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Heads Or Tails (The Fairytail Saga)

Page 37

by S. K Munt

  Tristan Loveridge was a dead man.


  This is it! Lincoln thought as Ivyanne’s feet stomped along the dock towards the rocking boat and leapt onto the deck. He’d never been so enthralled in his life. Tristan’s about to be benched for the next eight years, if not indefinitely! Game, set, match-Grey!

  He stopped at the edge of the dock then flung out his arms, stopping anyone else from barging past him.

  ‘Wait,’ he commanded them. As good as this was for him, he knew that Ivyanne was going to be hurt and upset, and possibly humiliated. Now was not the time to crowd her.

  ‘What’s going on?’ Someone asked from behind him. Camus, who had been on the roof.

  ‘I’m not sure... but I think Tristan’s about to go down.’ Pintang whispered. ‘Hard.’

  ‘Oh.’ Camus said softly. ‘Who’s he in there with?’


  ‘This is terrible.’ Price whispered to Adele beside him. ‘I was really praying that-’

  Lincoln glanced over his shoulder and shot Price a dirty look. ‘Do you mind?’ he asked gruffly.

  Price winced. ‘Sorry. But hey, looks like the best man wins after all.’

  Lincoln was slightly mollified by that. He grunted and turned back in time to see Ivyanne fling the cabin door open with a crack. Lincoln grinned. The noises inside were unmistakable-either Tristan and Sahori were having a violent arm wrestle in there, or Tristan had allowed the Japanese beauty to drag him over the line in the sand.

  Ivyanne’s expression was gruesome as she peered into the darkness.

  ‘Hey!’ She exclaimed. ‘Play time is over!’

  Then there was a flurry of movement, followed by an indignant shriek and a shadow flying through the air- Sahori. Ivyanne had pulled her clear of the cabin and flung her onto the upper deck behind her!

  There were gasps from behind Lincoln and he felt the sensation of being jostled, like someone was trying to get a look over his head, but he held them back. Ivyanne was about to kick Tristan’s ass-and he wasn’t going to be jockeying for a good view of it!

  There was a curse-a foreign one Lincoln didn’t understand, and his heart skipped a beat when Sahori hit the ground, flipped feet over head, and emerged in a crouched position, eyes narrowed to slits-hands up in a defensive stance right out of a Kung Fu movie. She looked dangerous, with her hair coming unpinned, and her short, incredibly solicitous skirt hiked up to just under her hips.

  If Ivyanne was concerned for her welfare, she didn’t show it. She stood, hands on hips, head cocked to the side. ‘That’s it Miss Saigon-just try it!’

  ‘Cool,’ Adele whispered. ‘I’ve been waiting for her to crack.’

  Sahori’s eyes widened, and she dropped her hands, followed by her arms, straightening. ‘Your majesty!’ she exclaimed. ‘What is the meaning of this?!’

  Ivyanne’s eyes bugged. ‘You need me to break it down for you?!’ she demanded, her expression incredulous. ‘I thought it was a Japanese custom to leave your shoes at the front door-not your decency!’

  Sahori’s mouth fell open and she back at the darkened cabin. Angry cursing was resounding from within. ‘Oh!’ Her face paled. ‘I am sorry, Ivyanne. We just thought perhaps that outside would be more appropriate than under your roof! Tristan said that out here-’

  ‘Nothing about this situation is appropriate!’ Ivyanne snapped. ‘Now put your guard back up-you’re going to need it!’

  ‘No! I will not!’ Sahori stood taller, dropping her arms to her sides, but the lipstick smeared around her mouth made a mockery of her earnest expression. ‘I am here to protect you-not to cause you harm, my queen!’

  Ivyanne sneered. ‘Let’s just see who harms who!’

  ‘Ivyanne don’t!’ Garridan barked. ‘We need her intact!’

  ‘Tough!’ Ivyanne snapped, advancing on Sahori. Under the light of the moon she looked like a fallen angel. Her dress was glowing white but her eyes were narrowed into angry slits. ‘She’s been challenging me with that little smile for weeks and now she’s getting her wish!’

  ‘Ivyanne don’t!’ Saraya shouted out, shoving her way past Lincoln. ‘You know it’s not Sahori you’re mad at! Put the blame where it belongs!’

