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Sorrow's Muse

Page 3

by Colt, Shyla

  “I’m not fine! I stepped outside, saw Julian and my vocal cords decided to go on strike. I can’t even talk to the man. How am I supposed to make him fall in love with me?”

  “Slow down, little Muse. Tell me what happened.”

  Aphrodite listened intently to her story and her face grew serious. “You’re overthinking it. Trust your gut. Follow your instincts and the advice your fabulous love goddess is about to impart. I wouldn’t send you to Earth and leave you to fend for yourself. Father would kill me.”

  The tension flowed from Colette’s body. She wasn’t alone in this. She had help—no, the best help.

  “Relax. Breathe. You have an entire year. Show interest in him. Be honest—well, as honest as you can be considering your situation…and try to have fun.”

  “Fun? Are you serious?” Colette asked. This was her grand wisdom? Her temples throbbed.

  “Start small. He’ll resist at first. You’ll have to be persistent and wear him down. You know more than most how much he’s been hurt. You have to gain his trust and form a friendship. Would I steer you wrong?”

  “No,” Colette mumbled. The reassurances were not working. “I’m a Muse. It’s my job to inspire, so why is this so hard?”

  Dite smiled. “It’s always different when it’s your own life. Remember, you may be on Earth, but beauty, poise and grace are ingrained in your DNA. Even humanized, you haven’t lost that. Men love confidence. I know you’re new to all this, but with Julian, you have no choice but to be the aggressor. Subtle hints would be lost on him. You’ll have to hit him over the head with the obvious.”

  “How am I supposed to do that?”

  Dite sighed. “Okay, dear, hold on to those delectable boots of yours. I’m coming down to give you a crash course in l’amour.” She gave a wink, and the mirror returned to its deceptive everyday appearance. A chime sounded in the hall, and the goddess of love appeared in the doorframe. “I love the edgy vibe you’ve got going,” Dite said.


  “It’s a good thing. Men love a little mystery, especially the artistic kind, which is what you have on your hands. Now come on, my girl. This education cannot be learned indoors.”

  Colette rose from the bench, confused, skeptical, and a little afraid. She’d known Dite a long time. There was no telling what she planned. She followed her out of the condo. “Where are we going?”

  “To a bar I know.”

  Underneath the nervousness, excitement was born.

  They ended up in crowded pirate-themed bar. “This is Polly’s. The drinks are cheap, but delicious. The eye candy is plentiful and top quality.” A sly smile slid over Aphrodite’s full lips as her gaze took in the men in the room. Her eyes flickered with something a little wicked. It was easy to see why she drew men to her like bees to honey. They’d just set foot in the place, and Dite was getting covert glances.

  “One of the major perks of living in San Diego, all the servicemen. Listen, look and learn.” Dite sashayed her way across the crowded room. Each gentle sway of her hips drew a new set of eyes to her plump derriere. Swathed in a pair of dark denim designer jeans and a simple black tank top, she did look lovely. Yet, it was her personality attracting the attention of men and women alike…an almost visible aura that poured off her. She exuded confidence, power and sensuality.

  Colette envied her ability to navigate the waters of social interaction. It always seemed so simple from Mount Helicon.

  They reached the bar. Dite leaned forward and raised her hand in the air to signal the bartender. “Two cosmos for my friend and I. We’re quite parched.”

  “Sure thing, sweetness.” The burly bald man with the lip ring cracked a smile, and his whole countenance changed. It was like magic.

  Is she using her powers?

  “No,” Dite answered aloud. “I’m not using my God-given talent, just my womanly attributes.” She chuckled at her joke.

  Colette shook her head. “I’ll never be able to do that.”

  “Of course you can. The blood of Zeus runs in your veins. That’s not average stock. Watch.” Dite’s gaze swept over the bar and came to rest on a well-muscled tan man with closely shaven dark hair and bright blue eyes. Her lips formed a coy smile and she glanced away.

