by Roy Porter
entrepreneurial activity 39–40, 431–4
the environment see Nature
Equiano, Olaudah 359
ethics see morality/morals
ethnography/ethnology 354, 35
Eton College 143
European Enlightenment xviii, xix, 1–3
English influence on 6–9
English see English Enlightenment
French see French Enlightenment
Scottish see Scottish Enlightenment
Evangelicanism 33, 361
as anti-reform 467–70 see also religion
Evans, Evan:
Some Specimens of… Welsh Bards 365
Evelyn, John (the Elder) 24, 300–301
Silva… 306
evolution 162, 355–6
Erasmus Darwin on 439–43, 444–5
heredity 441 see also human nature
Examiner 80
Exclusion Crisis (1679) 26, 29, 110, 185
Exeter 40
experience see knowledge/learning
exploration, voyages of 51, 53, 148, 297, 354–5
native peoples, attitude to 356, 358,361–2
racial issues 356–7 see also colonies/colonialization; slavery/ slave trade
fairs 267, 270
faith see Christianity; religion
family life 16, 201
parents 16, 324, 335, 340;
mothers 328, 329, 330, 343
farming see agriculture
Feathers Tavern Petition (1772) 405
Female Spectator 80
females see women
Ferguson, Adam 162, 235, 246
An Essay on the History of Civil Society 247, 394
David Hume and 247, 251
Institutes of Moral Philosophy 255
Adam Smith and 394
Ferguson, James 143
Fielding, Henry 35, 69, 80
Amelia 73
The Author's Farce 82
on happiness 264
An Inquiry into… Robbers 377
Tom Jones 324
on trade 384
on working classes 368
Fielding, Sir John 372
Fielding, Sarah 290
Adventures of David Simple 283
Fifth Monarchist Rising (1662) 25
Filmer, Sir Robert, bart 340
John Locke on 61, 186, 217, 359
Patriarcha 185
Firmin, Thomas 378
Fletcher, Andrew 247
folk culture see popular culture
Fontenelle, Bernard le Bovier de 120
De l'origine des fables 234
food and drink 206
for children 341–2, 343
drunkenness 371–2
food supplies 380, 381, 471–2, 473
pleasures of 270–71
vegetarianism 314
see also coffee houses; taverns/inns
Fordyce, George 307
Elements of Agriculture and Vegetation 307
Foucault, Michael xviii
Foundling Hospital, Bloomsbury 207
Fox, Charles James 447, 451
France 40, 382
England and 27, 450, 474
Huguenots 26, 27
John Locke's ideas in 67
Isaac Newton's ideas in 134–5
printing/books in 72
Revocation of Edict of Nantes (1685) 26
under Louis XIV 26, 28, 30, 49 see also French Enlightenment; French Revolution
Franklin, Benjamin 146, 148, 196, 408, 435, 457
Frederick the Great, King of Prussia 1, 2
free trade 16, 18, 303, 386–8, 389
free will 219, 407–8, 411–12
freedom/s see individual liberty; political liberty
freemasonry 37–8
Free-Thinker 2, 80
free-thinkers see Deists
Freind, John 134
French Enlightenment xvii-xviii, 3, 9, 11
English influence on 6–9
as totalitarian xviii
French Revolution (1789–92) 72, 212, 337, 355, 400, 403, 432
Edmund Burke on xviii, xix, 9, 413, 448–9, 465
influence of, in England 6, 9–10, 447–50, 465, 474
Frend, William 208, 292, 461, 470
Friends of the People 403
‘Friends of the Revolution’, Birmingham 414
Fuseli, Henry (Johann Heinrich Fuessli) 227, 293
Gadbury, John 151
Gainsborough, Thomas 310
Gale, Theophilus:
The Court of the Gentiles 230–31
Galileo, Galilei 52, 130, 133
gambling 269
games/sports 19, 214, 267, 268, 279, 370
for children 341, 343, 344
cruel sports 349
gardens/gardening 215, 311–13 see also Nature
Garraway's coffee house 36
Garrick, David 37, 93
Gassendi, Pierre 139
Gay, John 35, 84, 194
Beggar's Opera 38
Gay, Revd John 16, 422
Preliminary Dissertation… of Virtue or Morality 180
Gay, Peter xix, 3, 9, 10, 31
gender issues xvi, 278 see also women
General Dispensary, Aldersgate Street 146
genius 279, 280–81 see also human nature
