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Seeds Volume 3

Page 27

by M. M. Kin

  “Just go home before you embarrass yourself,” Aphrodite replied sweetly, swatting away the other woman's hand.

  “You know, I normally would, since I do have a very nice home to go to, but I'll admit that it's amusing to have fun with you.”

  “You do not want me as an enemy,” Aphrodite hissed, her azure eyes seeming as cold as ice.

  “...I thought you already were.”

  Surprise was plain on Aphrodite's face at this flippant response. She quickly recovered herself and grabbed Persephone's arm, leading her away a short distance so they could have more privacy. Dionysus started to approach them, but Persephone shook her head and winked at him.

  “Who the hell do you think you are? First you take away Ares's potency, then you come up here and think you can usurp me! You're Queen of the Dead, not of the gods!” Aphrodite said in a quiet but fierce tone.

  “I have never tried to lord my status over anyone, but I refuse to be pushed around. As for Ares...” Persephone uttered the name as if she were talking about a bowel movement, “He attempted to rape me. I merely rectified the situation and gave him a much-needed punishment.”

  “Ugh, don't remind me. It would have been better if he had no interest in you,” Aphrodite retorted.

  “Finally, something we can agree on,” was the wry response.

  “Perhaps we could work something out...” Aphrodite was now smiling sweetly, but the younger woman saw right through the facade. Still, she was curious as to what the Goddess of Beauty had in mind.

  “What would that be?”

  “I only ask that his potency be restored. In return, I would welcome you to Olympus with open arms, and give you my alliance, and I would also make sure that Ares doesn't bother you.”

  “Sorry... but no. I'm in no mood to do either of you any favors.”

  “At least restore Ares! He will never bother you again. No man should be without his -”

  “Shut up.”

  “Don't tell me to shut up!” Aphrodite snapped, her pretty features twisting into a dark scowl.

  “I will do as I please.” Persephone started to turn away. As she did, she felt a hand grab her arm, this time manicured nails digging viciously into her skin. Almost unconsciously, her Gift reacted to the assault, driving the older woman back with a sudden spike of dark energy that sent Aphrodite sprawling onto her rear end.

  “Do not ever touch me again, or ask anything of me unless you are prepared to pay the price. And the man you love so much...” 'love' was uttered in a biting, sarcastic tone, “is much better off as he is, and I am sure the women of Hellas would agree with me.”

  “You cannot do this to me!”

  “I can. And I will.” As Persephone said this, the shadows around them thickened. “If you want to go crying to your father about this, just keep in mind that I already put him in his place as well.” Her voice was edged with cold triumph. “Any and all mischief you try to wreak on me will be repaid a hundredfold. Do not make the mistake of thinking that I won't.” Despite the sunny day, it looked as if twilight had suddenly encroached upon the grove, plunging it into semidarkness as Persephone spoke, every word of hers heard by the gods as well. She hadn't displayed this sort of power to the gods before, but figured that now was as good a time as any to show it to the others if she was going to do it to Aphrodite.

  The boys – despite her age, she considered them as such, especially compared to Hades – might have backed away from her for the time being, but she knew that if she did not make her message clear, they would just start acting the same as they had before, out of habit. Some habits really needed to be broken...

  “She truly is the bride of the Dark One.” Apollo whispered. Having heard that, Persephone looked in his direction, though without anger since she knew he had meant no offense.

  “Who I am mated to does not define who or what I am.”


  Hades was waiting for her as she crossed the Styx, and she smiled at him as he held out his hand to her. She was almost surprised at the immense comfort she took from the feel of his hand wrapped around hers.

  “You look pleased with yourself,” Hades observed as they walked along the path.

  “Oh, I am.” Having been so sheltered for most of her life, Persephone still found the use of her Gift to be exciting.

  “And what could it be that pleases you so?” he shot back with a smile of his own. Persephone let out a short, quiet laugh before she explained what had happened with Aphrodite and how she had used her powers to prove herself.

