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Tough Break (FSCU Pitbulls Book 3)

Page 6

by Stella Marie Alden

  “Don’t worry. I’ll check it out. But it’s a good thing, right? Those children need someone to stand up for their basic human rights. Lawyers and lobbyists cost money. I’ll make sure we spend the donations well.”

  He frowns. “I understand how people think on those border towns. A bunch of college kids won’t change their minds.”

  “Surely, they don’t think putting children in cages is a good thing?”

  “Well, some do, as long as it gets the so-called vermin out of their town.”

  “Wow. Is that what you think?”

  “Hell no. But I come from a whole ’nother line of vermin.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  “And I didn’t expect you to. Listen, I’m late. I know I promised we’d have some alone time but coach called another practice and I got to go.

  Chapter 12


  I kiss her goodbye, still worried about the protest and by the time I arrive at practice, everyone is on the field.

  CJ points to his wrist. “You’re late!”

  “Sorry. Class went late.” I grab a stop watch, tap Jackson on the shoulder, then Russ, my running back. Maybe a little competition will do them both good.

  I set up a block for the forty yard dash and point.

  “Go!” They both struggle with sloppy starts.

  Huffing, at the finish line, they put their hands on their knees while I limp over and show them their time. “That’ll get you laughed out of the drafts.”

  The rest of the night, I squat next to them and point out how every muscle twitch counts. It hurts like a sonofabitch whenever I try to show them what I mean but the pain subsides as they start to perform better. We knock a full second off their time and I’m just getting started.

  My protégé, face red from the heat and exertion hangs back on the way to the showers. “Shannon paid my bills. I’m good.”

  I knew he would but the player has no idea what the guy is capable of. “Just don’t cross him, okay?”

  “Yeah, yeah, yeah. I got this.”

  Shit. I know he doesn’t but it’s not like he had a lot of options.

  Again, a twang of guilt hits me for not telling Coach. I owe him big time for this job and saving my life.

  Tonight, as I help store equipment with the team’s coordinator, I catch his ear. “We need to talk.”

  “What’s up?” He puts one leg up on a bench while I lean against the lockers.

  “If I tell you something, promise to keep it between us?”

  “It depends.” He crosses his arm across his chest.

  “I want Jackson to come to you on his own and for you to wait.”

  Frowning, my boss rubs his chin,. “Does this have something to do with that fucked up catch last game and you taking him out for a non-existent injury?”

  Shit. I should’ve known Coach would’ve seen through my ploy.

  I let out a deep sigh, wondering if I’ll be canned. “Yeah. The kid had some money issues, but for the right reasons.” I explain all about his family’s lack of insurance and how his cousin almost died by rationing his insulin.

  “Anyhow, I gave the receiver the name of a guy who’ll pay off his bills but take a bigger piece of him later on.”

  “Fuck. I am so not hearing this.” Coach’s eyes blaze and his fists clench.

  “Don’t bench him. I think he’ll learn his lesson.”

  He punches a locker, paces in front of the bench, then gets in my face. “How bad is this Shannon character?”

  “I used him. He’s a top notch agent except he steps in way before it’s legal. He helps out kids like Jackson who need money upfront.”

  CJ frowns. “I’ve heard of this shit before and don’t like it. Why didn’t you come to me and let me bail him out?”

  I dig my hands into my pockets. “Jackson’s a whole lot like me. I wanted him to come to you but he insisted he could take care of it himself.”

  “Is he in any danger?”

  “Not that I know of but I’ll keep my eye on him, on them both.”

  Coach shakes his head and points an index finger at me. “You’re damn lucky I don’t want to make waves my first semester on the job. You put me into a fucking impossible situation. This conversation never took place.”

  “Thanks, Coach. I’ll make sure he’s well taken care of.”

  “See to it you do. And Chris?”


  “You ever pull some shit like this again, you’re out on your ass.”

  “Yes sir.”

