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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 11

by Maryann Jordan


  When she came out later, she allowed him to assist her into the Jeep. “So, where to tonight?” she asked.

  “I thought we’d do dinner at my place. Is that okay?” he asked, glancing over hoping to see interest in her eyes. He was not disappointed.

  Sucking in a deep breath, she nodded, a smile curving her lips. “Yeah, it’s fine. Actually, more than fine.”

  Linking his fingers with hers, he drove them to his apartment. Getting out in the underground garage, he grabbed the bag of items from Cora and was glad that she had discreetly stored them in a grocery sack. They headed to the elevator and Jennifer’s eyes grew large. “Oh my God, Gabe. I had no idea you lived in a place like this. It’s so…um…fancy.”

  He glanced nervously down at her hoping that she wouldn’t hate his place. “There’s a lot of room here and a great gym downstairs. I found out about this place from a detective friend of mine. Matt used to live in this building until he moved into a house with his wife, Lily. She works with me at Tony’s. Several of us live in the area and actually, Vinny lives a few floors below me.”

  Quirking an eyebrow, she quipped, “Convenient for when you need to change dates?”

  Whirling her around so that she was plastered to his front, he groused, “Baby, I’m not sharing you with anyone, especially my twin.”

  Laughing, they entered his apartment and he showed her around. She was amazed at the amount of space he had. He watched her as she silently walked around the living area and into the huge kitchen, finally stopping at the windows taking up most of one wall. She stopped and looked at the setting sun over the city skyline.

  He walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around, pulling her back in tightly to his front. “Whatcha thinking?”

  “Honestly? I’ve never seen an apartment so large! It’s beautiful, Gabe.”


  She twisted around to face him, her head leaned way back. “No ‘but’, honey. I admit it’s kind of overwhelming. I’ve seen places like this in magazines, but I’ve never been in an apartment that’s this big.”

  “I know we’re still new, but baby, I want to give you the world.” He leaned down to kiss her, but she stopped him.

  “Honey, all I need is you. You and Ross…that’s the world to me.”

  With those words, he took her mouth and took charge of the kiss. Deep. Wet. He lifted her in his arms, holding her tight. Her breasts were pressed against his chest and he could swear that he could feel her nipples through her shirt. The desire to taste them was overwhelming as he held her up easily with one hand on her ass and the other snaking around to the underside of her breast.

  Hearing her moan was his undoing. “Babe, you say the word and we stop.”

  “No, don’t stop.” All she felt was his lips and his hand on her ass and she wanted more. She grasped the bottom of her sweater and pulled it quickly over her head.

  Her breasts were pushed up in a pink, lacy bra right at his head level. His knees almost buckled, but not from her slight weight. He moved his lips from hers and trailed kisses down her neck to the top of her breasts. Moving from one to the other, he sucked her nipples through the lace until he thought he would go mad with want. As though she read his mind, she slid her hands from his shoulders to her chest where she pulled the cups down, exposing the perfect rosy-tipped mounds.

  Greedily he sucked as he backed her against the wall, bringing one knee upwards to take her weight so that he had both hands free. He quickly divested her of the bra and filled his hands with her as he molded the fleshy orbs, taking one nipple deeply into his mouth before giving it a gentle bite.

  She began to writhe against his jean-clad knee, needing the friction to seek the relief that she desperately was looking for. She wrapped her legs around his waist, pulling him tighter, feeling the distinct bulge in his pants. A very large bulge. Oh lordy. It’s been a really long time, she thought.

  He pulled back away from her breasts and looked into her eyes. “You want this, baby? I gotta know ’cause you’re no fuck against the wall. You want this, Jennifer…it’s you and me. You’re in my bed and in my life.”

  “I. Want. You.” She pulled his face in for a kiss, plunging her tongue in tasting all that was him.

  Growling he stalked into the bedroom, bending with her still in his arms and throwing the comforter back. Laying her gently on her back he stood over her partially naked form. Heavy breasts beckoned but before he could answer the call, she moved to unzip her jeans. He took over, sliding them down her legs, taking her pink, lace panties with them.

