by Roy Porter
human history and 162, 248–9, 252–4
imagination 279, 395
inner enlightenment see self-knowledge below
the mind 141, 407, 440, 457–8
morals see morality/morals
natural order and 161–2, 183
natural philosophy 132–8, 255–7, 304–5
nervous system/neurology 182, 183, 281–3, 328–9
optimism 160–61, 363, 396, 424–7
pleasure see happiness
psychology see psychology
religion and 156–7
science/sentiment debate 350
self-control 341
self-interest 173–5, 178, 180, 262–3, 265, 389, 390; see also happiness
self-knowledge 163, 165–71, 176, 177, 201–3, 217–18, 276–94
the senses/sensations 169, 177, 180, 182, 439–40, 442
sexual behaviour see sexual behaviour
the soul 108–9, 118, 168, 170–71
understanding 63–4, 163, 167, 169–70
volition 440, 442
the will 169–70 see also insanity; reason/rationalism
Humanism 20, 52, 158–9
Hume, David 68, 89–91, 196, 247–51, 464
on avarice 250
on beauty 164, 165
James Boswell and 127, 210
on causality/causation 126–7
on clubs and societies 245–6
on commercial societies 247–51
Dialogues… Natural Religion 126, 127
Enquiry… Human Understanding 126–7, 165–6
as essayist 90–91, 197–8
Adam Ferguson and 247, 251
in France 90
on happiness 248–9
as heretic 244
on history 230, 231, 232
History of England 90
on human nature 176–9, 288–9
influence/importance 140, 440, 482
on justice 198–9
on learning xxii, 59–60, 477
on liberty 197–9, 399
life 89, 90, 128
mental problems 89–90, 176
'‘On Miracles’ 124
on miracles 103–4, 124
on morals/morality 178–9, 200–201, 203
‘Natural History of Religion’ 125
‘Of the Balance of Trade’ 385–6
as philosopher 89–90
on philosophers 88–9
on political science 184, 198–201, 203
on press freedom 192
Joseph Priestley on 407
Michael Ramsey and 399
on reason 178–9, 264
on religion xx, 122, 124–7, 234
as a Scot 243–4
on self-knowledge 167
Adam Smith and 150, 248, 249, 251
on social reform 19
style 214
on suicide 218
Treatise of Human Nature… 89, 90, 126–7, 156, 162, 176, 177–8, 197, 198
on working class 368, 369
Hunter, Alexander 307
Hunter, John 139
Hurd, Richard, Bishop of Worcester 98
Hutcheson, Francis 162–3, 168–70, 243, 422
on happiness 168, 169
on human nature 176, 261, 388
Inquiry concerning Beauty… 164
Shaftesbury and 176, 261
Short Introduction to Moral Philosophy 168
System of Moral Philosophy 245
Hutchinson, Francis, Bishop of Down 221–2, 223
as heretic 244
An Historical Essay Concerning Witchcraft 221
Hutton, James 138, 140–41, 307, 401
‘Principles of Agriculture’ 307–8
Theory of the Earth 140, 302, 303
Hutton, William 428
ideas 63–5
association of 68, 170, 180, 182, 263, 280, 407, 440–41, 443
innate 67, 179, 440 see also knowledge/learning
identity 163, 165–71 see also human nature; knowledge/ learning; national identity
Imlay, Gilbert 293
Inchbald, Elizabeth: Nature and Art 400–401
India 357
individual liberty xx, 6, 7, 13, 14, 18–21, 27, 30, 34, 107, 191–4, 480
definition 389, 390
dependence/interdependency 187–8, 390–92, 399–400
freedom of speech 192
William Godwin on 456–7, 458
John Locke on 64–5, 186–7
nature of 18, 184–5, 189, 394–5, 452–3
political science and 184–6
press freedom 73, 191–2
Joseph Priestley on 412
private property 16, 185, 186–7, 189, 193, 217, 387, 465
Adam Smith on 389–90, 392, 393–4
women's rights see women's rights see also emancipation; political liberty; Radicalism; religious toleration
industrialization 12, 206, 315–17, 413
chemical industry 436
manufacturing industries 429–34
production figures 430
infanticide 207
The Injured Islanders (poem) 363
inns see taverns/inns
