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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 15

by Katharine E Hamilton

  “Me too, Brother. Me too.”


  Clifton sat on the edge of the hill watching the horizon for any sign of Samuel. The slight breeze teased his unkempt hair and one rogue curl grazed across his forehead. He absentmindedly swished it out of the way. The landscape smelled of fresh rain and rejuvenation and he found the overall scents calming. He caught movement near the tree line but nothing substantial enough to send him into a trot. He patted Henry’s neck and waited. He was good at waiting. He found patience to be one of his strongest attributes. He just hoped that in the instance of Samuel, his patience would pay off, as well as, in the case of Princess Elizabeth, he selfishly admitted.

  There. He saw it. The slight dance of a head along the reeds. He studied it carefully until it moved again. He then clicked his reins. Within a few yards, he dismounted. “Samuel?” He called. “Samuel, I mean you no harm.”

  The young prince emerged from behind a tree and cautiously stepped out. He eyed Clifton closely taking relief that the prince had not drawn his sword. “Hello, Samuel.” Clifton greeted warmly.

  “Prince Clifton.”

  “I have been wanting to speak with you.”

  “Me? Whatever for, my Lord?”

  Clifton held out a hand and waved him over to a small rock outcrop and took a seat on a large boulder. The young prince sat opposite him on the very edge of his rock in preparation for flight. Clifton made a conscious effort to appear even more relaxed to encourage the boy to do the same.

  “Samuel, I wanted to speak to you about your father’s kingdom.”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  “I shared my last encounter with you to King Granton.”

  The boy’s eyes widened in fear. Clifton held up a hand, hoping the boy didn’t bolt. “I assure you he means you no harm, Samuel. In fact, he has offered you sanctuary if you ever need it.” The boy sat speechless. “However, discussing our previous conversation with him, he has concerns about your father’s kingdom, especially the royal guard your father and brother are holding captive. He wishes to retrieve the guard but has reservations.”

  “He should not attempt a rescue, my Lord. My brother’s army can be quite vicious.”

  “I see. And how many guards does your brother’s army contain?”

  “I do not know, my Lord.”

  Clifton sighed. “You do not have any idea?”

  “No, my Lord. A week ago I would have told you hundreds, but we have lost many to the boundary line.”

  “Do you think you could find out for me? Perhaps you can give me some insight into your brother’s army and what they are planning?”

  Samuel shifted uncomfortably and lightly ran a hand over his worried face. Yes, the decision was a big one, traitorous in the eyes of his father and brother, but the young boy studied the prince from the East carefully. He seemed kind. And good. He turned swiftly as the sound of approaching hooves bombarding the quiet. Prince Clifton turned and a slow smile spread over his face as Princess Elizabeth slid from her horse to the ground. She wore a riding skirt of pale blue that Clifton recognized as the one that hid her trousers. Grinning, he turned to Prince Samuel.

  Winded from her brisk ride, Elizabeth smiled as she spotted Clifton speaking with who could only be Prince Samuel. She waved as she approached. “My apologies, my Lords.” She curtsied to both of them. “I did not realize this area of the meadow would be taken.” She smiled at Clifton and then turned her bright blue eyes towards Samuel. “You must be Prince Samuel of the Southern Kingdom. I am Princess Elizabeth.” The boy nodded shyly. She grinned and lightly squeezed his shoulder. “It is so nice to meet you. Prince Clifton has told me of your bravery and insight. On behalf of the Northern Kingdom and the Realm, I wish to thank you.”

  A blush fluttered over the boy’s face as he stared adoringly at the princess. “Well I will leave you two gentlemen to your discussions. Prince Clifton you know where to find me when you are finished?” She mounted upon Lenora and flipped her braid behind her as she looked to him for an answer. “Yes, milady.” She nodded at his response and flicked her reins and continued upon her journey towards her break in the tree line that led to her arena near the river. Clifton watched until she was out of sight and then glanced back to Samuel.

  “I will help you.” The boy stated firmly as if sight of Princess Elizabeth had swayed him. “But I must be careful, my Lord. If my brother or father were to find out, I would be banished or killed.”

