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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

Page 26

by William S Frisbee Jr

  "No thank you," she said, sounding as tired as Luke felt.

  "Have a seat," Luke said motioning to one of his chairs and sinking into another one.

  "Thank you for giving Morals something else to do," Leonessa said.

  Luke gave her a wry grin, "he was getting on my nerves. I can only imagine what he was doing to yours."

  Her smile lit up the room in Luke's opinion.

  "I shouldn't speak poorly of another Jupiter Alliance officer," Leonessa said.

  "You don't have to," Luke said watching her relax. "I know I shouldn't, but he is obnoxious."

  Leonessa nodded, her smile a mere ghost now.

  "I wanted to come by and say thank you," she said, leaning forward to get up.

  "You don't have to go," Luke said. "I get little social time."

  Leonessa sank back down looking at him. Luke could tell she didn't want to go but he would have to give her a reason to stay.

  "What do you do when you socialize?" Leonessa asked and Luke drew a blank.

  "Um," he said and shrugged. "To be honest, I usually don't. I spend time in the dojo, learning about the Conglomerate, reading history or weapons practice."

  "That's it?" she asked.

  Luke shrugged, embarrassed.

  "Long ago I used to enjoy going to plays, live performances and such, or going to the zoo, or. . ." Luke stopped. The last time he had done any of those things had been with Elena.

  "Plays? They have plays on New Alamo?" she asked. Luke nodded, he assumed they did. "Why not movies?"

  "Movies are too perfect," Luke said. "You can't meet the actor afterward and shake their hand. Real actors are real people, someone you might run into later. Sometimes there is audience participation and actors screw up, proving they are human, unlike movies."

  Leonessa nodded. "That sounds interesting. I think I would like to see a play. What kind of audience participation?"

  Luke smiled. "There used to be one theater," Luke said. "Called the Shadow Sphere. They did various skits and sang popular songs. Half the artists were on Caliphate hit lists, but they were funny and loved their job. Sometimes they would call a person, or some people, up on stage to help them perform a skit or trick. Hedonistic artists."

  A laugh escaped Leonessa, "I'm trying to imagine you up on stage."

  Luke shook his head, "I avoided it like the plague, but it was fun watching others and imagining what I would be like up there."

  "When was the last time you went?" she asked.

  A shadow fell across Luke's face, "over forty-five years ago."

  Leonessa nodded with a slight frown. An uncomfortable pause lingered in the room. Luke realized that was before she had been born.

  "There is a zoo on New Alamo," Luke said, trying to recover. "It now has several alien creatures in it. Seems to be growing. Lots of exotic creatures."

  "That sounds interesting," Leonessa said. "We had a zoo on Athena, but. . . "

  Her voice trailed off and Luke suspected it had been in the depressurized section.

  "When we get back, you will have to let me take you to the one in New Alamo," Luke said. "They have quite a few different Earth animals and enough genetic material to keep numerous species alive. Perhaps they will help with Athena's?"

  Leonessa smiled.

  "What do you do for fun on board ship with people about?" she asked.

  Luke shrugged.

  "Until this year," Luke said. "I have had no humans on my crew, so it wasn't a concern."

  "Sounds lonely," she said.

  Luke shrugged.

  "You were a drone pilot though. That is a lonely job," she said. "You seem drawn to isolated jobs."

  Luke raised an eyebrow.

  "I was a drone pilot for a short time," she said and Luke nodded, encouraging her to continue.

  "After I graduated Advanced Fleet Officer's School. It seemed romantic and exotic," Leonessa said. "I didn't last long. The solitude and loneliness gave me nightmares."

  "Does the Jupiter Alliance still deploy drone pilots?" Luke asked watching her and wondering why she had changed career track.

  "No," Leonessa said. "The Caliphate has fielded hunter killer drones of their own. The asteroid belt is like a massive mine field, full of automated hunter killer drones. Larger ships, frigates and bigger can fend off the hunter killers but smaller ships with less effective sensor suites and computer systems are more vulnerable. The Jupiter Alliance lost way too many drone pilots to the hunter kills and discontinued the program about five years ago. We fielded our own anti-hunter-killer drones and the asteroid belt is just a mess with all the drones and anti-drone drones sneaking up and killing each other. Command is worried that the Caliphate is trying to build up a critical mass and then they will send the drones in swarms against the Jupiter Alliance."