  He stood, looking down at her, stunned that she was finally in his bed. “Perfection,” he said. His hands reached for her tiny feet and lifted them in his hands. Sliding up her legs, he pulled her them apart, exposing her pink folds. Kneeling on the floor between her legs he kissed from her knees upward until his mouth covered her pussy. Sucking hard, he licked between her nether lips, lapping her juices until he pulled her clit into his mouth. Jesus, I could come right now. What about this woman makes me lose all control?

  She arched off of the bed and he reached one large hand up and placed it on her pelvis holding her still. She began to writhe more, her hips undulating upwards, seeking sweet relief. He added a finger into her pussy while still sucking on her clit. The feelings were overwhelming and moans escaped her as she felt herself climbing higher and higher until she cried out his name as the tremors overtook, shattering her into a million pieces.

  He lapped her juices and then raised up from the floor, placing his finger in his mouth, not wanting to miss a single taste. He grabbed the back of his t-shirt and pulled it over his head. His hands went to his jeans, unbuttoning them as quickly as he could.

  As he shucked his jeans, her eyes traveled down from his wide shoulders to his naked chest. A Celtic cross tattoo was inked directly over his heart, matching the Celtic symbols around his bicep. She could not wait to trace the intricate design with her tongue. He was powerfully built with massive chest muscles, chiseled abs, and a tight stomach that ended in a perfect V that traveled downwards. By the time her eyes had moved to the end of the V, his jeans and boxers were off and her eyes feasted on his cock. Oh my God. The college boyfriend that I had was nothing like that. And he’s been the only one.

  He saw her expression go from sated to afraid. Leaning over her, he placed his hands on either side, surrounding her with his presence. “What’s going on in that gorgeous mind of yours, baby? We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.”

  She looked up into the face that she trusted with her life. How could I have fallen so far in love in just a few weeks? “I was just…well…it’s kinda been a long time. And…there was only one other.” Her eyes looked down as her hands raised to rest on his chest. “I know you had…um…a lot…”

  Her expression almost broke him. She looked so little. So lost. So unsure. My fuckin’ reputation finally came back to bite me in the ass, just like Tony warned. His captain and boss told him and Vinny that the fuck ’em and leave’ em attitude would one day haunt them. Looking down on her doubting face, he wanted to kick the man that he had been.

  “Baby, look at me,” he pleaded. “I’ve never once been in love. I’ve never loved any woman. My past is fucked up and is just that…the past. There’s no comparison with anyone else.”

  “Gabe,” her small voice said. “You’ve been with…famous women.”

  Sucking in a deep breath, he lowered himself gently to her side, pulling her in tightly with him. “You gotta understand baby and hear me well, or we’ve got no chance of getting past this. I have never, and I mean never, been with any other woman that meant something to me emotionally. So whoever I was with, famous or not, they were just pussy. That’s all. It was just sex. A physical release. I know to women it means something different, but right or wrong there it is. For me, it was just physical. But with you, babe? It’s everything. It’s my world.”

  She leaned her head off of his chest
and sought his eyes, seeing sincerity blazing from them. “What are you saying?” she whispered.

  “I’m saying that I love you. I think I loved you from the moment I saw your pixie face popping out from behind the dumpster.”

  Giggling, she moved her hand over his chest up to cup his cheek. “How can I love you having only known you a few weeks? Is it real?”

  “You love me, baby?” he asked softly, nuzzling her ear.

  “Yeah. I love you, Gabe.”

  He looked deeply into her crystalline blue eyes, seeing the light that was her, shining out on him.

  Cora’s words came back to him. If she shines that light on you, then you’ll think you’ve been burned, it shines so bright. He felt that light. Fuck yeah.

  Laying on his side with her next to him, he began to explore every delicious curve. Jennifer felt the electric shock from her nipples to her womb and down to her pussy once again. As he moved his finger through her slick folds, he lifted himself over her placing his engorged cock at her entrance.

