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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 58

by Katharine E Hamilton

  She eased into a chair and sighed as she gazed out the window and watched as the foggy veil of the Unfading Lands held strong. A deep bitterness welled inside her chest and determination flooded her mind as she began mapping out strategies for war against the Lands in the coming days with or without the support from the East.


  Ryle heard voices echo outside the door of the prison chamber as he sat awaiting his daily punishment. If he calculated correctly, Edward would walk through the door at any moment and lead him to the reflection chamber for the day’s torture. Lancer would stand cowardly to the side and observe as Edward continually assaulted him. His wounds were taking longer to heal with each passing session. Partly because the attacks became more and more brutal and lasted longer. He still wore the emerald tunic of the Northern Kingdom though it hung by mere threads on his shoulders. He refused to give it up. He fought for the Realm. He survived for the Realm. And he would die for the Realm. No matter the proposition by Edward, he would not join forces, whether real or false, with Lancer. He wished for his loyalty to be undeniable. He wished for Lancer to know that some men’s hearts refused to bend to his will.

  The heavy door creaked as a guard stepped inside and to the side as Edward entered wearing a grim expression. “It is time.” He unlocked the door to Ryle’s cell and waited as Ryle slowly stood and stretched out his limbs. Yes, the recovery was much slower from yesterday’s beatings. He felt the pull in his muscles as he arched his back, and the slight sting in his side that lingered from the swish of Edward’s blade. He did not let Edward see his ailments, however. Instead he held his head high and allowed the former prince to escort him down the hall without complaint. Once inside the chamber, he allowed Edward to bind his hands behind him as he sat in the now all too familiar chair in the center of the room.

  “Good afternoon, Prince Ryle.” Lancer greeted. “I trust you slept well.”

  The small snicker after his words irritated Ryle. The sport in which Lancer stood and watched his suffering disgusted him.

  “Indeed. I find your accommodations quite pleasing.” He watched as a small tick in Lancer’s jaw showed his frustration beneath his false cheerfulness.

  “I see. Well perhaps we should offer a change in venue then.” Lancer nodded towards Edward. “Begin.”

  Edward turned and faced Ryle, his sword at the ready and regret in his eyes. Ryle stared into the prince, his sharp blue gaze never wavering as he felt the first pierce of the blade enter his side. He clenched his teeth and bore down on what little pride he possessed to restrain the scream that wished to escape his lips. He refused to give Lancer pleasure in his suffering.

  “Now, Prince Ryle, where was I?” Lancer continued walking nonchalantly in circles around him as Edward continued to beat him and his blood seeped out of his wound and dripped to the floor. “I have a plan to bring you to the boundary line tomorrow. I wish to speak to your new queen and show her my new prisoner. I imagine she is quite worried over the loss of yet another prince. Though I had hoped to display another ally,” he turned to Ryle to see if Ryle had come to his senses and wished to join forces with him. Ryle shook his head as he accepted the blow to the temple from Edward. His vision faded to black and his head fell.

  “Edward!” Lancer complained. “I said not to knock him unconscious.”

  “Sorry, my Lord. That one must have slipped.”

  Lancer chuckled. “Yes, well he will come to in a moment and then we will continue. I have to say I am immensely pleased with the seriousness in which you take this task every day. I imagined it would be hard for you, but you seem to have taken to it quite well. I am impressed and gratified.”

  “Thank you, my Lord.” Edward turned back to Ryle as a soft groan escaped the former prince’s lips and his chin rose from his chest.

  “Ah, perfect. He’s awake.” Lancer continued. “You alright there, Prince Ryle?”

  “Never better.” Ryle ground out behind clenched teeth.

  “Good. As I was saying, I wish to display you as my newest prisoner in front of your queen. Perhaps then she will concede.”

  “She will never concede.” Ryle stated on a laugh. “Do you seriously not understand? Are you that daft?” He looked straight into Lancer’s fierce gaze. “You will lose. Your lands have never been in more trouble than they are now. You think by holding me prisoner, by killing me, that those actions will stop what is going to happen to you? It won’t. My life is forfeit. So be it. But your life will be too. It is only a matter of time. You are a fool if you think the Realm of Queen Alayna will give into your childish fantasy of domination.”

