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Page 46

by Mercedes Keyes

  "So, when's the date?" Bart asked, looking from his son to Sylvia and then back at his son again.

  "Well, dad…we really haven't discussed it much."

  "Don't see why not? You've had time for everything else, or are you not pregnant?" he directed that question to Sylvia.

  "Ummm, yeah…I am."

  "Well, then, what's the hold up?" he went on further to enquire.

  Shawn looked at Sylvia.

  "Well, you all wantin' a big wedding or a little one?" Gert asked.

  "I think something simple. This is, after all, our second marriage," Sylvia spoke up.

  "Well, kind of simple, not too simple; my first was as simple as it could get. Las Vegas…this one, I want it in a church," Shawn decided.

  "You do?" Sylvia asked, smiling.

  "Yep…and I want you in a really nice wedding dress. White…walking down the aisle to meet me."

  "Well, no better place than the church we attend each Sunday. Gert, get Pastor Hamilton on the phone, tell him Shawn's gettin' married in two weeks!"

  "Two weeks!" everyone in the room shouted at once.

  "Yep…that's long enough. You all best get to inviting who you're gonna invite now, that way they got two weeks to get ready."

  "Two weeks?" Sylvia's mind was rolling at that prospect. "But we have to be in court one day in the next two weeks, the case against Ray Olivetti."

  "That's one day," his father pointed out.

  "And we have Angela; we have to get a lawyer about her, because we're going for full custody of her."

  "Hmmm, that may take a couple of hours on another day," his father added.

  "And-and…we have plans…to turn my house into a bed and breakfast, and building our home across from it."

  "Sounds like mighty good plans as well, that's another day," again from his father.

  "Annnnnd, I have my doctor's appointment, right Shawn?"

  Shawn was busy grinning, sympathizing with her, but his father had made himself the dictator of this event, and he rather liked the way it was going.

  "That's another day there, little girl. So, let me see now, five days out of fourteen. That gives you nine days to get ready for your wedding. You women best get crackin'!"

  Bart had spoken.

  Sylvia looked up at Shawn, he winked at her. "Father has spoken, you best get crackin'!"

  Just then, Jake strolled into the kitchen when everyone was excited and chattering, heading for the refrigerator to grab a beer. "What's all the excitement about?" he asked, leaning back against the counter, cracking open his can of Old Style. Putting the can to his mouth and taking a long drag, his eyes going to Sylvia. She looked away, playing it off as if she hadn't noticed. Shawn was knelt before her, one hand in her lap, grinning up into her face as he stroked her hair from her eyes. Sylvia smiled down at him, refusing to look up, she could feel Jake's eyes on her.

  Derrick wasn't missing it. Neither was Shanna or Meribel.

  "We were all planning Shawn's and Sylvia's wedding. Your father says it's in two weeks," Gert stated, looking her son in the face. He lifted the beer to his mouth, took a few gulps and said, "So, all I got is two weeks, hmm?" He then grinned. His mother didn't, nor did Derrick, Meribel or Shanna. "I mean, to get ready…for the wedding."

  Shawn shifted around, still on the floor and looked up at him, his eyes narrowed. He hadn't missed the sly comment either. Playing it off, Jake lifted his beer to Shawn.

  "Congratulations, brother! Hell, with a woman like that…even I would consider marriage…well, almost." He grinned some more, winked at Sylvia, and strolled from the room. Shawn stood with his mind working. He looked back at Sylvia. "We should get back to the motel, you look tired, darlin'." Sylvia was only too ready to accommodate him. They would be back the next day to help with the bottling of the syrup, but for now, the day was long enough. Saying their goodbyes, they headed back to their room, promising to return in the morning again.

  Back at the motel, Sylvia changed out of her clothes, donned her comfortable nightie and laid down while Shawn ran to the IGA to get them something to eat. She was exhausted and just wanted to sleep. Dozing off, a knock at their door brought her back alert. She sat up, looked at the clock, Shawn had been gone for a little over ten minutes. She couldn't imagine who it could be. "Who is it?" she called from the bed. At first there was silence, and then, "Jake!"