  When he shuts out the lights I’m stunned to still have a job. Maybe, my luck is changing.

  At home, I check my texts.

  Danni: Thanks a lot for showing up tonight

  I text her back and she doesn’t answer straight away so I hit the sack but wake in a cold sweat screaming. I’m pinned under a car, bleeding out, and my girl is the paramedic. She keeps telling me to hold on but I’m already dead.

  I climb out of bed and study the playbook until morning.

  Before sunrise, I walk a couple miles. Then, I run to practice, attend my classes, and practice again until late. CJ gives me a shitload of clerical work that will take hours to get through. I suspect this is my punishment but don’t dare say so.

  Fuck. A girlfriend is now officially on the back burner.

  Me: Coach kicking my ass. Sunday ok?

  Danni: Sure. What time and where?

  I want to text her my address and make love with her all night long. Instead, I search Google Maps for a local Italian restaurant.

  Me: Angelo’s @ 7?

  Danni: C U then

  The place is swanky and I’ll be eating Ramen noodles for a week but I don’t care. I want her to see me as a man, not a broken down former NFL player who can barely make ends meet. If I get this damn degree, things could change. Assistant coaches in Division One colleges do pretty well.

  Coach has me so busy, the week goes by fast and we win the next game hands down.

  He’s pretty cool by the sidelines but I’m nervous as hell.

  After the game, we always do a post mortem. In charge of Russ and Jackson, I explain how they could’ve improved their game. Most often, it isn’t physical, it’s mental. A lapse in judgement or a split second is all it takes to lose a game.

  Outside the locker room, my leg gives out, despite swallowing a couple Advil. I’ve been working it out a lot this week and it’s letting me know.

  Flat on my ass, I’m glad no one sees me until Danni runs up, all concerned.

  “You okay?” She squats by my side, like I’m some kind of invalid.

  “Fine. It just gives out sometimes. No big deal.” I brush off my ass and try to put some weight on my bum leg.

  “Here, let me help.” She slips her arm around my waist and I fucking lose it.

  “Jesus, stop mothering me woman! Just back off and give me some space.”

  Her face drops, her eyes go wide and as she turns on her heel, she starts to run.

  “Fuck!” I limp after her. “Danni. Dannielle. Come back. I didn’t mean it.”

  I fall on my face like the worm that I am and pound a fist on the dirt. “Shit!”

  Why the hell am I such an asshole?

  Chapter 13


  So much for my big surprise. After the game, I’d waited for him for over an hour, watching all the hot young men exit the locker-room one by one. Several hooked up with flag girls and cheerleaders and I was left alone with my thoughts.

  I almost entered the forbidden door but wasn’t sure if I was allowed. Besides, what if I walked in on naked players. That would be awkward. Finally, I gave up, figuring I missed him. He must’ve exited a different way.

  I returned to the parking lot where I’d left my phone on the passenger seat and texted him from there.

  As the gym door opened, I was so happy to see him. Then, my heart stopped when he crumpled onto the pavement.

  Why was he such a jerk?

  I wipe the tears away. The better question is… why do I fall for assholes?

  As I drive home my phone pings but I can’t look down until the next stoplight.

  Chris: I’m so fucking sorry

  Yeah, damn right you are. I was just trying to be nice and you took my head off.

  Chris: In pain.


  Chris: Hurts like hell. Makes me a bastard. Trying to stay off pain pills.


  The light changes, I do a U-turn and find him in the lot. He’s sitting in his car with one leg stretched long, his phone in his hand. I park close and roll my window down.

  “You are a fucking asshole, you do know that?”

  “Agreed.” He smiles despite a painful wince. “I’m really sorry. My behavior was totally assaholic.”

  I chuckle. “True. So what can I do to help?”

  “I got CBD oil at home. I’ll be fine.” Brows wrinkled, he pulls his knee up with his hands then folds it into the car and shuts the door.

  Almost as a second thought he looks up. “Want to share a beer? I got a couple cold ones in the freezer.”