  "That is why the Caliphate could build that juggernaut without the JA finding out?" Luke asked.

  Leonessa nodded. "We had a real hard time getting recon drones near earth with all their hunter killers roaming through space, with only telescopes it is hard to see details. They have eight or nine nickel based asteroids in orbit and we think they are weaponizing them. Nobody expected them to put an engine on one, the juggernaut we faced was only the first, it is unlikely to be the last."

  "Sounds like the arms race never ended," Luke said.

  Leonessa shook her head. "Nor will it until the Caliphate is dead."

  "It won't be easy," Luke said. "Not if they have juggernauts guarding the planet."

  "I've been at war my entire life," Leonessa said, staring at the table between them. "I don't know what else there is?"

  Luke stared at Leonessa, remembering his conversation with Brita.

  "That is another reason I enjoyed going to plays," Luke said. "It was an escape, seeing inane humor in the 'here and now', along with good music, and cheap, greasy food."

  "But the war was still there afterward," Leonessa said.

  "Yes, but for a short time we could forget," Luke said. "We could laugh and enjoy the company of others."

  "I would like to try that," Leonessa said looking at Luke.

  Luke stared at Leonessa's eyes, large, beautiful and full of light. He felt caught there, not wanting to look away, yet aware he was staring and so was she, wondering what it meant.

  "We will come out of the wormhole in seven hours," Leonessa said. "I'm sorry, I should go, we both need to get some sleep."

  Luke nodded, trying to think of a reason to keep her from going but instead stood up to escort her out.

  "Thank you," Leonessa said reaching out to shake Luke's hand.

  Luke raised her hand to his lips and kissed it. It was the first thought that came to his mind, and he realized what a mistake it was as her unresisting hand was halfway to his lips. Such things were not done in this day and age. It had even been uncommon in his own day and age, but it felt natural and she didn't resist so he didn't stop.

  "My pleasure," he said. He looked up into her eyes. She was blushing and couldn't meet his eyes, but she seemed reluctant to let go of his hand.

  "Thank you, good night," she said and turned to head down the corridor to her own room.

  Luke watched her go for just a second before he turned and went back in.

  When the door closed Luke stared at it, wondering what had caused him to be an idiot. Shit. She was in his chain of command and that kind of behavior was inappropriate.



  The Proud Infidel slid into the Churen system and got her bearings. Everyone was at battle stations. Luke hadn't slept at all and the stims were making him jittery but he would catch up on sleep later.

  There was a patrol ship nearby, but not the welcoming party they had encountered in Papi. As the sensors drank in the data, the display filled out. Churen was a red dwarf system with two noteworthy planets and two distinct asteroid belts between the two rocky planets.

  Their destination was Etnfunilii-Ivendate, the outermost planet
, another ball of ice with a gravity just slightly higher than Earth. There was a small Conglomerate military base in the system because of the facilities on Etn, with most Conglomerate military facilities on the Station Three. According to Shum there were also Tal stationed in system to protect certain Conglomerate interests.

  Leonessa seemed to be concentrating on her displays and Luke reviewed his. Not a lot of traffic. There were two other wormholes leading to other Conglomerate systems but nothing extraordinary except for the Chaska who had colonized Etn. They were unrivaled masters of cybernetics and droid manufacturers.

  "Patrol ship just challenged us," Erica said. "Automated. Our automated response appears to have satisfied them. We are cleared to proceed in system."

  "Is there always a patrol ship at the wormhole junctions?" Morals asked.

  "No," Luke said. "This is unusual. Usually not even major Conglomerate bases have patrols at wormholes. They usually don't care."

  "So, why now?" Morals asked.

  "Maybe the destruction of Ubashi has them paranoid," Luke said.

