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The Unfading Lands The Complete Set

Page 63

by Katharine E Hamilton

“What is?”

  “The fact that Lancer can be killed. The darkness is a coward. As soon as its vessel is injured it is already looking for an escape. This also means that Lancer can be saved. Think about it, Alayna. If we were to seriously injure Lancer and the darkness seeps out of him and then we heal him, without Edward forcing the darkness back into Lancer, then Lancer will be saved from the darkness.”

  “You make it sound so easy.”

  “I’ve been hearing that a lot lately.” Elizabeth grinned. “And it sounds easy, because it is. Well, the concept of it is. Father said that the real enemy is the darkness, not Lancer. And that if we ever came across a way to save him, we must. This is it. You figured it out.” Elizabeth smiled and rubbed her sister’s shoulders.

  “I hate to tell you, sister, but the last thing on my mind after seeing Ryle is saving Lancer. What he has done to the Realm, to people, and to Ryle… I do not think he deserves to live.” Alayna stiffened as she rose to walk towards her vanity table, Elizabeth boring holes into her back.

  “That is not for you to decide.”

  “I am the Queen. It is my decision.”

  “You’re the Queen, yes. But you make decisions for the good of the kingdom and the Realm. You do not choose which people live and which people die. That is certainly not your role.”

  “It is now.” Alayna’s eyes glimmered with restrained anger as Elizabeth stood and made her way to her door feeling defeated. “Well I am glad you made it back safely, sister. And I am glad you have discovered a new attribute of the darkness. Get some rest. I will see you later.” As she shut the door, she leaned against the smooth wood and took a deep breath. Alayna had a success today, she should be happy. Instead, she worried about Alayna’s obsession with killing Lancer and ignoring the fact that not only could they save the Lands, but he too could be saved. Lifting her skirts and turning towards her own chambers, she decided to seek out her husband and offer comfort to him next. No doubt, Clifton struggled seeing his brother in such a condition.


  “He forced the darkness back into him, you said?” Samuel asked.

  Isaac nodded stoically. “Yes, he stood right over him and it was as if he summoned the darkness back inside Lancer.”

  “That must take great power.” Samuel stated with concern as he studied Isaac’s thoughtful demeanor.

  “That is my thinking as well. What if our focus has been on the wrong person?”

  “What do you mean?”

  “Well, we have all been so worried about Lancer and his power, but Lancer was taken down with a single sword wound. Edward was the one with the real strength today. It was effortless for him to wield such power. What if he is now stronger than Lancer?”

  “It is a possibility. But you said he also seemed pleased to see all of you.”

  “And I’m sure he was. However, the struggle within him is still there. All I’m saying is, that kind of power takes great strength. Edward has struggled with the darkness from the beginning. How much more can he handle if he has to perform such tasks again? And would he want to give up the darkness after wielding such power? It is a great temptation that I think many a man would have a hard time relinquishing.”

  “Do we even give him the choice?” Samuel asked.

  “It is always a choice. It was his choice to succumb to the darkness, it must be his choice to give it up.” Isaac stated. “The darkness will not want to leave a willing vessel.”

  Samuel sighed as he leaned back against the chair in the conservatory. “I pray he is wise.”

  “Me too.”

  “And what of Captain Ryle? Did he seem… different?”

  Isaac shrugged. “Not really. He seemed tired, injured, and frustrated. But he did not seem as if he had inwardly changed. It was great relief in his eyes when he saw us. I feel terrible I could not reach him. His body—” Isaac trailed off. “I don’t know how much more it can take.”

  Samuel swallowed the news of the Captain down with his emotions and tried not to dwell on the sad status of his friend. He needed to think like a king. “We must save him then.”

  “I believe that is the plan, eventually.” Isaac glumly placed his chin in his hand as he sat, his mind turning circles over the idea.

  “The question is how.” Samuel added. “I will think on it. Perhaps the way to rescue Prince Ryle is the attack Queen Alayna needs to convince the Council to go to war again. Maybe if we focus on a small task first then we will be able to accomplish our larger goal of defeating the Lands.”

