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Page 6

by Scarlett Dawn

  Leo tilted his head from side to side in thought. “I’ll leave the choice up to you. Though, I do believe he’s predominantly right handed.”

  My brows furrowed. “Are you going to slap his hand?” That seemed childish.

  Ignoring me, Malik cracked his neck. “I’ll do both. Lesson learned by all.”

  Leo shrugged, peering at him from under his lashes. “Whatever you want.”

  “Hello?” I mumbled, waving a hand between their faces. “I asked a question.”

  No response.

  My jaw dropped in shock when Malik turned and walked over to the other team, handling this now. He held all of their attention as he spoke to the man, Craw, with the pink hair. I could not hear what he was saying, but my team around me could. A few of them grimaced when Craw started shaking his head and pointing at me, speaking with animated features of hatred.

  The Mian I had been yelling at muttered under his breath, “That wasn’t smart.”

  Leo grunted and crossed his arms, but continued his silence as he stayed by my side.

  “What’s going on?” I asked, my gaze flying back and forth between the teams. “I can’t hear—”

  Craw’s terrified bellow drowned out my words.

  I gasped, and grabbed my stomach. I could not look away.

  Malik’s right hand…it was now inside Craw’s chest.

  He had grabbed Craw by the throat so fast I had not even seen the action, but I had seen when he had punched his other fist straight into Craw’s ribs. His hand had sunk in, up to his wrist. Craw’s mouth was parted wide in agony, his head lolling back toward the sky. Vomit rose in the back of my throat as Malik jerked his right hand free of Craw’s chest.

  In his grip was Craw’s heart.

  I blinked, my words choked. “I think I’m done playing tonight.” I turned, holding a hand over my mouth, and quickly walked back inside the palace where my ten guards were waiting for me. I barely made it to my bedroom to puke in the solitude of my bathroom.

  Footnote for my new life on Triaz: Don’t tattle.

  I would like to say witnessing the brutal death of Craw kept me out of Leo and Malik’s bedroom as the blessed sun began to rise. But it did not. I was once again creeping through their darkened bedroom. My stomach still rolled with the vision of Malik holding Craw’s heart, but I knew that situation had been of my own making. If I would have paid better attention at the time, I would have noticed the way Malik or Leo always hovered directly next to me, each taking turns watching over me. Sitting alone in my room for the last five hours had given me plenty of time to reflect. Their movements had been acts of possession. The one thing I knew for certain from my readings was when a Mian called someone their own, they were brutal in their thoughts and actions to keep it that way.

  And I was their Soul.

  I should have kept my mouth shut and kneed Craw the next time I had come across him.

  I also was not sure if I would ever become accustomed to the cruelty of the Mian, but I was a quick study. What happened today would not happen again. Not if I could help it, anyway. I would handle indiscretions such as that on my own, unless the act truly deserved a harsh punishment. Only then would I confront Leo and Malik with a problem.

  Lesson learned.

  Sighing quietly, I tried not to grunt as I began moving the recliner on the left, my recliner, to the foot of their bed. I had remembered to shut the door immediately after bringing my comforter into the room. The area was pitch-black. I could not see anything. I was navigating by touch and memory.

  I stalled in my efforts when I heard the toilet flush in their bathroom. I had not even glanced at the bed when I had entered the room, just focusing on the logistics of shutting their door quickly. I held my breath and glanced to the left. The door squeaked quietly as it opened. Silver, shining eyes peered directly at me, not moving, as Malik froze. My lips thinned as I stared into his gaze through the darkness. Pulling my nerve together took more effort than I would have imagined, but I eventually asked, “May I sleep in here again?”

  In a slow and steady pace, those glowing eyes started to edge closer. “You’re not afraid of me?”

  Honestly, I was not sure anymore. Even after tonight. “No, I’m not.”

  Nonetheless, never show fear.

  He hummed softly. “So you were listening.”

