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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 16

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Clifton’s brows rose in surprise as he glanced at his brother. Ryle smirked and then squared his shoulders and acted as if the conversation were meant to be more serious. Clifton’s gaze nervously flashed towards King Granton, who sat with a grim line set to his mouth. He felt his pulse quicken at being placed on the hot seat.

  He cleared his throat. “I see. Please continue.”

  His father chuckled and then eased his leg upon the top of the table as he sat on the edge. “Well, do you wish for there to be a courtship or not?” King Eamon asked pointedly.

  Clifton shifted uncomfortably under King Granton’s weighted gaze. He lightly pulled at the collar tightening around his neck. “I, um— well…” He trailed off and cleared his throat again.

  “Oh, come Cliff, do you have feelings for the Princess or not?” Eamon countered pointedly, his gaze narrowing at his son.

  Taking a deep breath, Clifton turned towards King Granton. “I do, yes. But I also know the Princess does not wish for decisions of courtship to be decided upon without her consent. I am a patient man, my Lord. If she does not wish for a courtship right now, I will wait.” He eased back into his chair as if his small speech somehow zapped him of all confidence.

  A slow smile spread over King Granton’s face. “It is settled then. Should Elizabeth be open to a courtship, we shall make the announcement.”

  He extended his hand toward Clifton. Clifton firmly clasped the king’s hand, noting the cold clamminess of his skin. He studied the king’s face, the pale blue eyes full of warmth at the subject of courtship but clouded with a sickness he wished to hide.

  “You will find my Elizabeth a worthy bride, Prince Clifton. I see the way you interact with her and am most confident you are a great match.” King Granton stated warmly.

  Honored by the king’s confidence, Clifton placed a hand over his heart. “I am most grateful, my Lord. And I assure you she will be loved and looked after for all of her days. That is… if she agrees.”

  Chuckling, King Granton patted Clifton’s shoulder and rose to his feet. He stumbled slightly, King Eamon stepping forward to help his friend regain his balance. Concern etched along Clifton’s father’s brow as he escorted King Granton out of the room.

  Ryle then gave a celebratory clap on Clifton’s shoulder. “Well how does it feel?”

  “How does what feel? Elizabeth has not agreed just yet.”

  “She will.” Ryle stated confidently.

  “I’m glad one of us is confident. I must admit that I may not be her favorite person today. Perhaps they should talk to her tomorrow.”

  Ryle laughed and pinned his brother with a wide grin. “Brother, Princess Elizabeth will agree to the courtship. If anything just to escape the clutches of Prince Eric of the South.”

  “Gee, thanks.” Clifton replied. “Nice to know I’m a better alternative.”

  “I did not mean it like that. I was just teasing. We all see the way you two look at one another. Trust me, she will agree.”

  “I hope you’re right. I think the Council Meeting will confirm her decision.”

  “Why the Council Meeting?” Ryle asked.

  “You will see, brother.” Clifton exhaled loudly as he rolled his shoulders and tilted his head from side to side to relieve the tension from his back and neck. He nervously wiped his palms on his pant legs. What if Elizabeth wished to remain a maiden? What if she rejected his proposal of courtship? Yes, he felt she cared for him, but enough to marry him? He ran his hand over his jaw and grimaced at his rough appearance. His mind wandered to the subject of Elizabeth’s letter to her brother. Perhaps they should write one together, each placing questions to the prince. Clifton knew Ryle would certainly have questions in regard to the guard. Should he have told the kings and his brother of the matter before the meeting? No. Elizabeth said she would share the subject at the next Council Meeting. He would trust that she would. If she did not, he would. Simple solution. He thought of Samuel as well, the young prince, risking everything to supply them with information. He would meet him tomorrow at the clearing, receive his information and present it at the Council Meeting tomorrow evening. Clifton nodded to himself decisively. Yes, this meeting would certainly prove important, perhaps changing their tactics against the Lands forever.


  King Anthony paced around his chambers. His long stride covering much distance very quickly. Princess Melody studied her father closely, noting the strain around his eyes as he continued to run his hand over his chin in thought. Her brother, the man her father wished to speak with, emerged in the doorway.