  “Small task?” Isaac’s voice held doubt.

  “I did not say easy.” Samuel emphasized. “I said small as in our main objective only being one thing. To rescue Ryle. We worry about defeating the Lands on another day. But the rescue of Ryle will give us insight into the layout of Lancer’s personal space that we can use later on.”

  Impressed by the young king, Isaac leaned back in his seat and flinched as pain shot up his side. He shifted to find comfort and crossed his arms over his chest. “Okay, I’ll play along. So how do we rescue our dearest Captain?”

  Samuel smirked and rubbed his hands together as if he had patiently been waiting for someone to ask. “I have given the matter great thought.”

  Isaac waved his hand to continue.


  “What?” Isaac asked, his brows rising in surprise.

  “Me.” Samuel grinned. “The last person anyone would expect to come into the Lands is me. I would blend in well with all the Southern guards that remain there. I could slip in almost unnoticed. I could team up with Edward to sneak me into the castle. I could free Ryle, and then we would be back before the sun rose.”

  “You think it would be that easy?”

  “No. I am just hoping there will not be any unnecessary risks involved. It should happen quick and smooth. The less people know about it, the better.”

  “You are forgetting one thing,” Isaac pointed out. “You will be stuck in the Lands.”

  “There is that.” Samuel added. “But then I would be there to rally my guards for the sake of the Realm when the real battle should begin. I will serve a purpose on both fronts.”

  “You would willingly cross into the Lands and be stranded there should things not go according to plan.”

  “Yes.” Samuel stated without hesitation.

  “You realize every female in this castle would fight this plan, correct?”

  Samuel flushed. “I do. I know everyone still sees me as too young to contribute much, but I can do this, Prince Isaac. I know I can.”

  “You have contributed much, Samuel. For the record, the Northern Kingdom would have been lost if it had not been for you and your army in the previous battle. Do not undermine your worth. My concern is that the Southern Kingdom would be losing their king.”

  “I would not be lost. You would come and save me along with the rest of the Lands in the following battle. Mosiah can lead my troops from the South, they are familiar with him.”

  “I am glad you have confidence in my abilities of a heroic rescue.” Baffled, Isaac chuckled.

  “I do. I am not kidding around when I say these things, Isaac.”

  The lack of formality in the young king’s tone told Isaac Samuel was indeed not kidding and his dark eyes held a solemn determination. “I have seen you save Elizabeth and you have saved Clifton twice. And by killing Abner, you saved us all. I know you will save me.”

  Isaac reached over and nudged Samuel’s shoulder in brotherly affection. “Thank you for that confidence. But if you were to cross and stay in the Lands, I would have no choice but to save you. Otherwise my sister may never speak to me again.”

  Samuel’s reddening cheeks had Isaac laughing as he rose to his feet. “I like your line of thinking, Samuel. Perhaps we run your idea by Clifton and see what his thoughts are on the matter.”

  “Thank you, Isaac.”

  “Of course. It’s a crafty idea. I’m surprised I didn’t think of it myself.” He winked as h
e slapped Samuel on the shoulder on his way out of the room.


  Elizabeth looked up as Katarina made her way through the gardens to where she sat on a stone bench in front of Mary’s grave. She did not wish to be disturbed, but the princess looked as if she had much on her mind. She smiled warmly, and Katarina did not return it.

  “Hello, Katarina.”

  “Elizabeth.” She greeted as she sat with a heavy sigh.

  “You seem rather distraught today, Katarina. What is the matter?”

  Katarina studied Mary’s grave and then faced Elizabeth. “You really miss her, don’t you?”

  Elizabeth nodded. “She was my best friend.”

  “She was your servant.” Katarina’s voice held a sharpness that had Elizabeth slightly taken aback.

  “It never seemed like it.”

  “To you maybe, but I am sure it felt that way to Mary.”

  Elizabeth stiffened at the tone Katarina’s voice held and turned to her. “Do not speak for her. You did not know her. Now please tell me what brings you out here in such a state or dismiss yourself immediately.”

