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Seeds Volume 3

Page 26

by M. M. Kin

  Oftentimes, a deity's power would take the form of a tangible object. For some, this made it more effective for them to wield their magic or utilize it in certain tasks. Sometimes such objects were formed so that mortals could actually see the power being used, or to benefit from the deity's magic in a more practical way.

  Kharon's boat served such a purpose. It acted as a ferry and barrier alike. While mortals and gods saw Kharon as the ferryman of souls and nothing more, he actually had a far greater purpose; keeping dead people from leaving, or keeping live souls from trespassing to Dis before their time. People focused on him being a ferryman, thus underestimating his powers and abilities, and that was just how he wanted it. His boat went back and forth endlessly, bringing souls to the other side. What people never thought about was that once you went across, there was no going back.

  Many a soul had indeed tried to escape, but Kharon's powers, just like any of the other underworld deities', was inexorable. He could deny any living person passage to the Underworld, or prevent them from leaving. The gods of Olympus never knew just how much they relied on Kharon to give them a safe journey in or out of the Land of the Dead. No one would ever suspect that the simple boat depicted in the artwork of the Underworld and in stories was representative of something much more.

  Persephone stared out at the waters, silent as Kharon ferried her. The ethereal oarsman was a very taciturn person, and the Queen of the Dead welcomed the silence.

  Just looking at the Styx made her feel cold inside, yet she was unable to look away. She had faced two rivers of Hell and had only come out stronger for it.

  When the boat came to the pier, the cloaked oarsman gracefully helped her out. She regarded him with an appreciative nod before going on her way.

  In the endless depths of the river, Kharon was aware of the goings-on of his boat. Live souls had a different feel to them, and he solemnly regarded Persephone as she had boarded the vessel.

  Of course, the ferryman did not focus his entire self on the task the dead souls set to him. To do so would drive him insane through sheer repetition. Persephone barely had his attention, and in a moment, all thoughts of her were banished as he felt icy teeth nibble along his ear. The chill only enticed him.

  Everyone else was terrified of the abyssal cold, even Persephone. He allowed himself to get lost into it.


  Hades said that he was going to come for her shortly after sunset, but Persephone decided to surprise him. Even as she spent time with her mother and other goddesses, Hades's parting words weighed heavily upon her mind. She was content to let everyone else do most of the talking, finding it a good way to learn about others.

  When she tried to use her Gift to return to the Underworld, she was surprised when it didn't work. It left her at the bank of the Styx, but would go no further. For some reason, she could not make her 'string' penetrate the barrier between the Kingdom of the Dead and the land of the living. Hmm, I wonder why that is. Still, she waited patiently for the boat before being helped into it by Kharon.

  Upon arriving at the Palace, she summoned a shade to take her to Hades. He was playing with Kerberos, throwing a branch and having the dog chase after it. Despite his frightful appearance, Kerberos could be puppy-like at times when being played with by people he recognized and liked. The dog yelped and bounded towards her, stopping just short and giving a friendly bark, offering her the stick. She took it and threw it, and he retrieved it before bounding back to Hades. Hades tossed the branch so hard it disappeared from sight, but the dog went after it. Persephone knew from previous experience that the dog always found what Hades threw.

  “Have I forgotten the time?” he asked as she approached him.

  “No, I just decided to come on my own. I do not need to be fetched.”

  “Oh, but I have such fun fetching you.” Hades said with a winning smile. Persephone smiled to herself and looked away.

  “Oh, very well, you can do it next time!”


  Despite Hellas's fairly mild climate compared to the lands of the North, Mount Olympus could become cold. Hades was thankful he did not have to deal with the cold wind as he stared at the fish that moved about in front of him, a transparent panel of crystal separating him from the ocean.

  Despite the rarity of his visits to the surface world, Poseidon's palace was one of Hades's favorite places to go to. Sure, Dis had the Sea of Eternity, but only in the world of the living would the oceans teem with life. He enjoyed the spectacular view that could only be found in his brother's palace. Very few mortals ever got to see the sea this way, and he smiled faintly as he touched the cool surface of the panel, watching a school of multicolored fish swim by and the play of refracted light on the coral reefs.

