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Page 5

by Scarlett Dawn

  My nostrils flared. “I want meat. Bread. Maybe some damn pasta.” I glared. “Even pets on Joyal are respected better than this. Humans do research before we own a living, breathing being.”

  Malik actually rolled his eyes. “We know plenty about Humans, but Leo and I didn’t expect to have to deal with one so…closely.” He tossed the book aside and stood. “Come. I’ll take you to the kitchen. You can pick out what you want and, hopefully, quit whining. The cook will help.”

  I grumbled under my breath, but stood from the recliner I was designating as my own.

  I glanced at Leo where he still sat. “Are you coming?”

  He shook his head, and continued reading from the halo-pad he had been perusing. “No.”

  My brows furrowed as I rubbed at the center of my chest. “Okay.” And still, I did not move.

  Bit by bit, he peered up. His lips pinched. “Why are you watching me?”

  My cheeks flushed, and I clasped my hands behind my back to keep from fidgeting. “It’s just…” I cleared my throat. “Being bound. I don’t particularly like the feeling when you guys are too far away, and the kitchen is on the first floor.” Our bedrooms were on the top floor. “Yesterday wasn’t pleasant when you two left me alone.” They knew this. They had dealt with the aftermath of the guards.

  Leo chuckled softly. “Yesterday, Malik and I traveled to the wall bordering our city when the Human slaves arrived. You going to the kitchen will not be as bad as it was then.”

  My eyes widened. “Oh.” I had no clue they had left the palace. I had assumed. Turning embarrassed eyes away from him, I peered up into the silver glow of Malik’s gaze. “Let’s feed me.”

  The kitchen was normal, except for the severed arm in the sink. There were no tattooed marks on the wrist, so it had to be a Mian limb. Though, that recognition gave me no sense of relief. I held both of my hands over my mouth, and tried not to gag. “Please tell me that is not what Mian eat.” I had not read anywhere that they were cannibals, but I was learning that our books on them were missing lots of information. Like, you know, pertinent details about being bound to them. “And please tell me that you have something other than that to fill my belly.”

  Malik snorted and strolled to the colossal sized, steel refrigerator unit. “That is for one of our pets.” He opened the fridge and gestured for me to peruse the contents. “Unless of course, you’d like to share with Blaze instead of having what we eat.”

  I rushed to the fridge and firmly kept my eyes away from the gore, not thinking about what kind of pet Blaze was. My gaze raked over the bizarre items on the shelves. I picked up one container, with what appeared to be chicken inside of it. “How often does a Mian eat, anyway?” I popped the lid and sniffed the meat. Nope. I put it back in a hurry, pushing it to the far back where it belonged, and kept rifling through the goods.

  Malik leaned a hip against the counter next to me. “Mian eat once a week. It is all we need.” He shrugged. “Unless a female is pregnant. She’ll eat three times a week then.”

  I tilted my head, and glanced up and down his muscular frame. I grunted. “No wonder. It’s not like you have many calories to burn.”

  His thin black brows lifted. “Meaning?”

  “Nothing,” I muttered, then bent and searched the lower shelves. I absently lifted a blue container. “Is this safe for me to eat?” It had smelled all right, and it appeared like ground beef.


  “Okay…” I straightened and shut the fridge door. “Where’s the pantry?”

  He pointed to our left. “There.”

  I hit the motherload of sane food in the dry goods section. Happy as a butterfly on a sunny day, I walked out of the pantry holding dry pasta and tomato sauce. I grinned in pure delight. “Spaghetti with meat sauce. Yum.”

  Still leaning against the counter, Malik crossed his arms and watched as I searched for pots and pans. “We do have a cook who can prepare that for you. I only need to call her.”

  “Nah. I can do it myself.” And make sure none of the blood from the severed arm made its way into my spaghetti sauce. “Have you eaten this week? Do you want me to make you some?”

  His reply was not immediate. He eyed my actions as I filled a pot with water. Eventually, he shrugged. “I could eat.”

  I did a small dance in front of the stove as I clicked the burners on. “Lunch for two coming up!”

  My stomach growled in agreement.

