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Tough Break (FSCU Pitbulls Book 3)

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by Stella Marie Alden

  I should focus on my job whipping these Pitbulls into shape. At the end of last year, the old coach was more concerned with the scandal brewing than winning. The fact he was let go has left a bad taste in everyone’s mouth and CJ has an uphill climb to win the team’s support.

  I listen to his impassioned speech and chuckle. Damn, he’s good.

  Then, all of us assistants follow Coach and the team out onto the field where the familiar cheering tightens my gut. Not so long ago, the appreciation was for me. I recall another game, another lifetime, where the leather fell into my hands behind the goal line. I can still taste the dirt where I was knocked to the ground and my heart races as I hold the ball in the air.

  “Let’s do this.” Grinning, my boss glances over and punches me in the arm to bring me back to reality.

  “All over it, boss.”

  Despite a shitload of sound advice, our team is down by six at the end of the first half. They barely resemble the team who almost won the championship last year.

  When we finally control the ball, my star wide receiver fumbles, and I lose my patience from the sidelines. “Jackson! Get your ass off the field!”

  I take him aside. “What the fuck?”

  “I am so screwed. Call me out. You can’t let me play this game.” The player’s eyes plead with me as he shakes on the bench.

  “Why the hell not?” I pull him up by his shoulder pad and drag his sorry ass out of earshot.

  “I owe some guys a lot money.”

  I hiss out my breath then lower my volume. “Jesus, Lord Almighty. They asked you to throw the game? Who else knows?”

  “Just you… Listen, it wasn’t for me. My cousin? He almost died from rationing his insulin last summer. That shit is expensive.”

  Damn, I should turn him in but how can I? I know what it’s like to lose everything. I need to fix this fast. “How deep you in for?”

  “I have no idea. Every time I ask, the price goes up.”

  “We all got shit to deal with but it doesn’t give you the right to mess with your team. You stay here and I’ll tell Coach you hurt your knee. We’ll figure something out. I got a few friends in low places.”

  There’s no phones during the game so I wait until after we lose to call my dad. I explain the situation and he hands over the same name I used in college. Then, I stomp into the locker room where the wide receiver waits.

  “Call this guy, he’ll pay off your debts but it won’t be cheap. Unofficially, he’s now your agent and will be taking a healthy chunk of your salary if you get drafted.”

  “Isn’t that illegal?”

  “Christ, are you even hearing yourself? I’m trying to help you out in the only way I know how. Officially, this guy is your new trainer. Do I make myself clear?”

  “Yeah, crystal.” Jackson looks like he might cry.

  “Good.” Once, I used this man Shannon. He pretty much left me alone and it was better than starving. He also worked out a pretty sweet deal with a great team.”

  Too bad he never got to reap the huge payoff he thought he was due.

  This kid reminds me a lot of myself in college only with more talent. He has a good chance at the draft and I can’t let him throw it all away. However, I can’t have a player I can’t trust on the team. Fuck. I should tell CJ, but if I do, we could both be out a job.

  I understand how it feels to be on top of the world and suddenly, nothing but dog shit. I can’t possibly do that to another human being.

  The team sits through the postgame triage with Coach and I cringe when the wide receiver fumbles. Hopefully, it isn’t obvious to everyone else he dropped the ball on purpose.

  I take him aside. “I want you here, on the field, an hour before everyone else. From now on, I’m going to keep you an hour after, until your fucking fingers glue themselves to every damn catch.

  My man glares but doesn’t dare argue. I figure some alone time may get him to open up and I can better help him with his bigger than life problems.

  Our first game and first loss over, I shower, then stop for pizza. Even though we lost I see potential in the team and the hard knot in my chest loosens. I need to hit the books hard but the pretty grad assistant keeps coming to mind. It’s her turn to text back but she’s playing it cool.

  Finally, I give in.

  Me: Everything ok?

  Danni: Sorry. Been busy.