  “You really like looking at that, don't you?” Poseidon asked with a bemused smile as several Nereids bustled about to fill the table with a banquet.

  “I will admit that it is a very good reason to leave the Underworld,” Hades answered as he turned and approached the table once the nymphs retreated from the room. He noted with approval that his brother had made sure many of his favorite items were on the menu. He did not like when people gave him things just to curry favor, but he wasn't about to object to having his palate catered to.

  “It's almost hard to believe that my older brother is soon to be a married man!” Poseidon commented after a while. Hades smiled and swallowed his bite.

  “I almost wonder if it's a dream, that I should have such a woman at my side,” Hades replied easily.

  “That's how I felt when I married Amphitrite. Still do.”

  Hades raised an eyebrow. It was known among the gods that Poseidon, like his younger brother, did not have a monogamous relationship with his wife. The Lord of the Seas did not miss this, and smiled at his brother.

  “I can assure you, my wife fares much better than Hera.”

  “She is unmindful of your... activities?”

  “Just as I am unmindful of hers.”

  Hades nearly swallowed his fish too quickly. He collected himself before staring at his brother with a curious expression. “I do not understand this. You speak of her with love, and I see how she looks at you.” When he arrived, Amphitrite had been there to greet him, and she and her husband regarded one another with respect and unmistakable affection. “Yet...”

  “After so long, sometimes you want to try... something new. I was confused at first, to be honest. I love and desire my wife as I always do, but sometimes I find my attention caught by a pretty maiden here and there. I tried to fight it, but then I noticed that my wife's eye might wander, too. We talked about it, and decided to take new lovers for ourselves. Afterward, we came back together and... I actually enjoyed my wife more.”

  “How is that possible?” Hades asked before he took a long swig of wine.

  “You know how you have a favorite food? You enjoy it often, but if you ate it all the time, why, you would tire of it! If you eat something different, you appreciate your favorite more.”

  “I'd think a woman would be more... meaningful than food.” Hades leaned back on his divan. He simply could not imagine ever being bored with Persephone. She had effectively ruined him for all other women.

  Instead of pressing the matter and encouraging him to enjoy the pleasures of other women like their younger brother doubtlessly would have, Poseidon shrugged. “Everyone is different. I love my wife more now than I did before. Our relationship is happy because I do not hold her to a different standard than I would for myself. I have found that that is the key to a successful relationship.”

  “I'll toast to that,” Hades intoned, raising his goblet. Poseidon grinned as he lifted his own.


  Persephone stared down the neck of the flask that Dionysus had just passed to her. Having tasted all sorts of exotic wine in the Underworld, she was able to discern most of the ingredients, but there was also ambrosia in there, the sweetness balancing the high alcohol content.

took a large sip, feeling the burn as it slid down her throat. Promptly, she passed it back to Dionysus. She could see how such a beverage could cause the revelries and orgies that Dionysus was so famous for, and resolved to be especially careful about anything a god might offer. In front of them, several nymphs entertained them with a boisterous song and dance, and she could not help but laugh and clap her hands with the beat.

  As she did so, Dionysus stared at her admiringly. She had eschewed all jewelry and opted for a deep purple chiton, looking more like a nymph than Queen of the Underworld. Many a god had tried to capture her attention, but the bride-to-be of Hades remained impervious to the attempts to seduce her. She might tease and even flirt back just a little, but she was ever elusive to anyone who tried to claim her.

  “Have some more!” Dionysus stated as he tried to pass the wine back to her, but she shook her head.

  “I think not.”

  “Afraid of getting a little drunk? Worry not, you're in safe hands!”

  “Safe?” Persephone gave out a small snort. “With the way you're looking at my leg...” Said limb was visible through the side of her chiton, draped across the grass gracefully and terminating in a slender bare foot. Instead of tucking her leg under the skirt, she jiggled it enticingly. If the gods were going to try to hit on her, then she would tease them right back.