  “Yes, I understand your risk, and I appreciate your loyalty to King Granton. Your help will not go unrewarded.”

  “Prince Clifton, I must tell you that my brother is aware of Princess Elizabeth’s hiding place.”

  “Yes, you told me this before.”

  “Yes, but I feel he will act soon. Lancer has angered him recently and my brother wishes to show Lancer how powerful he is. He feels by obtaining the princess Lancer will recognize his strength and rejection of the Realm. She must not be alone, my Lord.” Samuel rose quickly.

  “You wish to follow the Princess?”

  “Yes, my Lord.”

  Clifton waved him onward and walked with him, guiding Henry behind him. They reached the clearing and Clifton ducked under branches and emerged in the small clearing just as Elizabeth jolted from her seated position in surprise and raised a sword in defense. When her gaze landed on the two princes, she lowered her sword and sighed. “You two scared me. Did your mothers never teach you not to sneak up on people?” She teased lightly as she sheathed her sword and tucked the letter in her hands into her saddle bag.

  “Sorry, Princess, but Prince Samuel was concerned of your safety, so we ventured over immediately.” Clifton explained.

  Elizabeth glanced to the young prince and smiled in thanks. “That is most thoughtful, but I assure you I am alone as of right now, except for you two.”

  “Yes, for now you are.” Prince Samuel stated. His tone relaying that her peace in the clearing may soon disappear in the coming days. “You must be cautious, Princess. You must not come here alone.”

  She tilted her head and narrowed her eyes. “And why is that?”

  “For your protection, my Lady.” Prince Samuel stated, his gaze traveled over the small area searching for signs of disturbance.

  Clifton nodded towards Elizabeth’s trousers. “I see you have changed into your lesson’s wardrobe.”

  She blushed but waved his comment away. “If I am to be a master swordsman, Prince Clifton, I must look the part, don’t you think?”

  “Indeed.” He snuck a wink at Samuel, the boy smiling at the friendly princess.

  “Samuel, perhaps you and I can meet every other day here at the clearing?” Prince Clifton asked.

  Samuel nodded. “Of course, my Lord.”

  “If you hear of anything on your end that may prevent our meetings or disrupt the princess’ lessons,” Clifton hinted to Samuel, not wanting to frighten Elizabeth with talks of kidnapping, “I request you find me at the castle immediately.”

  The boy nodded. “Yes, my Lord. I will find the information you seek in regard to my brother’s army as well. It may take a few days, but I believe I know where to begin my search. I will send your regards to your captured guard. I believe he will find hope in the fact he is being thought of.”

  “Please do.” Clifton admonished and nodded to the boy. Samuel turned to make his exit and paused at Clifton’s voice. “And Samuel?”

  Samuel turned. “Be careful.” The boy nodded with a small smile of thanks and wandered off.

  Clifton turned to find Elizabeth studying him carefully, her arms folded across her chest. “You care for him.” She stated simply.

  “Yes, I do. He risks much.”

  “As do you.” She replied.

  He shrugged in response.

  “Well I hate to add to your worry, but we have bigger problems now than that of the Southern Kingdom.” Elizabeth stated on a sigh as she reached in her saddle bag and grabbed Edward’s letter.

p; “What do you mean?” Clifton took the letter from her hands and unfolded it, her brother’s regal handwriting filling the page. He froze, and his stormy gaze met hers. “Lancer can cross?!”

  “I’m afraid so.”

  “How?! When?!” Clifton paced back and forth as Elizabeth sat patiently waiting for him to continue. “This is grave news, Elizabeth, very grave news. We must tell our fathers.”

  Elizabeth shook her head and jumped to her feet. “No, we cannot. If we tell them, this place will become known. My father would put a stop with my time with Edward.” Elizabeth frantically ran a smooth hand over her braid and worried her fingers over the ribbon tied end.

  “We have to Elizabeth.” Clifton stated firmly disregarding formality. “This changes everything.”