  A flash of white accompanied the man’s smile, as he made his way across the crowded room. “Hi, ladies, how are you doing tonight?” His words included them both, but his gaze was glued to Dite.

  “We’re fine.”

  Colette watched him while feeling amazed

  “Here you go, two cosmos,” the bartender said.

  “Even better now,” Dite drawled.

  “Can I take care of the bill for you?”

  “If you’d like.” Dite tilted her head and smiled.

  The banter went back and forth until they exchanged numbers and he returned to his friends on the other side of the room.

  “See how easy that was?” Dite said.

  “For you, yes—me, not so much.”

  “All I did was show a bit of interest, and he did the rest, not so hard.”


  “Unfortunately, that’s not the kind of flirting that’ll land you Mr. Sorrow.”


  “Relax. We’ll work up to it.”

  “I don’t like the sound of that,” Colette whispered.

  Three hours later, she escaped Dite’s grasp and returned to her condo. Flirting seemed tedious, pointless, and she was absolute rubbish at it. At this rate, she would be lucky if she ever held a conversation with Julian.

  She unlaced her boots, took them off and set them at the door before she headed to her room. She stripped down to her skivvies, tossed them into the hamper in the corner of her bedroom and collapsed onto the bed face-first. Best thing about sleep was tomorrow would be a new day.


  The mystery woman stood out on her lawn again, painting. No matter how many times Julian tried not to look, he was always drawn back to her tall, graceful form. Jet-black hair tumbled down to her mid-back and set off her dark brown skin. He’d never seen her face or the canvas she worked on, and his curiosity about both was driving him mad.

  While he peered through the half-drawn blinds, he licked his lips. Her airy white sundress was paired with a brown pair of boots that showed off toned legs a mile long. Even from behind, he could tell the woman was beautiful. Paired with her passion for painting, the combination woke parts of him that hadn’t been used in longer than he cared to remember. Music being his chosen venue to express himself, yet he loved all forms of art.

  His jeans grew tighter as a bulge formed and pressed at the zipper. Jesus, I’m turning into a Peeping Tom.

  He’d noticed her a few weeks back when she first appeared on the lawn two houses down from him. He’d missed the move-in process, but he’d be the first to admit to being oblivious to the world around him when he was in the middle of a project.

  She raised her toned arms bared by her white spaghetti straps.

  His mind wandered. Would the front view show off a set of perky breasts? Desire surged. Julian adjusted his hardened cock for comfort. This needed to stop.

  She tilted her head to the side, bringing attention to her long neck. Had this woman been sculpted from marble? He moved closer. His eyes strained to pick up something new he hadn’t seen before. Her head popped up, and he froze. Could she sense his gaze?

  She turned unexpectedly and he jerked away from the window. Shit! Julian’s pulse skyrocketed and his muscles tensed as his back hugged the wall. His breaths came in shallow bursts. Did she see me? A giddy excitement washed away his worry an instant later. He’d seen her face. It was more exquisite than he’d imagined it’d be. A broad forehead, full lips, wide-set eyes and a long, narrow nose. He felt like a teenage boy with a crush on the popular cheerleader. It felt good to feel.

  Really? Remember how you felt when you found out you lost your virginity to a girl because of a dare?

spirits plummeted and he tamped down the butterflies. It’s enough that she inspired him. It would have to be.

  He turned away from the window and went back to the desk he positioned up against the wall. She’d become his muse. Pen was set to paper and words flowed like water from a fountain. He broke only to eat, when a sharp pain in his stomach told him lunch was way past due.

  Julian padded to the kitchen and composed a quick lunch, consisting of a turkey sandwich and an apple. Unable to resist temptation, he took a seat on the couch facing the window on the side of house and peered out over his neighbor’s yard. He watched her as he ate, admiring her smooth strokes over the canvas.

  How strange I feel a kinship with this stranger. Most people who lived in this area bought art. They didn’t create it. Once he was finished, he disposed of the apple core, put the plate in the dishwasher, and allowed himself one last look at the painter.

