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The Darkness: The Conglomerate Trilogy (Volume 2)

Page 27

by William S Frisbee Jr

  This was a major manufacturing hub and research facility for the sentient droids. The Chaska were also the only ones licensed to manufacture them and they were very selective about their customers, requesting approval from the Topa before any sales. Luke had never been here though and his droids had always been shipped to him by the Topa. Seeing where they came from would be a treat and Luke wondered if the droids felt any connection to this place where they had been created.

  The team threaded their way through the busy docks, full of aliens coming and going. Leading the way, Luke took an elevator up to the central cylinder that connected all the rings in the .9 gravity, just enough to make him feel comfortable.

  Luke's InnerBuddy instructions took him station control and to a large hatch with a pair of sentient droids standing guard. Large, over-muscled looking brutes, about two and a half meters tall, in combat armor and armed with a variety of different weapons, from shoulder mounted beamers to a hand-held canon. They watched Luke and his team approach. As Luke came closer, the door slid open, inviting him in and the guards did nothing more than watch. Luke suspected they had known he was coming since his stepped out of his shuttle.

  The reception room of the FTL Relay station was large and spacious, with numerous places to sit and wait. A sentient droid, in the shape of a Chaska sat at a desk watching Luke.

  "Welcome," the droid said. "A message has been received for Shoka Luke Kishi. A room for you to view it has been set aside."

  "Thank you," Luke said. "My companion Shum would also like to send a message with all charges to be billed to me."

  "Of course, Shoka," the droid said. "I would be happy to assist. Another room has been set aside for his use. Would he like to prepare the message before, during or after you view the message from Topa Suresh?"

  Luke looked at Falla Shum.

  "I have a data gram to be sent," Shum said. "The message is pre-recorded and is to be sent to Topa Suresh."

  "Of course. If you give it to me, I would be happy to transmit it," the droid said.

  Falla Shum transmitted his encrypted message to the link the droid provided.

  Again, Luke followed the mental guide to the room.

  The room was glossy sterile white walls with numerous seats against the wall.

  Luke moved to the center of the room while everyone else stood back near the seats.

  A hologram of Topa Suresh appeared, frozen in time, so realistic Luke felt he was present.

  The rooms network link asked if he was ready and Luke gave the authorization to proceed, authorizing his companions to view it.

  Topa Suresh's hologram came to life.

  "Friend Luke," Topa said, his eyes focusing on Luke, the Topa looked troubled. "I would like to apologize for not coming and speaking to you in person. I hope Falla Shum is with you and he is doing well. What I will tell you should not be repeated outside your inner circle as it has very dire repercussions throughout the Conglomerate. As you may or may not know, Ubashi has been removed from the Conglomerate. Details are still being investigated. Ubashi is not the only location. Six other major Tal bases and sector capitals have been removed, along with the Conglomerate capital of Sukal. The Conglomerate is under attack. The surviving Weave Masters and I are working to identify who is responsible and what has happened to the eight missing systems.

  "I have authorized the Chaska to upgrade your internal biological network if you will allow it. This upgrade will be to Pral standards," Topa Suresh said. "Your trusted crew and associates may also receive the upgrade if you allow it. I have ordered your shipment of droids to be sent on to your ship in Bronkaw Prime ahead of you. I have received word that the Proud Infidel has been attacked and damaged. Patrol Vessel Seven-seven-three-nine will escort you to Bronkaw Prime where your ship is nearing completion. Additionally, I am authorizing additional licensed technology to you and your personnel. Your work for the Bronkaw Dominance is of critical importance. Humans, now more than ever, may have a critical role to play in the future of the Conglomerate and the great tapestry.

  "I wish you the best of luck and thank you," Topa Suresh said. "If we do not meet again, please know I have the utmost confidence and trust in you and have made any surviving Topa and Tal aware of this. Please proceed with the utmost haste. End Transmission. Authorizations to licensing follows."

  Several files downloaded themselves to Luke's InnerBuddy.

