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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

Page 26

by Hannah Gittins

  “When I see that boy I will be telling him that he should tell his girlfriend who he is inviting to dinner.” The woman snapped. “Fancy leaving your woman to answer the door all by herself.”

  Uh oh. Maddie didn’t meant to get Aiden into trouble. That being said Alice would have to get into line behind Maddie because she was giving Aiden an earful first.

  The older man smiled down at the woman and chuckled.

  “You can tell him but you know he won’t listen Ali.” He said. “I’m Harry and this is Alice.”

  “Of course you are!” Maddie exclaimed. “I have heard all about you guys and should have realised he would invite you. Come on in and meet everybody.”

  Fiona and Eddie had greeted the new comers with hugs and helped Maddie introduce them to the rest. Everybody seemed to be getting on really well. There was laughing and clinking of glasses but Maddie knew everybody was getting hungry and starting to wonder where Aiden was. She was starting to feel stupid standing there, the only one without their partner. The dinner party was meant to be celebrating them but he wasn’t even here.

  Walking away from the group she looked at the chicken for what felt like the millionth time. It was done. It needed to come out and rest for a bit before carving. Maddie had been hoping that Aiden would carve it. It was how it was meant to be, women cooked the roast men carved it. Even though she may not have had many good memories with her parents this was one she always liked. They would sit round the table and watch her father carve the roast.

  “Where is he Maddie?” Eddie asked from behind her.

  Maddie pulled the roasting tin out of the over and set it to the side to rest for a bit. Taking the oven gloves off, she looked at Eddie.

  “Em…” Maddie stalled.

  What was she meant to say? She had no idea where he was or even what time he was going to get his butt here so they could eat. If she was honest with herself she was hurt that he was a no show. Really hurt.

  Avoiding eye contact, Maddie turned to the soup pot and stirred.

  “He will be here soon.” She replied.

  “Pet, look at me.” Eddie asked.

  Maddie took a moment to steady herself and try to hold onto the trust that she had in Aiden and what they have started making together. There had to be something going on, something big that would stop him from being here with her.

  Looking up at Eddie she tilted her chin up.


  Eddie gave her a soft little smile and there was pride in his eyes. The older man walked a little closer to her and put his hands on her shoulders. Giving her a little shake he said calmly.

  “Aiden is crazy about you, he will be here.”

  Maddie’s breath caught and she nodded. Eddie was totally right. Aiden was crazy about her and showed her all the time. He had asked her to trust him and she would do that.

  “I know Eddie. Why don’t you get everybody to sit round the table while I get the soup ready?” Maddie asked.

  Eddie nodded at her and moved to the group round the breakfast bar. Sarah gave her a raised eyebrow and wide eyed look but Maddie just smiled back and turned to get bowls out that she needed. Laying them out on the counter it struck her that they were not only missing Aiden but the odd person.

  Looking back round at the group that was moving towards the table and taking their seats, Maddie gave them a quick count. On one side of the table there was Sarah and John next to Fiona and Eddie. On the other there was Richard and Claire next to Harry and Alice. Maddie and Aiden’s seats were empty plus the 11th seat at the opposite end. Yep, they were definitely two short. Aiden and the last guest.

  As she was thinking this, the sound of the key going into the lock and the door opening drew her attention to the entrance.

  Aiden walked through it smiling at everybody at the table while he gave it a quick scan before he turned to the kitchen. As his eyes rested on her, his grin got even bigger. He took Maddie in from head to toe and although he was the other side of the room she could see his eyes darken.

  That one look made the money she had paid for her dress, and the effort she had put into getting ready, totally worth it.

  Aiden walked into the flat and across to the kitchen. Reaching for her, he smiled down at her as he wrapped his arms round waist like there was no one else in the room but her.

  “Hey Ruby. You look so fucking inviting in that dress. If we were here alone I would show you just how much I like it.” He muttered before kissing her.

  Maddie instantly forgot her anger and was held captive by his mouth. His tongue teased her lips until she opened up to him. Then Maddie forgot about the room full of people too because right then it was all about that kiss, Aiden and Maddie. Wrapping her arms around Aiden’s shoulders she held herself closer to him and tried to absorb as much of his heat as she could. Maddie always got so cold when he wasn’t around.

  Eventually, after the howling penetrated, Aiden pulled back and smiled at the hooting and cat calling guests round the table. Maddie buried her face in his chest embarrassed at her reaction but at the same totally not.

  “Sorry I am late.” Aiden said looking down at her but loud enough that everybody at the table could here. Marvin had even come out of hiding to rub himself against Aiden’s leg waiting for the attention that he knew Aiden would give him once he was done greeting Maddie.

  “You should be boy!” Alice shouted.

  Aiden chuckled but didn’t look away from Maddie.

  “It’s okay.” She whispered to him. “I knew you would be here.”

  Aiden looked into her eyes intensively, checking that she meant what she said. Once he was sure she did his face broke out in a massive, beautiful smile before he dropped his mouth to kiss her nose.

  “I have a surprise for you.” Aiden said.

