear you’re as bad as your uncle.’

  ‘And probably as good too.’ Grace winked. ‘Just waiting for confirmation. Know anyone with some free time, Lincoln? The full moon can be a very valid scapegoat.’

  ‘Knock it off, Lolita-it’s a blue moon you’re waiting on, not full.’ Lincoln said, but he was bright red as he looked away. ‘Where is Tristan anyway?’

  ‘Down at the yacht with Sahori checking it over.’ Dalton said, leaning across the table and scooping a spoonful of guacamole onto his plate. The blonde highlights in is dark hair shone in the light. ‘They went down about twenty minutes ago.’

  ‘Must be doing a thorough check.’ Saraya commented.

  ‘Why’s he doing that?’ Garridan asked as he spooned guacamole onto his plate.

  Ivyanne took a bite of her corn chip. Lincoln’s hand was now on the small of her back, rubbing it in small circles. It felt heavenly. Too good to tell him to stop.

  ‘What do you mean why?’ Dalton asked. ‘He told Sahori that you asked him to.’

  ‘What?’ Garridan scoffed. ‘No I didn’t. I told him I had Arulen and Ivor doing that daily. There’s no reason for him and Sahori to be down there, especially when they’re off-’ Garridan went silent.

  Ivyanne’s head snapped up. ‘Off? They’re off duty and working anyway?’

  ‘On a task you didn’t assign?’ Adele repeated.

  ‘On a boat alone?’ Grace pointed out.

  Ivyanne’s eyes met Garridan’s, but he looked away, his cheeks reddening slightly as he casually glanced out the window. ‘Hmm... maybe I did ask him to and I just…’

  Ivyanne’s heart flipped in her chest. She stood up from her seat and flung her napkin down on her plate, staring at Dalton. ‘How long ago did they go down there on this fake, private task?’

  Adele had a hand over her mouth as she craned her neck to look out into the night. Beside her, Pintang looked intrigued.

  ‘Uh... um.. ten minutes? Fifteen max?’ Dalton stammered, looking worriedly at his dad.

  Lincoln snorted. ‘Well I’ll be-’

  ‘King.’ Grace whispered, her complexion wan. ‘Apparently.’

  Adele’s head hit the table. ‘Oh man….’ she groaned. ‘Tristan….!’

  Lincoln shot his ex a look of hurt to which she was oblivious.

  Ivyanne pushed her chair back, feeling her teeth gnash against one another as she wove around the crowded table and headed straight for the open door. She didn’t have to look behind her to know that the rest of the diners had also leapt to their feet and were hot on her tail. She didn’t care. As she approached the darkened boat, she could see it rocking slightly on the water. Arulen and Ivor were visible about twenty meters away, and the gasps of pleasure resonating from within the hull were enough to wipe her mind free of skepticism.


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