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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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by Angel Medina

  The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

  By: Angel Ramon


  Hello there! Thanks for buying The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy, which means a lot to me. I put in many hours of work to make this possible. In this book you will get all three stories of the Thousand Years War starting with the story that started it all, where out heroes find out they are the chosen ones to enter the virtual world and save the world from a major takeover of Earth being caused in the virtual world. They will endure many trials including having to face their past and make decisions based on events that took place in their past. Begin the odyssey in the original book “The Thousand Years War”!

  The second book has Angel, the leader of the chosen ones living happily ever after with his dear wife. That is until he is framed for murdering a respected police commissioner. However, the scheme is much more personal for Angel and he may end up having to fight for his life even against those that he claims he loves. He cannot trust anyone, not even his own family as he is FRAMED!

  Finally the third book of the series has our heroes trying to foil the next great scheme by the gloobas. The aliens are attempting to take over Earth in the most unusual of ways. They want to align the planets in a perfect line to gather the sun’s energy to feed their death ray and send chaos towards Earth. That is not the only consequence however, many planets and galaxies that were once deemed uncharted are now close to Earth for mysterious reasons. Also the planets have all been realigned, what is the reason? Find out in Revenge of the Gloobas!

  Hope you enjoy all three of these books and consider yourself lucky that you get to read all three stories in this one EPIC trilogy series! With much love, Angel Ramon!


  The Thousand Years War

  By: Angel Ramon



  Area 1 – New York

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4(L)

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Area 2 – Arctic Circle

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7(A)

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9(D)

  Chapter 9

  Area 3 - Lunar Armageddon

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11(M)

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13(D)

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14(L)

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15(A)

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Area 4 - Time Hell

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19(M)

  Chapter 19(A)

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25(A)

  Chapter 25

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Area 5 - Hollywood

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30

  Chapter 31

  Chapter 32

  Chapter 33

  Chapter 34(D)

  Chapter 34

  Chapter 35

  Chapter 36

  Chapter 37

  Chapter 38

  Chapter 39

  Final Area - The Himalayas

  Chapter 40

  Chapter 41


  Framed: The Second Book of the Thousand Years War

  By: Angel Ramon


  Area 1 - Bay Ridge Brooklyn

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Area 2 – Rochester State Prison

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Area 3 – Virtual Streets of NYC

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Area 4 – NYC Underworld

  Chapter 11

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Area 5 - Dirty Politics

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Chapter 19

  Final Area - Going Back Home

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21


  Revenge of the Gloobas: The Third Book of the Thousand Years War


  Area 1: Earth

  Chapter 1

  Chapter 2

  Chapter 3

  Chapter 4

  Chapter 5

  Area 2: Inner Space

  Chapter 6(A)

  Chapter 6

  Chapter 7(L)

  Chapter 7

  Chapter 8(A)

  Chapter 8(L)

  Chapter 8

  Chapter 9

  Chapter 10

  Chapter 11

  Area 3: Middle Space

  Chapter 12

  Chapter 13(L)

