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Gabe: The Alvarez Security Series

Page 12

by Maryann Jordan

  Gabe’s smile told Tony all he needed to know. It was obvious, the big man had fallen and by the look on his face…fallen hard.

  “Yes, sir. She’s a social worker for the city and runs an elder residence for those who might find themselves homeless. She’s also the guardian of her eight-year-old brother. Will it be all right for him to come too?”

  “Hell, you don’t have to ask. I want to meet the woman who brought one of the big twins down,” he laughed.

  “You will, sir. You will.”


  “How did you get so big? Do you eat a lot? Jenny says you eat a lot, but then she’s just a girl and she’s kind of small, so she thinks everyone eats a lot.”

  Gabe laughed at Ross’ endless questions. In the past week, he’d visited almost every day, getting to know her brother and finding that he was a really smart child…and genuinely caring.

  He stood just a few feet from him; after showing him how to hold a football they began to toss it to each other. Ross was a quick learner and although he was young, Gabe patiently worked with him.

  “My brother and I were always big, I guess, and if you can believe my mother, we did eat all the time. She says she almost went broke trying to feed us.”

  Ross stopped and looked up at his friend. “Do you got any sisters?”

  Gabe shook his head, “Nope, just my twin brother.”

  Ross wrinkled his nose for a moment as he thought. “I used to think that I’d like to have a brother, but I’ve just got a sister instead. She’s nice though…even if she can’t throw a football. She works real hard. Gabe?” Ross asked. “Do you think she works extra hard just because of me?”

  Gabe squatted next to Ross, putting his large hand on the boy’s shoulders. “Your sister is nice. And she works hard, too. But buddy, don’t ever think that she doesn’t want to do anything and everything that she can do for you. She wouldn’t have it any other way.”

  “You like her don’t you?” Ross asked.

  “Yes, I do like her. Is that okay with you, bud?”

  “Sure! If you marry her, do I get you for a brother?”

  Gabe wondered about how to answer. Hell, I’d love to tell him I’d marry her tomorrow if she’d have me, but I can’t say anything to him before Jennifer. “Well, buddy, it’s a little too early to talk about marriage. But I do plan on staying with your sister and you definitely come with the whole package.”

  That seemed to satisfy the curious child and they resumed their tossing.

  “Hey guys,” came the sweet voice of Jennifer from nearby. Both turned to see her jogging over to them. She ran to Ross first, bending over to kiss the top of his head before turning to throw her arms around Gabe. Leaning her head back, she raised up on her toes to meet his lips halfway. He bent to give her his lips but kept it chaste with Ross present.

  “You all having fun?” she asked.

  “Gabe’s teaching me how to throw a football. I told him that you’re good at a lot of stuff, but you’re not so good at football.”

  “Humph,” she groused, pretending to pout.

  Gabe laughed and threw his arm around her, leaning in to whisper, “But you’re so good at other things.” Blushing, she slapped at his arm playfully. He loved seeing the blush on her face, imagining it starting at her breasts. Damn, shouldn’t have let my mind go that way. He discreetly adjusted himself while Jennifer picked up Ross’ jacket.

  They walked back to Gabe’s Jeep and Jennifer buckled Ross in the back before Gabe assisted her up. As soon as they made it to their building, he escorted them in.

  “Can you stay for dinner?” she asked hopefully, as Ross ran to his room.

  Wrapping his strong arms around her, he pulled her in closely. Breathing her in, he leaned down for a kiss. With a glance toward the small hall, he heard Ross playing in his room. Taking the kiss deeper, he slid his tongue into her mouth. Tasting sweet nectar, he wanted more. Pulling back, he chuckled at the little sound of disappointment that escaped her perfect mouth.

  “I wish I could, baby, but I’ve got some surveillance tonight.”

  Her eyes grew wide as she realized that there was so much about his job she did not know. “Is that dangerous?” she asked.

  “Nah. I’ll be with Jobe. BJ was scheduled, but his wife is being threatened with bed rest because of the twins so we are covering his night shifts. What about you?”

  “I’m helping fix some sandwiches tonight for the residents to have for lunch tomorrow. Other than that, just hanging out here with Ross.”