  “Babe, you said it had been a while. How long is a while? I don’t want to hurt you.”

  Lowering her eyes in embarrassment, she replied, “Um, about three years.”

  His eyes widened in shock but quickly recovered, not wanting to embarrass her further. Fuck yeah, he thought once again. First in feeling her light shining on him and now knowing that light had not been shared with anyone intimately for a long time.

  He gently entered her slowly after rolling on a condom. Filling her a little bit at a time, he allowed her to adjust to his size. She moaned at the feeling of fullness and the pressure that immediately began to build. With a final push, he was in all the way and began to pump slowly.

  “More, I need more,” she said in a whisper and that was all it took for him to begin moving faster. The delicious feeling of friction was soon sending her over the edge again. Two orgasms in one night. I’ve never had that, she realized as the shock waves pulsated from her inner core outwards.

  He felt her pussy walls grab his dick and her natural juices made the pounding easier. He captured her lips once more, imitating the motion of his thrusting with his tongue. He could feel his balls tighten and knew that he was close. He watched her hands move up to cup her breasts, tweaking her nipples. Jesus, fuck. He’d seen women play with themselves during sex, but it had always seemed so fake—as though it was just for his benefit. But Jennifer? Her eyes were closed and the pleasure that covered her expression was all it took. Throwing his head back, he powered through his orgasm, pulsating deep inside as her pussy tightened around him once again.

  Falling down to the side of her, he rolled her on top of his sweaty body, still shaking with the intensity of the moment. Never… never. I’ve never fucked like that. Jesus, is that what love does? he wondered.

  Neither of them spoke for several minutes, the emotions of the act too overwhelming. Too important.

  As their breathing slowed down, she lifted her head and looked down at him, noticing the name Malloy tattooed into Celtic cross design as she traced it with her finger. “Wow,” she said softly.

  His chest began to move with chuckling, bouncing her up and down. “Yeah, baby. You can say that again. Wow.”

  “I just didn’t know it could be like that,” she said honestly.

  He stared at her face for a moment, also realizing that he’d never met anyone as honest as her. No pretense. No faking. Just real. Just her.

  He tightened his huge arms around her, enveloping. Protecting. Needing.

  “Baby, I may be many things, but I’ll always lay it right out there. I want you, in my bed and in my life.” Seeing her about to protest, he continued. “I know you’ve got Ross and we’ll go slow. But I’m in love with you and in love with him too. We’ll figure it all out together.”

  A gentle smile rolled off her lips and he swore once more that her light pierced his heart. “Together? That sounds good.”

  She watched as his handsome face broke into a grin. I’ve never seen anyone so heart-stoppingly gorgeous in my whole life. She ran her fingers over his strong jaw, loving the feel of the rough stubble underneath her fingertips.

  He pulled her head down to his and kissed her once more. This time soft. Gentle. Full of the promise of home. “Yeah, baby. Together.”

  Later that night, after they ate Chinese take-out, he asked her to stay. She grinned and held up her oversized purse. “I hoped you would ask. I even packed a few things just in case.”

  He threw his head back and laughed as he held up the grocery bag that Cora had packed.

  Her mouth opened in an ‘O’ as she peered into the bag. “Well, that sneak.”

  “I prefer to think that she’s just a romantic at heart, darlin’.”

  Pulling her in close as they lay in bed, he wrapped her in his arms, feeling warm and sated. And both slept…images of handsome giants and elfish princesses filled their dreams.


  Gabe walked into the break room, grabbing his coffee and greeting the others gathered there before their Monday morning staff meeting.

  “So…?” Vinny asked.

  BJ, Jobe, and a couple of the other men looked up, used to Gabe and Vinny’s weekend sexual escapades.

  “Not going there,” Gabe growled.

  “Hmmm,” Vinny taunted. “Something tells me the great one has fallen, just like our friend BJ here.”

  Gabe said nothing but just kept drinking his coffee. Lily walked in, noting the strange atmosphere. Looking around, her eyes landed on Gabe. Lifting her eyebrow at him, she asked, “Good weekend?”