  So, do I ask her out again and deal with rejection or leave it? I hate this game we play. I text her, she ignores it for a couple days, and I do the same. I want her so bad, some nights I wake up in hot sweats, thinking of that perfect night of bliss. Recalling how badly I fucked up, I pace for hours. I should’ve told her how beautiful she was. I should’ve pulled her back into my arms and whispered sweet nothings into her ear.

  I’ve counted over two hundred ways to better end the evening

  Danni: Want to meet up for coffee?

  Me: K

  My first inclination was to ask if now was a good time, but it might make me appear too desperate. I put my phone on my bed as I lie back and stare at the stained ceiling, then go back to my book. I wait fifteen minutes before answering.

  Me: I got time now. U?

  Danni: How about 6 @ the Union

  I send her a thumbs up emoji then fist pump the air before checking the mirror. I change into a white shirt with a designer logo and a loose pair of khakis. It’s brutally hot out today and I don’t want to look melted before we meet up. I’m not a cologne kind of guy but put on a small spritz just in case. Hell, I haven’t been this nervous about a date, ever.

  The college is within walking distance but I opt for my car. Who knows, maybe she’ll want to go out after. My cock twitches thinking of her beautiful body, reminding me again, what I could’ve had if I hadn’t been such a moron.

  Entering through the double glass doors, I search the booths and tables for her pretty face and am rewarded with a wave and an open smile.

  She’s chosen a small table for two in the corner of the room, away from the rest. Heart thumping, I approach and lean in. I pause, giving her time to turn her head for a peck on the cheek and when she doesn’t, I brush my lips across hers.

  Our gazes connect and it’s so amazing I almost laugh as I sit. “Damn. It’s good to see you.”

  “It’s only been a couple days.” Her mascaraed lashes lift, her brown eyes penetrate mine, and my breath hitches.

  I’m operating without a playbook and have no idea what I’m doing. As far back as I can recall, girls have thrown themselves at me. Then, there was the accident and everything changed. Now, I realize I have no dating skills what-so-ever.

  “Ah. How was your day?” Good God, I sound like a fifties sit-com.

  “Fine. Yours?” She bites her lower lip.

  “We lost.”

  “I heard. Sorry.”

  “Thanks. But in a way, it was good. It was a wakeup call to the team. They weren’t meshing. We’ll have it together by the next one.” Reaching, I touch her pinky to mine as she slides an iced tea across the table.

  “No sugar, right?”

  Interesting, she must’ve asked her sister how I take it.

  “Thanks.” I sip and the liquid cools my dry throat allowing me to speak again. “You said you were busy?”

  I give myself a mental high five for the conversation starter but her eyes roll.

  “Yeah. I’m a graduate assistant. Shit. More like a slave.”

  “I get what you’re saying. Me too. Sucks, right?”

  “Wait. I thought you were an assistant coach.”

  “Well, not quite. I have all the responsibilities but none of the pay. I have one more year before I graduate. With a degree, I can apply for assistant coach but more than likely I won’t end up at a division one school. I’ll have to work my way up. Still, CJ gave me this incredible opportunity. I, uh, wasn’t doing so well before we met.”

  She sips on her tea. “How so?”

  I pause, wondering how much I want to s
hare and feeling pretty stupid for saying too much on a first date.

  Danni gives me an out. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want to. I understand.”

  How do I rephrase my personal story so it doesn’t come off sounding like self-pity? “It was hard to admit I had to start my life over. It pissed me off and sometimes I didn’t want to go on.”

  “Thus, the anger management course?” Knowing eyes penetrate mine.

  “Yeah, for one thing.” I snort out a fake laugh and don’t mention the drinking because it doesn’t sound too noble.

  Dannielle nods her head. “I’m still angry at my mom. She knew she was dying and yet never made arrangements for Karen. I always thought she had life insurance but nope, nada. She didn’t even have anything put away for a funeral. I had to put it on a credit card.”