  Chapter 13

  Chapter 14

  Chapter 15

  Chapter 16

  Chapter 17

  Chapter 18

  Area 4: Outer Space

  Chapter 19

  Chapter 20

  Chapter 21

  Area 5: Elemental World

  Chapter 22

  Chapter 23

  Chapter 24

  Chapter 25

  Area 6: The Planet Goo

  Chapter 26

  Chapter 27

  Chapter 28

  Chapter 29

  Chapter 30


  The Thousand Years War

  By: Angel Ramon


  Hello everyone my name is Angel Medina and I’m the author of The Thousand Years War. I’m sure you the reader are going to have a great time reading this book; it’s my first book so I’m just as excited and having fun writing this book as you will be reading it. Just to give you a sneak peek of what to expect, hence read the whole book if you want to know the story. Well it’s four people the chosen ones who get kidnapped by the military for no apparent reason, then find themselves exploring a secret warp that is an exact clone of earth itself every detail including buildings, but unpopulated. Little do our four heroes know that whatever happens on this virtual world happens on earth as well and nobody on earth itself will be the wiser of what just happened. An alien race known as the gloobas desires this virtual world to take over earth from right under our noses. Our heroes only have 10 days to defeat this enemy race and prevent the damage that’s done in this virtual world from taking place on earth. Along the way our heroes will fight in NYC, the Arctic Circle, the moon and Hollywood California. While this world may not have the population that earth has but our heroes will find several allies who may help them or traitors that will try to hinder them. Will this be the dream adventure these four regular Joes will live on to tell their children or will it be a virtual nightmare. Will our heroes discover the truth that are the taking part in a fight that took place over 1,000 years ago that plunged the world into darkness for centuries and that the stakes are much higher than just saving themselves. Hope you enjoy this book as much as much as I have writing it. God Bless! I just want to give a shout out to the one who inspired me to write this book the love of my life Maria, I love you honey! I hope you enjoy the added features of the Glooba edition and stayed tuned for the second book due to come out! Angel Ramon


  In the mountains of the Himalayas only complete silence can be heard.
Then a thunderstorm begins, rain pours in, gusty winds begin to pick up. Then a very loud boom is heard. However still no one is to be seen remotely close. Then a mysterious white light shows up in the dark black cumulonimbus clouds, while the rain is still falling it mysteriously can’t be heard anymore. Then a loud voice is heard, one that could only be one of a god….

  “Thousands of years ago around 250 BC an Elder God known as Neropos who was in charge of protecting the earth along with me betrayed me and earth itself. Instead of using his powers to protect the people of earth, he used his powers for evil. He gave birth to a new people but only taught them how to hate, destroy and rule with an iron fist. He sent these evil forces into earth to cause death and destruction, these people included the Huns, Attila the Hun, the Visigoths, the Goths, the Roxolani tribe and other barbarian people. As a result the once beautiful empire of Rome, one that represented peace and unity on earth was destroyed by Neropos and his soldiers of evil. The earth was plunged into centuries of darkness, the earth had become pure evil the inhabitants only thought of themselves, they would kill amongst themselves and Neropos had the world under his mercy. In 1015 BC I waged a war against Neropos and his forces of evil. I was successful in my war, thereafter I banished Neropos to the netherworld where he would suffer for all of eternity. Now after a thousand years after his defeat Neropos has managed to break out of his confines in the netherworld. Neropos has created a virtual copy of earth itself in which he intends to use to take over earth quietly with nobody being the wiser. I wish I could defeat Neropos myself and while I managed to get a fraction of my forces into the world in order to keep earth protected; Neropos has built a spiritual shield to keep all the forces of heaven out and myself included, so that means the purest spiritual being cannot enter this virtual world only the most malicious spirits are allowed in. The only other forces that can enter are actual mortals but the warp to this world must be found and only the chosen ones can see it. The people of Earth have no idea that they are in great danger just like their roman ancestors that were eradicated. The war is now being fought once again but only this time it can only be won by mortals.”

  The white light disappears and the rain can once again be heard.

  Area 1 – New York

  Chapter 1

  The Beginning

  January 21st 2015. A normal winter day in Brooklyn N.Y. it’s Cold and some snow coming down, meteorologists were predicting a major blizzard to hit the area that particular night. The story begins with Angel just getting up ready to open up his computer repair shop for the day. Angel grew up in a privileged household at least relative to people who were raised in Brooklyn, a straight A student in high school. Angel is an aspiring business man and one that likes to take many business related risks in his life. A very intelligent and established young man although his body built isn’t going to intimidate anyone.

  “Oh come on it’s 6 in the morning already, I’m pressing snooze! Another 5 minutes won’t hurt me” said Angel. Five minutes came and gone, then five minutes turned into a half hour. He looks at the time, the clock reads 6:35am and he proceeds to become hysterical. Brushing his teeth halfway, taking a half shower and just putting clothes that simply matched. Usually he wouldn’t fret, however his car is in the repair shop for the next two days to fix numerous problems on it. That means he will have to endure the “fun” of NYC public transportation. A 15 minute trip would now turn into a 45 minute trip especially with the buses being unreliable as always.

  He walks five minutes to the nearest bus stop and proceeds to wait for the bus. There he would meet three people who couldn’t be anymore different and of course he never met since he never took the bus.

