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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 59

by Katharine E Hamilton

  Edward froze. “My Lord?”


  “Yes?” Edward waited with bated breath for Lancer to continue, his heart slowly constricting, as he feared what would spill from Lancer’s lips.

  “She found me as I patrolled the boundary lines and warned me that the Realm wished to plan a surprise attack while we were distracted by Abner’s threat.”

  Edward eased himself into a chair. “How did she know of such a plan?”

  Lancer waved his hand to dismiss the topic. “What does it matter? She sensed a threat. She was right. We won.” He smiled, pleased with himself.

  Edward’s vision began to blur as anger bubbled within his heart at the brutal betrayal.

  “Edward? Are you alright?”

  Edward blinked and forced a smile. “Yes. Yes, my Lord. I am just surprised at Cecilia not coming to me first is all.”

  “Ah, I see.” Lancer took a sip from his cup again and set it aside. “You are disturbed that she would go over your head with such valuable information and fear it makes you look bad. I assure you, Edward, I was only pleased. Her loyalty to me reflects upon your loyalty. She only wished to serve you and me with her knowledge. I am pleased with the relationship you possess. So yes, please ask her to keep an eye on the boundary line for us. She will report of any movement I am sure.”

  Lancer smiled and waved Edward away. His steps heavy, Edward slowly made his way towards the prison chamber. He and Prince Ryle had much to discuss. How could Edward have been so blinded by love for Cecilia, he did not see her two-sided face? He cringed and clinched his fists as he made his way across the castle. He needed to report this news to the Realm, but he needed to do so without Cecilia’s knowledge. Her ease and availability to eavesdrop suddenly made sense to him. He always had her around when conversing with Ryle and Clifton. Though she had not told Lancer of his traitorous position, she still betrayed him and his blood ran cold at the thought. She was a problem now. And problems needed to be dealt with swiftly. Shaking his head in dismay, he entered the prison chamber to speak to Ryle.


  “And then, she all but dismissed me by slamming the door in my face!” Elizabeth huffed as she paced at the foot of Isaac’s bed retelling her encounter with Alayna. “Can you believe that?”

  Isaac listened intently, propped up against his pillows as he watched Elizabeth march around his room. “It is a bit soon to be thinking of a battle when some of her strongest leaders are not accounted for.”

  “And not to mention you.” Elizabeth waved his direction. “You are in no shape to ride a horse yet.”

  “Well thanks for the compliment of strength and weakness all in one comment.” Isaac chuckled as Elizabeth rolled her eyes.

  “You knew what I meant. Besides, I’m concerned about your father. We have not received one word from him yet and I fear asking Alayna to send a messenger to the West, because I know she will reject the idea. She wouldn’t want to take the time. And Ryle…” She paused and took a deep breath. “I don’t have a good feeling about him either.”

  “That is the one that worries me most. My father could just be playing it safe like we are, but Ryle… he would be here now if he could. There would be no holding him back.” Isaac admitted.

  “That is my line of thinking as well.” Elizabeth crossed her arms and squinted in thought. “We need to send someone to the boundary line.”

  “I agree.”

  “But Alayna does not want to send anyone. All she can think of is revenge right now.” Elizabeth explained.

  “Then don’t tell her. Have someone go and speak with Edward to see how conditions are in the Lands. The information can only help us.” Isaac shifted against his pillows and sighed in resignation. “There really is no comfortable position, is there?”

  “No.” Elizabeth smirked. “I would like to go to the boundary line, but Clifton would not have it, I’m sure.”

  “What about Samuel?”

  “He would never go against Alayna, the queen, no matter if he wanted to.”

  “That’s true.” Isaac pondered for a moment. “What about me?”

  Elizabeth stopped. “You are still healing.”

  “Yes, but I could easily go and no one would even realize I was missing.” He grinned.

  “And how do you expect to get there? You are not well enough to ride.”