Gentleman Jackson see Jackson, John
Gentleman's Magazine… 80–81, 214, 313, 327, 370
scientific coverage 149, 207
George I, King of Gt Britain and Ireland 30
George II, King of Gt Britain and Ireland 32
George III, King of England 34, 148, 403
Gerard, Alexander: An Essay upon Genius 280
German drama 293
Germany 1, 8, 9, 10
Giannone, Pietro 8
Gibbon, Edward 37, 46, 95
Decline and Fall… 84, 231, 357, 426–7
on France 7
on French Revolution xix
History of England 231
on literature 84
on Oxford University 347
Joseph Priestley and 409
on reading 74
on religion 50–51, 96, 128, 259
Gilpin, William 99, 314
girls see children/young people; women
Glanvill, Joseph 304–5
Sadducismus Triumphatus 225
Glasgow University 242, 244, 246, 253, 347, 389
Glasse, Hannah:
Art of Cookery… 91
Glorious Revolution (1688) 14, 18, 29, 30, 136, 188, 193, 300, 301, 446, 447, 477
Revolutionary Settlement 27, 453
Gloucester Academy 347
Godwin, William 4, 127, 167, 292, 352
as anarchist 455–9
as atheist 455
Caleb Williams 324, 458
as Calvinist 455
criticism of 274, 459, 466
Dramas for Children 352
Enquiry concerning… Political Justice 183, 291, 455–9
on genius 279
on the individual 456–7, 458
influence/importance 462, 481, 482
Memoirs of the Author of the Vindication of the Rights of Woman 292–3
on political reform 399, 404, 471, 472
on printing/books 477
on property 310
Things as They Are… 458
Mary Wollstonecraft and 292–3
Goldie, Mark xix
Goldsmith, Oliver 37, 43, 82, 85, 239
‘Chinese Letters’ 81
The Citizen of the World 357–8
The Deserted Village 317, 366
An History of the Earth and Animated Nature 83, 142, 300, 301, 303, 304
Vicar of Wakefield 283
‘Good Old Cause’ 31, 33
Goody Two-Shoes 348
Gordon, John 236
Gordon, Thomas:
Cato's Letters 190–91
The Independent Whig 111
as MP 276
‘Of Witchcraft’ 221
Gordon Riots (1780) 51
Gothic style:
in literature 227–8, 291
government see monarchy; political structure
Graham, James 143
Grand Trunk Canal 436
Grainger, James: The Sugar-Cane 359
Grand Tour 267
Gravesande, William Jacob 134
Gray, Thomas: ‘
Elegy written in a Country Church-Yard’ 95
on mountains 314
Greek civilization 34, 51–2, 189, 193–4, 200, 233, 235, 258–9, 273
Greene, Robert 140
Gregory, David 134
Griffith, Elizabeth 327
Grosley, Pierre Jean 19, 206
Grotius, Hugo 161
Grub Street 82–3
Grub-street Journal 80
Guardian 69, 80, 194, 242
Guy's Hospital 207
Gwyneddigon (London Welsh society) 241
Hackney Academy 474
Hakewill, George 300
Hale, Sir Matthew 306
Hales, Revd Stephen 180, 349
Halifax, see Montagu, Charles, 1st Earl of Halifax
Advice to a Daughter 322
Hall, Charles 472–3
The Effects of Civilization… 472
Haller, Albrecht von 146
Halley, Edmond 133
Hall-Stevenson, John:
Two Lyric Epistles 290
Hamilton, Elizabeth 327
Letters of a Hindoo Rajah 466
Memoirs of Modern Philosophers 459, 466–7
Hamilton, Sir William 273, 322
‘ Account of… the Worship of Priapus’ 273
Hampden Club 403
Handel, Georg Friedrich 241, 270
Acis and Galatea 310
Hanway, Jonas 97, 420
Defects of Police 372–3
happiness 14–17, 21–2, 258–75
Jeremy Bentham on xxi
consumerism as 18, 265, 268, 277, 383
dangers of 17–18
David Hartley on 180–81
David Hume on 248–9
Francis Hutcheson on 168, 169
entertainment see entertainment
erotic culture and 271–5
food, interest in 270–71
nature of 248–9
pleasure/pain nexus 418, 439–40
religion and 258–60, 273–5
as a right 264
rural leisure 267
self-interest 173–5, 178, 180, 262–3, 265, 389, 390
sources of 266–75, 432–3
time to enjoy 266–7 see also human nature
Hardy, Thomas (radical leader) 450
Harley, Robert, 1st Earl of Oxford 116
Harrington, James 188–9, 190, 390
Oceana 188, 460