  “What about your dad?”

  “Well, it’s complicated. He’s my mom’s second husband. Karen’s dad was her third and he tries to help as best he can but he never had custody so it’s weird. They hardly know each other. At least he helps me out with my rent.”

  She sighs. “It’s hard but getting better.”

  “Sounds like it.” I wonder if I’d be that selfless if I had a half-sibling. “So, what’s on your plate for next week?”

  “Oh my God. Do you have to mentor any clubs?” When her pretty brown eyes find mine, I snicker.

  “The football club.”

  “Shit. That doesn’t count. Is there really such a thing?”

  “Just a bunch of college fans who want to be involved. Why?”

  “I got assigned the Mexican American club and I have to meet with them tomorrow night but I have no idea what I’m doing. I’m supposed to meet with their officers, talk about their agenda, and discuss their budget. Did you ever do any of those things?”

  “Yeah. Why?”

  “I need help. Apparently, last year, they went unsupervised and aren’t very happy I’m more hands on. I think two grad-asses might be better than one. Plus, I think they’d listen to you. You’re more… authoritative.”

  I laugh. “Seriously?”

  “Listen, you’ve got a certain reputation already of not taking any shit which I could use. Say you’ll help.”

  “On one condition.”

  “Desperate here.”

  “Will you go out to dinner with me? A real date?” I take both her hands in mine. “Take a chance on me?”

  She bites her lower lip and lowers her gaze to the ice at the bottom of her glass. “I don’t think I’m ready…”

  Shit. “How about we take it one day at a time? Right now, right here, I want you more than I can say and I think you might feel the same. If we don’t investigate, we might miss out on something amazing.”

  I hold my breath as I watch her face, feeling as if my whole future depends on what she says next.

  “Just dinner?” Her lips purse.


  “Okay. The Mexican American club meets at seven, tomorrow.”

  “I’ll be there.”

  “Thank you.”

  After, we talk about her sister’s job, classes, and where we grew up. It doesn’t really matter because the more time I spend with her, the more I want to be with her and not just in bed.

  When we finish, it’s late and I drive her home and walk her to her door.

  Chapter 11


  I pause on my front step. “I had a great time.”

  “Me too.” He’s probably got the same thing on his mind. Do we kiss?

  His hand slips behind my neck and his mouth draws near, breath warming my lips.

  He already hurt me and will again. And yet, I can’t stop myself from wanting him. We’re so different and so alike.

  My eyes lock onto his and I tilt my head so our noses won’t bump. When our mouths connect, the sparks of desire ignite and my hands dig into his waist, holding us apart. I’d much rather grind into him but if I do, the flames will shoot sky high. On fire, we’d find my bedroom and in that direction lies disaster.

  He nips my lower lip, sending shivers down my back, then turns his head to take the kiss deeper. His tongue slides in and out. Someone groans, it may have been me but I can’t be sure because my brain cells have shut down.

  My hands, no longer under my control, slide to his back and under his shirt. Moaning, he does the same.

  The ridges of his muscles ripple under my touch, thrilling me as I recall my previous encounter with his beautiful body.

  As I press into him with abandon, our lower halves unite. We’re but a few feet away from my bed where we could take care of this yearning.

  He pulls his lips from mine with knitted brows.

  Panting as if we’ve run a marathon, we eye each other.

  Do I invite him in? Every part of my brain screams no while my sex throbs yes, desperate for his touch.

  Reading my mind, he presses my ear to his chest so I can hear how heart thumps. “I want you so bad but I promised to go slow.”

  “Mmm. You’re probably right.” I tear myself away but he stops me with a kiss on the nose.

  “Goodnight. Are you still taking the parenting class?” His voice penetrates the sexy mind-fog that happens whenever our mouths meet.

  “Yeah. I’ll be there.”

  Later, I crawl into bed and slide my hands to my swollen, wet clit. It takes no time at all to relieve the ache but I still toss and turn, wishing I’d invited the sexy grad-ass to my room.