  “Okay, babe. I’ll call you tomorrow.”

  With a kiss goodbye, she watched him head down the stairs.


  Gabe and Jobe sat in the car, watching the night security cameras that they were checking on. It was almost midnight and they were ready to head home. Gabe’s phone vibrated and he looked down hoping it would be Jennifer with a good night for him. Instead, he saw a number he did not recognize.

  “Yeah?” he answered brusquely.

  “Mr. Malloy?” a woman’s voice asked.

  “Yes. Who is this?” he asked softer.

  “This is Cora. I’m sorry to bother you so late, but Miss Jennifer needs your help.”

  His blood ran cold. “What’s wrong?”

  Jobe looked over in question.

  “She got a call and went after that old drunk, Mr. Courtland. She always takes Henry, but he’s ailin’ tonight and took cold medicine that has him out like a light.”

  He looked over at Jobe, who was on the phone talking to someone. Jobe looked over, mouthing, “Where are we going?”

  “Ms. Cora, can you tell me where she is?”

  “I assume it’s the same bar he always goes to. I just felt horrible for her to go out alone.”

  “I’m heading there now. Don’t worry, I’ll bring them home.” Hanging up, he told Jobe which bar they were going to and heard Jobe relay it on the phone.

  Looking over, Jobe just said, “Called Vinny.”

  Nodding, Gabe knew that his brother would want to know. They drove quickly, arriving at the bar about the same time that Vinny did. Gabe was out of the vehicle before Jobe brought it to a stop beside Jennifer’s old truck. Vinny grabbed his shoulders just before he went inside.

  Rounding on his brother he barked, “What?”

  “Be cool. Take a deep breath and go in there cool. Just like any mission. You’re thinking with your dick…oh hell, you’re thinking with your heart and not your mind. Got it?”

  A quick breath later Gabe nodded as Jobe joined them. Walking inside the dimly lit bar, the calm flew out of his head. Jennifer was leaning over Mr. Courtland attempting to get him to stand. The bartender that always called her was standing nearby but was outnumbered if things got ugly. And from the looks of the punks in the back, standing to the side, leers on their faces…it would have gotten ugly.

  Gabe’s vision was filled with red as he made a move toward the back. Vinny and Jobe grabbed him, pulling him over to the side where she was.

  “Help. Her,” Vinny barked, turning back to the group of younger men, now not so cocky with a wall of muscle bound testosterone standing in front of them.

  “Boys, don’t you think it’s ’bout time y’all called it a night?” Vinny drawled. The now nervous looks passing between them had them edging toward the door. “And boys, this little lady is protected by Us. You get what that means?”

  Their heads began to bobble and each took several steps back. Vinny turned back toward Gabe to help, now knowing he needed to calm his brother. Jennifer was still on one side of Mr. Courtland and Vinny overheard Gabe say, “Girl, get over here and let us carry him or swear to God, I’ll—”

  “You’ll what, Gabe? Turn me over your knee? Isn’t that what the big, bad alphas say? Well, news flash, Mr. Giant. That may work in my romance novels but here in real life, you don’t scare me. I’ve got to get him home, in bed and call one of my social worker friends tomorrow to see if we can get him in a detox program. Then I
’ll have to clean out his apartment and get it ready for another person to move in because our waiting list is a mile long. I don’t want to have to do it, but I’ve got no choice…” she choked out a sob and angrily turned away, wiping her tears.

  Now that the threat was gone, the fight fled out of Gabe as he pulled her over to his massive chest, wishing that he could take away her responsibilities and pain. Vinny and Jobe approached, silently moving past the couple standing next to the booth. Each man easily lifted Mr. Courtland between them and carried him outside.

  Jennifer wiped her tears and looked up at Gabe. “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t be crying.”

  “Babe, you’re human doing a super-human job.” Pulling her tight, he apologized too. “But baby by coming out here alone, you put yourself at great risk and I can’t have you doing that. If something happened to you, I…well, think about Ross.”

  Wiping her nose, she quipped, “That’s a low blow.”

  “Not meant to be. But you cannot take care of all of the Mr. Courtlands of the world.”