  Nervously releasing her breath, she nodded. “At the next Council Meeting I will reveal the news and.— my letters with Edward. Until then, I will write Edward a letter letting him know of our decision. It is my news to tell, Clifton.” She stressed his name to emphasize her notice of his lack of formality when addressing her earlier and to emphasize her dislike of the situation. She cast a hard glance his direction. It was not his fault and she knew what he said was the right thing to do. But she did not have to like it. She huffed a breath of air out and then drew her sword. “Are we going to practice now, or shall I submit to an afternoon of dawdling elsewhere?”

  Clifton smirked at her aggravated attitude. He liked that the Princess was able to push aside her personal feelings for the sake of the kingdom, yet he also liked that she was not too hesitant on showing her true feelings on the matter. Clifton drew his sword and lightly tapped hers. “You? Dawdle? Why I don’t believe it for a second.” He taunted as she lashed her frustration out on him by combating with a swift lunge and attack. Elizabeth brought her sword in a round parry and kicked out, her foot planting firmly in Clifton’s chest as she pushed him back a few steps. He effortlessly blocked her blows and even managed to strike out against her with a few surprise swishes of his blade. She blocked him well. She was stronger, he thought. He lunged and swiped his blade close to her side and she blocked him, locking blades. She then rotated, turning her back on him in a spin that not only unlocked his blade but had him dropping it at their feet. Her eyes narrowed as she pushed him towards a tree, her blade at his throat. Panting and out of breath a small smile tilted the corners of her lips. She held him there a few minutes, her blue eyes blazing with fury. Not at him, he realized, but at the thought of Lancer’s threat. She was fighting Lancer, not him. She lowered her sword and took a deep breath, sheathing it at her side. Breathless, Clifton ran a hand through his hair and chuckled softly. “Not bad, Princess. I would say your anger makes you a master swordsman.” He reached into the front pocket of his blue tunic and pulled out the small white pebble and tossed it to her. “You are the victor this round, Princess.”

  She caught it midair, unsmiling, as she tucked it into her trouser pocket. “We should head back to the castle. I wish to prepare my letter for Edward in my chambers.” She tied her riding skirt around her waist to cover her pants and then hopped into her saddle. Without waiting for him, she clicked her reins and slipped through the brambles.


  Elizabeth entered the castle in a brisk wave of emotions and outdoors. Alayna awaited her in her chambers. Elizabeth whisked through her doors and slammed them behind her, huffing a frustrated breath. The idea of sharing her secret location with everyone had her heart twisted into a tight knot of worry and angst. Would her father understand? Would anyone understand why she kept her time with Edward secret? She ran a hand through her hair and worried it over her face, lightly nibbling her nails.

  “Is this a bad time?” Alayna’s voice cut through her thoughts and had her jumping back a couple of paces. She placed a hand on her heart as she gasped.

  “Alayna.” Breathless, Elizabeth attempted to relax and appear normal. “I did not realize you were in here.”


  “To what do I owe the pleasure of having the future queen in my chambers?” Elizabeth teased lightly as Alayna continued to regally sit at her vanity table. She lightly trailed her fingers over Elizabeth’s silver hairbrush and the soft bristles.

  “Alayna?” Elizabeth prodded, her brow furrowing as she studied her sister.

  “Oh, yes, I am here to discuss something with you sister. Please, have a seat.” She waved her hand to a small wooden chair across from her and watched as Elizabeth eyed her with suspicion and slowly eased into the seat.

  “I want to ask you something, Elizabeth, sister to sister.”

  “Alright.” Elizabeth dragging out the word as if she were unsure of Alayna’s motive.

  “Prince Clifton,” Alayna began.

  “He told you?!” Elizabeth bounded out of her seat, her face flushed with fury at the thought of Clifton betraying her trust and telling her sister of her meetings with Edward.

  “Whoa, whoa, whoa sister.” Alayna waved her hands to calm Elizabeth’s pacing. “Told me what? He hasn’t told me anything. I am here to discuss him with you.”

  Elizabeth froze. “Oh.” Her cheeks tinted a light shade of pink in embarrassment at her outburst and she slid nervously back to her chair. “Please, continue.”

  Alayna chuckled softly at her sister’s awkwardness. “Um, yes. Well, I was wondering if you had feelings for the prince. As in, do you care for him?”

  “Yes. I care for him very much. I care for all of them very much.”

