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Jude_Signature Sweethearts

Page 13

by Kelsie Rae

  Thankfully, Bree has mercy on me. She struts back over to me and grabs my hand kindly.

  “Hi. Let’s try this again. I have a habit of coming off as bossy or brash, but it’s just one of my quirks.” She smiles before continuing. “Jude likes you. A lot. If he didn’t, he wouldn’t have invited you to this event. The ceremony is a pretty big freaking deal, even though he pretends it’s not, and I want to make it special for him.”

  I nod in response, knowing that he’s been downplaying the award.

  “He may have mentioned to me that you’re pretty low maintenance when he asked for my help choosing a dress for you, and it gave me an idea.” Her grin turns mischievous. “What if we surprised Jude with a full-blown makeover?”

  My eyes squint in her direction. “Umm…” I hedge. I’ve never had a makeover.

  “Nothing crazy,” she reassures me. “Just a little makeup. Maybe even a fancy hairstyle or a manicure.”

  Her eyes continue their silent plea as I consider her suggestions.

  They seem innocent enough.

  I have a feeling I’m going to regret this, but I concede anyway. “Okay. But nothing too crazy.”

  “Of course not,” she responds. Her voice is innocent, but I can hear the underlying devious tone woven throughout.

  I’m definitely going to regret this.

  “So what do you think?” Bree asks. Her voice barely makes a dent in the buzz that’s currently ricocheting around my head.

  What do I think?

  I’m staring at a different woman in the mirror after Bree spent the last hour primping and polishing every part of my body.

  Well, not every part, but you get the idea.

  She even brought out the scissors and chopped off a few inches of my hair before curling the ginger locks and twisting a few pieces into a complicated braid away from my face. There’s no way I’ll ever be able to replicate it.

  My eyes are smoky, my lips are red. I have blush on my cheeks, and concealer beneath my eyes.

  Bree insisted on leaving my freckles bare, convinced that Jude’s a sucker for those bad boys.

  Her words, not mine.

  I catch myself chewing on my inner cheek anxiously as I continue my assessment.

  The girl in front of me is gorgeous. So gorgeous, in fact, she looks like a different person altogether.

  “You look bangin’!” Bree squeals excitedly. She grabs me and pulls me in for a giant hug.

  “Okay, I need to go and get ready, but Derrick and I will meet you at the ceremony.”

  Anxiously, I look at my phone while noting the time.

  “Oh no! I can’t believe you spent all this time on me when you should’ve been getting ready, too!”

  She lifts her arm up and takes a whiff of her armpit. “Meh. It’ll be fine. Just a few curls, an outfit change, and I’ll be good to go. Plus, you’re totally gonna knock Jude on his ass. I wish I could be here to see it. Maybe I should hide a camera in your room!” She grins deviously. After spending the last hour or so with her and her insane personality, I wouldn’t put it past her.

  “Har, har,” I reply while rolling my eyes. “Get out of here and go get ready. I’ll see ya soon!”

  She grabs her giant bag, swings it over her shoulder, and blows me a kiss from the doorway faster than I can say, thank you for your help. Bree disappears from view just as quickly as she initially entered. I’m instantly reminded of her similarities to the Fairy Godmother, which would make me a very sad and undeserving Cinderella.

  Here goes nothing.

  Chapter 17


  Shite. I’m late. Quin’s going to kill me. Bree’s going to kill me. We were supposed to meet them for drinks before the official award ceremony, but Derrick received a message from Bree about thirty minutes ago saying her child-sitting was running late, and she wouldn’t be able to meet beforehand.

  I had sighed in relief, grateful to spend some alone time with Quin and maybe warn her of Bree’s quirks. Unfortunately, the coding issue Derrick had asked me to look at was a much larger issue than I had initially assumed. It looks like I won’t be spending that alone time with her after all.

  I note the time on my wristwatch, grimacing at the late hour. She must be starving by now, and I won’t be able to feed her until after the event.

  My trousers were still in the car from when Derrick picked us up, so I was able to change at the office. I’m currently dressed in an Armani suit with a white dress-shirt hidden underneath. I’ve kept the top two buttons open because I refuse to feel like I’m choking for the evening.

