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Becoming Maddie (The Casterhouse series Book 1)

Page 27

by Hannah Gittins

  “Fuck.” Craig said under his breath. “He has brought her here for Maddison.”

  Charles actually growled out loud. Now that bastard was doing things for his wife that would leave her in debt to him. Is that how he managed to get her to open her legs for him? Did he do loads of things that she thought were sweet? God! Charles’s wife might be beautiful but she was easily led along. If there was anybody that knew that for sure it was Charles. That’s how he managed to get his ring on her finger.

  “Fuck!” Charles exploded bang his clenched fists repeatedly against the steering wheel.

  Craig moved so that he was as far away as possible, flat against the passenger door.

  Again and again, Charles hit the steering wheel, over and over until the pain started to register through the rage and he stopped. The pain felt good and acted as a reminder of what he had to do, who had to feel pain and what Charles’s end goal was.


  The plan for that night had been totally ruined. They were meant to turn up and take Maddison from her flat while Scott was doing whatever he did. Then Charles would be able to deal with the dog so that when the wanker got back he would find that as a nice little surprise, it would be his farewell gift.

  Instead he was sat outside watching the light in her window knowing that she was dressed like a whore and entertaining people.

  So once again Maddison had ruined his plans. This time he was in a position to make her pay. Charles knew that she would get, and understand, the message he was about to send her.

  Like a snake being charmed out of a basket the new idea was growing inside his mind. A plan that was so beautiful and perfect that he wasn’t sure he would be able to contain himself till the right time.

  “Are we staying to watch them leave?” Craig asked whilst getting increasingly worried by the look on Charles face.

  An evil, dark smile was starting to spread across Charles’s face. Even though he was a good looking man this smile was clear with its meaning. This man was not a good man and he had something on his mind that was going to be just as evil as the smile.

  “Yes we are going to stay.” Charles answered Craig almost laughing. “Then we are going to follow someone.”

  Charles looked back up at the window and hoped that Maddison was having lots of fun at her silly party because there would be nothing but sorrow for her tomorrow. The idea of that big come-down for her made his tummy feel giddy. Just think, this was just the start of her pain.

  Oh yeah, Charles was excited.

  Laughing and tapping a happy tune on the steering wheel he turned to Craig and said.

  “You have done some very good work over the last few weeks.” Charles reached out and patted the now very confused man on the shoulder. “Don’t worry I will give you exactly what you want and need at the end of this all. I promised I will look after you Craig and I will.”

  * * * * * * * *

  Craig relaxed back into his seat. He never had been able to keep up with Charles’s mood swings but it looked like he had cheered up now. Although he did wonder what was in store for them tonight. It wasn’t like Craig had other plans, he just wanted to make sure it wasn’t going to be him that got punched anymore.

  Craig wanted to be the puncher instead of Charles’s victim.

  Hearing that Charles thought that Craig had done good work made his chest swell up with pride. He had worked really hard to try and do the right thing and make sure he knew what Maddison was doing at all times. It brought Craig a weird, but great, pleasurable feeling knowing that he had done something right by Charles, plus he was looking forward to seeing what he was going to be given for his hard work.

  There was one thing though, Craig wondered if he could ask to stop at a pharmacy for some painkillers. His nose no longer hurt but he hand a terrible headache.

  Chapter 23

  “Slow baby.” Aiden breathed.

  His hands were on her hips trying to slow her rise and fall. His voice was filled with the husky need she loved.

  How was she meant to go slow?

  Maddie was straddled over Aiden on the bed. Until a second ago his hands were cupping her breasts, playing with her nipples in that way he knew drove her crazy. Then he moved and slowed her hips as she rubbed up against him.

  “Aiden.” She pleaded. “That’s not fair.”

  Aiden moved slightly underneath her so that he was aligned perfectly. One good movement from either of them and he would be imbedded deep within her but he kept a hold of her hips making them stay still.

  “What’s not fair?” Aiden asked over the sound of their heavy breathing.

  Lowering the top half of her body so that her hard nipples rubbed against his chest, Maddie looked down to where they were nearly joined. Looking back up at Aiden, she kissed him and pulled on his bottom lip with her teeth. Her hair had fallen forward to cover their faces in a way that added more to the intimacy.

  “This.” She moaned trying to move her hips to alleviate some of the ache there. “Why won’t you let me have what we both want?”

  Again she kissed Aiden and lowered her body down more so that her chest was flat against his. When they stopped kissing he smiled that hot sexy smile he got when he knew he was winding her up.

  “Because.” Aiden simply said

  Then he started to rock his hips slightly so that his rock hard cock was rubbing against her clitoris. Maddie instantly sat up as her head flew back and her hair fell down over her shoulders and down her spine but still he did no more.

  Maddie let her head fall forward again so that she could watch his face as she cupped her own breasts and played with her nipples. The tingle shot from them straight to between her legs. Her plan to move him to action was actually making things way worse for her. Grinding down on him she smiled when Aiden moaned deep in his throat.

  “Fuck Ruby.” He gasped. “You look so fucking hot.”