  Luke stood there stunned, staring at the space Topa Suresh had stood.

  "That sounded awfully final," Brita said, breaking him out of his trance.

  Luke turned to look at the others. Everyone looked concerned except for Shum who just stood there motionless, his eyes wide, his mouth open.

  "Your thoughts Shum?" Luke asked.

  Shum's eyes moved to focus on Luke.

  "The Conglomerate is doomed," Shum said. "The darkness will consume us and the Great Tapestry will become unraveled to disappear into the shadows."

  "That's sunny optimism," Luke said.

  "It sounds like Topa Suresh may be running for his life," Musashi said. "This could be a rebellion of some kind, or a civil war."

  "But he thinks the Bronkaw problem is still very important," Luke said. "And it sounds like he has already told the Nalee to build my ship. Damn. I was hoping to make improvements but I bet that Topa prick is giving me a clone of the Ultio. Shit."

  "The Leonis Ultio was a very impressive ship," Brita said. "If that is the case then that is a superb deal. The Ultio could run circles around any other human ship and most Conglomerate ships. One of the best battle cruiser designs I have seen."

  Luke nodded. "But she still won't be the Ultio."

  "Tell me about the Pral internal biological upgrade," Luke said looking at Shum.

  "The Pral modules will be faster, more efficient and more secure than your existing 'InnerBuddy' systems," Shum said. "They will allow you to download and use certain skill sets once the system has learned your neurological pathways. It will more effectively utilize your native senses. I also suspect part of this upgrade will allow you to talk in different frequencies with other sentients who may not talk in the ranges you are familiar with. It is designed to be secure and respect privacy. There are numerous safeguards for your spiritual and mental autonomy. What you would call an AI is integral to the system, and this AI is loyal to you. However, this AI will have no personality."

  "What do you mean 'use certain skill sets'?" Luke asked, intrigued. It was a holy grail of human cybernetics to download usable skills like a program. Having an AI in his head with him sounded scary but then new things usually did. Luke was sure it could be turned off if needed and based on other Conglomerate technology Luke was sure it could be customized as needed. It had taken Luke decades to trust the Pral but now he would trust their designs more than any human design.

  "There are many available downloads," Shum said. "These downloads will integrate a skill or ability into your current neural net. For example, if you did not know how to fly a one-man fighter, or shuttle, then downloading this package would give you that ability. If you have not dealt with or encountered another species, downloading the species pack will allow you to speak their language. You can also understand and replicate their body language."

  "That's not possible," Brita said. "That's. . . How is that possible?"

  "Once your pathways are learned by your neural net, it can feed the appropriate information to your receptors, it is as if you always knew," Shum said. "It is, what you might call another subconscious."

  "That is how Topa Suresh seems to understand humans so well?" Luke asked.

  Shum nodded, "And he is a Weave Master. It is possible he has a human life he learns from at a deeper, more intuitive level."

  Luke didn't want to think about all that mystical crap right now. How would this affect New Alamo and Athena? There would be opportunities but also great dangers if one of the nearby systems was more aggressive. Bizzen had an active slave trade and humans might be a lucrative resour
ce. Shit. The slavers might even assemble a fleet strong enough to do the job if New Alamo and Athena sent most of their ships to fight the Caliphate. The Conglomerate might be too busy to deal with that problem. There were a lot of different ramifications.

  "What about this AI?" Luke asked.

  "It has no personality," Shum explained. "It acts like a second subconscious you can interact more directly with."

  "Will it try any kind of manipulation?" Luke asked.

  "Of what?" Shum asked looking surprised. "Without a personality or external authority, it cannot be manipulated any more than you can with information and there are filters in place to protect you from external manipulation."

  "Shoka Luke Kishi," said the droid at the front desk through a directed link. "The Station Director and the Chief Executive Officer of Krasta Corporation are here to see you. I will allow them to join you at your convenience."

  Luke was stunned for a second, he had expected to have to go see them.

  "You can send them in at their convenience," Luke said.