  “That reminds me of Ereshkigal.”

  “Who?” The name sounded familiar to her, but having learned so much from Hades, she found it difficult at times to keep track of it all.

  “The Queen of Irkalla.”

  “Oh! Yes.” Hades wasn't the only realm in Dis, after all. Irkalla was the Underworld of the people who lived in the Levant, to the east. “I've never met her.”

  “You will, in due time. It is important for the rulers of the realms of Dis to know one another, for we all share a great responsibility.”

  “Why do I remind you of her?”

  “She is beautiful, and keeps to herself. But her power is so great that the other gods fear her.”

  “Sounds more like someone I know than myself...” she replied, tapping her chin lightly. Hades laughed.

  “There was a time when she became greatly angered, but the other gods thought lightly of her. However, like you, she proved she was a force to be reckoned with.”

  “What happened?”

  “She fell in love with one of the gods, Nergal, and seduced him when he visited the Underworld on a mission. She wanted him to stay with her in Irkalla, because it was a fearsome place and she was lonely.”

  “Again, sounds like someone I know...”

  Hades smirked down at her before he continued, “Nergal saw what he did as a mere dalliance, a night of pleasure, and left Irkalla, seeking refuge with the other gods. They laughed at her, and this roused her wrath so greatly that she threatened to throw open the gates of Irkalla and unleash the dead onto the earth.”

  “What happened to Nergal?”

  “He was sent back to Irkalla.”

  “Seems like you death-gods have similar mating habits,” Persephone teased. Hades growled in mock dismay.

  “I don't hear you complaining about it!” he retorted.

  “Hmph.” She feigned displeasure as she crossed her arms.

  “I think it's time for supper.”

  “I am hungry, but I would like to take a walk with you first. In your garden, I mean.” All playfulness was gone from her voice. Her confrontation with Aphrodite and the other gods and the words exchanged had caused her to do some thinking about her relationship with Hades.

  “As the lady wishes.” He offered his arm, and she wound her own around it, enjoying the feel of his strong forearm under her hand.


  The King and Queen of the Underworld were in one of Hades's favorite gardens; a thickly forested atmosphere with plenty of ponds and quiet streams amidst canopies of weeping willows and hanging moss. Most would consider it gloomy, but Hades liked it and Persephone found it tranquil if a bit eerie. However, with Hades at her side, she felt comfortable.

  “I have been thinking about what you said to me a while ago. About love,” Persephone said softly as they walked along a thin path.

  “Oh?” Hades looked down at her, his expression hard to read.

  “We might not have gotten off to the most auspicious start in our relationship. I never would have thought that someone who snatched me could actually care for me or feel for me the way you do. At that time, I thought I would simply enjoy what you had to offer and make the best of my time here until I managed to find a way out of here, but I found myself caring for you more and more.”

  Hades smiled at this admission.

  “When I was away for that month before the winter solstice, I missed you so much. I was lonely at night without
you holding me. Mother refused to talk about you, and I dreaded the thought of never seeing you again. I honestly did not think I would feel the way I did. I cannot imagine life without you.”

  “Persephone...” She was moved by the warmth she saw in his eyes.

  “I love you.”

  For a man who was cynical and considered himself above emotional weaknesses, Hades actually found himself feeling lightheaded when he heard that. He had desired to hear these words for so long, even before he kidnapped her, but he knew that forcing her to say these words would be a hollow victory. “I love you too,” he replied before he pressed a kiss to her forehead. He placed his hands on her shoulders and gazed down at her, his face set in a rare expression of unguarded happiness.

  Chapter LV


  The scent of various foods hung in the air, emanating from Demeter's kitchen and the additional firepits that had been set up for the wedding feast.

  Demeter was pleased with the wedding plans. Persephone would not have Zeus's input in her wedding day, and had asked her mother to step into the role a father would traditionally assume at his daughter's wedding. Thus, instead of having the customary pre-wedding feast on Olympus at Zeus's house, they were having it here on the island.

