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Jude_Signature Sweethearts

Page 11

by Kelsie Rae

  “Good. You’ve piqued my curiosity, friend. Girls don’t usually catch your attention for long, so she must be special.”

  “She is,” I confirm, smiling softly, knowing I’m truly smitten with her.

  “Good. I’m having Bree book the ticket for her, no matter what. Use it as leverage. Make her feel guilty for wasting a perfectly good ticket if she refuses to come,” Derrick teases, causing my smile to transform into a full-on grin.

  “Brilliant, mate. I think I might take you up on that.”

  Derrick laughs. “Perfect. You leave in three days. Don’t screw it up before I get the chance to meet her!”

  “Sod off!” I joke.

  “Yeah, yeah. I’ll talk to you soon!”

  I hang up without replying, rolling my eyes at the wanker who’s like a brother to me.

  Now I just need to convince Quin to take the weekend off and come celebrate with me. The only problem is that I’m quite certain what her answer is going to be. And it’s not the one I’m looking for.

  I release the pressure in my lungs while I stare at the black screen on my phone.

  Do I call or message her?

  I know she still prefers messages. It gives her time to think out her response before replying to my questions. But I can’t decide if I want to give her that time, or if it would be better to put her on the spot.

  After a few minutes spent debating, I decide to bite the bullet and ring her.

  She answers almost immediately. “Hey, you.” Her soft, velvety voice instantly calms my nerves.

  “Hello, love,” I reply as I close my eyes and lay on the empty king-sized bed in the center of my room.

  “How can I help you?” she asks kindly. I can see her freckled face and bright smile in my mind.

  “Well…” I pause, wondering how I can word my question in order to receive the answer I desperately desire. “I just got off the phone with Derrick.”

  “Oh! How’s he doing?” I’ve mentioned Derrick to Quin in the past, and I’m pleased she remembers who I’m referring to.

  “He’s doing well, Kitten. He wanted to confirm my attendance for this weekend.”

  “Oh,” she whispers, clearly deflated. “I didn’t know you were going home this weekend.”

  “Our company is receiving a prestigious award on Saturday, and I’m expected to attend,” I explain.

  “That’s great, Jude,” she responds. “I’m really going to miss you.” Her tone is somber and instantly pulls at my heart.

  “Well… I was curious if you’d be willing to accompany me?” I grimace as soon as the words leave my mouth, second-guessing my tactics.

  She doesn’t respond, but I can hear the radio in the background, so I know our call is still connected.


  “Umm….” she breathes. “I don’t know, Jude. I’ve never flown on a plane, and I don’t really have the funds to cover a ticket. I also need to figure out what to do with my dad, you know? And then there’s the hotel…”

  “Slow down, love,” I interrupt. “Our company will happily cover the costs for the flight and hotel, darling. As for your father, could you possibly ask Carrie to cover for you?”

  “Umm….” she repeats. “Maybe? I guess I could ask her.”

  “That would be lovely,” I encourage.

  “Are you sure you want me to come?” she asks, her insecure voice hitting me like a sucker-punch to the gut.

  “Of course I do, Quin. You mean a lot to me, and I really want you there,” I admit earnestly, trying to convey the sincerity of my request through my gentle tone.

  Again, I’m greeted with silence.

  I’ve learned that Quin isn’t as brash as the majority of people I’m usually surrounded by. She’s always quiet and makes a point of thinking through her responses thoroughly before ever uttering a single syllable. I find it commendable. I know that she’ll always be honest with me and will never say something she doesn’t mean. She’s already thought it through before ever forming the words with her luscious lips.

  This particular behavior has already taught me a great deal of patience, and I take this moment to practice it again.

  “Let me talk to Carrie, and I’ll get back to you,” she finally murmurs. She’s extremely hesitant to leave her dad, but I appreciate the effort she’s making. For me.

  “Thank you, Kitten. I would love your support. Let me know what she says so we can get everything taken care of.”