  "Company coming," Luke said. "The station director and CEO of Krasta are here to see me."

  "Here?" Brita asked. "Now?"

  Luke nodded.

  "Is this normal?" Leonessa asked and Luke shook his head.

  "Usually I am summoned to them, this is very unusual."

  The door slid open revealing a Pral and a Chaska. The Pral was dressed in silver armor of a Tal, and the Chaska wore belts, Luke had no idea of their sex or standing in their societies. Luke's InnerBuddy provided nothing other than name and race. Luke looked at the Tal. A trusted member of the Pral's warrior caste.

  "Greetings Shoka," the Pral said in perfect English. "I am Tal Starnis and this is Rraklan, the chief executive of the Krasta Corporation. It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance."

  Luke paused for a second to get his bearings. Aside from Falla Shum, he had never talked with a Tal. Tal Starnis moved like a predator though and his eyes darted about, evaluating threats. His staff could have been a clone of Shum's.

  "Thank you, Tal Starnis," Luke said, trying to gauge the Tal and Chaska. "I am honored by your visit."

  "Topa Suresh said your mission was urgent, and we did not wish to delay you," Tal Starnis said. "Your droids have already been sent ahead to Bronkaw Prime except for about ten which Topa Suresh said you would most likely want to access and prepare on your way to Bronkaw Prime. There is also a first droid for your Soma."

  "Thank you," Luke said glancing at Leonessa.

  Standing there Luke had a hard time reading her but her lack of motion and widened eyes told Luke she hadn't expected this. To be honest, neither had Luke but he would have assigned her a droid anyways. That obnoxious Pral had just beaten him to it.

  "It is my understanding that the human race is licensed to use class ninety-five alpha internal neural implants without restrictions," Tal Starnis said. "Topa Suresh has authorized his Shoka, Shoka-ta and Shoku to receive class seven hundred and nine internal neural implants. These are among the most advanced neurological interfaces in the Conglomerate, usually only reserved for Topa, Tal and the most trusted Conglomerate officers."

  Luke nodded, wondering why he was being trusted now. What did this mean?

  "Our facilities can handle humans," Tal Starnis said. "You and your Shoka-ta may visit the facilities at your leisure to receive these upgrades."

  "Thank you," Luke said, glancing at Brita, Leonessa and Jeremy.

  "Shoka Luke Kishi," Rraklan said with a short bow.

  Luke returned the bow, "Chief Executive Rraklan. It is an honor to meet you."

  For the first time Luke noticed the pupils of Rraklan were star shaped.

  "And I you," Rraklan said. "Topa Suresh has made his desires and intent known. He has asked that I send ahead the equipment needed to help outfit your new vessel."

  "New equipment?" Luke asked.

  Rraklan nodded.

  "I wish to extend my hand to you and say if you should need any assistance, please reach out to me or my engineers," Rraklan said. "The equipment is licensed to you alone per Conglomerate law. If you should make any improvements or modifications, we would pay if you share those changes with us. We strive to make the most perfect products available."

  Rraklan glanced at Musashi and then back to Luke. "Your exploits are known to us, along with your friends. We also understand you were also once a primitive robot programmer?"

  "Yes," Luke said, not sure if he should laugh or get offended at the word 'primitive'.

  "Your feedback will be most appreciated," Rraklan said.

  "I'm sorry," Luke said. "I am not aware of the equipment, and I have not been provided any details. Could you please enlighten me?"

  Rraklan looked surprised and glanced at Tal Starnis.

  "You are now licensed to build your own androids and licensed to use your own android facilities which are to be hosted on your vessel," Rraklan said. "Topa Suresh has stated that humans are declining in population and will need this help. We have also provided a triad of class nine artificial intelligences for use aboard your ship to assist in these endeavors."

  Luke was stunned as he looked at Rraklan and didn't care who knew it. He could now build his own droids? Like Musashi, Gray and Nelson?