  “I always do,” I stated respectfully.

  He grunted, eyeing me another moment, and then in a tender action, he placed one of his hands on my left shoulder and nudged me over a step. “I’ll get the chair for you.” He lifted the recliner with effortless strength and placed it at the foot of their bed. “Sleep safe.” He walked to his side of the bed, and the shine of his eyes dipped as he got in. “That’s what Mian say. Not ‘good night’.”

  I had actually wondered about that. “Thank you for explaining.” Clearing my throat, I picked up my comforter and gently relaxed onto the recliner, careful when I released the footstool this time. It rose with minimal noise. I smiled softly to myself, and then covered up with my fluffy blanket. Lying on my side, I viewed the silver eyes that were watching me from the top of the bed. “Sleep safe.”

  Golden, glowing eyes suddenly flared only inches from my face. I clamped my mouth shut on the scared squeal that almost sounded, my entire body jerking at the sudden closeness of Leo. My heart thumped a mile a minute inside my chest and my hands were now trembling. The damn Mian had been lying in wait with his head at the foot of the bed. He was so close in the darkness that I could see his white teeth flash as he grinned with impish delight. “The same to you, Braita.”

  I grumbled a curse, puffing out a large breath. “That wasn’t nice.”

  His resulting chuckle was pure mischief. “I never said I was nice.” He winked. “Go to sleep.”

  I glared, but after my heartbeat calmed, I found myself reaching out. Near where his head lay, my right hand found his on the bed. At the contact, his gaze locked on mine, but with a smooth and slow motion, he began intertwining our fingers together. It was the first skin-to-skin connection I had ever initiated in my entire life.

  It did not feel illegal. The action did not feel wrong at all.

  I realized I felt completely safe.

  With him. And Malik. In this implausible world.

  My life was changing so much; it would make a lesser woman lose her sanity.

  On a shaky exhale, I closed my eyes at the recognition I now understood.

  I fell asleep as a comforting peace of belonging flooded my entire being.

  My hand never left Leo’s the entire night.

  This, with them, could really be my home.

  Sitting outside in the back courtyard, I watched the blessed sun as it began its descent. While the Mian may be of the night, I had found my own soul needed the day. Since arriving on Triaz two weeks ago, I had begun waking far before Leo and Malik just so I could be outside and feel the sun’s heat on my face. My ten guards always accompanied me on my trek. They wore blackened goggles that matched their dark attire to protect their eyes, even though they still stood in the shade of an overhang.

  My thoughts always continued to wonder to Jax while I sat out here. I had no clue how he was being treated by the Mian of the east. I had asked Leo and Malik if I could write him a letter, but they had tossed my question aside with arrogant flare. They never appreciated when I spoke of Jax, almost acting as if the mere mention of his name was an irritation.

  But I still thought about him and worried for his safety. I missed him dreadfully.

  I knew I had it easy here. I now had clothing that fit, beautiful clothes made of the softest materials on Triaz. Malik and Leo had insisted I also have shoes. I did not wear them all the time, but I would occasionally wear a pair of sandals that I particularly liked.

  I ran my hands over the silken grass as I watched the sun fade from view, the sky gradually turning from a shade of molten red to the indigo of twilight. It was beautiful and mesmerizing, my quiet sigh of contentmen
t floating away on the now cooling breeze. I lifted the light cashmere sweater I had brought out with me and pulled it over my head, covering my white tank top.

  With one last glance at the sky, I stood to my feet and brushed off my black trousers. These were my favorite pair of pants, one of the few Malik and Leo had agreed I could have made, other than the dresses I now had. The pants fit me perfectly at the waist and gently flared to the bottom. My bare toes peeked out just beyond the edges of the relaxed material. When I wore them, Malik and Leo would practically roll their eyes, knowing I had heaps of dresses in my closet. Dresses I knew they much preferred. I may wear these pants more than I normally would, just to see their reactions, it was decidedly entertaining. All of the Mian women inside the palace always wore dresses, even the chef, Krim, who I had become well acquainted with.