innovation 14–15, 44, 51, 144–5, 266, 424–39
agricultural improvement 306–9, 317–18, 428–9, 430
clocking-on 206, 431
Erasmus Darwin on 435–6
Edward Gibbon on 426–7
industrialists 431–4
industrialization see industrialization
manufacturing 429–34
poetry/paintings in praise of 430–31
as source of happiness 432–3
steam engines 266, 430, 431
textile technology 430 see also natural sciences; physical sciences
insanity 121, 215–18, 219
institutional structure 28, 35–6, 199–200, 203
insurances 208
Ireland xvi-xvii, 12, 41, 117
Cork 241
Dublin 241
national identity 239, 240, 241
pacification under William III 27–8
Parliament 241
Protestant ascendancy, attitudes to 241
Radicalism in 451
Irish rights 241, 345
Islam 232, 357
Italy 8, 10, 134
Jackson, John (Gentleman, Jackson) 269
Jacob, Margaret 5–6, 30, 32, 398
Jacobinism 27, 30, 33, 49, 240, 244, 274, 278, 292, 449, 451, 470, 474, 483
Anti–Jacobin Review 74, 293, 423, 465–6 see also Radicalism
James II, King of England, Scotland and Ireland 26–7, 185, 447
Jarrold, Thomas:
Anthropologia… 473
Dissertations on Man… 473
Jebb, John 403, 405
Jenner, Edward 365
Jennings, John 347
Jenyns, Soame 74, 264, 350
Jesus Christ 101–2 see also Christianity
Jew Bill (1753) 353
Jews/Judaism 231, 233, 273, 353
Hebrew poetry 226
Johnson, Joseph 81
Johnson, Dr Samuel xxi, 10, 22, 47, 81, 82, 98,152, 461, 464
on animal experiments 350
on books 75–6, 83–4
on colonialization 355
on critics 87
on death 210
Dictionary… 69, 85–6, 92, 214, 399
on drink 271
on education for women 326
on ‘to enlighten’ 46
on ‘enthusiasm’ 125
on Gray's ‘Elegy…’ 95
on human nature 158, 167, 171
Idler column 81
on learning xxii, 84–5, 279
as lexicographer 54, 94
Life of Mr Richard Savage 83
Lives of… English Poets 92, 326
on newspapers 78, 80
on novels 286
on pleasure 259, 271
Rambler 158
Rasselas 20, 259, 261
on religion 97, 158, 235
r /> in Scotland 244
his servants 364
on the supernatural 225
on wealth 388 see also Boswell, James
Dr Johnson's Literary Club 37
Johnson's Ladies… Pocket Memorandum 326
Jonathan's coffee house 36
Jones, Inigo 34
Jones, Rhys:
Gorchestion Beirdd Cymru 365–6
Jones, Samuel 347
Jones, Sir William 37, 239, 403
Journal encyclopédique 7, 8
Jurin, Dr James 143, 208
justice see legal structure
Juxon, Joseph 222–3
Kames, Lord see Henry, Lord Kames
Kant. Immanuel 1–2
Critique of Pure Reason 11
on enlightenment 1
Kauffmann, Angelica 327
Keill, John 134
Keir, James 436, 437
Kent, William 312
Kepler, Johannes 52, 130, 133
Kew Gardens 148, 358
Kibworth Academy 347
Kincaid, Alexander:
History of Edinburgh… 252
Kit-Cat Club 84, 276
Knight, Richard Payne 273–4, 313
Progress of Civil Society 434–5
knowledge /learning:
the Ancients 51–3; see also Greek civilization; Roman civilization
assent 61–2
belief 177
diffusion of 423; see also printing/books below
experience and 180, 263–4
ideas see ideas
intuitive knowledge 63
language see language
John Locke on 60–71, 176
philosophy see philosophy/philosophers
printing/books and 73, 91–3, 194–7, 477–8
process of xxii, 51–71
public lectures 142–4
reason see reason/rationality
revealed truth 62
self-knowledge 163, 165–71, 176, 177, 201–3, 217–18, 276–94
the senses as source of 169, 177, 180, 182
understanding 63–4, 163, 167, 169–70 see also education; human nature; natural sciences
Knox, Ronald xxi
Knox, Vicesimus 196, 287
Kotzebue, August von:
Lovers' Vows 293
labour 186–7
Lackington, James 75, 76
Lady's Magazine 284
Lamb, Charles 225–6, 352
LaMettrie, Julien Offray de 182
Lancaster, Joseph 371
the land see agriculture; Nature