  I made a lot. I was going to eat!

  Inside the kitchen, Malik sat across from me at the wooden picnic style table. His plate sat in front of him untouched. He eyed the food warily, and narrowed his gaze as he watched me take my first bite.

  I groaned in pure satisfaction. I was not sure if they had cloned cows here, so I was not going to ask what kind of meat this was. All I knew was it tasted scrumptious. I pointed my fork at his plate. “I didn’t poison the food.” My shrug was timid. “It’s really good. I promise.”

  Malik’s silver iridescent gaze continued to watch while I piled the pasta into my mouth. Those eyes slowly narrowed as they focused on my mouth. My chewing halted as he reached across the table. His warm thumb brushed the corner of my mouth. I was proud I did not flinch at the contact. Staring at his thumb, where a smear of red sauce now lay, he muttered, “You are a messy Human.”

  I grunted, and lifted another fork full. “I’m starving. I don’t care about etiquette right now.”

  His nose crinkled, but he hesitantly put his thumb into his mouth. His brows furrowed as he slid his digit out, tasting the sauce. “I suppose it isn’t dreadful.”

  “Thanks,” I muttered at his horrible compliment. “My teachings on Joyal were not to be a chef, but I can do the basics.” Occasionally, I had helped the cook at the boarding house.

  He hummed quietly, watching me for a few moments longer. Ultimately, he picked up his own fork and twirled his pasta onto it. “You seem to find much delight in this.”

  I shrugged. It was food in my belly. And it was good. I had already explained that.

  His wide lips parted, taking a large bite. His brows lifted marginally as he chewed. “Thank you.”

  My resulting smile was small, almost bashful with his gratitude. “You’re welcome.”

  We ate in silence, though it did not feel uncomfortable.

  I was merely evaluating him, while he did the same in return.

  Exiting the kitchen with a full belly, I heard masculine war cries from the back of the building. My attention slammed to Malik in alarm. “Is the palace being attacked?”

  Malik peered down at me with raised brows, and asked with extreme slowness, “If my palace was under siege, don’t you think I would know about it?”

  My lips thinned into a straight line, but my cheeks flushed. “Fine. But what is that?” I wiggled my shoulders as the pull within me lessened. I blinked. “I think Leo’s back there.”

  Malik sighed heavily, and then grabbed my elbow. He herded me toward the viscous noise. “Yes, Leo’s back there. I should be there too. There are games on the back courtyard during this time of the evening.”

  I could barely keep up with his long gait. As he pulled me, I literally had to jog to keep from falling on my face. “What kind of games do Mian play?” Visions of decapitated heads rolling on the grass were all that came to mind. “I’m not sure if I want to go out there.” I tried digging in my heels, but my bare feet slipped on the polished concrete. “Really, Malik, I don’t think this is a great idea.”

  “You’re coming.” He gripped my elbow even tighter.

  “I’m wearing pajamas!” It was a last ditch effort with the massive back door now in my sights.

  He snorted. “Nice try.” His feet never stopped moving toward the door. “We’ve hired a seamstress to attend to you tomorrow. She should be able to make clothes small enough to fit you. She normally deals with children.”

  “Mother Joyal, please keep me safe,” I whispered a prayer in English.

’s shoulders, actually, shook as he glanced back at me, dragging me along. “You do realize Mother Joyal is the reason why you’re here?” A black brow cocked. “Perhaps you should start praying to an entity that listens.”

  My blink was gradual. “And that would be?”

  His grin was shadowed in cruelty. “I’ll let you know when I give a damn about perceived holy existences.” He opened the door and stepped outside into the cool night air, tugging me with him. The noise of the banshee cries stung my ears with their malice. He peered down at me as he shut the door behind us, and held my frightened gaze. He grunted while his silver eyes ran across my features. “The game is Hujlum. No one dies in this sport.” He glanced at his hold on my bare elbow, and his lips curved into the tiniest of real smiles. “Though, there is contact.” His grin widened…and I could only stare. His happiness transformed his stunning features to make him even more attractive than he already was. “But not barbaric contact. So don’t worry your ridiculous Human mind over that.”