  Sniffling, she pulled back and sighed. “I know. I just couldn’t leave him here.”

  “You should have called me. If I can’t come, I’ve got a whole pack of Mr. Giants who can come to your rescue.”

  She could not hold back the giggle that escaped, “There’s only one Mr. Giant for me.”

  He kissed her lips gently, saying, “Glad to hear it. But they’re there if you need help and I want you to call on me.” He cupped her face, tilting it so that his eyes were fastened on hers. “And baby, I know you’re independent and capable…but never, I mean never, come out to a bar alone again. You got a mission, then you have people who have your back. Anything less is a suicide mission. Got me?”

  She saw the fear and concern in his eyes and nodded. “Okay. No more Lone Ranger.”

  He threw his head back and laughed. “Jesus, you’re a nut,” he said as he escorted her over to Vinny’s truck.

  Once at the center, the three men quickly got Mr. Courtland into his studio apartment, out of his clothes and into bed. Cora came down from keeping an eye on Ross and bustled around attempting to help while trying to fuss at Jennifer. She finally headed back to bed to check on her husband, leaving the other four in the foyer.

  Jennifer looked over at the men, standing around talking with the easy camaraderie of men who had had each other’s back over the years, both in the military and now in their jobs. She could not help but smile thinking that she and Ross had that now. But…I owe them an apology.

  Stepping up to them she looked them in the eyes as she admitted, “Guys, I really screwed up. I should have never gone there by myself and I know that now. So I’m sorry—”

  Vinny interrupted her by taking a step forward, leaning down low to get right in her face with his hands on her shoulders. “Darlin’ girl, no apology necessary. You’ve got my brother’s back and we all have yours.” With that he kissed her forehead and then turned to Jobe saying, “I’ll ride with you and let Gabe have my truck.”

  Jobe nodded, bent low to kiss her forehead too and then followed Vinny outside. She glanced up at Gabe saying, “I like your friends. And brother.”

  “What about me?” he asked as they began the climb up the stairs.

  “Oh, I like you too,” she teased.

  He swooped her up in his arms and she giggled as she grabbed around his neck. “What are you doing? You shouldn’t carry me up the stairs; you’ll break your back,” she whispered as they neared her door.

  “Baby, how much do you weigh?”

  “That’s a rude question to ask a lady,” she retorted.

  “Well, whatever the answer is, I’ve had rucksacks and weapons heavier than you. So carrying you around is just good exercise,” he whispered in her ear as he used her key to enter.

  “Can you think of something else you can do with me that’s good exercise?” she purred as he slowly lowered her, letting her slide along the front of his body.

  The feel of her breasts pressed against his chest and his cock answering the call of the wild had him dipping his head to take her lips. Backing her up against the door he angled his head as the kiss deepened, his tongue plunging into her sweet mouth. He lifted her back up in his arms, this time trapped between the door and his large body.

  The kiss became consuming, both tongues vying for dominance. He captured her moan with his mouth, feeling his dick swelling painfully. She rubbed her aching pussy on his jean-clad knee, needing the friction as she felt herself begin to lose control.

  Ross! I can’t do this here in the living room where he could walk in.

  Pushing back on Gabe’s shoulders, she forced him back. He regretted the separation but understood where her mind had gone.

  “I know we have to stop, babe,” he sighed, lowering her until her feet met the floor. She looked at him, indecision marring her lovely features. “What’re you thinking?” he asked, rubbing his thumb over her brow.

  Quietly taking his hand, she led him past the small kitchen toward her bedroom. Opening Ross’ door she peeked in, seeing him sound asleep. Closing the door gently, she continued to pull Gabe into her room before shutting and locking her door.

  Now it was his turn to look at her in question. She gave a little shrug, saying, “Can you be quiet?”

  “Are you sure?” he whispered, hope mixed with desire flaring on his face.

  Smiling, she pulled off her shirt in answer to his question. Her white lacey bra glowed in the moonlight that slipped through the blinds. Sliding her yoga pants and panties down her legs, she said, “Does this answer your question?” Her bra was quickly divested and tossed onto the floor.