  "They don't seem to be paying much attention though," Morals said. "They also don't seem curious that we have been shot to pieces. Why are they bothering then?"

  "I have found that Conglomerate forces aren't that inquisitive," Luke said. "They might be looking for someone specific and it doesn't appear to be us."

  "That is a weakness," Pavel said and Luke couldn't disagree.

  "Our estimated time of arrival at Etn is thirty-one hours," Bruce said. "Everything appears normal. Secure from battle stations."

  "Aye," Erica said. "Secure from battle stations."

  The lights returned to normal and the all clear was given.

  "So, what is the plan when we get to Etn?" Morals asked.

  "We see what Topa Suresh has for us," Luke said. "We are supposed to pick up a shipment of sentient droids to replace the ones I lost. Then we will proceed to Bronkaw Prime."

  "How long will we be here?" Morals asked.

  "No longer than we have to," Luke said.

  "Any time for sight-seeing?" Morals asked staring at the holographic display, and at Etn.

  "Are you thinking of stealing trade secrets?" Luke asked.

  Morals glanced at Luke.

  "If the Topa discover you are violating the trade secrets of a licensed entity, they will destroy you and everything you hold dear," Luke said.

  "I think the Topa have bigger problems with the destruction of Ubashi," Morals said turning back to the display.

  "They have a long memory and let me be clear," Luke said as his cocoon opened and he stepped out. "You will respect Conglomerate law or I will shove you out the airlock. Do you understand?"

  Morals and several other people turned to stare at Luke.

  "The ability to create sentient droids will give us the ability to counter the Caliphate's numbers advantage," Morals said. "We NEED those droids."

  "License the rights to make them," Luke said. "Or buy them."

  "With what?" Morals said, his frustration obvious.

  "Find something," Luke said, his voice almost a growl.

  Morals' cocoon was open, but he sank back into his chairs, his face deep in thought as he stared at the display.

  Luke stared at the intelligence agent for a few moments before he turned away. He needed sleep. Stims wouldn't cut it. Morals was right though. Sentient droids would give the Jupiter Alliance an advantage because right now a major disadvantage of the Jupiter Alliance was the minimal population growth compared to the Caliphate breeding like flies. But would sentient droids make the problem better or worse?

  He shouldn't have snapped at Morals on the bridge like that, Luke realized as he walked down the corridor to his room.

  "If the Commodore pulls a stupid, can I kill him?" Musashi transmitted on a private link.

  "Yes," Luke said reaching his room.

  "Did you and Leonessa do anything intimate last night? It seemed quick," Musashi transmitted. "But I understand if you haven't done anything in a while, it can be quick. You seem tired. Are congratulations in order, was it satisfying?"

  "Shut up metal head and drop the subject," Luke said, pulling off his armor and lying down. He had seven hours before he had to run a class in the dojo.

  "Sure thing meatsack," Musashi said. "And I know you don't mean it when you say I can kill him."

  "I know," Luke said. "I'm going to catch up on some sleep. Hold my calls."

  "Good idea," Musashi said. "I'll post outside your door and wake you when the shit hits the fan."

  "Thanks," Luke said closing his eyes and giving an internal command to his system to apply sedatives and then he was out like a light.

  * * * * *

  Luke walked into the CIC as Etn Station three hailed them. The display showed it as a Pral owned facility but with a strong Tal and Chaska presence. There were two Conglomerate patrol ships docked and a couple merchant vessels.

  "Commander on deck," Ensign One said.

  "Carry on," Luke said before anyone could respond.

  "Proud Infidel this is Etnfunilii-Ivendate Station Three," the translator said. "Your shuttles are cleared to dock at port five. We have a priority FTL message for a Shoka Luke Kishi from Topa Suresh to be delivered in a secure FTL facility. We do not have docking facilities for your vessel and suggest you hold position at designated coordinates."

  "Copy that Etenfunely-Ivandate Station Three, coordinates received" Erica said having a hard time with the name and hoping the translator would translate it correctly, the coordinates were in the link queue.

  "Message delivered. Advise if additional assistance is needed. Etnfunilii-Ivendate Three communication complete," the station said.