  “Yeah, for sure. I um... I have to go. I’m just pulling up to the house, but I’ll let you know as soon as I talk to Carrie.” She rushes out the last part. I can tell she needs a moment to herself to organize her thoughts, so I let her go.

  “Of course. I’ll talk to you soon,” I tell her affectionately, wishing she was here with me so I could wrap her in my arms and kiss her goodbye.

  “Bye, Jude.”

  “Goodbye, love.”

  I push the “end” button on my mobile and toss it gently against the fluffy pillows on the bed. Rolling over onto my stomach, I do a push-up and jump off the bed before making my way to the loo. I undress quickly and turn on the hot water, letting the shower heat before stepping under the spray.

  I’m going to miss Quin if she doesn’t accompany me for the weekend. We’ve spent almost every evening together since our night at the Stratosphere. I feel as though I’m losing a limb by agreeing to leave her for the weekend. It’s only a few days, but I know they’ll drag by if she isn’t by my side.

  After rinsing the body wash from my skin, I step out of the shower and dry off with one of the towels. Noticing the time on the tiny alarm clock by the nightstand, I grab the remote and turn on a random episode of Friends, Bree’s favorite sitcom.

  Checking my iPhone, I see a message from Quin and open it immediately. My hands shake slightly as I consider her response.

  Kitten: Carrie says she can stay for a few days. I’d love to come. Thank you for inviting me.

  My heart jumps in anticipation. Three whole days of having Quin all to myself. No gaming. No interruptions. It’s practically a dream come true.

  Jude: Brilliant. I’ll make the proper arrangements. Goodnight, Kitten. Get some rest and say hello to your dad for me. You’ll have to introduce us in the near future.

  I add the last portion and hit send before I can think things through. I’m unsure whether she’ll take my response the wrong way or not, but I hope she can sense my sincerity. I genuinely do want to meet her father. I plan on being a large part of Quin’s life in the not-so-distant future, I and want to get to know the man who raised her. Even if he doesn’t remember me the next day. It’s important to me, and I think it would be important to him, too. But I also don’t want to offend Quin. The conflicting thoughts are battling in my head when I receive another text.

  Kitten: I want you guys to meet, too. I think he’ll like you. :)

  Smiling, my fingers fly across the glass screen as I type a response.

  Jude: Lovely. Now get some rest, Kitten. I’ll speak with you soon.

  Kitten: Sweet dreams, Jude.

  I grin as my fingers tap against the screen. My next message will cause her cheeks to flame like a lit match, and I wish I could be there to witness it.

  Jude: I’ll be dreaming of you, babe. I guarantee they’ll be plenty sweet. ;)

  I plug my phone into the charger and turn off the TV. I have no doubt that my dreams really will revolve around the fiery redhead who’s captured my heart… without even knowing it.

  Chapter 16


  The next few days fly by and are jam-packed with practicing for championships, packing for my trip, and getting my dad comfortable for my absence. I know he won’t really notice that I’m gone, but I still want him to be happy. I make sure to place pictures of me, my mom, and my dad throughout the house and throw together a few casseroles that are his favorites.

  Today is a pretty good day for Dad. We’re sitting at the kitchen table and eating oatmeal i
n companionable silence.

  “Would you pass the brown sugar, sweetheart?” His voice is slightly scratchy from lack of use but still wraps around me like a warm blanket.

  “Of course, Daddy.” I sprinkle a large helping into his bowl.

  “Thank you.” He smiles, lighting up my heart with his happy expression instead of the mask of indifference that he’s been wearing more regularly.

  “You’re welcome.” I return his smile. “So... I’m going on a trip with a guy,” I mention, knowing he likely won’t remember our conversation, but telling him anyway.

  “Mmhmm,” he mumbles around a bite of oatmeal.

  “I know! Crazy, right? I get to go on a plane and everything!”

  He nods his wrinkled head as his shaky hands dig in for another spoonful of food.

  “I like this guy, Dad. He’s pretty awesome. He’s patient and caring. And insanely attractive.” I add the last part before remembering who I’m talking to.