  “That’s not what I meant.” Alayna stated.

  “I know.” Elizabeth countered.

  “Then why do you evade the question when we both know you truly have feelings for him?”

  Elizabeth blew a frustrated breath, her feathered bangs lifting lightly off her forehead. “I do not wish to leave the kingdom right now, sister.”

  “What? Why would you have to leave?”

  “If Father establishes a courtship between Prince Clifton and me, an engagement will soon follow. I will be married by month’s end.”

  “And this is not a good thing?” Alayna asked in confusion.

  “Yes and no. I would be honored to be married to Prince Clifton, but as soon as I am, I will be leaving to go live in the Eastern Kingdom.”

  Understanding dawned on Alayna’s face at her sister’s concern.

  “I cannot leave the Northern Kingdom right now. Not when interactions with the South and the Lands are so volatile. We need to be here to help. I need to be here to help.”

  “I see. So, you are not opposed to a courtship with the prince?”

  “Did you not just hear what I said?” Elizabeth asked in annoyance.

  “I did. And I understand your concerns Lizzy. But those are small matters. Your exit of the Northern Kingdom is flexible. You can stay as long as you wish. I feel Prince Clifton will not be willing to leave so soon either. I do not find that prospect a deal breaker at the moment.”

  “Oh.” Elizabeth replied softly and sat in defeat, her shoulders slumping.

  “You seem disappointed. Were you wanting me to put up a fight over the matter?” Alayna asked curiously, her steady brown gaze weighing her sister’s emotions.

  “No.” Elizabeth sighed. “I just have a lot on my mind at the moment, and I feel the turmoil is stealing away the joy of the day.”

  “Care to share with me? I’m a good listener you know.”

  “Yes, I know you are Alayna. I just… I have to sort some things out first.”

  “Well is everything alright?”


  “Do you wish for me to inform Father and King Eamon of your acceptance of a potential proposal of courtship from Prince Clifton?”

  “Do as you wish. I honestly cannot think of myself at the moment.”

  Alayna’s brow wrinkled as she worried over her sister’s aloof attitude to a possible courtship. Normally her spritely sister quite vocally expressed her opinion of such matters, especially when they regarded her. She
watched Elizabeth carefully as she unraveled her long braid and brushed out her dark hair. Her normally bright blue eyes were serious and clouded. Yes, something weighed heavily upon her sister’s mind.

  “Well, I will leave you to your day. Father just wished for me to ask the conditions of your heart because King Eamon wishes to establish a courtship if Prince Clifton agrees as well.”

  “They haven’t even asked him yet?” Elizabeth’s eyes widened in surprise. “Please do not say anything until King Eamon discusses Clifton’s wishes. I do not wish to appear too eager.”

  Alayna grinned and lightly patted her sister’s hand as she stood. “Now sister, you think I would hand your heart over so easily?” She winked as she made her way to the door, her deep emerald cape trailing behind her.

  “Thank you, Alayna, for speaking to me before making the arrangement.”

  Alayna turned and smiled. “Of course. See you at the Council Meeting.”

  Elizabeth nodded as Alayna exited. She motioned for Mary to step forward and braid her hair as she continued to ponder different ways to introduce the subject of Edward’s involvement and her interactions across the boundary line at the Council Meeting.


  Clifton whistled as he made his way back into the castle from the horse stables, thoughts of Elizabeth’s fiery response to their duel and his suggestion of mentioning their news of Lancer at the next Council Meeting floated through his mind. He smiled to himself at the thought of her vibrant blue eyes and the sparks that flew as she sliced her sword through the air. A warrior princess, indeed, he thought. Chuckling to himself, he opened the doors to his chambers and found King Granton, his father, and his brother all awaiting him. His whistling stopped on a shrill note as he quizzically glanced from one face to another. “Is this an intervention?” He asked curiously, his right brow slightly rising. His father smiled and waved him inside. “No, my dear boy, please come in and have a seat. We wish to have a word with you.”

  Clifton stepped forward and accepted the chair next to his brother as King Eamon grinned towards Granton.

  “Son, we wish to discuss with you the potential courtship between you and Princess Elizabeth.”


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