  The thought of her made my thoughts brighten. She was sure to have something ready for me.

  I waved to my guards, indicating I was ready to go inside. I swear some of them slept while standing. It was always the same ten men, so they had to get some shuteye sometime. Five walked in front of me, and the other five behind me. They knew my routine by now, so we first headed to the kitchen where Krim did, indeed, have my breakfast laid out for me. I grabbed the cinnamon bagel and the apple as we continued on our trek, munching on the apple first. Initially, I’d had to explain to Krim what a Human ate, but she was speedy at her work and her experiments were quick-witted and, mostly, delicious. It was safe to say Krim was one of my favorites here in the palace.

  My guards stopped as I walked into my bedroom. They never entered my private quarters.

  I tossed the core of the apple away, and nibbled at my bagel as I crossed to the adjoining door leading to my Vaq’s room. Malik was the teensiest bit obsessive about the organization of their bedroom. Every night I slept in the recliner at the foot of their bed, but if I did not put the chair back where it normally belonged, he was grumpy as hell for the first half of the night. I had quickly learned that as soon as I was done with my time out in the sun, I should hurry back, when they were just waking, and return the recliner to its rightful location.

  Taking a large bite of my cinnamon spiced breakfast, I opened the door to their bedroom.

  I came to a silent halt.

  My eyes…no, my thoughts just stalled.

  At first, I could not comprehend what I was seeing.

  Their windows were already unfrosted, so the twilight sky shone inside.

  Malik and Leo were in bed.

  But by that, I meant, Leo was lying on his back and Malik was positioned over him.

  Their comforter had slipped down to just below Malik’s waist, and I could tell they were both naked. Malik’s hips were thrusting forward in a rhythmic rocking motion, the blanket lifting and lowering with each of his movements. Leo’s head was arched back as he groaned in what sounded like pained pleasure, his bronze cheeks flushed.

  As I swallowed the bite of my bagel on a dry throat, Malik leaned down and touched his lips to Leo’s in the most tender action I had ever viewed before. Their mouths meshed together in gradual strokes, as if they were each other’s oxygen and breathing one another in.

  And their chests…there were silver lightning bolts shining along their flesh.

  My wide eyes stalled on Malik’s back. Between the radiating streaks of light, his flesh was marred with thin scars. Those marks were not just battle wounds. The crisscrossing marks that etched his back muscles could only be from repeated beatings. Or torture.

  My gaze snapped away from Malik’s abnormal wounds when Leo lifted his left hand and grabbed onto the back of Malik’s head. Leo threaded his fingers through Malik’s black hair and gripped tight. Malik’s hips began to pump with more force, and their kiss escalated from adoring affection to much more primitive in hunger.

  Bizarrely, as I stood froze in place, my gaze landed on their nightstand.

  On it sat my two rings.

  They…had taken them off.

  A feeling, unlike I had ever known, rolled my stomach in a flurry of nausea.

  My wide gaze slammed back to them in their obvious love for one another.

  A quiet whimper choked from deep within me.

  Malik and Leo had lied. They had acted as if their Soul was made specifically for them.

  But I was not anyone special to my Vaq. They had each other.

  Leo’s glowing gaze snapped open at the sound of my distressed choke. His angelic face slammed in my direction, his mouth disconnecting from his lover’s. Though, it did not appear that Malik had heard me, his ministrations not stopping as he tilted his head to kiss along Leo’s jaw. Leo’s entire body froze as his golden eyes scanned my face; the lightning bolts that had been shining on his torso stopped their frantic glow. His kiss swollen lips parted, and he whispered, “Malik, love, you need to stop.”

  Malik instantly halted as his lover’s quiet words. His dark head of hair tipped up as he stared down at Leo. His voice was breathless as he rumbled, “What’s wrong?”