  Katarina’s face fell. “I am sorry, Princess Elizabeth. I… I am just having a hard time dealing with the loss of my father.”

  “I can understand that.”

  “Can you? Your father was loved by everyone and mine was hated. How could you possibly understand?”

  Elizabeth took a deep breath for patience and then offered as understanding a smile as she could muster. “It is still a loss, Katarina. Whether he was evil or not, he was your father. We are not so blind to the fact that you must have some good memories with him as well as the bad. It is difficult losing a father. I have yet to fully let mine go.”


  “Of course. Sometimes I feel as if I still hear him shuffling down the halls, his heavy robes dragging on the floor. It was always a comforting sound and I miss it.” Elizabeth admitted. “But he is gone, and I must learn to accept that. As should you with Abner.”

  “He was just,” Katarina paused as if to formulate the right way to convey her heart. “I feel he was just taken from me so abruptly. I was not prepared for that. My father was invincible it seemed, and for Isaac to take his life in a moment just seems so… surreal.”

  “I know what you mean.” Elizabeth waved her hand towards Mary’s grave. “Watching Mary die will haunt me forever. But I also know she would want me to be happy and move past the pain.”

  “My father would not want me to move past his death. He was about revenge. He would wish for me to seek revenge.” Katarina admitted.

  “But is that your character?”

  “I am not sure anymore. Before I would have said no, but now, I am left feeling confused and hurt. I understand Isaac felt he needed to kill my father, but to act upon it without consulting others still irritates me. I should have been given the chance to intervene for my father, and I was robbed of that.”

  “War does not leave room for much except victory and defeat. There is no time to decipher diplomatic ways to maneuver. It’s kill or be killed, and if you hesitate or make one wrong move, you’re killed. Isaac was protecting the Realm, himself, and I believe, you.”

  “If he would have spoken to me beforehand, he would know I would never have wished my father dead.”

  “But would you wish Isaac dead? Because that is exactly what would have happened to him if he had not struck your father. Clifton would most likely be dead as well.” Elizabeth added.

  Katarina shrugged. “Like I said, I am struggling with making sense of it all. My heart is torn. I feel I should return to my realm and see the state of things, perhaps then I may feel more like myself.”

  “We will arrange it. King Eamon and I will be traveling to the Western Kingdom at week’s end. You can journey with us there and we will send letter to your realm to meet us at the western border.”

  “I think I would like that.”

  “With your father gone, will the queen seek to rule or will the crown pass to you?”

  “It will pass to me. The queen has no desire to rule and never has.”

  “So should we need you in the future for battles against the Unfading Lands, would you consider coming to our aide?”

  Katarina bit her lower lip in consideration. “Yes, I suppose I will. You all have been good to me in my stay, and I see the threat the Lands pose to us all. Should it be necessary, you have a friend.”

  Elizabeth nodded. “Good. Then prepare to leave by week’s end. Now if you will excuse me, I need to seek out my husband.” With a small bow, Elizabeth hustled out of the gardens, her lavender skirts sashaying behind her as she headed to find Clifton.


  Clifton flung his dagger at the straw target and grunted with the effort, the small blade piercing through the center of the bull’s eye. He retrieved the weapon and walked back to the line he had carved in the grass and stood. Lining up his free arm with his target, he focused, his green eyes narrowing, and then he threw the blade with all his strength once more. This time the dagger passed straight through the bull’s eye and landed a few feet behind the target.

  “Nice one.” Elizabeth complimented with an impressed smile as she walked down the sloping hill towards the small clearing next to the stables. “I wasn’t sure I heard Tomas correctly when he said you were down here practicing. That seems more Isaac’s activity. You must have come to think much like I was doing in the gardens.”

  Clifton bent and picked up his dagger. “That was the plan.”

  “Should I leave?” Elizabeth asked.

  “No. I think I am almost finished for today. I just needed to clear my thoughts.” He smiled as she walked towards him and placed her hand on the side of his face. “They still aren’t clear, are they?”

  Clifton smirked. “You read me too well, love.”

  She grinned. “I’m your wife. It’s my job.”

