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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 62

by Katharine E Hamilton

  She shrugged his hand away and lifted her chin. She held her hands out to her sides. “Well?” Though she knew her voice did not carry through the fog, she knew Lancer could interpret her message.

  Lancer turned towards Edward. “Do you have the first letter we prepared?”

  Edward nodded and handed it to Lancer. “Now how do you get it to cross the line?”

  “We normally use a rabbit, however, now that objects can pass through the line, we could easily tie it to a rock.” Edward reached for the letter and tied a small rope around a medium rock and tossed it gently across the line.

  Isaac bent to pick it up, his side pinching and he pulled back quickly, the rock remaining on the ground. “Yep, yep, yep, yep.” He grimaced and tried to walk off the pain. “That is all you, Clifton.” He placed his hand on his side and walked to clear away the pain that drifted over him.

  Clifton bent over and picked up the rock, untying the letter and handing it straight to Alayna.

  She began to read aloud.

  Queen Alayna,

  I am pleased to see you made it through the last battles unscathed. I am surprised your realm survived the threat of Abner. I hope you can now see why I created The Land of Unfading Beauty. It was because of that man. He destroyed my kingdom. My family. I am sorry for annihilating your troops that you deviously sent into my Lands to try and overcome me. You see I will never be overthrown again. It did not sit well with me last time. And now that I have the power to protect my kingdom, I will not let it happen again.

  I imagine you are tormenting yourself trying to think of ways to combat with me and retaliate. Don’t bother. You cannot defeat me. I have a power on my side that no man can match. Not even through secrecy. Your plans of a surprise attack were thwarted by your very own brother’s significant other, Cecilia, my loyal resident here in the Lands. She is not the only one who wishes to keep the boundary line in place. There is much resistance to your plan. Should you attempt to overtake my kingdom again, I will kill you all.

  And most importantly, I will start with him.

  Alayna glanced up as Lancer waved Edward to disappear into the trees to grab Ryle. As he pulled the rope through the trees, Clifton darted forward as Ryle appeared, blinking against the brightness of the sun as he emerged from the shadows.

  Alayna gasped and tightly snagged Clifton’s arm before he ran across the boundary line.

  “We must save him.” Clifton fought back his emotions as his gaze carried over to his father, King Eamon, lingering behind as he studied his former brother-in-law and hated the pleasure he saw in Lancer’s face.

  Lancer saluted towards Eamon and laughed as he pointed to Edward and nodded. Edward unsheathed his sword. Ignoring the silent implore from Ryle’s eyes, he drove his blade through the prince’s side and watched as he crumbled to the forest floor.

  Alayna covered her distress and stepped forward, her toes humming from the boundary’s electricity.

  Lancer stepped forward as well, toe to toe, the fog the only separation between the two. He smiled. She studied his face closely.

  “He is a handsome man, is he not?”

  “He what?” Isaac asked in horror. “You’re staring into the face of a killer and all you can say is that he is handsome?”

  She smirked in return. “It is odd seeing him so up close. He is not nearly as scary as I imagined.”

  Her eyes softened as she continued to peruse his face and she noticed a change in Lancer’s demeanor as well as he watched her. He became less confident, fidgety, as if her close study unnerved him, and he did not know how to handle the attention. She lifted her hand and lightly fanned the fog in front of her, but not crossing through, as Lancer continued to watch.

  “It’s odd that this energy is the only invisible foe separating us from them.”

  “Invisible foe, indeed.” King Eamon chimed in and stepped towards her. “There is a bigger and darker threat beneath the surface. His eyes seem kind but remember what is hidden in his soul.”

  Alayna nodded in understanding and then glanced at Ryle. He lay upon his stomach, his eyes watchful, his blood spilling upon the green grass. Yet, his wound had begun to heal. She saw the pain, the determination, and the longing in his blue eyes, and she offered him a sympathetic smile. There was nothing she could do for him. Not from where she stood. She took a step closer and now stood halfway inside the fog. Clifton grabbed her elbow and pulled her back, the tug breaking her trance and causing her to fumble. Lancer grinned on the other side and shook his finger at her.