  His stomach dropped into his gray Converse when he saw her looking back. A brilliant smile lined her lips and she waved. He returned the gesture, forced the corner of his mouth up into a facsimile of a smile and removed himself from the window. He needed to be more careful. Next time, she might see his face clearly.

  * * * *

  Colette fought the urge to stomp her foot in frustration when Julian slipped away after a weak wave of his hand. She’d been trying to run into him for days and every attempt was thwarted. It was time to face the facts. He is avoiding her. A weight fell on her shoulders. He hadn’t even met her and he was on the run. It didn’t bode well for the future.

  I need to come at this from a different angle. How, short of stalking him? Use your resources.

  She gathered up her painting equipment and headed inside her condo. She left the easel by the door to dry, walked over to the sink and cleaned off her palette, rinsed off her paintbrushes, and set them to dry. Done with her menial tasks, she walked upstairs into her bedroom and sat at her vanity. She contacted Dite.

  “How’s it going, little Muse?”

  “Terrible. I can’t even get the man to say hi to me, let alone, become my friend. I’ve been here almost three weeks and all I’ve gotten from him was a halfhearted wave from his window a few minutes ago.”

  “Ohh, honey, let the goddess of love work her magic. I can’t tamper with emotions, but I can manipulate circumstances. Tonight, you’re going to head to the Albertsons around eleven.”

  * * * *

  She pushed her cart around the store, pausing every now and then to add a box of cereal here, a few cans of soup there. Time seemed to creep by.

  When is Julian going to get here? What will I say when he arrives?

  Her nerves drew taut like a bow. She licked her dry lips and turned the corner and her heart skipped a beat. There he was. What should I say? Her mouth felt as if it was full of peanut butter. Panic hit and her heels click-clacked over the hard floor as she rushed off toward the dairy aisle. She winced.

  So much for I am woman, hear me roar. This seemed so much easier when she was watching it from above on Mount Helicon. It seemed amazing how humans had the capacity to feel so much all the time. Back home, they were all removed and detached. Eons of life would do that to anyone. It’s why every now and then, they snuck down to Earth to be carefree and a tad naughty.

  In her head, she heard Dite telling her she needed to take the reins and be the aggressor. She did a U-turn with her shopping cart. With him so skittish, she couldn’t afford to be held back by fear. When she rounded the corner, she spotted him with his back turned toward her. She moved her cart up beside his and cleared her throat.

  He peered up at her.

  “Hi.” She smiled at him.

  “Hi.” His voice sounded gruff, like sandpaper over wood. He looked toward her. His gaze focused on an unknown point over her shoulder.

  It made her heart bleed a little. “My name’s Colette. I live a few condos away from you.” She held her hand out.

  “Julian.” He shook her hand quickly, released it and stepped back.

  “It’s nice to finally meet. You’re the only neighbor I’ve seen.”

  “The other two condos are empty right now.”

  “Well, that explains it.” She laughed.

  His face remained stoic.

  She shifted her weight. “You’re a late-night shopper too?”

  “I prefer the solitude that comes with late-night shopping.”

  His words held an edge that made her want to turn and walk away. You know the reason behind it. Ignore his rudeness, and forge ahead. “Me too, waiting in lines always sucks.”

  His head lifted, and he stared at her with wide eyes.

  Yes, Julian, I caught the coldness in your voice. I refuse to let it keep me at arm’s length. She smiled as she met his gaze and an awkward silence fell.

  “We should finish our shopping. They close at twelve. It was nice meeting you, Colette.” He gave her a curt nod and pushed his cart away.

  Her jaw dropped. She watched him disappear around the corner. This is going to be even harder than she thought. “You too,” she whispered to no one.

  Colette shook her head to clear it and pushed her cart toward the checkout line. The only thing she wanted to do was get home to lick her wounds and go back to the drawing board.

  * * * *

  Calliope groaned as she watched her sister strike out. The man wasn’t open to friendship, let alone love. How much abuse would she take before she cut her losses, and then what? Come home and mope around Mount Helicon and watch while Julian continued to put everything he had into his work, until eventually that too dried up, leaving behind a bitter, burned-out shell?