  Maddie smiled as she ground down on him again before falling forward once more. Running her hands up over his impressive six pack, and hot as hell chest, she marvelled again that someone like Aiden would want someone like her.

  “Aiden please.” She whispered onto his lips before kissing him passionately trying to show him how much she wanted him. “Why won’t you give me you?”

  Aiden moved quickly as he wrapped an arm around her waist, he lifted her and then laid her down so that he was on top of her and between her open thighs. Maddie had wrapped her arms around his shoulders and held him close as she kissed his neck. Really she was just kissing anywhere she could reach.

  Maddie loved the taste of his skin and the feel of it under her lips and hands as they roamed everywhere. Aiden took her right nipple into his mouth as his other hand started to play with her left one. Maddie arched up into his touch and again she moved against his cock.

  “I love watching you like this.” Aiden muttered as he watched her face. “The red in your cheeks and the need written all over your body.”

  Maddie blushed a little as she tried to hide her face in his neck but Aiden pulled her head back down.

  “Look at me.” He demanded, reluctantly she did. “There is nothing about this to be embarrassed about. You look so fucking good right now, I want to keep you like this for as long as possible.”

  Maddie gasped at is words and moved against him again. Her hands moved up his back and his neck to rest buried deep in his hair. She pulled his head closer to hers and kissed him hard. Now she wanted to show him more than her want for his body but the feelings inside her.

  Pulling back a little she whispered,

  “I love you.”

  Aiden groaned and closed the gap between their lips as he tilted her hips to just the right angle. Then he slipped just the tip of his cock inside her and Maddie swore she was going to catch fire.

  Aiden was feeling the strain too and she knew this because she could feel the tension in every inch of his body, not to mention the tight grip of his hands on her hips. It wasn’t painful in a
nyway. It actually turned her on more knowing he was working so hard to build it so high.

  Looking him straight in the eyes to ask for more, the words died in her throat. On his face she could see nothing but the love she felt for him reflected there. In that moment she felt more than their physical closeness. The love they felt for one another seemed to have created a bubble around them leaving the rest of the world shut out.

  “I love you.” Aiden said before he thrust himself all the way in taking both of their breaths away.

  Maddie knew she wasn’t going to last long. There had been a big build up not mention just how amazing it felt to be so stretched and filled by him. When he pulled out and moved back in, Maddie’s neck bent and she tried to hold onto him as she knew this was going to be an amazing ride.

  Aiden moved in and out of her while his head moved down to kiss her or suck her nipple deep into his mouth. Maddie gave in and moved with him. Her hips coming up to meet his on the down thrust.

  “Fuck baby.” Aiden gasped. “Fuck.”

  The pace picked up as he moved his hand down between her legs then his fingers started to move in hot circles in just the right places. Maddie opened her mouth to say something, anything, but no words came out as the sensations started building to unbearable heights.

  “Yes baby.” Aiden said as he watched her face express everything she was feeling. “Let go.”

  Never one to let him down, Maddie relaxed into the amazing explosion and cried out his name as she wrapped her arms and legs around him and held on for dear life. Her inner muscles held and released in a way that made him drop his head into her neck and pick up the pace again.

  As he thrust erratically into her once, twice, three times he groaned load and deep before he slowed down. After a couple of sweet, gently movements he gave her his weight and she loved it.

  Aiden was heavy but she enjoyed having him totally relaxed and sated on top of her. It made her feel so loved and she never got over knowing it was her and her body that made him like this.

  Slowly though, Aiden moved carefully out of her and rolled to his back taking her with him.

  “I’m going to wash up.” She whispered in his ear and he nodded whist giving her bum a pat.

  Maddie quickly jumped out of bed and nipped into the bathroom and cleaned up. After the first time they had slept together they had had a talk about protection. Maddie had found it completely humiliating but Aiden was totally relaxed and worked hard to have her laughing by the end. Just another difficult conversation that he made easier.

  She had had the coil since she was a teenager and when she was with Charles they had always used a condom. Well up until the night he was so drunk and wouldn’t put it on. Then when she had fallen pregnant Charles hadn’t wanted to touch her while the baby was ‘ruining’ her body.

  So when she and Aiden had talked about protection they decided that it felt way too good with nothing between them to put a condom on. It was one of the best decisions that they had made as a couple.

  Running back to the bed she stopped at the door and took in the view that she was blessed with. Why didn’t she have her camera on her or sketch book at least?

  Aiden sat up against the head board with the covers starting at his waist. His stunning chest was on display and his face had a gorgeous satisfied and relaxed look on it. Laying on his back to the side of Aiden was Marvin. His four paws were in the air while Aiden scratched his belly and spoke to him softly. Maddie had no idea what he was saying but Marvin’s tail was swishing back and forth on the covers. Neither had noticed her and she found herself reluctant to break the moment between them.

  “You coming back to bed or just gonna watch me?” Aiden asked looking up at her smiling softly.

  Of course Aiden knew she was there. He always seemed to know where she was. It was just like how Maddie always knew where Aiden was when they were in a room together. It was like she had an Aiden radar and him a Maddie radar.

  “I haven’t decided yet.” Maddie replied smiling back. “I might just get my camera.”