  “Your sister seems tempted to cross, Edward.” Lancer turned in amusement towards Edward and his smile turned into shock as he felt the sharp stab of a blade pierce his stomach. He turned back towards the line and saw Alayna’s bold glare as she pulled back Clifton’s sword and dropped it to the ground. Lancer placed a hand over his wound and stumbled backwards, Edward catching him as he fell to the ground. The wound had already begun to heal, but Edward could see the sheer terror in Lancer’s eyes.

  “You will be fine, my Lord.” Edward gripped Lancer’s hand as the man heaved for more air. As he bled, Edward’s gaze narrowed in on the blackness that seeped from Lancer’s side and began to creep along the ground.

  “You must claim it Edward. You must claim it before it is lost.” Lancer strained as he panted.

  Edward quickly sliced his hand and closed his eyes. Instead of calling the darkness into himself, he placed his open wound over Lancer’s and summoned all his strength into the healing. Blood to blood. The darkness crawled around them, the eyes of everyone across the boundary line widened in fear as they watched the events unfold.

  Ryle spotted Isaac creeping towards the boundary line and waving him over. The Western Prince attempting to draw him back into the Realm. Ryle slowly pulled himself to his knees, the effort consuming all his strength as he moved slowly across the ground in a crawl. His hand brushed the fog, but he could not pull away from the Lands. He was tied to a tree and out of reach of any blade or rescue. He shook his head at Isaac and caught Alayna’s desperate gaze. He tried to smile and mustered a slight grimace in her direction. Her distraction with Lancer was to retrieve Ryle, and he could not escape. His father held his hands clasped in front of his face as he silently willed his son to cross the boundary, but Ryle could not. He shook his head and Eamon’s head dropped.

  Edward stood as Lancer’s breathing became even, his body weak, but healed. Edward had escaped the temptation and the need to absorb the darkness by summoning it back into Lancer. He had not known if the action was possible, but he did it. Alayna’s brown eyes studied him as he rose to his feet and helped Lancer to his. Lancer brushed a hand over his stomach and smiled in relief. Though pale, Lancer stood strong and healthy, his eyes blazing with fury as he turned towards Alayna. She took a retreating step back as he walked slowly towards the boundary line.

  “You wish to send another letter across?” Edward asked, reaching into his trouser pocket.

  “No.” Lancer held up his hand to stop Edward. “We will leave. I think our statement has been made. We are unstoppable and invincible. And she just killed her prince. Retrieve him. We leave now.”

  Lancer turned and walked back through the forest as Edward reached for Ryle’s rope and untied him from the tree. He saw in the prince’s eyes that he was contemplating an escape and he just shook his head. “Not now, Prince Ryle. Save your strength. I promise I will not let him kill you.”

  Ryle shook his head in disbelief. “After what I just saw, I am not sure I trust you.”

  Edward tugged on the rope to encourage Ryle to start walking. “You should,” Edward continued. “That darkness would have found the next available target, and that would have been you. I stopped it for both our sakes.”

  Ryle glanced towards his family and friends one more time before disappearing through the trees.


  Alayna leapt forward. “Fight!” She yelled. “Why is he not fighting?!” She ra
n along the boundary line towards the spot Ryle disappeared and felt the tears begin to stream down her cheeks. “What is he doing? Why is he letting them take him?”

  “He does not have the strength, Alayna.” Isaac offered softly.

  “But they will kill him.” She turned towards Clifton, her eyes silently pleading for him to do something and he just shook his head. “We must wait, Alayna. I am sorry. But we cannot rescue him now. Edward will look after him.”

  “No he won’t!” She screamed. “Did you see what my brother did? He saved him! He saved Lancer! Why would he do that?”

  “I do not know, but we cannot dismiss his loyalty just yet. Edward will inform us of Lancer’s plans. We just have to wait.” King Eamon stepped forward and pulled Alayna into a hug that for once she did not attempt to escape. Instead, she felt the sobs shake her shoulders and she enjoyed the feel of a father to comfort her. Ryle was a prisoner, and it was her fault.