  Thankfully, he doesn’t acknowledge my last comment, and for the first time ever, I’m glad he didn’t register it.

  “Anyway…” I change the subject. “I’m really excited. I hope everything goes well!”

  He stirs the oatmeal with his spoon, seemingly oblivious to our conversation. I grab the milk and pour a little more into my bowl when my dad’s voice startles me.

  “I need to meet him.”

  I spill a little milk on the wooden table, shocked that my dad registered the past thirty seconds and commented on our conversation.

  Tears fill my eyes as I try to formulate a response. “Yeah, Dad. I think that sounds really great. He’s coming by in a couple hours to pick me up and take me to the airport.” I try to keep my voice from quivering, but I’m terribly unsuccessful.

  My shaky voice catches my dad’s attention. “What’s wrong, baby girl?”

  I gulp. “Umm… nothing. I’m just really happy you get to meet him.” I smile in hopes of masking my real emotions. I don’t want to freak him out by crying uncontrollably.

  “Meet who, Quincy?” he asks before taking another bite of oatmeal. An old car magazine that’s sitting in the center of the table grabs his attention and effectively ends our little heart-to-heart. I guess it was over, anyway.

  A tear slides down my cheek as soon as my name slides past his lips. His posture is relaxed as his eyes scan the article in front of him about a 1963 GT500. He’s completely forgotten our conversation, so I don’t bother responding.

  “How’s the article?” I blurt out, trying to continue our conversation and maybe bring my dad back to me for another few minutes.

  He doesn’t respond immediately. His eyes glaze slightly, and his spoon clatters to the table. In that moment, I know that my dad has left the building, leaving only a shell of himself behind.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” He looks confused and out of place.

  “Nothing,” I answer, trying to calm him down. Sometimes he acts up when he doesn’t know what’s going on, and the best thing to do is to drop the question altogether, instead of attempting to explain it further.

  I stand and make my way around the table before grabbing his nearly empty bowl and spoon from in front of him. I place a gentle kiss on his wrinkled forehead before setting it all in the sink to clean later.

  “Love you, Dad,” I whisper quietly. The familiar weight hits my shoulders, causing me to nearly crumble to the floor from heartache.

  I leave him at the table, his eyes scanning the same article over and over again. I head upstairs and finish packing as tears stream down my face the entire time.

  Carrie arrives a few hours later, and I go through Dad’s nighttime routine with her. She’s never spent the night before, so this is new territory for all of us. Despite that, she continues reassuring me she has everything under control, and she’ll call if she has any questions.

  I’m carrying my suitcase down the stairs when the doorbell rings. I rush to the front door and swing it open.

  Jude’s wearing a maroon, long-sleeved crew neck shirt with dark jeans and his signature smirk. He looks delicious, and I could literally take a bite of him. Or at least a nibble.

  “Hello, Kitten. Happy to see me?” he teases, and I know I’ve just been caught checking him out. Which means my face is officially burning up from embarrassment.

  His familiar voice soothes my aching soul like aloe on a sunburn.

  “Hi,” I return, smiling shyly.

  “Mind if I come in and say hello?” he asks while peering over my shoulder. I follow his gaze and find my dad comfortably sitting in his recliner by the window.

  “Umm… sure.” I hesitate before stepping aside and letting him into the small entryway. I motion to my little family room with my arms open wide, silently allowing him to inspect my childhood home.

  “Is this where you were raised?” He quirks an eyebrow at me before scanning the tiny family room that holds a couch, my dad’s recliner, and an old television set.

  “Yeah. I’ll save the tour for a later date.” I pause as he assesses my childhood pictures hanging on the wall. “Would you like to meet my dad?” I question him hesitantly.

  Jude looks pleasantly surprised by my question before jumping on board enthusiastically. “I was hoping I’d get an introduction.”

  “Well, then. Right this way.” I motion awkwardly toward my dad.