  Maddie looked over his shoulder and saw that the door was still open. Smiling she thought that Aiden must have been so excited to see her that he didn’t even close the door after himself. It warmed Maddie’s heart.

  Marvin had started to lose attention in Aiden but instead focus on the door.

  “Is it you holding a knife carving the chicken?” Maddie asked trying to keep the laughter from the night going.

  There was giggles from the table but she noticed that the some of the people were looking at the open door. They obviously didn’t know that this was a good neighbourhood. There wouldn’t be anything bad happening here. Maddie would go and shut the door in a second anyway.

  Aiden just kept smiling.

  “No it’s not that, although I will carve that chicken for you.” Aiden declared. “Your surprise is just outside the door. Do you want me to get her?”

  Maddie frowned moving out of Aiden’s arms to try and see what was out the door. Now everybody at the table was looking outside with curiosity. Maddie looked down at her husky to see his ears were up and his full concentration was on whatever was out in the hall.

  What were they looking at she wondered?

  Stepping around Aiden she tried to get a better angle to see into the hall. Aiden wouldn’t let her get too far. He turned so that he was facing the door to, stood her in front of him and wrapped his arms round her waist. He then rested his head on her shoulder.

  “I got you.” He muttered but she didn’t understand until he said something much louder. “Jean you can come in now.”

  Maddie’s whole body started shaking, then she lost all feeling in her limbs as her old employer and friend walked through the door of her little flat.

  The woman looked older with completely white hair wrapped up and sat on top of her head. Her skin held more wrinkles but the soft look in her eyes was still there. The indents round her mouth that said she laughed often were there also and she had earrings in her ears that she used to make and sell in the shop. They were the same pair that Maddie had put on, by pure chance, that night. There was a nervousness about her friend from the past.

  “Jean.” Maddie almost whimpered.

ar girl.” The older woman whimpered back.

  Maddie flew out of Aiden’s arms, round the breakfast bar and into the waiting arms that Jean was holding up for her. Marvin barked twice as he ran after his Mistress but didn’t do anything to stop the embrace. Before she could stop it Maddie was crying big fat tears that were accompanied buy rib shaking sobs.

  At some point Maddie was transferred from the older woman’s arms to a much manlier, warmer chest as she kept crying.

  “I got you Ruby.” Aiden whispered causing Maddie to cry harder.

  Marvin sat next to the embracing couple and lent his upper body against their legs. He was showing his support for Maddie but was also wanting to go and sniff the new comer. Marvin was pretty sure she had sweets in her pocket.

  Maddie couldn’t believe this man had brought Jean back to her. Aiden had listened to Maddie talk and had brought her the woman that was really her mother to their home. He was making sure that Maddie knew she was loved, always had been, and always would be. Aiden was helping her build a life and making it as perfect as it was promised to be.

  Loosening her grip round Aiden’s waist she looked up at her man.

  “You’re my hero.” Maddie said her voice still holding a hiccup. “I love you.”

  Aiden’s arms tightened around her and lowered his head so that their lips were a breath apart.

  “I love you more Ruby.” He challenged back.

  Then Aiden gave her the best kiss she had ever had in her life.

  The man Maddie loved, and who loved her, kissed her in front of their new and old family.

  Maddie loved it!

  Chapter 22

  How many people did Maddison have coming round to her flat?

  Fuck sake!

  Charles tapped his fingers against the steering wheel in an obviously agitated way. Realising that he was giving away his mood to his passenger, he crossed his arms.

  “She must be having a party.” Craig said pointing out the obvious.

  Charles fisted his hands and took a deep breath. This part of Craig’s personality he did not miss at all.

  “Thank you for pointing that out.” Charles muttered under his breath. “You are here to give me something that would actually be useful to me.”

  Craig shoulders hunched and he looked down at his feet. There was definitely something that he was not telling Charles. You would think he had learnt his lesson the first time but nope, here he is keeping something from him again.

  “Craig.” Charles said in a deadly tone.

  Craig hunched more into himself but started to talk quickly.

  “I wanted to tell you straight away but thought it would be best to wait till you were here.” He spoke so fast that the separate words were nearly just one long one. “There is two things. They have decided to move in together so I think it is fairly safe to say that they have…well…you know.”

  Charles put his hand up to stop the man’s ramblings. He was once again just telling Charles something that he already knew.

  He had been in Casterfield for a couple of days now. It did not take more than a minute or two of watching that man with Maddison for it to be clear that they had slept together. The way they walked that fucking dog with their arms round each other and whispering into each other’s ear, it had made Charles feel sick to the stomach. His once loyal wife had broken one of the biggest vows ever. Maddison was not faithful to her husband.


  That bitch needed to be taught that her husband was not to be messed with.

  Maddison seemed to be labouring under some sort of misconception that a piece of paper was enough to stop her from being tied to him for life. A divorce meant nothing to him. They stood in front of his family and hers, they said ‘I do’, now that meant something. She was his wife and they would not be parted until death. If she wanted to keep playing her silly games then he was going to make it so that they were parted that way.

  Charles hoped that she was enjoying the ‘fun’ she was having because he would make her suffer for every mistake she was making now. There were more mistakes than just letting that asshole touch her. No, there was getting to be quite a list now.