  People needed love, affection, human contact and a list of other things he was missing out on by shutting out everything. Paul couldn’t be his everything, and soon he’d be getting married. It changed a person’s priorities.

  There’s got to be something I can do. The other Muses popped in every now and then to check on Colette’s progress, but Calliope had always been closest to her baby sister. A part of Calliope wanted to sabotage her. Eris was a quick summons away and always down to make mischief. No, the goddess of discord is a last resort. For now, she’d lend support.

  “Just a little whisper in your ear, to melt that icebox you call a heart,” Calliope whispered. She had friends in the right places. A quick visit to the dream gods would have Julian singing a different tune.

  She smirked and transported herself to the home of Morpheus. She knocked on the door.

  A tall, lithe, dark-haired man with deep purple eyes answered a moment later. “Calliope, what brings you to my neck of the woods?”

  “I need a favor, Sleep King.”

  “Come in.” He waved her in and stepped back, allowing her to follow suit. They ended up in his living room.

  She sank down onto the comfortable black couch across from his chair.

  “Tell me about this favor of yours.”

  “I’m sure by now you’ve heard about Colette.”

  “Yes, the little Muse spread her wings and took her first trip down to Earth, in search of love.” He said the word as if it was toxic.

  “Well, the man in question is stubborn, and he could use a little push.”

  Morpheus raised an eyebrow. “Why not ask Cupid?”

  “Because I want him to see what being in love could be like, not alter his emotions.”

  “Against the rules?”

  “Yes. Please, Mo. I don’t want her to end up a broken version of herself, or worse, like Aella.”

  Morpheus nodded. “Consider it done. But keep in mind, you’ll owe me a favor when I need it.”

  “I figured as much.” She stood. “I have to get back before I’m missed.” She walked over and placed a hand on his arm. “Thank you, Morpheus.” As she made her way out of the space, she hoped things worked out the way Colette wished.


  He was mesmerized by the beautiful woman who straddled his hips. Her long black hair cascaded
down, creating a curtain, closing the two of them off from the rest of the world. Time slowed as she bent down and pressed her lips against his. She moaned, rocked her hips against him, and he almost blew his top. Women never responded to him like this with the lights on or otherwise.

  Her tongue slipped between his lips to duel with his and he moved his upper body off the bed to grip her hair. The strands felt like silk as they wrapped around his fingers. He cupped her head, enjoying the tangy, sweet, floral taste that was her. They parted to suck in air.

  “Jay.” Colette’s voice sounded husky and filled with need as she called him by his childhood nickname. She pushed him back against the pillows. Her hands skimmed over his body. Light caresses explored and enticed. His back arched and he bit his bottom lip. No woman had ever responded to him this way. His cock twitched. Heat bled through the thin layer of cloth that covered her damp center.

  Her exploration moved up to explore his face, but he didn’t feel self-conscious or tense. It seemed as natural as breathing. Julian cherished the sensation. Even in his dreams, he recognized it as rare. “What are you doing with me?” he whispered.

  “You always ask me that.” She chuckled and shook her head. “Because I lo—”

  * * * *

  Julian woke from his dream in a cold sweat. What was it about this woman that got under his skin? A pang of guilt came over him. He’d been an asshole at the grocery store, but the last thing he wanted to do was encourage her. Being a pity project for someone, no matter how gorgeous, wasn’t part of the plan.

  His dick ached painfully. The scenes from the dreams were fresh in his mind. Her lips were petal soft, her flesh felt like silk and her hands had been everywhere. He eased his cock out of his black boxers, gripped the rock-hard shaft, and stroked. His eyes shut and he increased the speed. Liquid flowed from the tip, rolling down to coat his hands and act as a lubricant. His breath came in pants. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as his balls drew up and his body quivered. He gave a hoarse cry as he reached the pinnacle and spilled sticky white substance into his hand.


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