  “Well it is about time.” King Anthony barked. “Where have you been?”

  Isaac halted his steps at the altercation and slowly shut the door. “I was walking about the castle.”

  “I’m sure you were. Sit.” King Anthony ordered pointing at a seat on the sofa next to Melody. He slowly eased next to his sister trying to read her face for any inclination as to why their father seemed irate. He read nothing. “I am going to speak frankly to both of you, though I have much to say to you, Isaac.” King Anthony began. He stopped pacing long enough to face them with a disappointed glare. “We are in a tumultuous situation within the Realm. Unity is important. Our actions are important. Our presence is important.” He pinned a sharp gaze on each of his children and began pacing again, casting them glances every now and then. He stopped again, peered into the fireplace and tried to formulate his words. “It is of utmost importance that you two attempt to form bonds with the other princes and princesses. Melody,” he turned to face his daughter and his gaze slightly softened. “I know you are shy, my lovely, but you must leave these chambers. Can you do that for me?” She nodded quietly, and her gaze fell to her hands nervously wound in her lap. His gaze then switched to Isaac and the hardness returned. “And you son—” he shook his head in dismay. “I walk into the main hall to find Princess Alayna seated on the throne taking kingdom requests, Prince Ryle by her side serving faithfully, Prince Clifton flanking the other side and standing with Princess Elizabeth. A united front, and where should I see you, son? I see you scurrying in the shadows with a chamber maid! Hiding behind pillars and in secret rooms up to no good! You are the future king of the Western Kingdom! I do not wish for the kingdom to fall into the hands of a floundering scoundrel!” His father’s face reddened as he yelled. Isaac saw Melody flinch out of the corner of his eye. “Your lack of propriety stops here, Isaac.” Anthony continued. “You will serve your kingdom and the Realm by recognizing your responsibilities as future king of the West.”

  Isaac shifted in his seat, his own temper flaring within him, but he also recognized the gravity of the situation. His father was a man of his word. Of all things King Anthony stood for, it was honesty. The man never shied from the truth. His threats of withholding the throne and kingship of the West were real, and Isaac knew his father would always do right by the kingdom. If he wished to pass the kingdom to Melody, King Anthony would, if he felt it best. And Isaac wanted to be king. He’d wanted it his whole life, dreamed of it even. If setting aside his affairs and distractions regained his father’s faith in him, he would do it. Temporarily, but he would do it.

  “I understand Father.” He stated calmly. “I do not wish to be a disappointment.”

  “It is not just that, Isaac,” King Anthony exhaled loudly as if his tirade had finally left his system. He sat across from his children and leaned forward to state his point. “The Realm will fall if we do not stand up against the Lands united. All of us are in this together. We cannot afford to be distracted or aloof. Your aloofness is what worries me. Both of you.” His gaze travelled to Melody yet again. “We are not here to vacation from our kingdom. We are here to formulate a plan to stop Lancer’s power and strength from spreading. Now may I have your word that you will do better at being present?” He looked from one child to another and they both nodded.

  “Good.” He patted his hands on his knees as he rose to his feet. “The Council Meeting is t
omorrow evening. Isaac, you will be punctual. In the meantime, Princess Elizabeth’s safety is at risk with the Prince of the South wanting to claim her. Though she is not your betrothed, you will aid in protecting the Princess. That is an order.”

  Isaac stood and nodded. “Of course, Father.”

  “Melody I wish for you to befriend the Princesses as well. They are older than you and I feel you could learn a great deal from them.” King Anthony stated.

  Melody nodded in agreement.

  King Anthony straightened his scarlet tunic and readjusted his sleeves. “Now, if you will excuse me, I am to meet with King Granton and King Eamon over other matters. Please heed my warnings and my words.” He exited swiftly, the heavy wooden doors clattering at his exit.

  Isaac and Melody sat quietly a few moments before Melody spoke. “I worry for you Isaac.” She stated softly.

  He turned to her in surprise. “Whatever for?”

  “Father is not idle in his threats. You are to be king, you must act like one.”