  This wedding would be different in some ways from the ones mortals had. Normally, after the wedding day, another feast would be held at the groom's house. However, given the location of Hades's home, the Olympians were relieved to not receive invitations to the Underworld. Rather, Hades intended to have his feast with the Underworld deities, while the Olympians would have the pre-wedding feast for their own celebration. Demeter wasn't one to complain and since her daughter had already expressed her approval of this plan, there was nothing more to be said on the matter.

  To accommodate the tables and furniture, a large, grassy area had been flattened out with some earth-shifting, making the plateau totally level as if it was one of the marble floors on Olympus. However, instead of being hard, Demeter had ensured that a thick, even layer of grass grew across the entire clearing.

  Tablecloths and decorations had been tastefully arranged, thanks to Hera. One could see the regal goddess's touch in the way the tables and divans had been set up, down to the smallest detail of color and design, and she also had a hand in the preparation of the banquet. Though Rhea, Hestia, and Demeter were skilled cooks in their own right, none of them could rival Hera when it came to creating an elegant atmosphere. Persephone had been the one to petition her for her help, and Hera welcomed the opportunity to make herself useful.

  Traditionally, the bride's parents made the arrangement for the wedding, but Persephone refused to play a passive role. She had gone to many gods for help, both as a way to make them feel included and as an opportunity to get to know them better. Artemis was honored to hunt down some animals for the banquet, and Dionysus had been all too happy to contribute wine upon Persephone's request. Poseidon was charmed by his niece and graciously provided some of the sea's bounty for the feast, and Apollo and the Muses accepted Persephone's invitation for them to sing or provide music. Demeter was surprised, but could not help but be pleased with how well – and humbly – her daughter established a role for herself within the family, especially after she saw how everything had been set up.

  Even though the wedding was not on Olympus, the atmosphere was just as beautiful, many of the gods found it a refreshing change. Persephone remembered her mother's words about making an impression on her family and asserting her role.


  Persephone looked fresh in the attire that she had chosen for today. She would have two different outfits; one for today, and one for the wedding ceremony tomorrow. She had carefully pondered her options, deciding what colors she would wear, what accessories, and the like. For today, she set aside the jewelry she wore in the Underworld. Today was the first day of spring, and she would dress for her role as the Goddess of Spring. It was now widely known among the Olympians just who she was and what role she would have. She bore the unique distinction of being a deity of both the Kingdom of the Dead and the realm of the living. Right now, she would embrace and welcome spring. It was a happy time of the year for god and mortal alike.

  She adorned her hair and neck with flowers; bright yellow, blue, and purple petals highlighted against her skin. Her tunic was silk, and dyed to create an umbra effect, going from warm blue at the hem to cheery pinks and oranges in the middle and sunny yellow at the top. Her ankle-length chiton was a deep and vibrant green, matching the current shade of her eyes and giving an appropriate backdrop to the lighter colors of her tunic. She opted to go barefoot, wanting to enjoy the feel of living grass under her soles.

  As she stepped outside, she was encountered with greetings, several goddesses going to her side immediately and their male counterparts eyeing her with open admiration. Quickly scanning the scenery, she saw that over half of the guests had already arrived. Mother was already chatting animatedly with a trio of them.

  Everything looks wonderful. She had already thanked everybody for their help, but she intended to do so again after it was all over. She had been a bit intimidated by the thought of asking Hera for help, but then she thought of it as a meeting between two queens, and that had helped. The casks of wine were nearly overflowing, though Demeter had them placed out of sight, not wanting people to start getting drunk right away. It was something Persephone heartily agreed with. All the food was set out, some of it in covered dishes, and the goblets and plates Hephaestus and the Cyclopes made gleamed with polish under the afternoon sun. In a short while, it would be time to eat, and she looked forward to sitting at the head table alone with Hades.