  “Dad, this is Jude. Jude, this is Dad.” My eyes bounce between the two men in my life. My dad remains catatonic, staring out the window, completely ignoring my introduction. He does this sometimes, turning off his frazzled brain and ignoring everything around him. I think it’s a defense mechanism. That’s what Carrie tells me, anyway.

  Thankfully, Jude doesn’t take offense and pushes forward. “It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.”

  He bends forward slightly to put himself in my dad’s line of vision. A sincere smile is planted on his handsome face, and I’m immediately grateful for the effort he’s putting into this one-sided introduction. My dad looks confused when he finally sees Jude but is trying to grasp our conversation.

  “I’m sorry, what was that?” he asks, trying to clarify.

  “My name is Jude Williams. It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Jude repeats patiently.

  “You too?” my dad responds, though he states it like a question. His eyes bounce between Jude and me like he’s watching a tennis match. I’m not sure if he remembers who I am in this particular moment, so I try to subtly remind him without causing a scene.

  “Dad, it’s me, Quin. This is my” —I pause while looking at Jude— “friend—”

  “Boyfriend,” Jude interrupts as he grins from ear to ear. “Your daughter stole my pathetic little heart and has refused to let it go,” he teases playfully. “I want you to know that she’s an incredible woman, and I plan on taking care of her to the best of my abilities. You have nothing to worry about, and I want to thank you for raising such a beautiful lady from the inside and out.”

  I gulp, feeling like an intruder in my own home after Jude’s blunt confession to my dad.

  By some miracle, Dad appears almost lucid when he responds, “She’s just like her mother.”

  I can’t contain the gasp that escapes my mouth as my jaw practically hits the floor.

  My dad remembers my mom on good days and oftentimes remembers me, as well, if he isn’t having an episode. But he rarely remembers both of us at the same time. It’s weird, but it’s just one of the quirks of his crumbling mind, and I learned to accept it a long time ago.

  “Then you are a lucky man.” Jude winks, lightening the moment and causing my lips to turn up at the corners.

  With shaky hands, my dad reaches out to Jude for a handshake. Thankfully, Jude understands and grasps my dad’s outstretched palm with his own. They shake once before Jude releases his grip and wraps his arm around me, reassuringly. He can sense my fraying emotions and wants to comfort me any way that he can. I grab onto his silent offering by wrapping my arms arou
nd his waist and squeezing tightly in return.

  My dad sees our embrace, and a soft smile graces his lips before his eyes glaze back over. I know his mind has returned to its prison cell, leaving a stranger in the recliner where my dad once sat.

  “We need to go, Dad, but I’ll be home soon. If you need anything, ask Carrie. She’ll take care of you until I get back.” I kiss my dad’s cheek as a tear slides down my face and drips off my chin. This doesn’t get easier. Watching my dad slip further and further into the abyss is heartbreaking. It’s killing me slowly. Painfully.

  My hands are trembling as I wave goodbye to Carrie. She’s busy organizing some groceries she brought with her for the weekend. She returns the gesture before taking some bananas out of a plastic sack and placing them on the counter.

  Jude grabs my luggage sitting at the base of the stairs, and we make our way to the airport. Butterflies attack my stomach the entire way.

  The flight is ridiculously nerve-wracking, but I make it to Utah by squeezing the crap out of Jude’s thigh. He’s a good sport, teasing me playfully during the trip and making me laugh so hard I actually snort. The plane ride is another reminder of how awesome he is, and how undeserving I am of his affection. I don’t know what I did to grab his attention, but I wouldn’t change it for the world.

  Jude offered to let me stay at his place but didn’t push the issue when I suggested a hotel, instead. I’m still a virgin, and I am not quite ready to take that next step. He must be able to read minds because he’s been a total sweetheart, letting me off the hook without needing an explanation.

  After collecting our suitcases at the baggage claim, we head out the doors to the sidewalk.

  “Should we grab a cab, or do you want me to get an Uber?” I ask Jude. He’s busy texting on his phone.

  “That won’t be necessary, Kitten. Derrick will be picking us up, if that’s alright with you?”


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