  Isaac sat stunned by his sister’s abruptness, yet equally impressed by her candor.

  “I do not wish to run the kingdom,” she began, “please do not leave me that responsibility whether purposefully or not.”

  “You are a princess, Melody. You will be marrying a prince and possibly one day being a queen somewhere. You will be running a kingdom.”

  “Not today at least, and I will be supporting my prince or king when that time comes, not ruling for him.” She clarified firmly.

  “We will see.” Isaac gently tugged on one of her curls. “You are eighteen Melody, you should be married by now. Father’s softness towards you has held a proposal back for too long. He should be looking at outside realms for a suitor.”

  Her eyes widened at that revelation and she shook her head. “No, I belong in this Realm.”

  “And who do you suggest you marry then? Prince Ryle? Prince Clifton?” Isaac scoffed. “Those two have removed themselves from the market. It is clear Prince Clifton has wishes for Princess Elizabeth, and Prince Ryle attends the future queen too faithfully not to be in love.”

  “Perhaps the South then.” Melody stated.

  “Prince Eric?” Isaac’s smirk faded. “No. Even I would not relinquish you to him.”

  She shrugged her shoulders. “Time will tell. I am willing to marry or do whatever needs to be done to protect the Realm.”

  “Spoken like a true queen.” Isaac complimented tenderly as he began walking to the door. “I cherish you, sister. I hope, despite my actions and words of late, that you always remember that.”

  “I do, and I will, brother.” Melody smiled at his retreating back and silently hoped her brother took their father seriously.


  Walking along the stark hallway, Edward noted the flames of the sconces and the ethereal glow they cast about his steps. He neared Lancer’s chambers and raised his hand to knock just as the man stepped out. Lancer’s eyes widened in surprise until he realized Edward’s identity. A large smile spread over his face. “Ah, Edward! Perfect timing. I was just about to send for you.”

  “Is that so?” Edward asked.

  “Indeed. I must say I am impressed by our mental connection Edward. It’s one of the reasons I was to send for you.” Lancer winked and began walking down the hall. Edward fell into step beside him. He seemed cheerful, Edward thought, as if no weight pressed upon his shoulders. As if nothing could tamper his joy. How could a man so dark feel so light? Lancer turned when Edward began to lag behind. “Did you hear what I was saying, Edward?”

  “Oh, my apologies, my Lord. My thoughts drifted for a moment.”

  His smile never faltering, Lancer waved him off. “Oh, it is no bother. I have satisfied myself in the fact that you are a dreamer, Edward. Dreamers need to drift off every now and then.” Lancer stopped in front of the door to his reflection chamber. “I wish to bring you with me today.” He turned towards Edward and studied him closely.

  “Inside your chamber?” Edward asked, a slight jump in his pulse and a sinking in his stomach warned him of the consequences should he enter.


  Edward’s mind swirled with possibilities. The maid had said everyone who went inside never came out. Perhaps Lancer was on to him? Perhaps he knew Edward was planning a rebellion? Edward’s palms began to sweat, and he nervously wiped them on his tunic as he linked his hands behind his back.

  “I would be honored, my Lord.” He replied, taking a deep breath to calm his nerves when Lancer turned back towards the door. He opened the door and stepped inside. Edward followed. The room was dark. No light, no windows, no sound except for the drumming of his heart in his ears. “Follow me.” Lancer stated in a hushed whisper as he lightly grabbed Edward’s sleeve to pull him forward. He felt a cold blade against his palm and the quick slice of pain and skin. He hissed.

  “Blood must be paid for entering, Edward.” Lancer stated, his voice hollow and low. “It all began with blood.” Edward heard another slice and Lancer’s own hiss. Thereafter, the lanterns around the room lit in unison and the flames fired towards the ceilings. Lancer held his arms open as he stood in the middle of the room, head tilted back as if awaiting an epiphany. Edward searched the room for signs of life, but no one else was present. Lancer’s head snapped back up and he glanced at Edward, his eyes darker and pupils fully dilated. “It is time, Edward.” He waved Edward forward.