  "We humbly ask that you do not compete with us on the open market," Rraklan said. "Topa Suresh said you would not intentionally do so, but he did not rule it out. The Krasta Corporation is very capable of winning a trade war but it would not be in either of our best interests. You will only have this one facility, we have many."

  "I understand," Luke said, wondering if Morals would pass out with joy. "Thank you. Any changes or modifications we make we will be happy to share with you unless they are a security concern."

  Rraklan nodded.

  "If you and your Shoka-ta are ready," Tal Starnis said. "I will lead you to the medical facilities."

  Luke nodded and glanced at the others. This would not be human technology placed in their skulls and bodies, it would be Pral technology. Luke trusted the Pral, but a glance at the others showed he might be alone in that.

  Brita nodded and smiled at him, but Luke saw tension in her shoulders. Leonessa nodded but seemed nervous, to be expected. Jeremy also nodded but remained unreadable and Shum still looked shocked.

  "We will follow you at your leisure," Luke said and Tal Starnis turned and walked out followed by Luke and his team.

  "Is it safe?" Leonessa asked.

  "The InnerBuddy we have is a Conglomerate version, modified for human use. It was given to us by the Topa when we came to the Conglomerate. Human engineers have spent a great deal of time learning from it and have made only minor improvements. The Pral know what they are doing and their medical science is impressive. I can get the upgrades first and if any of you have concerns, you can wait."

  "No," Leonessa said. "If I am allowed, I would like to get them. I'm still learning to use the New Alamo InnerBuddy system, I'm curious how it can be improved."

  Luke smiled. Elena would have said the same thing. Never afraid to try something new, she was as much a technophile as he was and it looked like Leonessa shared that quality. It might be that because if Luke trusted the Pral, Leonessa would too.


  Neurosystem Upgrade

  Luke didn't feel any different when he opened his eyes and looked around but when he accessed the data channels, he saw they had more than tripled. Now he saw Conglomerate military channels, station command channels and several other channels he couldn't yet identify. He glanced at the Chaska technician and noticed the shape of the nose, the slight discoloration above the eyes and the slant of the mouth.

  "Do you understand me?" the technician asked in Chaskan. Luke stared at the Chaska amazed. Translation had been instant. He saw a look of concern come to the Chaska's face, the eyes narrowed and the nose seemed to tilt up.

  "Do you understand me?" the technician asked again.

  "Yes, your conce
rn is appreciated," Luke said in Chaskan. Luke fell silent. It had been intuitive and natural to answer the technician in his own language and had required no effort.

  A look of relief came to the technician's face.

  "Integration seems good," the technician said. "Do you see any additional channels on your data access?"

  "Yes," Luke said. "I appear to have access to Conglomerate Military channels though."

  "That is correct," Tal Starnis said from behind Luke. "You were authorized by Topa Suresh, Topa Sanda and Topa Saka. Your effective access within the Conglomerate Military channel is kran." Luke knew kran was the human equivalent of captain.

  "This is a high honor," Tal Starnis said. "It is not without precedent, but it is rare."

  "I am honored and will strive to earn it every day," Luke said, knowing the right and expected response.

  "Do not let Topa Suresh hear you talk like that," Tal Starnis said coming into Luke's view. He had a smile, for a Pral this was the middle of the lower lip coming up above the upper lip. "I understand that Topa Suresh enjoys your insolent and primitive ways."

  Luke mimicked the Pral's smile and Tal Starnis's smile grew, with the middle of the lower lip going higher.

  "Yes, you are taking the upgrades like a thina to air," Tal Starnis said.

  "I apologize," the technician said. "But I also upgraded other related integrations."

  "Why apologize?" Luke asked.

  "I did not ask permission," the technician said. "You may have them reversed aboard your ship if you find them unsuitable. I have included the specifications in your storage modules."

  Luke nodded and saw the tagged files appear in his internal display. There were twenty of them detailing different changes and they were locked to Luke's personality. He also noticed numerous other encrypted files, locked to his personality and conscious. He had a lot more internal storage now. The changes seemed minor, improved vision, hearing, improved reaction times. Improved reaction times?


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