  My glasses are a bit skewed on my face from the frantic jog I recently made so that I won’t arrive any later than I already am. I straighten them with one hand while knocking on Quin’s hotel door with the other.

  Bugger. She’s going to be pissed.

  My dress shirt came untucked during my mad dash, and I’m busy straightening it when the door squeaks open. The noise catches my attention, and the blood seems to drain from my face, heading south as I catch a glimpse of the drop-dead beauty in front of me.

  I start at the painted toes on her bare feet, slowly scanning her milky legs before reaching the hem of a short cocktail dress that exposes her creamy thighs, as well. When I suggested Bree choose something attractive for Quin, I didn’t think she’d choose such a sexy little number. I continue my perusal, noting the sweetheart neckline that gives me the barest glimpse of her perky breasts. I’ve been dreaming about those since the first moment I met her, but she’s always kept them firmly hidden behind baggy hoodies and T-shirts that swallow her whole. Subtly, I check to see if my tongue is hanging out thanks to the wet dream that has come to life in front of me.

  By the time my gaze finally takes in her beautiful face, I’m practically panting. Her lips are a vibrant red color that looks vaguely familiar and are combined with smoky eyes that make her green irises stand out and sparkle against her glowing skin. She looks good enough to eat… until I notice the hesitancy painted on her face. She screams vulnerability right now, and I know it took her a great deal of courage to simply open the damn door. Her stance is rigid,. She looks quite uncomfortable, and I want to reassure her in any way I can.

  First, I take a large step forward, entering her own personal bubble as if I belong there. Next, I lean over her petite frame with the intention of making her feel fragile, yet protected, in my presence. Lastly, I slowly drag my hands against her bare skin, starting at her trembling fingers and lazily dragging them to her exposed collarbone. Then even farther. My hands stop of their own accord when they reach her neck where I cradle her head like the delicate flower she is.

  “Kitten, you look positively edible, and I’m quite famished. Mind if I have a taste before dinner?” My voice is smooth, confident. I continue to eat her up with my eyes, my focus returning to her plump lips as they part slightly and glisten in the hallway light.

  I’ve never been a patient man, and she seems to bring out that side of me easier than I’d like to admit. Instead of waiting for permission like a gentleman, I lean forward and take what’s been laid out for me on a silver platter.

  I start slow, trying to maintain a semblance of control as I kiss her lightly, attempting to savor her like a fine wine. As soon as I taste the sweet flavor on her tongue and smell the intoxicating scent from her skin, I lose it completely.

  My hands tighten their grip on the back of her head, as I tilt her face to mine while deepening the kiss and pushing her gorgeous body into the door. The movement must knock the wind from Quin as she gasps audibly. This allows me further access to what I’m craving. My tongue slides into her mouth hungrily, begging for another taste of what can only be described as Quincy. She’s a mixture of sugar and spice with a hint of peaches that is so potent I could die a happy man if my life ended here and now.

  My kitten responds in kind, aggressively kissing me while raking her nails down my back. This damn suit is too much of a barrier, not allowing me to feel her pass
ion against my bare skin. Unfortunately, I realize it’s probably for the best. If we don’t stop now, there’s no way we’ll arrive at the ceremony on time. I also don’t want to rush Quin. I know she has very little experience when it comes to wankers like me. Even though I’m dying to be with her fully, I need to remain patient.

  If only it was that easy.

  With more self-control than I knew I had, my lips slowly pull away from hers. The action leaves us both panting from need as well as a lack of oxygen. It feels as if the room has been emptied of it. Quin’s cheeks immediately turn a lovely shade of red as she peeks up at me from between her thick lashes that have been painted black for the evening.

  A giggle erupts from her swollen lips, effectively breaking the lingering tension in the air.

  “Well that was quite the hello,” she teases playfully.

  “I’m sorry, love, but it seems you rendered me speechless,” I reply, placing my hand over my heart like she’s wounded my pride with her beauty.

  “You’ll get over it.”