  Even if I had heard half of what he had just said, I could not speak.

  Truly, he really needed to quit smiling like that.

  His eyes were not even freaking me out. That was how much pleasure looked good on him.

  His shoulders slowly stiffened, and his silver gaze met mine.

  Malik did not speak as his head cocked, watching me.

  The brutal grip on my arm lessened, and his warm fingers were barely felt on my flesh, like a whispering touch. An unusual shiver ran down my spine and gooseflesh popped up on my arms.

  One of his black brows lifted as his gaze twisted in a humored nature, but his lips, they curved into a smirk I did not understand. His tone was deep, affectionate. “Human?”

  I gazed at his wide lips, trying to understand why they intrigued me. “Yeah?”

  With only the moon to light the area, he bent in slow increments, steadily bring his face closer. In a gentle motion, he tilted his head so our foreheads rested against one another’s.

  I could barely breathe. It was like the oxygen on this wacked planet was rapidly disappearing.

  The private grin he wore grew as he brushed his nose against mine. Slanting his face even closer, his wide lips hovered so his breath heated my lips with each of his steady exhales.

  The intimate sensation of sharing each other’s oxygen made my toes curl into the cool grass.

  With eyes only for his, I trembled, unsure of the warmth growing in my lower abdomen.

  Malik whispered, “You have more tomato sauce on your face.” Abruptly, he straightened, and I had to lock my legs to keep from stumbling. “Be careful or the Mian will think you’re a treat.”

  My lips parted in humiliation, and I quickly removed my elbow from his lingering hold and started scrubbing at my face. Breathing was much easier when his face was not so close to mine. I felt sauce on my nose and quickly wiped it away, and asked swiftly, “Did I get it all?”

  He hummed quietly, his lips twitching as he eyed me. He stuck the tip of his left thumb between his lips. I tried really hard not to analyze the motion. Then he used his slightly damp digit to clean a spot near my right temple. “Now you’re good.”

  I quickly wiped any remaining moisture away from my flesh. “Thanks.”

  He smiled again. The smile that unnerved me. His glowing gaze squinted in amusement as he watched me. “You’re welcome.” He chuckled to whatever was running amok inside his thoughts, and tilted his head to the left. “Come. You can try to play Hujlum with the rest of the frightening Mian.”

  The taunting brought me back to reality. I huffed in indignation. “I’m not frightened.” Yes, I was.

  “There’ll be no arguing then.” Malik headed toward a horde of Mian tackling each other.

  I swallowed heavily and quickly caught up to him, staying close to his side. I evaluated the ‘game’ as we trekked across the back courtyard. Other than people bleeding on the ground and shouting in fury, I had no clue what they were doing. “Will I be on your and Leo’s team?”

  Please say yes.

  “I think we could arrange that.” Malik bent, and whispered, “Sure you’re not afraid?”

  “Of course I’m not.” Hell yes, I was.

  “Good.” His gaze turned serious, almost making my steps falter. “Never show fear to a Mian.”

  I nodded once, not commenting.

  He stopped next to Leo on the sidelines of the ‘game’.

  Leo’s chest was heaving in exertion as he drank from a plastic cup, but his golden gaze was straight on us. His perfectly shaped brows lifted, and he asked casually, “Game on?”

  Malik hummed, and his lips curved into a forbidding grin. “I do love a challenge.”

  Leo downed the rest of his drink, and then chuckled. “Oh, God, this will be interesting.” He laughed for a full minute, holding his stomach as he did so. My brows puckered as I noticed he had one dimple on his left cheek, making him appear more like an angel with his golden coloring. His sparkling gaze met mine as he gradually calmed himself. While our gazes held, he rubbed the ring on his thumb against his lower lip. He asked in a quiet tone, “Ready to play?”

  I inhaled sharply, pulling my gaze away. I peered out to the field. “I’m a quick learner.” But from the blood on the grass, I truly hoped they had a healer on hand. There were close to forty Mian men out there, ranging in heights from extremely tall to how-the-hell-did-women-birth-these-men tall.

  Malik watched as I evaluated the Mian. “We’ll see.”

