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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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by Shelley Kaehr

  Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

  Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

  Shelley Kaehr, Ph.D.

  Copyright © 2005

  by Shelley Kaehr

  6th Printing, April 2015

  Printed in the U.S.A.

  All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from the publisher.

  A.R.E. Press

  215 67th Street

  Virginia Beach, VA 23451-2061

  Library of Congress Cataloguing-in-Publication Data

  Kaehr, Shelley, 1967-.

  Edgar Cayce guide to gemstones, minerals, metals, and more / Shelley Kaehr

  p. cm.

  Includes bibliographical references.

  ISBN 0-87604-503-4 (trade pbk.)

  ISBN 13: 978-0-87604-503-9

  1. Precious stones—Psychic aspects 2. Precious stones—Therapeutic use. 3. Minerals—Psychic aspects 4. Minerals—Therapeutic use. 5. Metals—Psychic aspects. 6. Metals—Therapeutic use. I. Title.

  BF1442.P74K34 2005



  A Note to the Reader

  The thoughts and opinions expressed in this book are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the medical or metaphysical philosophy of the Edgar Cayce readings or the policy of the A.R.E.

  Edgar Cayce gave readings for particular individuals with specific conditions; therefore, no part of this book is intended as medical advice, nor does the A.R.E. endorse any of the information contained herein as prescription for the treatment of disease.

  A Note About the Cayce Readings

  During Edgar Cayce’s life, the Cayce psychic readings were all numbered to provide confidentiality. The first set of numbers (e.g., “294”) refers to the individual or group for whom the reading was given. The second set of numbers (e.g., “5”) refers to the number in the series from which the reading is taken. For example, 294-5 identifies the reading as the fifth one given to the subject assigned #294.

  Edgar Cayce Readings © 1971, 1993-2007

  by the Edgar Cayce Foundation.

  All rights reserved.

  Cover design by Richard Boyle




  Part One: Vibrational Healing

  Chapter 1: Fundamentals of Energy Medicine

  The Seven Chakras

  Energetic Bodies

  Astral Layer

  Mental Layer

  Causal Layer

  Chapter 2: Vibrational Healing Basics

  How Gem Healing Works

  Cleansing and Caring for Your Stones

  A Word on Good Luck Charms and Talismans

  Part Two: The Elements

  Metals and Non-Metals














































  Part Three: Gems, Stones, and Minerals

  The Dream Continues . . .

  Stones of the Bible

  Breastplate of the High Priest




















  Other Biblical Stones




  Blue Chalcedony





  Stones from Lost Civilizations


  Tuaoi Stone



  Mexican Fire Opal


  The Question of Lapis

  Lapis Lazuli

  Lapis Ligurius



  Lapis Linguis





  Conclusions About the Lapis Family

  Part Four: Vibrational Healing for Self and Others

  Healing with the Stones

  Journey to Select the Stone That Is Right for You

  How to Give a Healing Session with Metals, Stones, and Gems


  Healing Others

  Conclusion: The Dream Revealed




  As with any project of this magnitude, there are many people to thank. First, to my great friends Dr. Raymond Moody and Auda Marie, thank you for introducing me to the A.R.E. and for supporting my work.

  To Charles Thomas Cayce, Leslie Cayce, and Ken Skidmore, thank you for your support and for commissioning me to do this project.

  To my many friends in the gem business, including: Charlie and Pat Mark, Steven “Crystalmaster” Rosley, Gary Fleck, Kayse Williams, Katchie Stewart, Bob Nelson, and Gary Kaufman, who have taught me so much.

  To the many gracious people who allowed me to photograph their stones and told me wonderful tales of the gem trade, I am deeply grateful. Thanks to Jimmy and Joyce Cacek, Neil Kinnane, Bob and Mary Lewis, Jacky Chan, Sandy and Trudy Craig, Theo Manos and Demetrios Constantinades, Anthony Frasier, Pat and Kathy Curry, Marc Jobin, Ken Allgier, Mike and Sandra Sprunger, and Rolfe Foxwell.

  To my friends for their love and support: Paul Martin, Joe Crosson, Gordon Morehead, Linnea Armstong, Cheryl Doyle, Kathy Brown, Michelle Burden, Victoria Wong, Lori Edwards, and Nancy Zak.

  And finally to my family: Mickey, Gail, and Mark, without you I would not be able to write and I would know nothing about gems and minerals. I THANK YOU!