  “I can manage.” Isaac pinned her with a pointed gaze. “Let me do this, Elizabeth. I need to get out of this bed and this room before I go crazy. And no one else is going to risk upsetting Alayna. I am willing, more than willing on occasion, to take that risk. She already doesn’t like me. What can she do? She has yet to even come to see me. She will not even know I am gone. I will simply tell Arnos that I wish to be alone so no one will come to my chambers. You can have the stable boy ready my horse. I will take it slow and easy so as not to overdo it and will be back by nightfall.”

  “It is dangerous, Isaac.” Elizabeth defended half-heartedly, both of them knowing she would go along with his plan. “Clifton will be upset you have pushed yourself.”

  “But he will inwardly be glad someone surveyed the circumstances.”

  “Yes, I think he would be. Okay, I will help you. However, I must say that I feel rather bad going against Alayna in secret.”

  “And is that not what she has been doing in the Council Room?” Isaac pointed out. “Besides, I have a stake in this too. I need to find my father. And if she is not willing to expend the resources to find some answers, I will.”

  “I wish to know who betrayed us.” Elizabeth stated forcefully. “If it was Edward, I do not know how I will handle that news.”

  “I will find out.”

  “You risk much, Isaac.”

  “And so do you. If you begin to feel too guilty, you may share my whereabouts with Clifton.”

  “Thank you.” She sighed in relief.

  “But wait until after I leave. I will leave before dawn.”

  She squeezed his hand. “Be careful.”

  “Always.” He winked at her as she slipped her hand from his grasp and left his chambers with burdened shoulders.


  Clifton sat at ease as his father relayed his conversation with Alayna and his stance on her subject of retaliation. Crossing his right boot over his left knee, Clifton leaned into the cushions.

  “She will not listen to reason.” Eamon finished.

  “I concur.” Clifton added. “I had the same discussion with her. She attempted to order me to do her bidding, however, I did not take it to heart. I believe she is frustrated, overwhelmed, hurting, and scared, and I was an easy target for her lashings.”

  “I am concerned about Ryle.” Clifton watched his father pause in his pacing to take a deep breath to contain his emotions. “It is not like your brother to disappear off the map without word.”

  “You think him dead?” Clifton asked softly.

  Eamon shook his head. “Worse. I fear he is in The Land of Unfading Beauty.” Eamon eased onto the chair opposite Clifton and placed his chin in his hand. Clifton had not seen his father distressed for some time, and his defeated demeanor worried Clifton.

  “We do not know that for sure. Though, if he is in the Lands, perhaps he is still safe and gathering troops for us there in secret.” Clifton stated, though his words lacked conviction.

  “Lancer will not hesitate to kill your brother.” Eamon began, his soft green gaze much like Clifton’s looked away as he swallowed back his emotions. “I should have convinced your mother to allow him sanctuary all those years ago. If we had, perhaps the very creation of the Lands would never have happened.”

  “You had no way of knowing something like this would happen, Father. You must not wish for the past to play out differently. Changing one event would have compounded and changed a thousand others.”

  Eamon’s lips slightly tilted into a small smile. “When did you become so wise?”

  Clifton shrugged. “I contribute it to my wife.�

  Both men chuckled as the door opened and Elizabeth entered into the chambers. Her brows rose at the sight of the king and she smiled. “Did I miss a meeting of minds?”

  “Not at all, love.” Clifton waved her over to a seat and she lightly kissed him on the lips before sitting. “My father and I were just discussing Alayna.”

  Elizabeth huffed a frustrated breath and crossed her arms. “I do not know what we are going to do with her.”

  Clifton squeezed her hand. “Tell us what your thoughts are on the matters at hand, Elizabeth.”

  She inhaled a deep breath and sighed. “I understand her wish to launch an attack so swiftly. It is a good idea.” She held up her hand to ward off interruption until she was finished. “However, it is only a good idea when we have all of our key players in line. Right now, we do not know up from down. We are missing people. Samuel’s kingdom is hurting because yet again they have lost more troops. The Southern Kingdom can only give so much right now since it is in the stages of rebuilding. The Western Kingdom has gone silent. Ryle has disappeared. Isaac is hurt. There is too much taking place right now for us to make a successful attack. Do I feel we should attempt one? Yes. Soon? Yes. But not until these matters are resolved. Which brings me to my next point…” She trailed off and lightly threaded her fingers through Clifton’s. “You are not to speak of this to Alayna or anyone else. In fact, I did not intend to share it with your father, but since he is here, perhaps it is best.”