  “Yeah. Great weekend, thank you,” was his polite reply.

  Walking toward the door, she stopped and placed her hand on his thick arm. “Well, if it involved that beautiful, new woman that has finally captured your attention, then I wholeheartedly approve.” Giving his arm a little squeeze, she walked out of the room, calling over her shoulder, “Meeting in five minutes, gentlemen.”

  Jobe slapped him on the back as he moved out, following Lily. BJ walked by next, laughing. “I know, man. When you fall, you fall hard.” BJ had found the love of his life and they were expecting twins.

  Vinny walked over to his brother and stood directly in front of him, placing his hand on Gabe’s shoulder. “She’s a real beauty and a helluva person to boot. I’m glad for you, man.”

  Gabe grinned, glad for his brother’s support.

  “Can I ask about her brother? You ready to take him on as well?” Vinny asked, true concern on his face.

  Nodding, Gabe replied, “He’s a great kid. There’s something about him that just pulls at me. You know, when a kid looks up at you as though you’re supposed to have all the answers.”

  “Gabe,” Vinny growled softly. “You’re not—”

  “No,” he bit out. “It’s got nothing to do with what happened over there.” Rubbing his hand over his face, he startled when the twins realized that Tony was standing in the doorway.

  Tony walked over, “Sorry to listen in. Gabe, you’d be a fool to not face the fact that part of you wants to save her brother just like you couldn’t save those kids in Afghanistan. That doesn’t make it wrong. You love the sister and you love her brother, then it’s all good.”

  Nodding, Gabe and Vinny followed him out of the break room and into the conference room. Walking in they were surprised to see their detective friends, Shane Douglas and Matt Dixon, sitting at the table. Greetings abounded all around before Tony took charge of the meeting.

  “Matt and Shane have something that they’re looking into and wanted our input.”

  Matt spoke first, saying, “Vice is looking into rumors of possible extortion. So far, we’ve got nothing but hints of gambling and money laundering. We’re sure there’s an organization behind extortion, but can’t prove anything. Seems like someone’s into buying some real estate cheap and selling big.”

  Gabe looked up at that. “That’s not a crime, is it?”

  “Not if you do
it legitimately and not use extortion and threats to get people to sell.”

  “What my partner hates to say is that there’s the fuckin’ possibility that whoever is behind this has got their hand in the pocket of some of the police. So the chief asked if we could contract Lily and BJ again to take a look and see what they can find out.”

  Tony looked over at Lily, giving her a slight nod. “You available?”

  Smiling, she looked at her husband Matt, and joked, “I’ve always got time to help the police.” Looking back to Tony, she said, “And that’s the truth. It doesn’t take me too long to do some computer digging.”

  Finishing up the last of the assignments while Shane and Matt went back to the station-house, Tony reminded them that they had a company picnic coming in another two weeks. “The weather’s supposed to be nice and we want to make sure all of you can come.”

  They finished the meeting and as they dispersed to their various assignments, Tony asked Gabe to stay. Vinny looked over at them and Tony nodded to him as well, indicating that he could also stay.

  “Gonna get to the point. Gotta letter from Alicia Morgenstern’s attorney. We are contracted for one more security detail for the film company when they are back in town in a couple of months for the opening of the movie they made. Seems like Ms. Morgenstern is requesting that Gabe escort her to the event. I have already replied that he will be engaged elsewhere but that we will, of course, provide our normal security for the event.”

  Gabe hung his head for a moment. He had not thought of her in weeks…not since meeting Jennifer. Looking up at his boss, he said, “I appreciate it, Tony.”

  “What a fuckin’ bitch,” Vinny bit out, protective of his brother.

  “Yeah, she’s a piece of work but this is our last dealings with her or the movie company.” He looked at Gabe for a moment. A private man, he respected the privacy of the men under him but wanted to keep a pulse on them as well. “I understand you may be bringing someone special to the picnic?”


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