  “Promise not to yell at me?”

  “Mmm. I promise to try.”

  I follow him through the narrow streets of Freedham, thoughts of that first night with him in my head. We park and I follow him up the stairs, careful not to help even though I fear his leg might buckle again.

  What is it with men and their pride?

  Once he’s settled in the living room with a beer, his face relaxes and he heaves out a sigh.

  “Better?” I’m almost afraid to ask.

  “Yeah, much. Thanks.”

  “Is it always this bad?”

  He snorts, face curled. “No, sometimes it’s worse.”

  He leans over and rubs his calf and I kneel at his feet. “Let me try.”

  His mouth drops open as if to complain but I reach up and put a finger over his lips. “Shush, for once.”

  I stretch both his legs forward, remove his shoes, and knead from his knees to his feet, marveling at the sheer size of him. As I glance up his face, his eyes are closed, a smile at the corner of his lips.

  My clit twinges as I work him some more, venturing above the knee to his thighs, watching his face. He leans back a little more and he moans as a bulge appears under his light sweat pants.

  Still kneeling, I spread his legs and kiss his inner thigh then up his leg and press my mouth to the hardness cramming to be released.

  He grows bigger still. His eyes pop open when I reach to his waistband and pull his pants down at the front. He lifts his behind so I pull them to his ankles and off.

  Boldly, I grip my hand around his base and lick his silky tip. I tease him with my tongue, enjoying how he grows with my every touch. As I suck, his fingers slide through my hair and he pulls me up his body.

  My knees on either side of him, my chest to his, he loops a lock of my hair and brings me to his mouth. His kisses demand more so I open my mouth. He growls deep within his chest. One hand slips down my back and squeezes a globe of my backside.

  There’s only him and me, a couch, and steaming hot kisses. It’s not enough but he holds me captive, setting the pace.

  I writhe against his cock, my skirt riding up until only my thin cotton panties are between us. He slips my dress over my head and searches for a clasp at my back.

  “What the fuck? How does this thing come off?”

  Chuckling, I release the plastic tab at my sternum and my breasts fall out.

  “Huh.” He examines the mechanism and slides the bra off to the floor.

  His mouth clamps down on one of my nipples and I gasp as he sucks. Then, he blows air onto the tip. A wave of heat crashes to my core and the nub between my legs aches for more.

  I grind down onto him but he lifts me up by my waist, and administers equal attention to my other breast until both are taut.

  “Perfect.” He rolls me onto my back, grabs my thighs, and places my legs over his shoulder.

  I try to squirm out of my undies but he’s not done teasing me. His fingertip plays over the damp fabric while I hiss through my teeth.

  When he slides the strip aside, I almost fall apart with want and I whimper. “Please…”

  “Sweet, sweet Danni.” He blows on my lower lips and his tongue slides across my quivering need.

  “Ah, ah…” Everything clenches, I hold my breath, and with the next touch of his mouth, I explode.

  He reaches to the floor, pulls a condom out of his wallet, and covers himself.

  My knees at my nose, my ankles pointed at the ceiling, he enters me fully. While I shudder, his eyes hone in on mine, dark with desire. He slides in and out, bringing me to a high I never knew possible.

  I arch up to meet him and our bodies crash together. His brows crease as he plunges. He stops, swells, and shouts with a final thrust of release.

  “F-f-fuck!” His weight falls onto me.

  He’s too heavy so I squirm out of my pretzel shape, stretch my legs outside of his and kiss him. He tastes of my sex.

  His arms wrap around me. “Don’t move. Not yet. I love how you feel.”

  “Me, too.”

  “Did I hurt you?” His index finger catches my tear.

  “No, no pain. You’re so intense, it’s all so much. It’s overwhelming.” I don’t tell the truth.

  The tears arrived because I know he will hurt me and I may not survive. However, for just this moment in time, I’ll ignore the warnings because he feels so damn good.