  Elizabeth sat on the parapet, her eyes focused on the edge of the horizon for sight of Alayna and the others. She longed to hear what news Edward had to share and how the encounter with Lancer unfolded. A throat cleared behind her and she turned, careful to balance herself on the ledge.

  “Oh, hello Samuel.”

  “I am sorry to intrude on your quiet time, Princess Elizabeth, but I found myself wandering the halls with nothing to do.”

  Elizabeth smiled and patted the spot beside her and Samuel hopped up on the ledge to join her, swinging his legs over the side to dangle along the parapet.

  “I feel as if I should be contributing somehow, but I’m not sure how.”

  Elizabeth nodded in agreement. “I understand the feeling. I’ve been struggling as well. We just have to learn that sometimes our role is to be here. Sometimes we are the anchors instead of the sails.”

  Samuel rubbed his chin in thought and shrugged. “I’m not sure I quite like being an anchor.”

  Elizabeth giggled. “I’m surprised at you Samuel.”

  “Why is that?”

  “You seem to have blossomed into a king overnight. You wish to be proactive in the protection of the Realm instead of on the sidelines.”

  “Indeed. I received a letter from Mosiah just this morning. The Southern Kingdom is doing fine in my absence though we have suffered more casualties and loss. I am here to serve and to aid the Realm and yet I’m sitting on a parapet.” His words trailed off in disappointment at the end and Elizabeth reached over and squeezed his hand.

  “I’m glad you are just sitting on a parapet. You bring me company when I need it.” Sighing, she closed her eyes as the wind lifted the wisps of black hair that escaped her braid.

  “Are you still feeling ill?” Samuel asked curiously.

  “A bit, but not as bad. Not ill enough to prevent me from my journey to the West.”

  His scrutiny made her laugh. “Trust me. I learned my lesson the first time. If I do not feel up for a journey, I will not take it.”

  Samuel’s lips twitched into a smile. “Was my concern that obvious?”

  “I know you are Clifton’s eyes when he is absent. Don’t think I am not aware of you two scheming behind my back.”

  Samuel feigned innocence and Elizabeth laughed even harder. “You are my guard detail, are you not? Clifton probably asked you to keep an eye on me while he was gone.”

  “He did.” Samuel confirmed. “Though I am not sure it was about your health or the fear he thought you would follow them.”

  Elizabeth tilted her head at his statement and nodded. “Yes, I could see how he would worry about that. I was tempted, to be sure. But I also knew this was not my encounter. Mine will come. This was for Alayna.”

  Samuel straightened as he watched four horses and riders appear in the distance. “They are almost back.”

  Elizabeth followed his gaze and smiled at the sight of Clifton riding confidently next to his father. “They seem all in one piece.”

  Samuel swung his legs around and stood. “Shall we go meet them at the entrance?” He extended a hand to Elizabeth and she accepted the help to gain her footing, her peg leg still slightly unstable on the outer landing stones. “Thank you.”

  They began walking at a leisurely pace through the castle doors and into the main hall. Melody reached the top of the stairwell. “Have they returned?” She called down, her sweet voice echoing against the walls.

  “Yes.” Elizabeth called up to her. “We are meeting them on the steps.”

  “I’ll be right down.” Melody’s blonde head disappeared as she ducked back towards her chambers to gather herself. Elizabeth watched as Samuel’s gaze lingered on the spot Melody just vacated. “Have you told her yet?”

  Samuel looked down at Elizabeth. “Told her what?”

  “That you have feelings for her.”

  The young king’s face flushed, and he stuck a finger in his collar and tugged as he fought his embarrassment. “You do not have to be embarrassed, Samuel. We all think it would be a great match.” Elizabeth explained.

  “I am too young at the moment.”

  “At the moment.” Elizabeth agreed. “But you won’t always be.”

  “Yes, but I am King of the South and she is a princess from the Western Kingdom.”

  “And? What does that have to do with anything?” Elizabeth asked.

  “I am not sure King Anthony would appreciate his daughter aligning with the South. We do not exactly have the best reputation in the Realm.”

  “That is over.” Elizabeth’s voice hardened. “You have proved yourself loyal to the Realm time and again, Samuel. You are not your father and brother, and we see that. Besides, King Anthony presided over your coronation. I do not think he would have accepted that responsibility if he did not wish to make the South a strong kingdom again.”