  ‘No!’ Sahori exclaimed, glancing back at the boat. ‘Stay in there baby!’ She glared at Ivyanne. ‘That’s not fair to him-he’s well within his rights! It is I, who has broken my-’ Sahori’s protests were cut off as Ivyanne shot out her arm, pulling Sahori to her magnetically, grasping her by the throat. Sahori’s eyes bugged.

  ‘Don’t you tell me who I’m mad at!’ Ivyanne raged. To Lincoln’s horror, he saw her eyes overflow with tears. ‘You can both go to hell! I trusted you not to sacrifice your virtue with my-’ her voice cracked.

  ‘Your what?!’ The words ripped out of Lincoln. He stepped forward, to Pintang’s side. ‘Your what, Ivyanne? Friend? Suitor? Future husband? Part-time lover? What terminology are you using for him today, huh?’

  Ivyanne glanced at him. In her hand, Sahori’s face was going bright red, her eyes bugging as she searched for air-apparently she’d forgotten to catch a breath before Ivyanne had snatched her.

  ‘Do not make this about you!’ she snapped. ‘I knew damn well there was a chance that one of you would crack-either of you-but not like this! Going behind my back? Thinking I was too dumb to find out? I’m insulted! And I’m done! I could never marry someone so deceptive, not when I’ve been so honest at the expense of my own reputation!’ She turned away. ‘Do you hear that Tristan?’ She shouted at the cabin. ‘I don’t care how far you went or what excuse you have-we’re through, got it?! Now get out here and look me dead in the eye, you lousy mother f-’ Ivyanne’s mouth snapped closed. ‘Asshole.’ She finished.

  Lincoln wanted to jump for joy at that statement, but he was far too shaken by Ivyanne’s hysterical reaction to Tristan’s infidelity to leech any happiness out of the situation. Ivyanne was crushed-beyond crushed. Her pretty face was streaked with tears.

  Then, there was the sound of a throat clearing behind them. ‘I would come forward…. but first can you let me know what I’ve actually done?’

  Lincoln’s eyes slid to the door of the cabin, but no one emerged.

  ‘Oh shit.’ Pintang said from Lincoln’s side.

  Lincoln looked at her, then followed her eyes, back along the dock and to the area where the sloped grassy hill dropped sharply to the retaining wall which kept the tide off the land.

  Tristan was standing there, leaning against the lamp post which held the security camera, his blonde cap of curls shining like a halo above his smiling face. Lincoln’s heart sank as he saw just how expertly they had all been played for fools.


  Tristan had been lying on the grass in the shadows, staring at the stars above and contemplating his placement in the grand scheme of things when he’d seen the mob pour out into the night air, lead by their gallant and furious-looking queen. He’d glanced at his watch and said to himself: ‘Eighteen minutes. Not too bad at all.’

  Tristan had taken his time getting up, unable to hold back a wry smile as Ivyanne loudly defamed his character for all to hear while dangling poor Sahori over the water by the throat.

  Oh my queen... how wrong you are! He thought jovially as he’d sauntered down the slope and taken position before making his presence known. Pintang had been the first to look back, followed closely by Lincoln-who’s expression was so priceless that Tristan wished he’d filmed the entire thing just to watch it all in slow motion again.

  ‘Oh my-’

  His eye caught Adele’s who had also finagled her way to the edge of the narrow dock, and she clapped a hand to her mouth to hold back her laughter, her blue eyes twinkling with genuine merriment.

  Ivyanne looked up next. She glanced back at the dock first, her expression confused as her eyes skimmed over her entourage, and then followed their line of vision-directly to him. She had been bright red with fury, but now her complexion paled under t
he lamplight.

  ‘Tristan?!’ she squeaked. ‘What are you doing up there?’

  ‘Watching you.’ He said with a smirk. ‘You’re even more bewitching when you’re mad, you know that?’

  ‘But I-Ow!’ Ivyanne cried out, dropping Sahori unceremoniously on the deck, before nursing her arm in her hand. Sahori must have struck it to break her grip. ‘You could have broken my arm!’ She snapped at her guard.

  Sahori looked up, holding her throat, her eyes wide with apology. ‘I’m sorry-’ she croaked, yanking her skirt down. ‘You’d forgotten me-I couldn’t-b-breathe!’

  Ivyanne scowled down at her, then lifted her gaze to Tristan. ‘So if you’re there… then who….?’ She frowned back at the cabin. Then her face crumpled. ‘Oh no…..!’

  Tristan grinned and cupped his mouth. ‘Come out now Lachy-I swear she won’t hurt you!’