  She got up from the bed and put her robe on, walking to the door and standing beside it said, "Shawn's not here, he's gone to the store."

  "I know," was his answer. "I saw him."

  "What do you want?"

  "Do we have to stand and talk through a door?" he asked, grinning, she could tell.

  "Yes, we do. I'm tired, Jake. I was lying down to get some sleep."

  "Wow…I would love to see you like that. What are you wearing?"

  "Are you crazy? Get the hell way from my door, Jake!"

  He was laughing on the other side. "Calm down, just kidding. Can't take a joke?"

  "Conversation is over, Jake, goodbye!"

  "You know…had I seen you first…you might have been mine."

  "Jake, I haven't known you for long, but from what I know already…I can easily say—no way—not my type! Now, if you will excuse me, I'm going to lay back down. If you say anything more, you'll be talking to the door."

  She went back to bed with her heart pounding. She suddenly had visions of Ray Olivetti attacking her. For a moment, she imagined Jake breaking through the door, doing the same. It didn't happen. He only laughed, and got into his pickup truck, blasting a song for anyone to hear, Brother Louie by Stories...

  She was black as the night;

  Louie was whiter than white,

  Danger, danger when you taste brown sugar,

  Louie fell in love overnight.

  Louie, Louie, Louie, Louieee...

  Sylvia lay unable to get back to sleep, she was wide awake but she didn't move. Twenty minutes later, Shawn used his key and came into their room carrying bags, closing and locking the door behind him, he sang, "I got salad, I got potato salad, I got chicken, I got some pudding cups…" He was happy and grinning, setting the bag on the table, he climbed onto the bed and gathered her in his strong arms, "And I got you babe... I got you babe..." He hugged her tightly, Sylvia held him just as tight. "I love you, Shawn."

  "I love you, too, baby. You hungry?" he asked gently, quietly.

  "Not really; can we just lay here, like this, holding each other. Please?"

  "Ooooh, yeah we can... em hm, here let me take my jacket off." He sat up and pulled his arms free throwing it to the chair. Then undid the laces on his boots and kicked them off. Then pulled Sylvia back into his arms, laying on his back he rubbed her back, kissed her forehead.

  "You okay? What's wrong?" he asked.

  Sylvia couldn't speak, she only shook her head.

  "Hey, what's wrong?" he asked more urgently, lifting her face to look into her eyes; they were moist.

  "What's wrong, sweetheart."

  "I just…I just love you so much, that's all!"

  "Oooh, sweetie, I love you, too. You sure that's all it is?"

  She nodded her head against his chest.

  "Sylvia…" he called her name.


  "Has Jake said anything to you?"

  She gulped, wondering what would he do if she told him that he had? "Why would you ask me that?" she asked instead, for the life of her, she was not about to cause trouble between them. Shawn had a bad temper and she didn't know anything about Jake, other than the fact that he was an obvious selfish asshole, with no respect for his brother. They were rivals, so it seemed; she remembered what their mother had said. Jake had always needed to best Shawn, match Shawn, do what Shawn did, have what Shawn had.

  "Just checking…he can be a trip sometimes. I still have on my mind what he said in the kitchen. He thinks he's slick. If he ever says anything out of the way to you, you tell me! I'm not gonna be putting up with his shit! I k
now he's my brother, but I will knock the hell out of him about you."

  Sylvia clamped her mouth shut…they were getting married in two weeks, she would focus on that and the other things they had to take care of. She would just ignore Jake; he'd get tired of looking stupid and leave her alone. It was obviously a game he was playing. Little boy playing games. Shawn leaned down and kissed her nose, then planted a stirring lingering kiss on her lips. Sylvia pulled him down on her, kissing him back. With her heart pounding…she prayed that she was right.

