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Edgar Cayce Guide to Gemstones, Minerals, Metals, and More

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by Shelley Kaehr

  Blockages in this area can cause life to be difficult. You may find yourself running into walls by not listening to the tiny voice within. These can also cause headaches and strain on the physical eyes.

  Seventh Chakra


  Color: White

  The seventh chakra center is the one that will connect you with your Creator and makes you feel loved and knowing of an eternal bliss to which you connected at all times. The Greeks believed when you incarnate that you agree to dip into a river of forgetfulness so that when you arrive here, you won’t remember all you already know and can come here to learn and wake up to all your gifts. The crown center provides that very subconscious link to the all that is in the universe that makes you feel connected to everything.

  Blockages in this area will cause severe melancholy and depression. Manic depression is caused by a continual flux between an underactive or blocked crown to an overactive or overly opened crown which causes the unpredictable depressive dips and extreme bliss.

  Energetic Bodies

  Now that you have the basics of the chakras, there is another area we need to cover briefly I call the subtle energy system, or energetic bodies.

  You and I are connected with everything in the universe, and now, besides just considering that statement as a new age mantra, legitimate scientists are actually beginning to prove its true.

  You have hundreds of energetic fields around your body. Haven’t you noticed how sad you feel when you hear someone died you don’t even know? Or you may feel overwhelmed with joy when you see an athlete at the Olympics winning a medal. It is as if you can feel what they feel, to a certain degree. There is a part of you that is connected to everyone at a very subtle level, which is why you feel that way.

  It would be hard to imagine the vastness of these energetic fields, so for the sake of simplicity, let’s say they consist of three layers: the astral, mental, and causal.

  Astral Layer

  The astral layer is the energetic field closest to your body. If there are any energetic blockages, those in this layer will be the first to affect your body and health. This layer is about the physical body.

  Mental Layer

  The mental layer is similar to the first, second and third chakra centers. It is about manifestation and creation, and as the term mental would suggest, the emotions. Blockages here could affect your material abundance and your survival, and it is here where you may be holding on to old feelings of anger, sadness, fear, or guilt.

  Causal Layer

  The causal is another word for spiritual. This layer is actually the never-ending part of you that goes beyond the emotional and third dimensional reality and connects you to the universe. Opening this area will bring you deep feelings of centeredness and peace.


  Vibrational Healing Basics

  Hence we find these as those things that should be in the form of omens about the body; not as good luck charms, but they may be termed so by many; for these are from those activities and sojourns that will make for variations in the vibrations about the entity, hence bringing much more of harmony into the experience of the entity in the present activity.


  There is a theory that there is a hologram of you lying outside of your physical body. It is like a blueprint of how you would be if you were in perfect health and had no blockages at all. Scientists now know you can store memories holographically around your body and those memories are lying somewhere out in the energetic bodies I have just described.

  This is particularly true of emotions. Illness is driven, much of the time, by our emotions. Energy work, or vibrational medicine, works to open up your energy centers, and release, transform, and heal the emotional memory holograms from your energy field so you have more life force to use on constructive purposes and you will feel much better.

  How Gem Healing Works

  If you have been familiar with Edgar Cayce and his psychic discourses for any amount of time, you know the importance he placed on “the vibrations.” This term is mentioned over 2500 times in his readings. Cayce eloquently explained the nature of vibration in the following reading:

  We know that all force is created by vibration. We know that all vibration becomes electrical in its action and its effect. That is, it either enlivens, bring greater vibration, or being under vibration becomes deadened or destructive to one or the other of the vibrations thus met.


  Cayce knew, even then, about all of the things everybody else is just now starting to realize—that you and I are made up of the same stuff as everything else in the universe. That means it should be obvious you are going to be influenced and affected by everything around you.

  You are affected by the foods you eat, the clothes you wear, your living arrangements, your friends and people you associate with—everything—because all of these things have different vibrations and some will help you while others can harm you.

  The readings continually go over ways to increase, assist, or stabilize vibrations. Each person is different, and Cayce knew that, so he would sometimes offer totally different suggestions to people suffering the same illness because he could read their vibrations and tell what would work best in any given circumstance.

  In this book, you will have a chance to explore many of these readings and remedies and use your own intuitive abilities to decide what feels best to you and what you think will work. You will empower yourself to heal, learn a lot, and hopefully have some fun in the process.

  When you change your vibration, you change everything, as demonstrated in the following reading:

  (Q) This will eradicate also the breaking out on the skin, Mr. Cayce?

  (A) Yes, the change of vibration, or change of forces in the system, will change these conditions in the body.