  Her sassiness is a pleasant surprise, and I’m taken aback.

  “I’m sorry, could you repeat that, Kitten?” I ask teasingly.

  She rolls her eyes in response. The casual motion hits me like a fist to the gut. Three weeks ago, she never would’ve been this open with me. I’m grateful for the glimpse she’s given me of the real woman underneath all her protective armor.

  The lady I’m falling in love with.

  “Are we going or what, Julian?” she huffs, though I can tell she’s just trying to disguise her nerves as indignation.

  The way her lips form my true name, combined with the huskiness in which she says it, almost knocks the wind from my lungs.

  I think I could get used to her saying my name. Over and over again.

  My mouth quirks in response. “Julian?”

  She shrugs one shoulder coyly before walking over to the bed, sitting on the mattress, and slipping into her heels. Part of me wants to drop to my knees and help, pretending I’m Prince Charming from Cinderella, but I resist the temptation.


  As soon as she stands, I offer my arm like a gentleman and guide her to the lift.

  After pushing the down button, her light voice breaks the silence in the hallway. “So what’s the plan for this evening? I know things were a little screwed up because of schedules and everything.”

  “Unfortunately, it seems we don’t have time to grab a pint before the ceremony like we had initially anticipated. I was thinking it might be nice to celebrate with everyone afterward, if that’s alright with you?”

  Quin chews on the inside of her cheek anxiously, and I’m reminded of her lack of fondness for large groups.

  “Kitten, just say the word, and we’ll cancel. We can spend our evening together, just you and I.” My gaze is penetrating as I look into the most beautiful pair of eyes I’ve ever seen. The smoky makeup accentuates their natural beauty, hitting me square in the chest. Now that I think about it, I think I’d quite enjoy spending the evening together. Alone.

  “No,” she whispers quietly while continuing to hold my gaze. “I want to do this for you. How big of a group are we talking about?”

  “Excluding the ceremony, it will just be Derrick and Bree. You haven’t met her yet, but I assure you, she’s a delight.” I try to encourage her.

  Her hesitancy melts into thin air almost instantly, being quickly replaced with a carefree smile. “Oh. Well, okay then.”

  “You’re not curious about Bree?”

  She laughs. “Oh, I’m very curious about that crazy person, but she was so sweet to me earlier that I’m not worried.”

  Now it’s my turn to be confused. “Pardon?”

  “Um…” She averts her eyes and is immediately saved by the bell as the lift doors slide open, allowing us to enter.

  “Go on,” I insist.

  Quin shrugs one shoulder noncommittally. “I may have met her earlier today.”

  My eyes narrow in response, pinning her tiny frame in place.

  The beauty has the nerve to ignore me. She pushes the button for the first floor while acting like she isn’t being interrogated by her date for the evening.

  “Care to explain?” I ask again. She’s not in trouble by any means. I’m just honestly confused and would appreciate an explanation from the beauty who’s suddenly acting guilty for some odd reason.

  Her tiny voice sounds squeaky, like a scared little mouse. “She may have shown up at my hotel earlier today to get me all dolled up for you. I’m sorry I didn’t tell you earlier. I just didn’t think it was a very big deal.”

  Quin’s cheeks are tinged a lovely shade of red from her innocent confession, and I have no choice but to lean in and place a gentle kiss on the tip of her nose.

  My grin is firmly in place as I reply, “So, you’re admitting to having gotten dolled up for our date this evening?”

  We exit the elevator before she has a chance to reply. “Don’t get too cocky, Julian. Wouldn’t want it to go to your head or anything.”

  Once again, my kitten makes an appearance with her tiny claws. The glimpse causes my affection to swell even further. “I wouldn’t dream of it, darling,” I quip. “But I’m pleasantly surprised that you’ve already met Bree. She’s quite the handful, and I was afraid she might scare you off.”

  She laughs at my bluntness before intertwining our fingers and leading me through the lobby.

  “She was actually really nice. So don’t worry, she didn’t scare me away at all. I’m really excited to get to know her better, which is saying something,” she adds cheekily.