  Chapter 49

  Deidre's hand shook as she signed the lease. Within her mind, she called herself a thousand different kinds of fool for even taking a look at the place once it had been brought to her attention that it was again vacant. She'd been looking for a place to stay, moved out of her parents mansion and was staying with her long time friend from school, Terra Conway. She'd gone into work as usual, while there, she combed the internet trying to find a home quick enough to satisfy the judge in Wisconsin. It was Terra who had called at her job and told her the old place she and Shawn had once leased had been available for about three weeks.

  Against her better judgement, she asked Terra for the number on the, for lease sign. Now here she was signing the lease, because once again, it would be her home, this time - absent him. The keys were handed over as well as her copy of the lease and the owner departed leaving her and Terra to stand and look around the partially furnished open loft apartment. She'd forgotten how big the place was. The owner had also modernized it, everything was shiny and new within the 3,000 square foot flat. One entire wall was brick with a fireplace for the center-piece of it, flanked by huge picture windows with a view of Wilshire blvd and all the business district. There was a large park not far in the distance, she and Shawn used to run together through that park in the mornings, she had been determined to keep fit even while pregnant. He went along to make sure she would be alright, fearful that her activities might jeopardize his child. She looked towards the other walls, the opposite one had no windows, just two closed in bedrooms and a enclosed bathroom. To her left was the open kitchen with all new Jenn-air appliances. The wood floor gleamed fresh from the stripping, sanding, buffing, staining and varnishing.

  "You know... I don't think it was a good idea for me to tell you about this place. It was just in the spur of the moment that I told you because I drove by, I didn't expect you to actually go through with leasing it." Terra spoke up watching her old friend battle regrets.

  Deidre inhaled deep and long and then looked at Terra smiling. She was a robust brunette, a snug size 16, with a Latin look about her. Her lineage went way back boasting of descendents from Spanish Conquistadors who played a part in reshaping this land. Her family came to California before it had been named that, staking claim of land where they resided still today. Yet with all of that history, Terra Conway gave it little thought, she couldn't even speak Spanish. Not unreasonable considering how much of her family had married into white, so there was barely much Spanish left regardless of how many native Indians also made up her genetic background. Blue eyes gazed fondly from the olive complexioned, pretty face.

  "I know... I shouldn't have."

  "Then why did you sign it?" Terra asked.

  "It was our first home together. We lived here when I had Angela-..."

  "Hello-o-o - I was here - if you remember... I think you're supposed to be moving forward, not backward? Getting this place, most definitely a move back."

  "Oooh I know... God - I just - you know - for some weird reason, I honestly thought - well - that he would just go on having frivolous nowhere relationships. That somehow - we would - suddenly realize - that - we should give it another try. I never thought he'd be able to move on so quickly." Deidre admitted walking to the kitchen bar seat and sitting down.

  "Girlfriend, look how long you two have been divorced! I mean - come on - if there was going to be any rekindling, it would have happened shortly afterwards, the more time goes by the less likely any re-uniting will occur. You should be over him by now."

  "Excuse me, he was my husband! I married him because I loved him. I had his child, we should have been together till death parted us! In which case, I would still be in love with him."

  "Well, he obviously didn't feel as strongly as you."

  "Thank you - its so nice to have a friend."

  "Who is just being honest with you. I've never held back before, no reason for me to start now."

  "Let me ask you something, and I need complete honesty from you."

  "You know me."

  "Did you know that my mother was after him?"

  "Yes I did."

  "You knew and you never said anything." Deidre pressed.

  "Look... it was your mother. Had it been anyone else, I would have."

  "How did you know?" Deidre asked, crestfallen.

  "I came to the house one day, the one you two bought and moved into, I had the swatches you asked for. Well, when I pulled into your driveway and walked up to the front door, I could hear them arguing from inside. Shawn was going off on her, basically telling her to stop coming to his home begging for a fuck-..."

  "OH MY GOD! I can't believe that - that - is my mother!"

  "Yeah... well, I couldn't believe it either. I was about to turn and leave when Shawn snatched the door open to shove her out and saw me standing there. Neither said anything more - she walked past us as if nothing were wrong, got into her car and pulled off. Talk about awkward discomfort. I just held up the swatches and said, "Um - Deidre wanted these... to order the furniture." He'd been painting at the time. He just grabbed them from me and closed the door."