  His breath caught in his throat as he perused her perfect, tiny body. Curves, calling to his hands, filled her petite frame and her rosy tipped nipples begged for his mouth. Taking one step backward in the small bedroom brought her knees to the bed. His eyes glanced behind her and he stopped moving.

  “What’s wrong?” she whispered, wondering what had him halting.

  “That bed,” he said, looking at the tiny twin-sized bed. “There’s no way it’ll hold me.”

  She twisted around to see how small her bed really was and then looked back at him. He’s right. We’ll never fit.

  Disappointment filled her face as she heaved a sigh.

  No fuckin’ way am I leaving her like this. “Babe, are you up for being a little creative?”

  Her face lit up immediately. “Absolutely, as long as we can be quiet,” she reminded him.

  “I know, sweetheart. I’ll be quiet but what about you?” he teased. He quickly divested himself of his clothes as well, pulling a condom packet out of his jeans and tossing it on the bed. “Lay back with your sweet ass right on the edge. I’ll take care of you,” he promised.

  She did as she was told and he dropped to his knees between her legs. Smoothing his hands over her feet and calves, he lifted each leg over his shoulders opening her up to him. Leaning forward he slid both hands over her mound, up her stomach to her breasts. Palming the fullness, he lowered his head to her slick folds, licking and sucking as Jennifer began to writhe under the sensations. She clapped one hand over her mouth to keep from crying out loud as his hands slid back down and under her ass to lift it higher.

  His tongue plunged into her wetness and lapped like a starving man. Every time with her is like no other, he thought as he realized that years of fucking for fuck’s sake had never felt like this. I’ve never felt so connected.

  He pushed all thoughts out of his head as he concentrated on giving her pleasure. One hand maneuvered back to her nipple and he rolled it between his thumb and forefinger.

  “Gabe,” moaning as softly as she could, she begged, “please.” At this, she felt him move to her clit, sucking it deeply into his mouth and biting down ever so gently. “Aughhh,” she cried out with her hand still covering her lips, desperately trying to not wake Ross as her orgasm threw over the edge. As the tremors subsided, she dropped her hand ju
st as Gabe leaned over the bed, his weight on his arms. He kissed her and tasted of the heady combination of her juices and his essence.

  “What about you?” she asked. “How are we going to make this work?” she whispered, licking her lips.

  His eyes dilated in lust seeing her pink tongue flick out. “Oh baby, we’re not nearly finished,” he growled. Her eyes sparkled in the moonlight and he held out his hand. “Come on up.”

  He gently pulled her off of the bed and placed his hands on her shoulders, turning her around. “Crawl on your knees, ass in the air and stay right near the edge of the bed.”

  She quickly did as she was told and he rubbed her ass in satisfaction. Leaning over her body, he tweaked both nipples and she gave a little yelp. With his breath tickling her ear, he admonished, “Gotta stay quiet, baby.”

  Giving a little moan, she nodded. She saw that he was standing on the floor, his impressive cock standing at attention.

  “Good girl.” Placing his aching dick at her entrance he rubbed the head in her still wet folds before plunging in. To keep the bed from moving, he grabbed her hips holding her in place. Trying to be careful, he knew she was probably going to have bruises. Marked by me. Jesus, how caveman that sounds.

  He moved in and out quickly, building up the heat and friction to the point that she could feel herself ready to fly apart. Her body rocked back and forth as he pounded into her, his balls slapping against her ass.

  “Touch yourself, babe,” he ordered, smiling as she quickly acquiesced. Fuck, that’s hot. Her innocence was more of a turn-on than any coy flirt he had ever known. Feeling his balls tighten, he growled softly, “You almost there, babe?”

  “Yes, yes, please…” she begged once more as the tightening in her core burst free, sending sparks outward from her pulsating pussy to her whole being.

  Following immediately, he threw his head back while his thick neck muscles strained with the force of his orgasm. Her inner walls grabbed his cock as he poured himself into her. Peeling his fingers off of her hips, smoothing the red marks, he leaned over her body. Not wanting to crush her, he fell to the side taking her with him. They lay sideways on the small bed, legs tangled, his arms around her, breaths ragged, bodies slick with sweat, and hearts beating as one.


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