  Lachlan scrambled up out of the cabin, eyes wide, tucking in his shirt. His gaze went from his cousin, to the girl on the deck. ‘Is she okay?’ he demanded, racing forward and wrapping his arms around Sahori. His mouth was rosy from shared lipstick. ‘I couldn’t get my pants up babe! I’m sorry! If I’d known she thought I was Tristan than I would have said something!’

  Sahori shook her head, holding her hand to her throat. ‘It’s okay-’ she gasped. ‘I didn’t realize until a moment ago-and she was holding my throat too tight for me to explain!’

  Ivyanne looked ill. ‘You were with Lachlan?’

  ‘I arranged a rendezvous for them.’ Tristan said smartly. ‘Figured we didn’t all have to be miserable this weekend. Then I did some star gazing for awhile... thinking about how crazy that moon can make people act...’ he winked at her. ‘Never anticipated a live display though!’ He shook his head ruefully. ‘You honestly think I would be able to squash my feelings for you so easily? That I’d go behind your back before setting you free? Once again, I’ve been underestimated. But hopefully, this is the last time.’

  ‘You are full of shit!’ Lincoln exclaimed, pushing the people between them aside roughly to advance on him. ‘This wasn’t some misunderstanding-look me dead in the eye and tell me that you didn’t want it to play out like this!’

  Tristan cleared his throat, unable to hold back a smile. ‘My sketches were a little off, and I kind of hoped Ivyanne would be wearing a swimsuit at the time but...yes it went rather well.’

  Ivyanne’s hands went to her face, like she was trying to hold her brains in. ‘You wanted me to to….?’ She let out a scream of frustration, turning her face to the sky, sliding her hands over her eyes, breathing heavily and obviously trying to get a hold of herself. ‘I could have killed her!’ she exclaimed. And the next thing Tristan knew, he was flying across the water and pulled into one of her outstretched hands, where she shook him violently. Adele and Pintang got knocked into the water by his broad shoulders on the way, landing with squeals and splashes.

  ‘Do you get that?!’ The lovely, furious queen raged as she jostled him. His teeth rattled. ‘I was prepared to-’

  ‘Fight.’ Tristan said, covering her hand with his own, using his strength to force down her movements, breathing heavily. ‘For me.’ He smiled at her tenderly, not allowing her to break the gaze. ‘For once.’

  ‘Don’t touch me!’ Ivyanne cried, wrenching her arm free. ‘I hate you!’

  ‘Um, once again-you grabbed me, your highness.’ But Tristan stood back, holding his hands up in a pose of surrender. ‘Not that I mind, of course.’

  ‘Dude.’ Lachlan looked incredibly annoyed as he fixed his clothes. ‘Not cool.’

  ‘Tristan Loveridge!’ Garridan bellowed, pushing his way to the front of the crowd. ‘That was a dirty trick! Poor Sahori and Lachlan were in genuine danger two minutes ago-do you know what I would have done to you if a broken bone had resulted from this chaos?’

  Tristan glared at his uncle. ‘Oh shove a sock in it Garridan! Sahori would have handled herself, and you damn well know it!’ he stepped up to the other man, realizing he’d gotten taller at some unknown point over the years. ‘You wanted me to fight for her? Well... go get yourself some popcorn and enjoy the show, okay? Because I am not going to apologize for this!’ He turned around, frowning down at Sahori. ‘Except to you-of course. I thought she’d scream and Lachlan would come tumbling out-I didn’t realize she’d have you in a head lock before you could enlighten her.’

  ‘It’s fine,’ Sahori said stiffly, as Lachlan pulled her to her feet. ‘It was wrong of me, to act as I did, regardless of who I was with.’

  ‘Speak for yourself. If he wasn’t the hulk, I’d be trying to whoop his ass right now.’ Lachlan muttered, glowering at him with angry blue eyes.

  Pintang vaulted herself up onto the dock, water streaming from her clothes. ‘Please tell me that I didn’t give you this bright idea?’

  Tristan took her wrist and helped her to her feet. ‘Not in front of witnesses, I won’t.’

  She rolled her eyes and wrung out her shirt. ‘Thanks…’ she muttered. But her lips were pursed, trying to hold back a smile.

  ‘Well I still think you’re a complete asshole,’ Lincoln said. ‘Messing with people’s heads? Embarrassing Ivyanne? You fight dirty Loveridge and then wonder why no one trusts you!’