  Chuckling, Clifton grabbed her hand and squeezed it before draping it through his elbow. Sighing he brought her to the foot of the hill amidst some flowers and the shade of a large tree and sat.

  “I am worried about Ryle.” He admitted, his voice low as she watched him swallow and attempt to remain under control of his emotions. “He did not look well.”

  She lightly brushed her fingers over his forehead, tucking away the rogue curl that seemed to escape whenever he worked up a sweat. “I know. Alayna told me. She is having a hard time as well.”

  He nodded grimly.

  “What course of action are you planning now that you have seen him and have spoken with Edward?”

  “I am not sure. It is not up to me, but the entire Council. It’s just that seeing him today, like he was… he will not be able to withstand much longer.”

  “Well he cannot die just from being injured. He will continue to heal, even if it takes more time.”

  “Unless they kill him. Which could very well be a strong possibility after today.”

  Elizabeth turned his face towards hers. “You know what else happened today?”

  “What is that, love?”

  “You found out that Lancer could lose the darkness. As he grows weaker, the darkness flees from him. From what Alayna told me, Edward is the one to have placed the darkness back inside Lancer.”

  “He was. Which is another concern all in itself. That much power?” Clifton held out his hands as if wondering what such a thing would feel like. “I am concerned about Edward now as well. He possesses more darkness than we know.”

  “Perhaps you should continue trips to the boundary line so that Isaac may heal. And you can converse with Edward and study his condition. If he is not trustworthy, you are the best judge. We must learn now before we involve him in our future plans. Besides, there is Cecilia to consider.”

  Clifton shook his head. “The penalty for treason is death. But the thought of killing her does not sit well with me.”

  “Me either. But something tells me Cecilia is not our problem to handl

  “What do you mean?” Clifton asked curiously.

  “Well, Lancer likes her now for being loyal, but what happens to her when Lancer finds out Edward is the true traitor to the Lands? I do not see him standing for her knowledge on the matter, even though she helped him in the past.”

  “You are right.” Clifton replied. “One less person to worry about.”

  She squeezed his hand. “How do you feel about my trip to the Western Kingdom with your father?”

  “I think it necessary, though I do not like the idea of you traveling.”

  “Why?” Elizabeth asked defensively. “I’m completely healed. I fought in a battle for goodness sake.”

  He laughed and pulled her towards him, claiming her lips in a swift but passionate kiss. “I only meant I did not want to be without you, love. You are more than capable of such a journey. I will miss you is all.”

  “Oh.” Elizabeth flushed and kissed him sweetly on the lips as she maneuvered her peg leg in order to push herself off the ground. Standing, she extended a hand to her husband. Rising to his feet, Clifton pulled her in his arms and Elizabeth listened to the strong steady beat of his heart. “Promise me you will not approve a war while we are gone?” Her words muffled against his chest and he soothed a hand over her silky hair.

  “You have my word.”

  “Good.” Pulling away from him, she spotted Isaac at the top of the hill waving his arms for their attention. “Looks like we are being summoned.”

  Clifton turned and spotted Isaac, Samuel stepping up beside him. “Two of them. This should be good.”

  Elizabeth giggled as they made their way up the hill towards their friends, curious as to what the two princes conjured during their own meeting of minds.


  Edward waited, his fingers drumming upon his knees as he sat anxiously awaiting Cecilia in the Uniters’ camp. She had ventured out with a group earlier in the day to gather supplies and had yet to return. He knew she would shortly, and his angst stemmed from the deep sorrow of betrayal. He clenched and unclenched his fists, his veins protruding from his skin as he tried to control the darkness that dared to try and seep out of his every pore. He could control it. Up until saving Lancer he had rarely used the darkness. Now knowing what he was capable of, Edward struggled balancing his thoughts and reactions. His body automatically wished to lash out while his mind attempted to convince him to maintain control. The darkness tempted him. Every day. Every hour. Slowly seeping into his mind and heart like curling fingers that brushed his very soul. The grip tightening and his control slipping. He heard a rustle in the trees and shook his thoughts away as Cecilia stepped into the clearing.


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