  Aiden chuckled and patted the bed on the other side of him.

  “It’s cold, come get into bed.” Aiden said.

  Maddie didn’t need to be told as she sprinted to the bed and jumped on it before crawling up and under the covers. Marvin looked at her with his tongue hanging out but stayed on his back. Aiden reached for Maddie and together they wrapped her around him and settled in.

  “You have a good night baby?” Aiden asked as he carried on rubbing Marvin’s belly.

  Maddie watched her man giving some love to her companion and smiled a smile that came from deep within her soul.

  The meal was brilliant. All of the food was yummy, even if she did say so herself. Aiden had loved the chicken and nearly everybody had seconds. Aiden and John going on to have thirds. Maddie had thought everybody must be full but when she put her Smarty and white chocolate cake on the table everybody had a slice. Aiden and John having two. Honestly those two must have hollow legs.

  After all the food was eaten everybody just sat round the table talking. Not a single person didn’t join in and it melted her heart every time she looked down the table and saw Jean.

  When everybody had left telling Maddie and Aiden they had had a great time and that they should do it again, Jean had hung about till she was last. She had asked if she could talk to Maddie.

  “Of course you can. Anytime you like.” Maddie said carefully hugging her old friend. Moving back she kept her hands on Jean’s shoulders and looked her in the eyes. “I would love to do that but I don’t want to talk about the past.”

  Jean’s eyes widened and she opened her mouth to say more.

  “I know what you are going to say.” Maddie spoke before Jean had a chance. “None of what happened was your fault. I never, ever thought it was. It’s over now. I am safe and I just want to move on.”

  Jean looked at her for a long time. Maddie could see that she was thinking big thoughts but it was important to her that if she was going to live fear free she needed to keep her past where it belonged. In her past.

  “I am happy now.” Maddie whispered looking at Aiden as he started to clear the table and feeding Marvin a scrap. “So happy. I don’t want to think of what he did to me anymore. I don’t want him holding me back anymore.”

  Jean watched Aiden for a moment then looked at Maddie again. There were tears in the older woman’s eyes but she nodded slowly.

  “I love you Jean.” Maddie said hugging her again.

  “I love you too child.” Jean said hugging her back tighter.

  Maddie pulled away and smiled at the woman and she did the same. Then it was gone. The past that Jean thought she needed to talk about with Maddie was gone and no longer between them. Maddie felt like they hadn’t had the years apart that they had. It felt like she had seen Jean just yesterday.

  “I need to speak to you about something else though.” Jean had said and it looked serious so Maddie led her to the sofa where they talked.

  Just thinking about that conversation made her sigh and snuggle closer to Aiden.

  “That doesn’t sound good.” Aiden said giving her a squeeze.

  Maddie remembered his question and answered quickly.

  “Oh the night was amazing.” Maddie gushed. “It could have been the best meal I have ever had in my life and it has nothing to do with the food but instead the company.”

  Aiden laughed.

  “The best ever?” Aiden asked still chuckling.

  Maddie went up on her elbow to look into his face and instantly his softened. Aiden reached out and pulled her face to his to kiss it.

  “It was the best ever.” She whispered against his lips.

  “Yeah, Ruby, it was.” Agreed Aiden.

  “Having a table full of people is all I have ever wanted.” Maddie carried on still whispering and pulling away from his face a little bit. “This is all I have ever wanted. A home of my own that was filled with laughter and love. Th
ank you for helping give it to me.”

  “You’re welcome but I didn’t do that much.” Aiden said smiling at her. “You did all of the work.”

  Maddie lent down and kissed him. Making sure it had lots of lip and tongue tangling.

  “You are the one that brought Jean here.” She said.

  Aiden laughed and she could feel his chest moving with his laughter. The rich sound making her melt inside.

  “I didn’t realise this was a competition.” He replied still chuckling. “If it was…you win. Yeah I brought Jean but you made the meal and the atmosphere. You made us all relax and have a great time. Everybody got to talk to each other and share things about themselves. When they all left they went smiling and having had a great time. That was all you Maddie, all my Ruby.”

  How did she take that all in? Was that really what she had done?

  Running back through the night a little she tried to think about it. Fiona and Eddie had talked to everybody and got them all talking, or so she had thought. Trying to let Aiden’s words sink in she realised that maybe she had been like Fiona and Eddie, maybe she had helped to make people feel relaxed and at home in her home. They had definitely left with fully bellies and smiles on their faces.

  Aiden got her. He got her even when she didn’t get herself. Aiden understood her in a way that she didn’t even understand herself but step by step she was getting better at it. Maddie was starting to get more in touch with herself.

  “Best night ever.” Maddie breathed,

  Kissing him again Maddie then reached out and scratched Marvin’s head before laying back down. She rested her head on Aiden’ chest, an arm across his waist and her leg thrown over his. Aiden put his arms round her shoulders and gently played with her hair.

  “If the night was so good why did you sigh?” Aiden asked.

  Maddie knew that Aiden knew. She also knew that he knew she wanted to talk about it. That sometimes, with big decisions, Maddie needed to talk them out loud. Even if the person, or dog, she is talking to don’t reply it helped her.


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