  Tristan lifted his chin. ‘I think I just proved that I am much more trustworthy than you were counting on. Besides you were hoping that I had hurt her. How messed up does that make you?’

  Lincoln eyes flashed, and his fist flew at Tristan’s nose. But Tristan had seen his shoulder twitch and ducked the arm, coming up behind his rival’s back and shoving him towards the boat. ‘That all you got?’ Tristan teased. ‘After three weeks of training?’

  ‘Nah,’ Lincoln dropped and a beat later, Tristan was landing hard on his backside, pain shooting through his tailbone. Lincoln had swung one of his impossibly long legs and taken Tristan’s knees out from under him. ‘I’ve got some other stuff too!’

  Tristan was stunned for a moment, and he almost smiled-impressed by Lincoln’s quick thinking and agility. But then there was a foot coming at his face and he remembered to be pissed off. Tristan caught it and yanked, pulling Lincoln down onto the dock, yet even as he was falling, Lincoln was already lifting his other leg to attempt a second kick. And though it missed his stomach, agony shot through Tristan’s still tender shin when it connected with his injured leg.

  Lincoln grunted, but whether it was in pain from landing on his hip, or triumph at Tristan’s wince, Tristan didn’t know- and Lincoln was about to be too unconscious to clarify! The reminder that his rival was gaining on him, finding his weak spots and using them to his advantage, made him see red. Before Ivyanne, he’d had no weakness! He’d gone forty one years without so much as a pimple and suddenly, pain was coming at him from every direction and Lincoln was the cause of most of it!

  ‘Stop it!’ Pintang exclaimed as she shepherded everyone off the dock behind her.

  ‘Nah-let ’em go. It’ll get it out of their system!’ Someone else jeered.

  Tristan jumped to his own feet, reached down and grabbed the collar of Lincoln’s polo shirt, holding his fist to his chin threateningly as he pulled him to his feet. The moon’s energy coursed through him, making him wild. ‘Had enough yet? You do know it’s pretty hard to hurt me, don’t you?’

  ‘You’re right-you’re strong.’ Lincoln grunted, gripping Tristan’s wrist. ‘But why throw a punch when I can just remind you of the way Ivyanne kissed me the day after you violated her?’ his eyes were mirthful. ‘Now that’s power.’

  Tristan’s teeth snapped together, pain radiating through his heart worse now that time had passed and his feelings had intensified. ‘Must have felt good,’ he shook Lincoln. ‘Not as good as when I had her in my arms in the pantry at your engagement party though! I should have just slipped a ring onto her finger then, and gotten some use out of all your planning!’

  The punch connected with the side of his jaw. It was actually a hard hit, harder than Tristan had been
hit in a long time and it rang his bells. He growled and brought Lincoln down and onto his steadily rising knee cap, grunting with satisfaction when Lincoln’s breath whooshed out of him, before dumping him on the ground.

  Lincoln rolled onto his back and gasped out a furious: ‘You’re dead!’ But suddenly, Ivyanne was between them, Lincoln’s collar in one hand, lifting him to his feet, her other hand squarely pressed against Tristan’s chest, forcing him back.

  ‘Don’t!’ she shrieked. ‘Not one more move! Either of you!’

  ‘Let him fight!’ Tristan exclaimed. ‘You knew this was coming, Ivyanne! You’re the reason we’re at each other’s throats-why not just let nature take it’s course?’

  ‘Because the next person who gets hurt is the one I’ll marry!’

  Tristan had been prepared to dive into the water and pull Lincoln in by the foot after him, but he halted at her words, limbs locking in place.

  ‘You wouldn’t dare!’

  Ivyanne sneered. ‘Try me.’ She dropped Lincoln, then dusted off her hands. ‘Watch me make a choice based on nothing but spite Loveridge-because I’m running out of other options!’

  ‘You heard the queen!’ Garridan said. ‘One more blow out of either of you-and you’re both outta here. Not just sacked, but evicted.’

  ‘Yeah guys-get a grip!’ Saraya said. ‘We united because of Ardhi-if you both love Ivyanne so much-how could you make her watch this?!’ She glared at Tristan. ‘Besides, the man has a gunshot wound Tristan-think!’

  ‘He attacked me!’ Tristan exclaimed. His bad leg throbbed where Lincoln had tripped him but he’d rather die then admit as much.

  ‘So? You’re the older one-act it and walk away.’


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