  “Well, then. Let’s not keep them waiting. Shall we?” I take charge by guiding her to my car in the parking lot before opening her door. Once she’s situated, I run to my side and slide behind the steering wheel.

  Let’s get this celebration started.

  The ceremony was a success. I couldn’t take my eyes off Quin the entire evening, and when our company was announced, Derrick and I graciously accepted our award for being the second fastest growing company in the state. Sure, we didn’t get first, but considering our competition, I would gladly take a place even somewhere in the top one hundred.

  We’re currently in my car heading to a little bar called Monks. Bree insisted we join them for a bevvy, and Quin graciously agreed. She seems quite shy around most people and even a little cold sometimes. It seems Derrick and Bree are the exceptions, and I appreciate the effort she’s making concerning my friends. It lets me know that she’s serious about our relationship, that she wants to build our fling into something of value.

  Monks is surprisingly busy this evening, and the lot is full of cars. After searching for a few minutes, I find a stall that’s available. I pull in before turning the ignition off and making my way to the passenger side.

  I open the door and bow dramatically. “My lady.”

  Quin giggles lightly at my antics. “Why thank you, sir.”

  “I think I might like you calling me that.” I wink as I offer my hand for her to take.

  She grasps it gently before unfolding herself from the leather seat and stepping onto the dark pavement.

  “I’m sure you do,” she replies before rolling her eyes and pretending to be annoyed. Her acting skills are useless, however. I can see the way her lips are slightly pulled up around the corners, discounting her faux annoyance.

  I laugh good-naturedly as I lead her into the bar.

  The establishment is located within walking distance of my office, so it happens to be a place we frequent. It has a rustic feel with warm wood floors, a large oak bar across the back, and square stainless-steel tables scattered throughout. There’s an open space in the center next to the stage where people can dance if they feel up for it.

  Because we drove separately, I take a moment to search for Breezy and Derrick, and I spot them immediately.

  They’re tucked into a corner table near the back of the room, practically shagg
ing next to the silverware, and I feel the need to warn Quin about their lack of public decency.

  “Sorry, Kitten. These two can be a little frisky at times. I’ll tell them to knock it off, but I can’t guarantee they’ll listen.”

  Quin’s cheeks are a bright cherry color as her eyes seem to bounce everywhere around the room… with the exception of our destination. I have no doubt she’s embarrassed beyond belief. I find her absolute innocence sexy as hell and have to rein in my need to tap into her inner kitten.

  “It’s fine,” she squeaks, her eyes currently resting on the scuffed wooden flooring.

  I place my finger beneath her chin and tilt her head up. The motion causes her gorgeous locks to brush against her back while giving me a better view of her breathtaking freckles.

  “I find it funny that you’re so embarrassed watching someone else snogging when you practically jumped me in front of our teammates the first time we kissed,” I tease playfully.

  With my comment, Quin places her plump lips between her teeth and bites them anxiously as she scrunches up her face in embarrassment.

  “It’s not my fault you’re ridiculously sexy, and I was still high from an adrenaline rush,” she rationalizes, trying to defend her actions.

  Laughter booms from my chest. “You find me ridiculously sexy?”

  “Nope. I changed my mind. You’re not sexy. Just ridiculous,” she quips.

  I smirk at her lame attempt. “Sorry, Kitten. No take backs.”

  She drops her head back and gazes at the ceiling in exasperation. “You’re impossible.”

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about,” I reply, my voice oozing pure innocence. She merely rolls her eyes.

  “Let’s go get something to drink. I have a feeling I’m going to need it if I have to spend the rest of my night with you.” She bats her thick lashes flirtatiously, and I’m once again surprised by her playfulness.

  And with that comment, she saunters over to the table. Her hips swing back and forth rhythmically, hypnotizing every single bloke in the bar. I realize I’ve been staring at her for a solid ten seconds and subtly rearrange myself before following her to Derrick and Bree’s table. Thankfully, they’ve stopped their little make-out session and are chatting with Quin like she belongs here. With me. With my friends. And I’m instantly grateful for their warm welcome. I don’t think they understand how important it is for her. Or me, for that matter.


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