  There was less than a month left before the spring solstice, and despite the fact that it was now widely known that she was to be married to Hades, the other gods still thought that they could gain her attention, and more. Successfully wooing Hades's bride-to-be would be no small feat, and some saw this worth risking his wrath.

  Dionysus made a playful grab for her ankle, and she laughed before rising to her feet, dancing away from him.

  “That's not fair, teasing me like that!” he commented with a good-natured pout.

  “Oh, but it's so much fun.” Persephone grinned at him. “I know that you and the other gods have made a game out of seducing me... or at least, attempting to.”

  “Game?” He sounded surprised, and she grinned at him.

  “You think I don't know what you and your brothers say? You compare me to Aphrodite, and you also like the challenge of knowing that I am to wed Hades.”

  “Oh, but you are lovelier than Aphrodite!” Dionysus replied eagerly, quickly regaining his composure, “And you are charming, betrothed or not. Is it our fault you are so alluring?”

  Persephone had used flattery on Hades to get her way with him, but she was not immune to its effects, and smiled in pleased approval.

  “Perhaps if I were not already with Hades, I might consider your suit. But as it is, I am already committed to someone else, so that's that,” she replied matter-of-factly before giving a pointed shrug.

  “Who says you can't have more than one lover?” Dionysus retorted smoothly. “After all, Hades is a cold realm. Don't you ever feel the need for... warmth?”

  Persephone didn't deign a response, and merely rolled her eyes. Suddenly, laughter burst out from behind them.

  “Try all you want, Dionysus,” Apollo said as he looked at them. “She will not be wooed with the most honeyed words or extravagant gifts.”

  “I do wish you would find better things to do.” Persephone shook her head slowly. “I was excited to come to Olympus so that I could meet the other gods. When I was little, I imagined it to be a wondrous place. However, Mother had few nice things to say about it.” Her gaze was cool as looked around. Apollo tried to stare her down, but she squared her shoulders. “Dionysus invited me here, and I thought that I would accept the invitation and have a nice time. That is hard to do when my hosts are more focused on being amorous than hospitable.”

  “You're right. Please sit down,” Dionysus waved a nymph over with a platter of treats. “Enjoy yourself, and Apollo can play his lyre while the nymphs dance to it.”

  “That's better.” Persephone sat back against the tree trunk. She was content to watch the nymphs dance, there certainly were enough pretty faces – and bodies – for the gods to appreciate. She laughed and clapped her hands, accepting a bit of wine from Dionysus as Apollo wrestled with Hermes. She sensed that it was partly because they wanted to impress her. She certainly didn't mind watching them wrestle, though no man's body other than Hades's own could make her feel a sensual thrill.


  Aphrodite was bitter about Ares's impotence. She missed the way he would pound her into the bed – or against the wall or to the floor or on the grass or across a table... almost anywhere, really. He had a primality to his sex drive that she was irresistibly drawn to despite the fact that she could have just about any other lover she wanted. After Ares's 'misfortune', she had wasted no time in finding other outlets for her desire, but as always, her yearning would inevitably return to her rugged, handsome God of War. In this aspect she was a lot like her father, having one favored lover above all others, though Ares was considerably more forgiving than his mother regarding her affairs.

  She had even tried to get Ares to marry her, but despite her charms, the God of War would have none of it, disregarding the fact that he had already fathered a child upon her. It figured that the only man she would ever consider marrying – Hephaistos sure as hell didn't count because Father had arranged the marriage – would not complete the matrimonial tie with her.

  Aphrodite was one of the few who knew who the real culprit was behind Ares's impotence, and it made her hate Persephone all the more. It was bad enough that the Queen of the Dead was her rival in beauty, but the fact that Ares had taken interest in her only irritated the Goddess of Beauty all the more. Yes, Ares had had other lovers in the past, but that was just fine with her because nobody could ever be as beautiful as she! But to know that she had shared Ares's desire with Persephone, oh, how that galled her!