Harris, James 193, 461
Hermes… 461
Harris, John:
Lexicon Technicum 66–7, 92
Hart, Francis 430–31
Hartley, David 22, 68
as a Christian 179, 180–81, 182
on human nature 171, 179–83, 264
influence/importance 182–3, 291–2, 437, 440
on knowledge 426
life 180
on novels 288
Observations on Man… 180, 182, 407–8, 411
Joseph Priestley and 171, 182–3, 410–11
Theory of the Human Mind 182–3
Harvey, William 51, 153
Hauksbee, Francis 134
Hawkins, Sir John:
A General History of… Music 92–3
Hawkins, Laetitia-Matilda:
Letters on the Female Mind… 337
Haydn, Joseph 16
Haymarket Theatre 143
Hays, Mary 291, 292, 466, 479
Female Biography 327
Memoirs of Emma Courtney 70, 291–2, 293, 294, 400
Hayter, Thomas, Bishop of London:
Essay on the Liberty of the Press 192
Haywood, Eliza 80, 326
Hazlitt, William 86, 294
on Jeremy Bentham 418
on dissent 474
on French Revolution 474
on Thomas Holcroft 484
life 474
on political economy 396
Political Essays 475
as Radical 474–5
on reason xxi
health 341–2 see also disease; hospitals; medical sciences
health education 211–13
Hearne, Thomas 30
Heidegger, J. J. 39.
Hellfire Club 115
Henry, Thomas 427
von Herder, Johann Gottfried 235
heredity 441 see also evolution
heresy 107, 244 see also Christianity; religion
Herschel, Sir William 155
Hervey, John, Baron Hervey of Ickworth 43
Hill, Aaron 80
Hill, Christopher xix, 4
Hinckley Academy 347
antiquarianism 230, 231, 267
as God centred 230–31, 233
historical evidence 230
as myth 232–5
national identity 42–4, 49, 92–3, 148, 231–2, 239–46
nature of xix, 230–42, 355, 476–84
as philosophical 232–3
standard texts 230–32
Hobbes, Thomas 13, 18, 25, 32, 52, 57–9, 139
as anti-clerical 59, 119
De Cive 59
in exile 58
Leviathan 58, 59, 160, 161, 220, 260
John Locke and 64–5
on the natural order 58–9, 60, 119, 164, 260
on self-knowledge 165
Shaftesbury on 160
on witchcraft 220
Hobsbawm, Eric xix
Hodgson, William:
The Commonwealth of Reason 459
Hogarth, William 20, 35, 43–4, 84, 96, 275, 364
Analysis of Beauty 215
‘Credulity, Superstition and Fanaticism’ (engraving) 224–5
Four Stages of Cruelty 349
A Harlot's Progress 373
Holbach, Paul Henry Thiry d' 10
Holcroft, Thomas 76, 398, 401, 466
The Adventures of Hugh Trevor 401
William Hazlitt on 484
Holland 3, 10, 72
Dutch Republic 34, 134
English Protestants in exile in 26
Isaac Newton's ideas in 134
religious toleration 107
Remonstrants 29
Home, Henry, Lord Kames 244, 263, 307
‘Diversity of Men and Languages’ 357
Essays on… Morality and Natural Religion 244, 251
The Gentleman Farmer… 307
Historical Law-Tracts 251
on the law 251–2
Sketches of the History of Man 251
on social change 252
Home, Revd John 244
homosexuality xxi, 274, 294 see also sexual behaviour
Honourable Society for the Improvement of Knowledge in Agriculture (Scotland) 245
Hooke, Robert:
Micrographia 149
Horne, Revd John see Tooke, Horne
hospitals 206–7
as charitable institutions 375–6
for the insane 216
Magdalen hospitals 207, 373 see also medical sciences
hot-air balloons 266
Houghton, John:
Collection for Improvement of Husbandry… 144, 306–7
house lighting 44
Howard, John 147, 420
Howell, William: History of the World 230
Hoxton Academy 455
Hoyle, Edmund:
The Polite Gamester… 214
Huguenots 26, 27
Hulme, Thomas Earnest 228
human nature 156–83, 364
acquisitiveness 172–3, 174, 180, 390; see also wealth
adaptive behaviour 439–40
the aesthetic see the aesthetic
animals compared to 349–50
creativity 279–80
cult of the new 158–60, 480–81
emotions 125, 128, 250, 281, 440–41
enthusiasm 125, 128, 281
evolution 162, 355–6, 439–43, 444–5
genius 279, 280–81
habits 170, 440–41
happiness see happiness