  “Go on.” Clifton prodded.

  “Isaac is traveling to the boundary line tomorrow morning before dawn breaks.”

  “What?” Eamon sat up straight in his chair. “He is in no shape to make such a trip, no matter how short it may be.”

  “I tried to convince him otherwise, but he feels he is the best person for the job. Besides, he can disappear out of the castle without Alayna noticing. She does not wish to send anyone to the boundary line, or anywhere for that matter, but it needs to be done.”

  Clifton rubbed a hand over his face as he allowed Elizabeth’s words to sink into his brain. “It is not wise.”

  “Yes, I know. He knows. But it is happening. He told me if I felt the secret too much a burden, I could share it with you, but he did not intend to allow you to dissuade him.”

  Clifton nodded. “Very well. I will allow him the luxury of thinking he travels alone, but I will not be far behind. He is not strong enough yet, but I will give his ego a wide berth.”

  Elizabeth smiled in relief and hugged him quickly before hopping to her feet. “I also had another proposal I wished to share with you two. I want to find Anthony.”

  Both men studied her in surprise and she giggled. “You two look so similar at times.” She mimicked their dumbfounded expressions before continuing. “And King Eamon, I wish for you to accompany me.”

  “Me?” He asked curiously, “whatever for?”

  “Because should we encounter any problems in the West you can act upon authority more than I. Besides, you know your way around the Western Kingdom. I have never been.”

  “And what if Abner’s guards remain in control over the West?” Clifton asked.

  “We do not even know for sure if he gained control of the West. That is my point. We know nothing, and we need answers. I am ready for answers.”

  “And are you traveling in secret as well?” Eamon asked.

  She shook her head. “No. I intend to inform Alayna of our plans. She will not be happy, but it needs to be done. And should she still seem resistant, then I will have to take my persuasion to the next level.”

  “And how would you manage that?” Clifton asked curiously with a small smile at his wife’s confidence.

  “I will simply give her no choice but to oblige or I shall tell her secret.”

  “Pesky little sister, aren’t you?” Eamon chuckled.

  “It’s not much of a secret if everyone already knows.” Clifton pointed out.

  “Yes, but she does not realize people are aware of her feelings for Ryle. She honestly thinks no one notices.” Elizabeth rolled her eyes and shrugged. “I hate to threaten that course of action, but she will do most anything to save face and guard her secrets.”

  “Perhaps it won’t come to that, but if it must be done, so be it.” Clifton nodded his assent and Elizabeth lightly ran her hand over his hair before turning to leave. “You two gentlemen begin plans for my journey.” She called over her shoulder as she exited, the heavy doors closing behind her.

  “Bossy little spitfire, isn’t she?” Clifton asked his father in amusement and had his father laughing in agreement.


  Samuel made his way down the empty halls, his boots barely making a sound along the floor as he stealthily walked back towards his bedchamber. He had risen to a hollow stomach and though it was early, he had made his way to the kitchens for a small snack to tie him over until breakfast. Not a normal habit of his, but the late nights chatting with Melody had thrown off his system a bit. Not that he minded. He loved talking with Melody. She seemed to understand him better than anyone else, minus Clifton. But there was something else about Melody that intrigued Samuel as well- her quiet strength. He knew the others recognized it also, but Melody held herself with dignity and strength. The type of characteristics that rub off on those around her. He hoped they did him. He paused as he heard a door creak. Apparently, he wasn’t the only early riser. He heard muted footsteps coming from Prince Isaac’s chamber. Perhaps Arnos made an early check up on the prince. Samuel rounded the corner and saw Prince Isaac silently shoving his arms into his red tunic. Samuel ducked behind the corner and waited. He eased his head around the side of the wall to peek and saw Isaac heading towards the stairwell. The Western prince moved at a slower pace, but his face was etched in hard determination. Samuel looked around him and spotted no one else and quietly followed.