  “I do not know.” Samuel’s self-doubt shadowed his face and Elizabeth nudged him with her shoulder.

  “You do not give yourself near enough credit, Samuel. Not even close to enough. We all see the way you look at her.” Elizabeth held up her hand. “I am not saying that to embarrass you, I’m just pointing out the fact we see you have eyes for Melody. We also see her look at you the same way.”

  He turned to her in surprise and Elizabeth rolled her eyes and smiled. “Surely you are not that blind?” At his vacant stare she continued. “Or maybe you are… clearly I have sprung some news on you. I apologize for speaking so frankly, but I do not wish to see you undermine your importance to this Realm or the fact any princess would be blessed to have a husband like you.”

  “Husband?” His voice croaked and she chuckled.

  “Again… in the future. I see I have officially terrified you. We will let the matter drop for now, but should you need someone to talk to, please know that Clifton and I are all ears.”

  They rounded the corner and the castle doors opened and Alayna rushed inside, followed by Isaac, Clifton, and King Eamon. Her gaze found Elizabeth and Samuel and she rushed towards Elizabeth and swallowed her in a huge embrace. Elizabeth’s eyes widened and she glanced over her sister’s shoulders to see Clifton’s weary gaze as well.

  “Ryle?” Elizabeth asked. She felt her sister nod between sobs. “Is he… dead?”

  “Not yet.” Alayna sniffled and pulled away, accepting the white handkerchief Samuel offered and wiped her eyes. “But I am sure it will happen. I made the worst mistake.” Elizabeth rubbed her sister’s arms as Alayna pulled away and blubbered over her words, her face strained and full of terror.

  Elizabeth looked to Clifton and noticed her husband’s tight jaw and his green eyes full of grief. Elizabeth looked back to her sister and pulled her into another hug. “He will be okay, Alayna. You mustn’t lose hope. She rubbed a hand over her sister’s back. “Let’s go to your chamber and we will send Jessa for some hot tea.” She began leading Alayna away from the doorway and sent a firm nod to Clifton that she would see him in a few minutes. Guiding Alayna into her room, Elizabeth sat with her on a sof
a and watched as Jessa replenished the fire and set out tea.

  “Now, tell me what happened today.” Elizabeth clasped Alayna’s hand and waited as her sister dabbed her swollen eyes and inhaled a calming breath.

  “It was awful.” Alayna began. “Ryle looked…” she shook her head as if the image in her mind was too much to bear. “Edward stabbed him in front of us and he just collapsed. His clothes were torn to pieces, wounds were still healing from what I can only imagine was hours of torture. He was dirty and bleeding. Oh Elizabeth, they are torturing him to death.”

  Elizabeth’s blue eyes flashed sympathy as Alayna continued. “And we couldn’t save him. Isaac tried to usher him across the line while I distracted Lancer, but Edward had tied him to a tree. He was so close, yet we could not save him. And it is my fault.”

  “How is his capture your fault?” Elizabeth lightly brushed her sister’s hair from her face as Alayna wiped tears from her eyes. “I-I stabbed Lancer and h-he will surely take revenge by k-killing Ryle.”

  Elizabeth’s eyes widened. “You stabbed Lancer? Alayna!” She grabbed her sister’s shoulders and shook her. “That is amazing!”

  Alayna looked at Elizabeth with selfish disgust. “No it is not, because I inadvertently put Ryle’s life at risk.”

  “Tell me everything. What happened when you stabbed Lancer?” Elizabeth patted Alayna’s hand. “Alayna, this is important. What happened?”

  Alayna cleared her throat and sniffled to gather her composure. “He fell. Edward caught him as he fell. And this black mist began pouring out of him onto the ground. Edward helped put it back into him. That was it. He healed.”

  “It poured out of him? From his wound?”


  Elizabeth’s brow furrowed as she considered her sister’s words. “So as Lancer was injured and weakening, the darkness fled from him.”

  Alayna rolled her eyes. “Yes, Lizzy, that is what I said.”

  Elizabeth clapped her hands together. “This is good news.”


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