  He felt the sharp stab as Edward pierced his chest with the sword. Lancer walked closer to him and watched as pain marred Ryle’s face. “We’ll see about that.” He snarled as he nodded to Edward again and the blade pierced Ryle from behind as Lancer stormed out of the chamber.


  Isaac groaned as Arnos worked quickly to change his bandages. “You have many visitors waiting to see you, my Lord.” Arnos stated.

  “I imagine so.” He hissed as Arnos placed pressure against his side.

  “I must warn you that you are not strong enough to be walking around or to leave this chamber for a few days.” Arnos began, “No matter how tempting. You need to heal. This wound has penetrated your muscle.”

  “Thank you, Arnos. I’ll do my best to be patient.” Isaac stated as he leaned his head back against his pillows.

  “Would you like me to send in your sister? She has been pacing outside the door.”

  Isaac’s lips quirked into a small smile. “I imagine she has. A delicate heart does our Melody have.”

  Arnos nodded in agreement as he began gathering his supplies. “I imagine Princess Elizabeth and Prince Clifton have joined her by now, as well as King Samuel.”

  “You may send them all inside, Arnos. I would do well to allow them all to see me and cease their worry.”

  “Very well, my Lord.” Arnos walked towards the chamber door and opened it to step outside into the hall.

  Expectant faces met him, and he nodded. “He is tired, but well. You may see him, though I must caution,” before he could finish his sentence, the women had burst through the door into the chamber. Clifton softly chuckled. “I will make sure we allow him to rest Arnos, thank you.” He lightly patted the older man’s shoulder as he passed by him into the room. Elizabeth and Melody had already flanked Isaac on either side and doted upon the injured prince. Samuel walked beside Clifton and stood at the foot of the bed. Isaac met his gaze. “My thanks to your healer, Arnos.”

  Clifton nodded in acknowledgment. “He says you are well on your way to a smooth recovery. That is good news.”

  “That it is.” Isaac grimaced as he pushed himself up in bed to lean against the headboard. “I must say I don’t feel like my usual self at the moment.”

  “We’ve been so worried.” Melody gripped his hand and her eyes held restrained tears as she stared at her brother. He kissed the back of her hand and smiled tenderly at her. “No worries, sister; it would take more than a blade to kill me.”

  “Well let us hope that is true.” Elizabeth stated as she straightened the edges of his bedding. “You must rest and heal. You must not push yourself past your limits like you always do.”

  “Is that not the pot calling the kettle black?” Isaac and Clifton chuckled at the surprised expression Elizabeth flashed before lightly swatting Isaac’s shoulder.

  “You had us worried.” She stated on a more serious note. “Don’t ever do that again.”

  He met her concerned blue eyes and nodded soberly. “I do not plan on it. In fact, I wish to speak to my father about how Abner’s army made it across the Western Kingdom. Has he arrived yet?”

  Everyone looked from one to the other for an explanation that would suffice.

  “Anyone?” Isaac asked.

  “He has yet to arrive, Isaac.” Clifton stated. “And we have all been staying close to the castle the
last few days, so no one has ventured out to check the Western Kingdom.”

  “Be assured that we will.” Elizabeth offered. “We just have to catch our bearings. With your father out of contact and with Ryle missing, we have much to look into.”

  “Wait, Ryle is missing?” Isaac asked. “Since when?”

  “Since the battles. He has yet to make it back. We aren’t sure,” Clifton’s voice trailed off and he cleared his throat to push back his emotions. “We aren’t sure what has become of him just yet.”

  “And Katarina?” He asked.

  “She is resting.” Melody provided with a smile. “She has sat by your side most of the time. I sent her to rest.”

  He sighed in relief. “Well at least there is some good news. Any word from Edward on how Lancer discovered our plan?”