  What would have Isaac up so early? Where was he going?

  Samuel hopped out of sight as Isaac stopped and turned abruptly as if he sensed someone following him. As his eyes surveyed the hallway, he shrugged and continued on his way. Samuel exhaled quietly and then continued to follow. The prince should not be out of bed yet, Arnos had yet to clear him. And the fact he was up before dawn rang warning bells in Samuel’s mind as well. Samuel watched Isaac turn down the hall and stepped out to follow and he jumped in surprise as a firm hand clamped down on his shoulder. He stifled his gasp as Clifton’s face came into view, a hint of amusement tilting his lips at having scared Samuel.

  “What has you up and about Samuel?” He whispered quietly.

  “Prince Isaac is walking up and about. He looked… up to something.”

  Clifton grinned. “That he is. I can take it from here. Go get some rest.”

  “Where is he going?” Samuel asked.

  “To the boundary line.” Clifton replied.

  Samuel’s eyes widened. “But why?”

  “I will fill you in Samuel, but now is not the time. Please, go back to your chambers. And tell no one what you have seen or spoken.” Clifton’s voice held a soft warning and Samuel nodded.

  “Yes, my Lord. Of course. Are you going to follow him?”

  “Yes.” Clifton nodded as Samuel retreated.

  “Good. He should not be riding in his condition.”

  Clifton smiled at the young king. “You are kind, Samuel. A good man looking out for his friend. It is an appreciated attribute.” Clifton squeezed his shoulder. “Now go. I will keep you informed, but I must hurry to catch up to him.”

  Samuel nodded as he watched Clifton stealthily weave his way down the hall and down the back stairwell.

  Prince Isaac travelling to the boundary line, at this hour? He shook his head. Samuel sometimes struggled in understanding Isaac, and now was no exception. The fact Clifton knew of Isaac’s purpose was surprising as well. There was more going on than met the eye and Samuel knew only one other person who would know. Elizabeth. He glanced out the window. Not quite dawn. He would hea
d back to his chamber and dress for the day. By the time he was finished, it would be dawn and he would seek out Elizabeth.


  Isaac panted as he eased himself off of his horse and his feet rested in the damp grass, as the morning sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon. The animals were starting their morning routines of foraging and the sound of leaves rustling in the early morning breeze. He inhaled deeply. He had missed being outdoors. Trapped in his chambers, the last week had been torture, and though he felt as if he were going to be sick, he still felt better in the fresh air. He grimaced as he reached up to snag the reins of his horse and began the walk through the trees and into Elizabeth’s clearing. He tied off the horse on a nearby limb and made his way to the large stump that allowed one to sit and stare across the boundary. He eased himself down and watched as the small rabbit, called Thatcher, the usual messenger between lands, hopped out of his bushel awaiting a task. There was no letter tied around his small neck, and that told Isaac, Edward had yet to venture to the line. He did not have a message prepared, nor would he write one. He would wait.

  As he sat, he looked around, the familiar spot tinged with traces of dried blood and debris from the previous battles, he noted that shields, swords, and helmets still littered the ground. No bodies lingered, of that he was grateful, but the smell of blood in the air turned his empty stomach. Battles were ugly affairs, and Isaac had spent the last week reliving every second of the war against Abner. He knew there was nothing else that could have been done. But Abner’s last words would not leave his mind.

  “You have no idea what you have done.”

  What did Abner mean? Isaac ran a hand through his dark hair and rested his chin on his fist. Did Abner know a way to defeat Lancer and Isaac had ruined their chances of finding out? Was his father’s absence due to Abner’s veiled threat? Did Abner do something to his father? Or was the old king simply leaving the threat to torment Isaac as it currently did? He didn’t know the answer, and that plagued him. Worse, he had killed Katarina’s father. She had yet to mention it, but he knew she must be hurting despite the hardships the man gave her. But it had to be done. Surely Katarina saw the necessity of it.


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