  Making his way towards Lancer, Edward felt his breathing hitch. He took a deep breath as he stood before the man. And that’s what he was, Edward thought, just a man. Why was he scared of a man? He continued to remind himself of that fact as Lancer’s voice changed to a low growl and he spread his arms out as a dark cloud of fog crept into the room and around their feet. A deep cold filtered into Edward’s skin so far he swore he felt it in his very bones. His hand ached. His mind whirled. And he watched as Lancer’s smile widened as the darkness crept up their legs.

  “You have to be open to it, Edward.” He grinned mischievously as he stretched out his arms again. “You have to let it overcome your senses.”

  Edward watched as the blackened smoke climbed over Lancer’s body like a disease flooding his veins. Blackened veins of darkness roping themselves around his arms, his neck, his legs. Edward glanced down and realized very little fog remained around him. It all had drawn towards Lancer. Lancer hissed in pain as a cloud of black burst forth from the wound on his hand.

  “It all began with blood, Edward. You must give in order to receive.” Lancer glanced over at him and realized he stood enveloped in black and Edward stood in silent shock at what he was witnessing. He chuckled. “Come Edward, be brave. Embrace it.”

  Edward didn’t budge. He had never seen anything like this before. What was this darkness? A spirit? A demon? He had heard such stories growing up, but no one had ever truly witnessed such… evil. He placed his hand over his heart to make sure he was still alive. He felt a solid thump in his chest and breathed a small sigh of relief. Lancer clapped his hands and the darkness disappeared. The flames reduced to a normal flicker and he shook his head and laughed. “Too soon wasn’t it?”

  Edward blinked in shock at Lancer’s reaction which had the man bellowing in laughter even harder. He slapped Edward on the back. “In time you will join me again, Edward, and we will both embrace the power and knowledge that is given to us. Did you feel the power at all?”

  Edward shook his head. “No, my Lord. I— I do not understand.”

  “Ah. Perhaps it was just too soon, or perhaps our blood must be mixed. We will figure it out. Until then, you must speak of this room to no one, and you must not enter without me.”

  “Of course, my Lord.” Edward replied and stepped back into the hallway with Lancer.

  Lancer took a deep breath and sighed. “Well, I guess we should go about with our business of the day now, my friend.”

  “My Lord,” Edward began, “May I ask you a question?”

  “Of course,
but not here. Let’s go into my chambers first.” He led Edward into his personal chamber and sat on one of his sofas. “Go ahead.”

  “That… smoke in the other room. What is that?”

  Lancer’s gaze narrowed as he studied Edward.

  “Oh Edward, I do not believe it is a secret that I have a source of power besides myself. How else could I erect an invisible boundary and remain young forever?”

  “Is it magic?” Edward asked, sounding foolish to his own ears at the words.

  Lancer laughed and shook his head. “No. It is power, Edward.”

  “But where does it come from?”

  Lancer shrugged. “Who knows? All that matters is that it is here, and I am its vessel, Edward. Don’t you see the gift? We have the power to create a world all our own and never die. A place we can rule in complete freedom.”

  “But how, my Lord? I just don’t understand how this power chose… you.” Edward prayed Lancer did not take offense to his words.

  Lancer sighed. “Because I was willing to be its vessel, Edward. Don’t you see? You were not ready to surrender yourself to the power, therefore it did not enter you. Speak to you. Change you.” Lancer explained. “It all begins with blood, Edward. That is why I sliced your hand. You must give of yourself in order to accept the gift that is given.”

  “So, you give your blood each time you enter the room?” Edward asked curiously.

  “I give my blood, and I gave my life.” Lancer replied. “I gave everything, and my reward is the Lands and all the power I desire.”

  Edward rubbed a hand over his jaw as he sat and listened. Confused did not even explain the thoughts rolling around in his head. How could this man be so willing to surrender his life to nothing? He gave his soul to darkness in order to live forever? Edward cringed at the thought. Must he do the same in order to cross the boundary line? He feared the thought.

  “I see you have much to consider.” Lancer stated warmly. “Please, take your time and should you have any more questions, I will be here. I wish to bring you into the fold, Edward, so I will be patient.”


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