land reform 459–60, 461–2, 465, 473 see also private property
landscapes see Nature
Lane, William 86
Langley, Batty:
Gothic Architecture… 215
New Principles of Gardening 215
language 54, 58, 61, 69, 246, 255–8
Bible as source of 235–6, 237
as oppression 461
origins of 235–6
Sanskrit 357
speech 235, 236, 237–8, 461
universal 236
of working class 370 see also knowledge/learning
language reform 214, 418, 459–60, 461–2, 465
Laqueur, Thomas 288
La Roche, (Marie) Sophie von 269
La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de 171
Latitudinarianism 103, 104, 105, 110, 137, 245, 298
beliefs 260, 303 see also religion
Laud, William, Archbishop of Canterbury 98
Lavoisier, Antoine Laurent 10, 410
Law, Edmund, Bishop of Carlisle 74, 404, 405, 425
Law, William 97, 268, 464
Law of Settlement (1662) 376
learning see knowledge/learning
Le Clerc, Jean 119
Ledyard, John 148
Leechman, William 244
Leeds Infirmary 375
legal reform 8, 14, 213–14
Jeremy Bentham on 416–18
of slavery 359
legal structure 185, 199, 200, 217
Jeremy Bentham on 33
Common Law 191
ecclesiastical courts 98, 107, 217
William Godwin on abolition of 456–7
habeas corpus 450
Kames on 251–2
Radicalism and 450
Adam Smith on 393–4 see also crime and punishment
Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm 8, 67
Isaac Newton and 132, 134
Leicestershire 376, 429
leisured/upper class 146, 218, 266–7, 276–7, 351
criticism of 399–401
Lennox, Charles, 3rd Duke of Richmond 403
Lennox, Charlotte 327
The Female Quixote 289
Leslie, Charles:
Short and Easy Method with the Deists 119
Lettsom, John Coakley 145–7, 207
Hints… 147
Natural History of the Tea Tree… 146
levellers see land reform
Lever, Sir Ashton 39
Lewis, Matthew Gregory
Ambrosio, or the Monk 227
liberty see individual liberty; political liberty
libraries 86–7, 146 see also printing/books
Licensing Act (lapsed 1695) 31, 73, 83, 86, 108
Lichfield 435
Lichfield Botanic Society 436
house lighting 44
science of sight 46, 67, 182
as a symbol 44–7, 48
Lilly, William 151
Lincoln 86
Lindsey, Revd Theophilus 405
Linley, Elizabeth, afterwards Mrs Sheridan 327
Linnaeus, Carolus 142, 273, 436
Linnean Society of London 427
Lister, Anne 279
literacy 74–5, 76, 345 see also education; printing/books
Literary Memoirs of Living Authors… 327
Literary and Philosophical Society of Manchester 427–8
literature 35, 92–3, 99
autobiography 292–3;
novels as 290–91, 294
authorship as a trade 82–5, 94–5, 246
creativity 279–80
critics 87–8, 286–91
drama 293, 327
fiction see novels
forms of 278
genius 279, 280–81
Gothic style 227–8, 291
importance of xxi, 8–9, 13, 478–90
modernization of 277–94
novels see novels
oriental themes 351
poetry 54–5, 99, 226, 280, 303–4, 327, 434–5
Romanticism 225–7
in Scotland 246
supernatural themes 219–20, 224–5
women as writers 278, 284–5, 286, 291–2, 326, 327 see also individual authors; printing/books
Lloyd's coffee house 36
Locke, John 13, 15, 32, 60–71, 163, 164, 276
on America 402
anti-Lockeans 33, 333, 463–4
on assent and knowledge 61–2, 10, 176, 177, 180
Anthony Collins and 118
on colonialization 355
on education 70, 77, 263, 340–43, 347, 483
on equality 367
Essay concerning Human Understanding 30, 46, 60–61, 62, 67–8, 69, 263, 341, 347
An Essay on the Poor Law 378
in exile 26, 29, 31, 106
as father of English Enlightenment 481
on Sir Robert Filmer 61, 186, 217, 359
on freedom 262
on government 33, 185–8
as heretic 109–10
Thomas Hobbes and 64–5
influence/importance 66–71, 115, 127, 141, 180, 190, 191, 216, 263, 342–3, 347, 351–2, 410–11, 440, 481, 482