  One night, a few years ago, I had a dream that I was being led down a dimly lighted tunnel with earthen walls. I followed the path and came upon a large open room where the figure of a man stood with his back to me.

  As the man turned around and I saw his face, I was stunned. It was Edgar Cayce. Although his eyes were open, he appeared trancelike as he spoke but a single phrase to me: The Maltese Falcon.

  I gasped, and that motion alone was enough to startle me out of my deep sleep. I r
eplayed the sequence hundreds of times in my mind over the next few days, wondering what it meant.

  I walked to the library first thing the next morning to retrieve a copy of Dashiell Hammett’s classic and began to read. It would take many months for me to finally figure out the significance of the book to my own path, and now the novel is indelibly engrained in my consciousness forever.

  Shortly after that, I began having a recurring dream about a beautiful beach I had never been to before. The serenity and beauty of it was unlike any I had ever seen. I grew up in California and North Carolina and wondered where this beach was since it was clearly not those places, nor any I had seen in Florida, or elsewhere in the world.

  Within a couple of months, I was at my parent’s house while they were watching a program on television featuring a segment on Virginia Beach.

  When I saw the long misty stretches of sand and the beautifully peaceful white buildings, I immediately recognized it as the place I visited in my dream. Still, I had yet to discover what it all meant.

  A few years ago, I wrote a book called Gemstone Journeys to teach people about my experiences in gem healing. Each year since then I travel to the Tucson Gem and Mineral Show to sign a few books, see friends and purchase minerals.

  My annual trip across the desert is like a pilgrimage to me now. It is a time for me to journey alone and reflect on the previous year, while planning the future.

  During last year’s trip, I was guided to take along the book Gems and Stones Based on the Edgar Cayce Readings, originally compiled by the A.R.E. in 1960. I somehow knew I was to begin to explore some of the gems and stones Cayce spoke about in the life readings by purchasing and working with them.

  That is one of the things I love most about this topic. No matter how many years you live, there is always so much more to learn. The mineral kingdom is so vast; I doubt it is possible to explore it all in just one lifetime. I certainly intend to try.

  After my desert journey, I was clearly guided to approach the A.R.E. about updating this material, and it is my great honor to do so.

  I have always admired Edgar Cayce’s work, not only because of his immense talents as a psychic, but because of the man himself.

  I am inspired by Cayce’s story of hardship and perseverance. No matter what happened he knew what God sent him here to do and did whatever was necessary to live life according to His purpose. For that, Cayce is a hero in my mind.

  In these next pages, we will explore one of my favorite topics as it relates to the greatest psychic to ever live—Edgar Cayce.

  Part One

  Vibrational Healing


  Fundamentals of Energy Medicine

  As is known, the body in action or a live body—emanates from same the vibrations to which it as a body is vibrating, both physical and spiritual. Just as there is an aura when a string of a musical instrument is vibrated—the tone is produced by the vibration. In the body the tone is given off rather in the higher vibration, or the color. Hence this is a condition that exists with each physical body.


  I would like to begin by explaining some of the fundamentals of energy or vibrational healing. As you know, everything in the universe is made up of basically the same things—strings of atoms put together in millions of different ways. Ancient Hawaiians believed you are really no different from the chair you are sitting on, meaning everything has consciousness, of some sort. What separates you and me from our kitchen table is the carbon element, which gives us life and soul.

  When you are born, you are in essence a perfect creation of the Almighty. You would think, then, since you are created in His image, that you would be able to live a beautiful, peaceful life filled with joy and love, right?

  The problem with that scenario is that if you were to have a “perfect life,” you would not have the amazing opportunities to learn and grow, which is why we came here in the first place.

  To believe in past lives says that you come here again and again to evolve as a soul and to gain different types of experiences. That is why we are often born with all kinds of blockages or challenges to overcome.

  Sometimes these challenges affect our physical body through health issues, or they can arise in emotional traumas.

  The Seven Chakras

  (Q) How may I bring into activity my pineal and pituitary glands, as well as the Kundalini and other chakras, that I may attain to higher mental and spiritual powers?

  (A) As indicated, first so fill the mind with the ideal that it may vibrate throughout the whole of the mental being! Then, close the desires of the fleshly self to conditions about same. Meditate upon “Thy will with me.” Feel same. Fill all the centers of the body, from the lowest to the highest, with that ideal; opening the centers by surrounding self first with that consciousness, “Not my will but Thine, O Lord, be done in and through me.”