  “We have not ventured to the boundary line yet.” Samuel explained.

  “But we will. Soon.” Elizabeth added.

  “Not too soon.” Clifton’s tone held a soft warning for his wife to tamper down her eagerness, knowing Elizabeth wished to make the trip herself.

  “And how is Alayna handling our latest defeat?” Isaac asked.

  “She has yet to come out of the Council Room unless it is to her personal chambers. Only King Eamon has spoken with her thus far.” Elizabeth explained. “Though I will be making a visit to her chambers this evening to see how she is doing.”

  “Well keep me in the loop on what is happening.” Isaac stated. “Though I am confined to this bed for at least a few more days, I am not completely worthless.”

  “Now you see how it feels.” Elizabeth baited with a smirk.

  “Aye, and it is quite disagreeable.”

  “Perhaps we can send in Katarina. I’m sure her presence will perk you up.” Elizabeth winked at Isaac and he laughed.

  “Aye, maybe so, but perhaps another time. I am quite tired.”

  “We will let you rest then.” Clifton added. “Come everyone, Isaac needs to sleep.” He waved everyone to follow him to the door. Melody lingering to speak to her brother alone.

  “I am happy to see you awake, brother. You had me scared.”

  Isaac softly brushed his knuckle over the tear that slipped down her cheek. “I will be okay, Melody. Don’t you worry about me.”

  “And Father?” Melody sniffled. “It is not like him not to send word. I fear something has happened to him.”

  “I agree. Though we must not think the worst. I am sure he has a perfect explanation of what happened with Abner and is also just taking a refreshing breath after the battles. We must not worry over what we do not know. Understand?”

  She nodded solemnly. “I will try to remain hopeful.”

  “Good. Now be on with you then. I need my beauty sleep.”

  She softly grinned as she squeezed his hand before departing.

  Isaac watched as Melody’s red dress slipped out his chamber door, her concern over their father’s whereabouts disrupting his ache for rest. It was unlike his father to disengage during such times and his lack of interaction meant something was wrong. Isaac could feel it. Which also meant the Western Kingdom was vulnerable under the commands of his mother. Perhaps she did not realize his father was absent just yet. But the moment she did… he cringed. He prayed his body would rapidly heal so that he could tend to his kingdom before chaos reigned.


  “Are you going to venture out of this room at some point?” Elizabeth poked her head into the Council Room and Alayna’s blonde head popped up.

  “Ah, Elizabeth, I’m glad you came by. I need to speak to your husband. We have much to discuss.” She brushed a blonde curl behind her ear as Elizabeth squeezed through the doorway and shut the door behind her.

  “What about?”

  Alayna scoffed in surprise. “Why, about our retaliation of course.”

  “So soon? We have yet to catch our breath. Isaac is not yet healed. King Anthony is missing. We—”

  Alayna waved her hands in dismissal. “I’m aware of our current circumstances. Now will you please tell Clifton I need to speak with him?”

  “Why do you not summon the Council? We should all be a part of the discussion if it involves the Realm.” She saw her sister make an effort not to lash out, but Alayna’s stone-cold expression spoke volumes as she made her way towards Elizabeth with fierce daggers in her brown eyes. “I have made my request, sister. You will convey my message.” She opened the door and all but forced Elizabeth out into the hallway.

  Elizabeth staggered in bewilderment as she stared at the wooden door before her.

  “Elizabeth?” Clifton’s voice drifted to her as he climbed the last of the main stairwell. He eyed her curiously as she continued to stand in bafflement. “Is something wrong, love?”

  “I’m not sure.” Her voice was quiet and edged with concern. “Alayna is not herself at the moment. She wishes to speak with you… without the rest of the council present.”

  “That doesn’t seem so odd. I’m sure she just wishes to ask me about Ryle or Isaac.”

  “I don’t think so.”

  Clifton entwined his fingers with Elizabeth’s and then kissed her knuckles. “I will see what she needs. Why don’t you go rest or see that Isaac is resting? I believe Arnos said he was having a hard time staying in bed. Melody is with him now as well.”