  Persephone listened to the compliments the gods sent her way with measured patience. She knew that by resisting their advances, she was only making herself more enticing, but that could not be helped.

  “What a lovely party you have here, Persephone.” She turned around upon hearing the lilting voice of the Goddess of Love. Aphrodite stood several feet away, her hands resting lightly on her hips.

  “Good to see you too, Aphrodite.” Persephone replied casually, making no effort at sweet small talk. They had so little in common, and she was put off by the older woman's vanity, especially after observing how Aphrodite interacted with other people. Hades certainly hadn't been exaggerating in his tales of the Goddess of Beauty!

  “What a... charming setting you chose for your little wedding,” Aphrodite said as she waved with a slender arm that was adorned with gold arm- and wristbands. It was clear that the other goddess had adorned herself to garner as much attention as possible, but Persephone chose to not comment.

  “This place is charming, isn't it?” Persephone asked, refusing to be put down by Aphrodite's subtle jabs, “But I certainly wouldn't call my wedding little! I'm delighted to have so many people share my happiness!” she said, grinning at her rival. After hearing just who was getting married, many a god had been eager to accept their invitations out of simple curiosity. Of course, the Olympians had been invited, but she had also added the Titans and Cyclopes to the guest list, giving her a chance to familiarize and make friends with the senior members of Gaea's brood. All together, the number was more than most gods had ever had at their own weddings. That number sometimes felt daunting to her, but she reminded herself that it would be over soon enough.

  “Indeed. There has not been a wedding as big as this for... well, a long time.” Iris said as she approached Persephone, extending her hands in greeting. Persephone smiled at her and took her hands, returning the gesture. “And everything looks so wonderful. I won't be forgetting this for a long, long time! And you look so radiant!”

  “Thank you, Iris.”

  “You know, seeing this almost makes me want to have my own wedding. Almost.” Persephone turned around with a smile, seeing Bia. Being the Goddess of Force and Power, Bia certainly didn't fit the usual standards for a Hellene woman. Her fierce attitude and personality would not bow her to mo
st men, and she was one of few deities who could hold her own against Zeus or Ares. The younger goddess glanced at Bia's biceps and broad shoulders. Anyone who would try to have this mighty goddess for a wife would be in for a dear challenge unless he was very, very laid-back, or just as stubborn as she was..

  “Only almost?” Persephone replied playfully. Bia laughed and playfully punched her arm. Persephone's eyes twinkled with merriment as she noted Aphrodite's displeasure at not being the center of attention or compliments. It was her wedding, after all!


  Hades chose to not reveal himself right away when he came to the scene of the impending banquet. The odor of food cooking over the fires mixed with the chatter of various deities filled the air, and he glanced around, secure under his helmet of invisibility. Many were already seated while others were walking around. Nobody would eat until he made his appearance.

  Persephone was surrounded by several Muses, but she stood out amongst them in Hades's eyes. Stealthily, he wove around the guests, and his bride lifted her chin, glancing around before she looked in his direction. He smiled under his helmet as she maintained a steady gaze. It was almost like a game to them, with him becoming invisible and trying to approach her without her knowing, or seeing her react to being touched or teased by an unseen hand. She said something to her companions before pulling away from them and walking off in the opposite direction, briefly looking over her shoulder.

  She entered the house, ostensibly for a moment of privacy. As soon as he was in the room, he lifted his helmet as she watched. He placed it in her outstretched hands as he looked down at her. It was an interesting visual effect, to see this colorful maiden with flowers in her hair holding a helmet that resembled a horned skull.

  “Good afternoon, my lady.” Hades regarded her with an affectionate smile. She performed a slight curtsey. Amidst the cheerful, homey surroundings of the room, he was an especially imposing figure, clad in his usual color choice of dark hues. In her time living with him, she rarely ever saw him in light colors, and that was only when he was alone with her. Like her, he had chosen a more understated outfit, opting for a dark blue tunic that terminated at his elbows and a black cloak and breeches.


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