  His smile warms me to my core and I take a huge risk. “I really like being with you, Chris.”

  “I like you, too.” He slides out from under me and winces as he sits.

  “My hand covers his thigh as we sit. “I should be asking if I hurt you.”

  Leaning over, his lips slide across mine. “Only in the sweetest way possible.”

  His cock comes to life and he smiles. “How about something to eat and we try the bed?”

  Chapter 14


  After cleaning up, I kiss him goodbye, wishing like hell I could stay the night but that is not an option. It’s nine and Karen needs me home.

  Chris watches me climb into my car and when I glance in my rearview, he’s still in the doorway, waving.

  Damn, his stamina is incredible. The multi-orgasmic evening was a first and every muscle in my body is sore from our workout.

  Could he be the one? I allow my mind to wander. We’re so different, I can’t imagine us living together, let alone marriage. And what about my sister? He seems to like her well enough but having my sister around full time? Probably not.

  Best I leave those thoughts behind and enjoy each day as it comes.

  Smiling, I step out of my car and inhale his musky scent as I make my way to the kitchen door. Karen’s left the bread on the countertop and the peanut butter jar open. Sighing, I clean up and remind myself how when she first came home, she wouldn’t have fed herself anything but sugar sweet cereal. Although not what I put out for her dinner, I guess it was healthy enough.

  I tap on her door. “How’s it going?”

  She lifts her eyes and smiles. “Good, good. I got to help the vet today. He said I was good with the animals.”

  “You are.”

  “Maybe someday I can be a vet’s assistant.” Winnie-the-Pooh, her favorite movie, sounds from her laptop.

  “I bet you could.” Tomorrow I’ll look into what credentials she might need to earn a paying job.

  “Thanks for taking me in, sis.”

  Wow. That was unexpected. I sit on the edge of the bed and hug her tight. “I love you so much and I love having you with me.”

  My emotions on edge, tears well. If we’re to move forward, Chris will have to understand. As long as my sister needs me, she stays with me.

  I pick up my phone.

  Me: Home safe

  Chris: Thanks for telling me

  Me: See you tomorrow?

/>   Chris: Practice

  Me: Any free nights?

  Chris: After 9

  Me: Too Late

  Chris: Sucks

  Me: Weekend?

  Chris: Away game. Come?

  Me: Karen, no can do

  Chris: Damn

  Me: Right?

  Chris: C U after AM

  Me: AM?

  Chris: Anger Mgmt

  Me: Oh, okay.

  Chris. Nite, sweet, sweet Danni. Will be dreaming of you

  Me: Me 2

  Sunday, Karen and I go to the church on campus, then there’s groceries, laundry, and cleaning. Everything takes longer because Karen argues and fights me every step of the way. But I’ve learned in my difficult-teen classes how my job is not to be her best friend. My primary focus is her well-being and for her, it means teaching her to be independent.

  By Sunday night, I’m emotionally drained.

  While she pouts in front of the TV, I enter the sanctuary of my bedroom and give my lover a call.

  “Hey, what’s up?” His pace is quick and short.

  “Bad timing?”

  “No, just cleaning up. Practice went late.”

  I check the time and it’s after nine pm. “Yeah, I guess so. Is this normal?”

  “In a championship team, yeah.” Lockers bang shut in the background and he grunts, no doubt lifting something heavy.

  “Is there something you wanted to say?”

  “Ah, no.” Now I feel stupid calling him. Obviously, he’s busy and I interrupted him.

  “I just, you know, wanted to say goodnight.” And tell you about my day like I used to when I had a fiancé. Sometimes, I forget, the player and I only just met and he is not my ex.

  “That’s nice, real nice, Danni. Goodnight. See you tomorrow night.”

  “’Night.” Okay, so he wasn’t gushing over with love and affection.

  I fall asleep with mixed emotions. Is he the kind of man I want to fall for? Is it already too late? Maybe, I should play it a little cooler and stop chasing him.


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