  Erica turned to Luke.

  "I heard," Luke said. "Thank you. Let me know when we can send over a shuttle."

  "Aye, aye Commander," Bruce said. "Shuttle will be ready when you are."

  "An hour then," Luke said and queued a message for Shum, Musashi, Leonessa, Brita and Jeremy to assemble in the shuttle bay, ready to go ashore in an hour. Full battle kit.

  Forty-five minutes later Luke arrived. Gray was also present loading warbots and officers into the other shuttle. Luke raised an eyebrow at the green droid and Gray just smiled at him. Most of the team was already there, checking weapons and talking. Falla Shum looked awkward in human style battle dress and it looked like he was wearing it over his Pral armor. Luke made a note to ask Musashi about that later.

  Commodore Morals walked in wearing a full kit, minus weapons.

  "You are not going," Luke said when he saw the intelligence officer.

  "Why?" Morals asked, ready for a confrontation.

  "If the shit goes south, I don't trust you at my side or behind me. I have not trained with you and I do not know your thought process or reflexes."

  "You let me go last time," Morals said.

  "Last time I didn't expect assassins," Luke replied.

  "I'm capable of holding my own with a rifle, pistol or subgun," Morals said. "I am an expert shot with all of them."

  "What part of 'I have not trained with you and I do not know your thought process or reflexes' do you not understand?" Luke asked.

  Morals scowled, "I am a trained professional and have undergone commando training."

  "How long ago?" Luke asked. Pointing at each of his team members Luke added. "Each person is trained in shipboard assault operations. I have been involved in their training and I know what their performance levels are. This is not a sight-seeing mission. I do not know if there will be assassins waiting for us. Afterward, you may view our logs, hell, you can even link in from the Command Center, Gray will give you access, but you are NOT going aboard until I'm sure it is safe."

  Morals looked at Luke, wanting to argue but smart enough not to.

  "Aye, aye, Commander," Morals relented.

  Luke pointed and everyone loaded up onto the shuttle.

  "We will follow you in once you have docked," Gray s
aid. "We will just stay in the shuttle and will not debark unless called."

  Luke nodded.


  Etn Station

  Etn station was similar in design to the Dazi station, but there were six rotating rings instead of just one and they all provided gravity and living spaces. The shuttle bay that had been assigned for the Proud Infidel's use was on the second ring and the gravity registered at .9 Earth standard which was fine with Luke. A quick query showed that the other rings maintained different gravity levels and ring two was closer to Earth norm than the others.

  When Luke and his team debarked, there was a pair of Chaska Inspectors present to meet them. The Chaska were humanoids, fur covered with belts instead of clothes. They walked upright like humans but their legs bent the wrong way and it looked like they had an extra joint in their legs and arms. Their heads were cat or dog-like but they didn't have necks so much as narrow shoulders. Their forward focused eyes marked them as predators, or at least omnivores that spent more time hunting.

  "Greetings Shoka," the first one said in English with no accent.

  "Hello Inspector," Luke said, trying to contain his surprise that aliens this far away would speak a human language.

  "Do you need a reminder of the rules?" the Inspector asked.

  "No thank you," Luke said. "I have them on file and I reviewed them before landing."

  "Thank you, Shoka," the Inspector said, his head bouncing again. "There is a message for you at the FTL relay station. Station Director Starnis, and the head of the Krasta Corporation, Rraklan, will see you after you have received the message. May you travel in peace."

  "And you Inspector," Luke said as they turned and walked back the way they had come. One paused and turned back.

  "Do you know the way?" the first one asked.

  A quick query of the station net provided Luke with a map to the FTL relay station.

  "I have a route, thank you," Luke said.

  The two inspectors bowed and retreated.

  When Luke and his team stepped out of the shuttle bay, the stark contrast with the Dazi station was obvious. Here there were numerous aliens moving around, most were Chaska but there were a few Tonkan, occasionally a Dazi, some Caleet, Brazat, and numerous others. This main corridor was bustling with activity and the larger number of sentient droids moving about was much higher than any other place Luke had been.


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