  Leo laughed again, and clapped his free hand on Malik’s shoulder. “Yes, we will.” He chucked his cup into a drift-trashcan, and started running backward onto the field while watching us. “Let’s go! Move your lazy asses.” He winked at Malik. “The game was already held up waiting on you.”

  Oh, that wasn’t the actual game being played! Thank Mother Joyal…or whatever.

  The game, Hujlum, was just another name for: Kick the shit out of the weakest player.

  And I was the weakest player.

  I was also long past decorum. I had stopped trying to speak in Mianese when I had apparently continued to call everyone a ‘cow’ when I cursed them. Though, on the plus side of my language barrier, the Mian men had started snickering and making moo sounds, so I was hopeful what I had eaten earlier was indeed cloned cow.

  I jabbed a sharp finger at the Mian bully in front of me, and continued cursing, “You are a sadistic bag of shit! Why the hell do you keep giving me the damn ball?” One other fact I had learned was all of these men understood English no matter how fast I was talking, which meant they were of a higher education. All the government officials in Belvar out for playtime. “Seriously! I am going to lose this damn game for us!”

  He snickered and brushed his silver hair aside, also speaking in his own native tongue. Though, he did speak much slower, as if I were a halfwit. “If you would quit running into the men you’re supposed to avoid, then you would have made it to the target, at least, five times. We have been tackling almost everyone in your path.”

  It felt like my head might explode. I threw my hands up into the air and shook them. “I can’t see them!” The bastards had realized I could only detect them by their glowing eyes, so they had closed them and used their fine hearing and scent to track me. “You don’t have any damn lights out here. There’s only a sliver of a moon to see by!” More shaking of my hands, but this time right in front of the annoyingly patient man’s face. “I am Human!”

  “Oh, thank you for reminding us. I’m pretty sure we almost forgot that fact,” Malik deadpanned.

  I really wanted to stomp my foot I was so mad. “That is not helping.”

  Leo lightly tugged on my ponytail, peering down at me. His voice was soft and gentle, a coaxing tone that made my shoulders relax. “Just one more time, okay? We’re tied right now. They won’t expect us to give you the ball again.”

  I crossed my arms. With much hesitation, I quietly mumbled, “The last guy touched me.”

p; Leo blinked, the gold glow disappearing for a brief moment. “Braita, almost all of them have tackled you at some point. Hujlum is a contact sport. You’ve had no issue with that so far.”

  I glanced to the side. Breathed in and out. “I mean, he… touched me.” Keeping my attention on a green tree with bright purple leaves, not anywhere near the men huddled around me; I tried not to blush as I uncrossed my arms and hurriedly pointed at my right breast. Just as quickly, I crossed my arms again. “There. He touched me there.” I swallowed hard, trying not to tear up, instead, hanging on to my anger. “I did not like that. I won’t carry the ball again if the other team can’t sustain from their improper dispositions.”

  For a minute straight, the resulting quiet was so immense that I dared to peek at my team.

  Only Leo and Malik were looking at me. The rest were either staring at the ground or had suddenly found the sky immensely fascinating. Though it was Leo and Malik who made me squint to see them better. They both appeared to be completely expressionless as I quickly glanced between them.

  I cleared my throat, and lifted my chin. “I meant what I said.”

  Leo leaned on a hip, and absently scratched his chin. “Which man was it?”

  I stayed quiet, trying to remember his name.

  Malik grunted; his tone a short growl. “It was Craw.”

  My brows puckered. “I’m not sure if that’s his name, but he has pink hair.”

  Leo and Malik nodded as one. They stated in unison, “Craw.”

  Malik lifted a black brow, raising his gaze to Leo. “I wouldn’t mind taking this one.”

  Leo’s eyes started to widen before he swiftly blanked his features. He shifted his weight, and then casually shrugged. “I don’t mind.”

  I smirked, but quietly stated, “Don’t tell him I tattled.” The last thing I wanted was a Mian knowing I had been the reason he was going to get an ass chewing. “Please.”

  Malik did not even glance down at me. He just stared at Leo. “Left or right?”


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