  "I can't believe that all the times we've spent together, you couldn't find it in you to tell me! I feel like such an idiot!"

  "Well it's over now."

  "You're damn right its over! Had I known, it might have saved my marriage! Thanks for being such a good goddamn friend!" Deidre spat angrily.

  "She was your mother Deidre!" Terra defended.

  "Yes, well even more reason for you to have told me!" Deidre stood and walked to the door opening it to leave. Terra released a dramatic sigh and followed her to the door.

  "Look, I'm sorry - maybe I should have told you - but at the time-..."

  "Save it Terra - does me little good now. Its over - he's with someone else now. I need to get my own life in order."

  "Well leasing this place isn't going to help."

  "Deeds done, I've signed the lease." Deidre announced locking the door as they left.

  Heading down the stairs Terra followed and spoke her mind. "Deidre, look - I agree that now is the time to get your life in order...but... if you ask me, I think you should leave your daughter with her father."

  That stopped Deidre at the downstairs exit of the warehouse apartments. With her hand on the knob she watched her friend come down the last three steps to stand in front of her. "Are you saying that I'm not a good mother to her?"

  "I know you love her, there's no doubt in that. But don't forget who you're talking to now, I know you. You're not mother material... lets just face it. Some of us are, some of us aren't. There's nothing better for yourself and her, than to leave her with her father. Don't let your pride ruin your daughter's life."

  Deidre stood and stared at her friend, she wanted to angrily snap at her, but she couldn't... not when she knew that she was right. She turned and made her exit leading to the parking lot where they were parked next to each other. Terra remained quiet to let her think. At their vehicles, Deidre stopped to stare across the top of her two door, white Mercedes coupe.

  "You know Terra, I'll be honest. I've thought it... what you said, leaving her with him. Its just that it hurts to do it. I don't want my daughter thinking that I don't love her. That I didn't want her. That at the first opportunity I had to give her away, I took it. I feel as if I have to fight for her, just so she knows, that I love her. And I do... so much. She's him all over again, she's so beautiful - she's all th
at I have left of him."

  "Maybe Deidre, that's the strongest reason of all that makes you want to get her back. Because as long as you have her, in a sense, you still have him?"

  "No... I don't. He's in love with his fiancée - I mean really in love with her. I saw the look in his eyes when he looked at her. When she was sick. As much as he cherished me when we were together, I saw something in him I've never seen before. He was considerate, kind and good to me. With her, he's different. No... in view of that even having Angela with me, I know he would not be mine."

  "Then is it the idea of another woman raising your daughter, being the dominant female in her life? Is that what keeps you from letting go?"

  "Possibly. But I know Shawn, he's extremely protective of Angela, if Sylvia were not a good person, with hidden agenda's... there's no way he would trust our daughter to her. So, because he trusts her, I know she's trustworthy with her."

  Terra considered that a moment and then got into her car. "Come on Deidre... we can finish this discussion at my place. You need to pack and start getting your things pulled from storage and delivered."

  Deidre opened her car door and followed suit agreeing. Thinking about all of her stuff, all of her furniture and things from their house had been in storage since she moved out and went back home. She was excited now to get them all back and into her own home.

  * * *

  With her rooms locked from interruption, Georgiana sat with her heart pounding, her stomach fluttering and her nether region wet and throbbing. Short of breath she watched him in action. Wearing only a thin gossamer wrap, she knelt on her bed, breathing deep and shaky, touching herself - her motivation - the young Shawn in action in one of his porn movies. She'd been very careful to wait until Deidre and Oscar were out of the house. Days ago she'd gone into his study, opened his safe - the safe he thought safe from her. Not in her home it wasn't, she'd long ago gotten someone to come in and crack the code, giving her the combination. Thank goodness she had. Because the moment Deidre informed her of the tapes, inadvertently believing that she'd known about them all along, Georgiana's curiosity was triggered. There were six of them. She took them all, copied them and then put them back before Oscar knew of it.


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