  And then, have that desire, that purpose, not of attaining without His direction, but with His direction—who is the Maker, the Giver of life and light; as it is indeed in Him that we live and move and have our being.


  In Eastern thought, it is believed the body has seven primary energy centers called chakras. These chakras are located at various points within the physical body, and although you cannot see them with your physical eyes, they exist in the form of swirling vortexes that would look like colored funnel or tornado clouds, each one representing a different color in the rainbow spectrum.

  In the ideal situation, all seven of these energy centers are open and functioning at their maximum capacity. Usually, though, that is not always the case. Each blocked chakra helps to create the lessons you have come here to learn.

  The chakra centers are as follows:

  First Chakra


  Color: Red

  The first or root chakra, located at the base of the spine, connects you with the earth. It is the oldest, most primitive part of you, determined to survive. It is about your basic needs of food, clothing, and shelter. Blockages in this area make it difficult to manifest life’s most basic necessities.

  Second Chakra


  Color: Orange

  The second chakra, located just below the naval, is called the sacral. It is about sexual energy, the process of creation, and your ability to manifest abundance. Abundance is a word that means different things to different people. For one person, it may mean having a nice car to drive or wearing nice clothes, while for others it might mean having enough to eat and a roof over their heads. The lessons of the second chakra deal with the ability to manifest these things on the physical plane. Abundance is not just a feeling of having enough, but also it is a physical expression of what you have manifested, like that new car, for example. It is the difference between daydreaming about something and actually doing what it takes to go out and get it. It is about material manifestation. Creation is also ruled by this center—your ability to create things from scratch whether that’s a new art project or having a baby.

  Blockages in this area could lead to creative blocks, poor finances, or health problems in the reproductive areas.

  Chakra Chart

  Third Chakra

  Solar Plexus

  Color: Yellow

  The third chakra is located where your two ribs join right below your breastbone. The solar plexus chakra is all about your power and your ability to stand up for yourself and how secure you feel in the world on more of a mental level, than in the survival mode of the root chakra center.

  You may have suffered from stomach problems in your lifetime, or you know someone who has. It is a very common ailment, particularly in the world we now live in where power and greed too often prevail. Blockages in this area mean you are having a hard time facing things, or standing your ground. Another, perhaps even bigger problem facing our society today stems from an overactive solar plexus, which causes greed, lack of feeling or regard for others, and ruthlessness. The key to it all is bala

  Fourth Chakra


  Color: Green

  You may be surprised to learn the color of the heart chakra is green and not pink, but it really makes a lot of sense. Green is the color of life and of growth. In the springtime when the new flowers bloom and the grass begins to grow after a long winter, the feeling of renewal can make your heart sing. The biggest challenge facing mankind today is to learn the lessons of the heart. To learn to love and express our feelings in the face of fear of rejection or heartache is a continual challenge. Love is the reason why you are here. It is something I think we are getting better at, but there is still a long way to go.

  As you may imagine, blockages in the heart center cause all kinds of health problems including heart attack, stroke, and blocked or crooked arteries. Emotionally, they can cause people to be cold, unfeeling, or withdrawn.

  Fifth Chakra


  Color: Light Blue

  Each chakra center opens as you learn the lessons of that particular area, like a ladder; the lessons get more and more difficult as you move toward the top. Once the heart is opened up, then the lessons of the throat can begin. This is one of the most difficult to master of all. The throat center is all about how you express yourself to the world. Do you hold back your true feelings, worrying about getting in trouble or upsetting someone, or are you able to tell people, with compassion, how you really feel and not be afraid to do so? With all of the pressure in our society to be “politically correct,” this one is tough!

  Blockages in this area can cause all kinds of problems both physically and emotionally. Cancers, nervous tremors, thyroid conditions, and gum diseases can all result from the frustration of feeling unable to express yourself. Emotionally, these blockages can also cause extreme shyness or withdrawal or stuttering.

  Sixth Chakra

  Third Eye

  Color: Violet/Indigo Blue

  Have you ever wanted to see the future or to be able to read people like a book? These are the gifts of the third eye. Edgar Cayce said himself that this is something anyone can do with practice. I believe that in past lives we used these gifts freely and without criticism and that you can learn to do it again by simply remembering how it is done. Many of the stones you will learn about later in the book will help you open up to intuitive guidance.


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