  For several centuries, Aphrodite had the uncontested title as the loveliest goddess in the entire Pantheon. Even her enemies and detractors had to acknowledge her beauty. Ever since Persephone had been revealed to the other gods, it had been 'Persephone this, Persephone that, how nice, kind, lovely, charming, sassy, clever, cute, she is!', and that got really old after a short while.

  After being vaunted for her beauty and grace for so long, Aphrodite was totally unused to having any serious competition even among the other attractive Goddesses. She had been stewing over this ever since Hades and his bride came up to Olympus. Oh yes, that was another thing that absolutely vexed her. When she had tried to seduce her handsome uncle, Hades merely regarded her as if she was only a slightly amusing child – more annoying than amusing in his eyes – and his deadpan stare caused her to wilt in such a way that she had actually questioned her own beauty and Gifts, which was an uncomfortable position for her. Yet with Persephone he had been enamored enough to kidnap her and cause all that trouble!

  At least that little upstart was stuck in the Underworld most of the time. She lifted her chin, looking in the mirror as she slowly turned around, admiring the elegant girdle around her slender waist and the way it emphasized the curves of her chest and hips. Despite her distaste for Hephaistos, she was happy that her lame husband was good for something.

  She knew that Dionysus and a few of the other gods were having a private party, thanks to her doves – 'a little bird told me' gained literal meaning in these instances – and she was bored. Sometimes she might decide to grace the gods or mortals with her presence if she was in the mood to be so generous.


  The charming smile on Aphrodite's face froze as she heard Persephone's laughter, and she approached the grove to see the younger goddess clapping her hands as Apollo and Hermes danced with a pair of nymphs while another nymph merrily plucked the strings of Apollo's lyre. Dionysus sat next to the Queen of the Dead, a recipient of a brilliant smile from her.

  Great. Just great, Aphrodite thought darkly. She had been thinking about her rival, and here she was! Ugh. For someone who wasn't even on the surface world often, Persephone certainly had a
way of leaving a lasting impression. Much like her husband-to-be, Aphrodite thought sourly.

  “Look who's here!” one of the nymphs called out. With the attention turned to her, Aphrodite widened her smile, flipping her hair over her shoulder as she sauntered closer to the gathering.

  “Boys, I'm hurt. You're having a party, and you didn't think to invite me?”

  “Well...” Dionysus shrugged, grinning sheepishly as he silently cursed her presence. Already he could feel the tension between the two goddesses and knew all too well how capable Aphrodite was of vindictiveness. “This party just... happened. I invited Persephone along, and then Apollo dropped by to visit and eh...” He shrugged again.

  “I should be going home,” Persephone said as she started to get up from her seat.

  “Oh, don't leave on her account!” Dionysus grabbed her wrist gently. “You are my honored guest.”

  “Oh, let her go home. I doubt Hades would appreciate her being here, anyway,” Aphrodite gloated, delighting in the fact that she could drive Persephone off. If she could keep doing that, then she just might get used to the fact there was a new goddess in the Pantheon.

  “Ha!” Persephone's eyes flashed as she looked at the older woman. “You're one to talk! What would Hephaistos say about you being here, huh? Don't talk to me about wifely duties when you're incapable of performing yours!”

  Both women heard a sharp intake of breath from several of the onlookers. However, Aphrodite refused to be cowed. Despite her official status as a married woman, she had never truly considered herself a wife, and wasn't as bothered by this sort of scolding as most other women would have been.

  “The little one thinks to tell me what to do, hm?” Aphrodite placed her hands on her hips. Persephone calmly mirrored this gesture before approaching Aphrodite.

  “Who's little?” Persephone retorted. She was actually a couple of inches taller than the Goddess of Love, and to punctuate her statement, she reached up and patted Aphrodite on the head. From behind them, stifled laughter penetrated the quietness of the grove.


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