  Leo did not say anything. He only continued to hold my gaze, which was swiftly turning glacial.

  Malik stared a beat longer, and then his attention snapped in my direction.

  Before they could say anything else, frigid words spewed from deep inside me. “You should have locked the door.” My voice was off. The tone echoed how my new found home had just been rocked and shattered. I marched forward, even as Malik swiftly pulled the blanket up over his back. Other than that, they did not move an inch as I ignored them and tossed the remains of my bagel on their nightstand, and then grabbed the two rings there.

  Staying silent in my gut clenching hurt, I turned on my heel and marched toward my room.

  It was dead quiet behind me until Malik growled, “Fuck.”

  I quickened my pace as I heard sheets rustling.

  With extreme agitation, Leo snarled, “Where the hell are my damn pants?”

  I slammed the door behind me. There was no lock on my side of the door, so I swiftly grabbed the boots that I had saved from arrival day. Rapidly thumping my feet into them, I grabbed a black cloak on my way out of my bedroom. My guards came to attention seeing me. I quickly slipped the rings into my pant pocket, and feigned severe anxiety, crying, “There’s something wrong with Malik and Leo!” I pointed with my free hand inside my bedroom. “The door’s unlocked. Please go help them!”

  I almost snorted when all ten charged inside to ‘help’ their Plumas. Dumbasses.

  With no guards to watch me, I shoved my arms into my cloak and raced down to the first floor.

  I made it all the way out to the front courtyard before anyone noticed. But it was too late for the palace guards to catch me. I was already gearing one of the hover bikes. This technology was no different than on Joyal. I had driven these a hundred times before, and I also knew they would not start without a key. Hence why all the keys from the five other hov-bikes were now inside my pant pocket. The palace guards had left them in the ignitions. In their defense, they probably had not expected anyone to steal from the palace grounds. It worked for me. No one would initially be able to take chase.

  I flicked my finger, taking the bike into first gear. A rush of air shot my vehicle for escape straight up into the air. In a blast of freed exhilaration, I soared higher than the palace was tall. Just as I heard Malik and Leo shouting my name from the ground, my cloak blew out behind me as I shifted gears and hit the accelerator.

  I was getting the hell away from their mind games.

  I would rather live on the street than be played with like a lab rat in a glass maze.

  My eyes were burning from the harsh wind, but I did not stop.

  Not even when I heard sirens blare over the city I was flying over.

  I headed east. Toward my one ally on this planet.


  Scarlett Dawn is drawn to all things quirky and off-beat. She believes there are no boundaries for an imaginative soul. Her love of the writ
ten word started from at an early age, when her grandmother would take her to bookstores every weekend. Dreams came alive within the books she found there, and now, she is thrilled to share her stories with others who have fallen under the spell of taking fantastical journeys. Scarlett resides in the Midwest with her family.

  Where to find Scarlett:





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  A fresh, meaty, sink-your-teeth-in-and-hold-on-tight new adult fantasy series kicks off with King Hall…

  King Hall — where the Mysticals go to learn their craft, get their degrees, and transition into adulthood. And where four new Rulers will rise and meet their destinies.

  Lily Ruckler is adept at one thing: survival. Born a Mystical hybrid, her mere existence is forbidden, but her nightmare is only about to start. Fluke, happenstance, and a deep personal loss finds Lily deeply entrenched with those who would destroy her simply for existing — The Mystical Kings. Being named future Queen of the Shifters shoves Lily into the spotlight, making her one of the most visible Mysticals in the world. But with risk comes a certain solace — her burgeoning friendships with the other three Prodigies: a wicked Vampire, a wild-child Mage, and a playboy Elemental. Backed by their faith and trust, Lily begins to relax into her new life.

  Then chaos erupts as the fragile peace between Commoners and Mysticals is broken, and suddenly Lily realizes the greatest threat was never from within, and her fear takes on a new name: the revolution.

  Get your copy now!


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