  The next morning, I’m dying to sleep in but Karen and I need groceries.

  I hand her my cash and again explain my limited budget. “Buy meat and veggies with this or else.”

  “Or else what?” She frowns as she counts our meager allowance.

  “I’ll think of something which you hate and do it all week.”

  God. I am bad at this parenting thing.

  However, my threat seems to work and she does a pretty good job with just a little help from the list we made. It’s a small victory but one I cherish. Eventually, my sister will be able to live on her own.

  On Monday, she doesn’t want to go her volunteer job in the morning until I remind her how the animals will be left in cages all day. With that, she dresses and is out the door.

  The evening takes forever to come. I arrive early at the parenting class, hoping to see Chris and when he shows, he catches my eye. His beard and hair are damp and he smells of manly soap.

  He gives me a quick kiss and whispers in my ear. “Damn. You look fuckable.”

  “How about we meet up after class?” My heart races at my bold offer but I’m tired of waiting for him to make the next move.

  He moans. “Coach called an extra practice. How about tomorrow, after your club meeting?”

  “Okay.” He gives me a smile then follows the just-arrived Mrs. Griswold into the classroom.

  Soon, my teacher arrives where I share some of my successes and failures. It seems I’m not as far off as I thought. Even real parents struggle and while Karen is eighteen, in some ways she’s much younger. This class is exactly what I needed.

  Feeling cheered, I look forward to walking the assistant coach to his practice but my heart drops when I glance into the empty room next door.

  Mrs. Griswold looks up from her desk and waves. “You just missed him.”

  Chris’ sexy whisper lingers all the way to Tuesday when he joins me and the officers of the Mexican American Club.

  “I need to see your figures.” Asking for the third time, I plead with my eyes for Chris to jump in.

  The treasurer, Nate, a young man of about twenty, looks to the president, a senior. “I don’t see why. Our last advisor never even came to a meeting.”

  Their reticence drives me nuts. They must be hiding something. “Fine. You can continue to meet, just not sponsored by the college. I’ll be sending my recommendation to the president in the morning.”

  I stand and both the officers shout. “No. Stop.”

; Nate opens his laptop and pushes it my way.

  My breath whooshes out as I read. “A half million dollars in contributions?”

  “We’re working to move the children out of concentration camps. It’s for a good cause.”

  My boyfriend steps behind me staring at the screen. “Explain.”

  “Surely you’ve heard how the border detention centers remove kids from their parents?”

  “I have but where is all this money going?” I glare at the treasurer who opens a spreadsheet.

  “Some goes to a lobbyist in DC and some to an organization that buys food and clothes for the kids.”

  Chris points to the screen. “Send Ms. Hughes all this information. She needs to approve it.”

  After they leave, I’m left with a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach as I shut off the lights.

  “Are you really going to let them protest at the border?” My new lover slips a hand around my waist and kisses my ear.

  “They’re practicing civil responsibility. How is that a bad thing?”

  “Have you been down there? Do you know what it’s like?” Taking my hand, he stands close as I lock the door.

  “No. You?”

  “Yeah and it’s no place for college kids. The locals are fed up. They’ve been burdened with trying to feed and house the hundreds pouring across the borders. They see this as their only chance to stop the bleeding. They see it as a war.”

  “But to put kids in the middle…”

  “It’s not right, I know. I’m just saying, it’s really heating up and a large gathering could get ugly.”

  “I won’t stand in their way.”

  “You’re not thinking of going with them?”

  “Of course I am.”

  “Shit. I have an away game. Promise me you’ll be careful.”

  “It will be fine. Students stage demonstrations all the time.”

  He grunts under his breath something about not liking it.

  On the way to the parking lot, he takes my hand and kisses it. “I didn’t like how the treasurer didn’t want you to see the funding. That’s an awful lot of money.”


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