  When you begin to experiment with the different minerals in this book, you will start to see energetic shifts occur within your body. Any condition, whether emotional or physical, has to change when you change your vibration.

  Once you understand that your body is vibrating at a particular frequency, you begin to realize that for any illness to be held there, or any negative emotion to stay with you, it must have an energetic counterpart that is somewhere in your energetic bodies.

  The metals, gems, and stones you will read about in this book each have unique properties and unique vibrations about them. All you have to do is find one that will help you with what you need to transform.

  I am convinced there are only three things we all want in this world: (1) Love, (2) Health, and (3) Security—either financial or emotional. Everything in life can simply be broken down to one of these three categories. Not to belittle or oversimplify the complexities in which you live, but really, when you think about it, that is about all there is, and even the life readings reflect that because they are just about always concerning one of these three topics.

  Each one of the items you will see in this book holds a vibrational frequency that will align you in one of these three areas. Depending on what it is you need to attract—health, love, or money—you can find something in the book to help you do that.

  In gem healing, you will be bringing the stone, gem, or metal into your own energetic field—into your subtle energy system, or you will place the stone on one or more of your chakra centers.

  When you do that, because your body is very responsive, your energy system will begin to emulate or imitate the vibrations being given off by the item you work with.

  When you begin to change your vibration to match the gem, stone, or metal, you will attract to yourself the same things the gem or stone attracts to it. It is really very simple and yet very profound at the same time.

  Cleansing and Caring for Your Stones

  This leads to an interesting point—just like you have an energetic field around you, so do your stones. That is why they need to be cleansed.

  I mentioned earlier in the book that you have
various energy fields around you. Stones are no different. Everything in the universe has a hologram around it.

  When you handle stones or minerals, they will pick up energy from you by taking on some of your patterns in order to help you heal. When this happens, it is necessary to cleanse them.

  By far, the best and easiest way to clean your stones is by taking them outside and putting them on the ground. It is very powerful to put the stones in the light of the full moon to cleanse and charge them, or you can put them in the sun. Be careful, though, if you live in a very hot place like I do because bright sunlight will permanently fade and damage some stones, such as amethyst, fluorite, and carnelian. It is best on very hot days to put the stones out under your plants or trees out of direct light.

  When you put them on the ground outside, the energetic patterns they are holding will get dispersed in the earth and transformed to a more productive state. Just like fertilizers are negatives that help the plants grow, I have seen stones with negative vibrations used to help plants grow, too, just by putting them outside underneath the plants or trees for clearing. It is really amazing to see.

  Later in the book I will talk about the different kinds of salts that are also great to use for cleaning.

  A Word on Good Luck Charms and Talismans

  Ye are interested in seeking things—things unusual. Thus the study of those things that man has found will bring certain results when used in this routine or in that type of activity. These can only bring so much power as ye as an individual give to such things. For ye are a co-creator with thy God.


  In the next section you will begin to take a look first at all of the elements, metals, and non-metals found in nature, then you will explore the many wonders of the mineral kingdom.

  Before you begin, I want to mention one more important thing. As you look at the entries and learn what each element or mineral can do, remember what Cayce himself tried to teach us—that you are a totally unique creation and what works for someone else may or may not work for you. It is all based on the complexities of your soul, your akashic record, and the lessons you came here to learn this time around. Let the book be a guideline to you to help in your own exploration of self and through that, you will find the stones, minerals, or elements that are right for you to use.

  Toward the end of the book, you will have an opportunity to travel to a place where you will learn which ones are best for you at this time. You will also learn how to give an energy session to yourself and others, after you learn about all of the elements, gems, and minerals.

  Aside from the physical or vibrational reasons why stone and mineral healing works, there is a mental part to it also that is tied to your thoughts and consciousness.

  Cayce was adamant about making sure the stones he recommended were not seen as “talismans,” or “good luck charms,” as in the following reading:

  We find that the crystal as a stone, or any white stone, has a helpful influence—if carried about the body; not as an omen, not merely as a “good luck piece” or “good luck charm” but these vibrations that are needed as helpful influences for the entity are well to be kept close about the body.


  I’m sure Cayce warned people against thinking of these as charms because if you were to get to the point of believing in this stone so much that you thought you couldn’t live without it, that would not be very productive. The stone will help you because of vibrations, and if you believe it will, yet you do not need to become dependent on it, or on any other material possession.

  You have probably heard about the Hope Diamond and the alleged curse that befalls its owners. While it is true that energetic blue prints can hold on to objects, do you really believe the stone is cursed, or did the owners just happen to come on hard times and erroneously attribute them to the Hope?