  Elizabeth silently nodded and made her way towards the stairwell. Clifton watched as his defeated wife retreated, her temperament surprising, he wondered what Alayna had said to upset her sister. He knocked on the door and opened it to find Alayna sitting at the head of the council table staring at maps before her.

  “Elizabeth said you wished to speak with me.” Clifton interrupted.

  “Oh, yes, Clifton. Please come in and shut the door.” She straightened in her chair and waited for him to fully enter. She waved to a seat adjacent to her and he sat. “We have much to discuss.”

  “Without the rest of the Council?” Clifton asked curiously.

  “Yes. For now. I spoke with your father earlier, but he is not thinking clearly at the moment.” Alayna waved away the despicable thought of King Eamon’s reprimand from earlier and looked to Clifton. “We must retaliate soon. While the Unfading Lands is recuperating, we should launch another attack. They would not be expecting it.”

  Clifton slowly raised his hands off the tabletop to stop her from continuing. “Wait a minute, Alayna. We cannot discuss such topics without the rest of the Council. Especially something as big as war.”

  Alayna huffed. “We will discuss it with them, but right now I am discussing it with you. I wished to collect your thoughts on the matter and share my own. We must have a united front if we are to approach the full Council confidently.”

  “And what did my father have to say on the matter?” Clifton asked.

  Alayna’s gaze darted to the table again before meeting Clifton’s sharp eye. “He feels it is too soon.”

  “And I must say, I agree with him. We are not ready. We have yet to even gather our remaining leaders and people. It would be a fool’s errand to rush into another battle so quickly.”

  “I feel no one sees the benefits as I do. The point is, yes we are recovering, but Lancer would not be expecting us because he too is recovering.” Alayna stressed her point by forcefully pointing at a map with a defined ‘x’ penned over the Unfading Lands.

  “I say we send someone to the boundary line to converse with Edward first. We send someone to the west to inquire of King Anthony. And then, possibly then, we can decide our next move.” Clifton stood and straightened his pale blue tunic. “We also should discuss plans with the rest of the Council before any action takes place.” He turned to leave without further comment.

  Alayna stood in frustration. “By week’s end I will be sending troops over the boundary line and you will lead them. That is an order, Prince Clifton.”

  Clifton froze and his back stiffened. Alayna watched as his shoulders straightened and visibly, she could see the d
eep breath he inhaled before turning. His green eyes were fierce as he responded. “You are the Queen of the Realm, Alayna, and I respect your position. But it is my life and countless others that you would be gambling with. I will not willingly fight in a battle that has not been approved by the entire Council, order from the queen or not.” He nodded that the conversation was over before turning and leaving.

  Alayna sank into her chair in a huff as she wiped away a silent tear that trailed down her cheek.


  “He appears physically weaker.” Lancer commented as he took a generous sip of his favorite amber liquid and studied Edward’s pacing.

  “Physically, yes, but mentally he is stronger than ever, it seems. He refuses to join with us, my Lord. I am not sure I can break him.”

  Lancer set his glass aside and steepled his fingers and lightly tapped them against his lips as he thought. “Perhaps a visit to the boundary line is warranted to show him how separated from his loved ones he truly is. Perhaps that will lead his thinking in a more moldable direction. I am sure you have a spot convenient for conversing with your family from my last biddings?”

  “I do. There is a small clearing we used prior to the last battle, but I do not know if anyone would dare venture there now.”

  “Go see. Continue to survey the boundary line and should you encounter someone make a request that we wish to interact with them the following day.” Lancer ordered.

  “And what should I say it is about?” Edward asked.

  “Just tell them it is at my request. However, you conversed with them last time will be sufficient enough. My message will be more visual anyhow.”

  “Yes, my Lord. I will see what I can do. Perhaps I can employ Cecilia’s help in keeping watch on the clearing.”

  “That is a splendid idea. Cecilia is one of our greatest assets. Why, if it had not been for her warning me against the Realm’s attack we would have been blindsided.”


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