  The way she had decorated her flat. Although he had not been inside it, he had seen the picture that Craig had taken. Yellow walls for fuck sake! Maddison knows that he only likes white on the walls and definitely no clutter. She even had pictures up on the wall not to mention all that shit that she had made lying around all the place and stuck up on the wall too. Charles hated it and other people didn’t need to see that crap either.

  Now she was holding a fucking dinner party. Charles could remember that one time that she had asked him if she could have people round to the house for dinner. She had even had the cheek to ask if he wanted to invite people too.

  Charles sat back in his seat and smiled at the memory of that night. That had been a good night for him.

  “There’s more.” Craig whispered drawing Charles out of his thoughts.

  He looked down at the snivelling excuses for a man sat next to him. Every time he looked at him Charles knew that he was getting closer and closer to ending their time together. Craig was slowly running out of time. He just wasn’t useful anymore. It was like having a lame horse when you needed a stallion. You have to put it down for its own good.

  “Tell me.” Charles snapped looking back up to the lit window of Maddison’s flat.

  Craig took a big breath before answering. “The guy, Aiden Scott, had been coming back to the flat later and later every night. I was starting to get curious to see what he was up to. I mean he just runs a garage so surely that wasn’t keeping him so late every night.”

  Charles banged his hand on the steering wheel, making Craig instantly stop talking and prepare for a whack across the head.

  “Did I ask you to get curious? Or think for yourself?” Charles demanded. “Or did I ask you to keep a fucking eye on my wife at all times?”

  “I was keeping an eye on your wife as well.” Craig tried to defend himself.

  Charles had had enough of this shite. He let the white hot rage flow through his body and down his arm, then he let fly. His right arm swung out and smacked Craig across the face. He smiled as under his fist he could feel a satisfying crunch as he connected with the man’s nose. He pulled his fist back instantly and looked up at the flat again, ignoring the noises of pain.

  “So what did you find when you were not doing as you were told?” Charles asked as if nothing had just happened.

  Craig took a minute to try and stop the blood pouring from his nose before he answered.

  “I followed him.” His voice came out muffled by his hands and husky from the pain. “Sometimes he went to the police station and sometimes he went to hang out in a rougher part of town. Scott just sits in his car staring at a certain flat.”

  Charles stopped studying the flat window to look at Craig. His eyes were running with tears, from the crying or a reaction to the pain, Charles didn’t care.

  “Why?” He demanded.

  Again Craig took a second, the blood didn’t seem to want to stop.

  “I am not totally sure.” Craig admitted with his head bent back. “I think it had something to do with his sister and what happened to Maddison.”

  Charles nodded and watched another couple get out of a car and head toward the apartment. It was an older couple but they were all dressed up so he was sure that they were going to fucking join Maddison’s stupid get together.

  Craig and he had been sat in this car for a long time now. Watching as she moved around her flat. There had been one moment after she had gotten changed and was lighting the candles in the main room when the light hit her in a certain way and Charles had stopped breathing.

  Maddison had always been beautiful. She thought he first met her in that stupid craft shop but he had seen her around town back home, way before that day. He had been following her and trying to find a way to approach. He needed to know which charming attitude
she would be sucked in by. Charles had known straight away that she had been born to be his. That they were meant to be together no matter what. Hard times and good.

  In the back of the car Charles had a bag full of clothes for her to wear. There would be no more dresses that clung to her body or showed off so much skin. Those days would soon be over for her. The clothes he had were far more suitable. She was gorgeous but that was for Charles to see nobody else.

  For example that red dress she was wearing now made her look like a slut. She might as well start walking the streets and become a common whore if that was how she was going to make herself look. If he had his way he would rip that material off her body and give her some lasting marks that would make her happy to cover herself.

  “But this last week it changed.” Craig carried on.

  Charles watched the truck pull up and park in the last remaining space right by the main door to the apartment block.

  “What changed?” Charles asked, his hands back up on the steering wheel gripping it so tight his knuckles turned white.

  What he wouldn’t give to be able to get out of this car and walk over to the bastard that the truck belonged to. Charles would have him on his knees and spitting blood before he even knew what had hit him. Maybe Charles would even take a knife with him, use it so that Scott wouldn’t be able to touch another woman let alone his fucking wife.

  “He went back to our home to get someone.” Craig whispered looking out the window now. “He went to get that woman that ran the gift shop that Maddison worked in. I…I can’t remember her name.”

  As Craig spoke, Scott had walked round his truck to the passenger side, opened the door and helped down an older woman. An older woman that Charles recognised at once.

  “Jean.” Charles whispered. “How is that bitch even still alive?”

  It was a rhetorical question. Jean had been a pain in Charles ass since almost day one. Saying that though, she had helped that very first time he made contact with Maddison in her shop. From then on she wanted nothing to do at him. Whenever Charles went into the shop she used to glare at him. There was even a time when she had warned him to stop doing what he was doing to Maddison. Silly old bat should have kept to herself, she had no say in what goes on between a man and his wife.


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