  You always get what you think about, and because of that, if you think something will help you get better, it will. The contrary, as in the case of the Hope Curse, is also true. That is the amazing power of the mind, at its best! Together, your body/mind is like an incredible machine just waiting to be programmed to do exactly what you ask.

  There is an interesting reading about a turquoise ring. The original owner gave it away on her deathbed to her good friend, but the friend felt bad because the ring was too big for her to wear so she gave it to her other friend who had admired it for some time. Disaster struck quickly because the new owner had complications each time she put the ring on; so this, and other things, led her to Cayce for a life reading. In a letter written on October 28, 1946, she reported, in hindsight, about what happened to her when she wore the ring:

  Within a few days my finger became inflamed and itchy under the stone. Of course I removed it until it was well and then put on the ring again. After a few days the same condition returned and lasted until I took off the ring. I tried again and again to wear it but always with the same result.

  4009-1 Reports

  Cayce gave her a reading and she asked about the stone and what could be causing the irritation:

  (Q) Why does my little finger break out when I wear a certain ring?

  (A) The super-sensitiveness of the body to vibrations of this particular ring—from those vibrations that are a part of the ring.


  One could speculate that this ring is “cursed,” or haunted by the deceased owner who wanted her other friend to keep the ring. Or we can just assume that for whatever reason, the stone was not vibrationally compatible to the new owner. Either way, it is all in how you perceive it.

  Minerals and stones will serve you by acting as a tool for your unconscious mind that will represent whatever outcome or healing you desire. You have the power within you to heal yourself from head to toe. All you need are the proper tools.

  Let’s get ready now to start the journey into self-discovery and healing.

  Part Two

  The Elements

  Metals and Non-Metals

  For within the human body—living, not dead—living human forces—we find every element, every gas, every mineral, every influence that is outside of the organism itself. For indeed it is one with the whole.


  Hence we find, because the activities of the entity through the earth have involved and do involve the lives and activities of the many, the elements that are of nature’s vibrations would have, do have, much to do with the entity’s activity.


  When you consider the amazing world we live in, it is sometimes hard to imagine everything you see around you is all composed of the 120 elements in the periodic table.

  Cayce mentioned these elements so often in the readings, which should come as no surprise, because they truly are the building blocks not only of our world but of the known universe.

  In the next section you will explore many readings about these forces of nature and what Cayce had to say about them.


  As will be, as has been the experience, days and periods the vibrations from metals and their elements have a great deal of influence upon the entity.




  Atomic Number 13


  Aluminum is a metal obtained from the mineral bauxite, which was discovered in Les Baux, France, in 1827 by Hans Christian Oersted.

  Aluminum is a pure white metal with high reflectivity which means that most of the light that shines on it is returned to the viewer, a result of the light color. In its natural state, it is one of the hardest metals and is one of the most abundant of all the elements in the earth’s crust.

  Pure aluminum is an excellent conductor for electricity, and aluminum wire was previously used in home building until it was discovered to be a potential fire hazard because of the way the element oxidizes, or reacts to oxygen. Other commercial uses range from foil to automobile spark plugs to cosmetics.

  The crystalline state of aluminum is called
corundum, known in the mineral kingdom as rubies and sapphires, both of which will be explored later in the book. There are many other minerals containing aluminum including turquoise, lapis lazuli, and sodalite.

  In healing, aluminum can be used externally to assist severe circulation problems such as gout by wrapping aluminum foil around the feet and legs, and arms if applicable. The conductivity of the foil assists with the electrical flow of the body.

  Cayce Uses

  Aluminum is mentioned 153 times in 102 documents in the Cayce readings, proving it was considered to be an important element. Many of the readings talk about various recipes and remedies and warn people to avoid internal exposure to aluminum.

  Today there is concern about the link between Alzheimer’s disease and aluminum, particularly because aluminum is so abundant and impossible for us to avoid. Current daily intake for the average person is about 30-50 mg per day from foods, drinking water, and pharmaceuticals. Many food additives contain aluminum, particularly those in cheese.

  Although the Alzheimer’s Association recently reported that there is no certain link between high aluminum exposures and the disease, a recent study suggests that cooking highly acidic foods such as tomatoes in aluminum pans causes 3-5 mg of aluminum to be present for each 100g serving. Such trace amounts as these should not cause concern if it were not for the cumulative effects of the exposure over time.

  During Cayce’s lifetime, Alzheimer’s disease was virtually unknown. German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer told colleagues about a woman under his care in 1901, who suffered an unusual form of dementia. This 1910 presentation was the first time the disease was ever mentioned, and the research that followed ultimately led to the identification of the disease bearing his name.


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