  First there’s Dayvon who is a man who grew up being a “player” when it came to girls and had no respect for no one, he grew up running the streets. Those days are past him though. He has become a family man, has 2 kids and has a future wife. He’s on his way to work as a Low Voltage Technician with security systems, so he has a very high IQ when it comes to breaking into computers and high security clearance areas.

  The second person is Maria, a hot looking Puerto Rican woman. Don’t let her charm fool you though she’s a tough cookie. You see she comes from a family plagued with domestic dispute issues, so if it seems she is nasty sometimes it's because she is. However she does have her soft side though. She’s seen Angel a few times in the neighborhood and has a secret crush oh him, but refuses to let her feelings known to anyone. She is an aspiring journalist on her way to school at La Guardia College.

  Finally there is Luis a tough to the bone Puerto Rican who was “raised” in the streets, knows what jail is and knows the life of being a drug dealer. This once ex-convict has completely changed for the better, has a daughter and a loving wife. Luis runs a used-car dealership and is exceptionally strong in fact he can lift 200 lbs easily. A tough one to make friends with but he has his good side and most importantly he is honest.

  So the four of them wait on the bus stop for like a good 10 minutes in which they only said good morning to each other in the process.

  Angel becomes anxious since he has to open shop at 8am. He turns from anxious to angry saying, “Oh you gotta be kidding me it’s bad enough that it’s cold out here waiting for this stupid bus to come and now it’s snowing! I’m gonna be late uggghhh why me!”

  Maria calmly says, “Sweetheart calm down ok, being late one day isn’t gonna kill you ok things happen.”

  Dayvon bullishly says, “Yo kid quit wining and complaining nobody got time for that it’s seven in the morning and the last thing I wanna hear is you wine. Suck it up like a man or better yet grow a few balls, looks like you need them”

  Angel comes back saying, “I don’t know who in the hell you think you are, but I happen to be on my way work and if it wasn’t for my car breaking down I wouldn’t have to be here.”

  Dayvon replies back, “Some psycho look like he got up on the wrong side of the bed today.”

  Angel says threatning, “Yeah you happen to be right about that and if I were you I would cut your smart talk right now or I’ll…”

  Then Maria cuts him off and says, “Honey don’t listen to that man he’s just full of hormones looking to show how tough he is meanwhile he’s all talk and no action”

  Dayvon answers arrogantly, “Oh the kids got a little girlfriend the neighborhood hoar, oh Maria shut up and stop hitting on random men.”

  Maria angrily says, “Just because I look good doesn’t make me a “hoar” you’re just jealous of me and no I’m not that kids boyfriend, but I rather be with him than a jerk like you.”

  Luis unable to take the argument screams, “Would everybody just shut the hell up, damn all of you grow up! Now I would like to just wait for the bus in peace, is that possible?” The other three say in unison “OK”.

  Twenty minutes pass since the argument and still the bus hasn’t arrived, the snow begins to pick up in intensity.

  Dayvon comes up with an idea, “Hey wait why are we even waiting for the bus, we can take the dollar van I’m sure we’re all going the same way or at least the same direction. Everyone follow me lets go to the corner of Flatbush Ave and Canton Ave, they be mad dollar vans out there.”

  Angel says, “Finally you come up with a smart thing to say, the lord must love me today, let’s do this.”

  Maria says, “Whatever you say jerk and whatever gets me away from you quicker.”

  Luis says, “I don’t care as long as I get to work and the rest of my day can be more peaceful.”

  Dayvon wines again saying, “Kid between you and your hoar girlfriend I’ve had enough. I’m doing this just to get to work, consider your selves grateful that I’m in uniform.”

  “FYI I’m not a kid I have a name it’s Angel Medina and that’s Angel to you smart ass!”

  “OK “Angel” whatever you say, I’m sure you and Ms. Maria are planning to hook up later after work and FYI just make sure you pay her.”

  Maria rushes
towards Dayvon and screams, “Oooo if I ever get my hands on you, it’s over like Donkey Kong. I just want to stick my high heels up your…”

  Luis blocks Maria and screams, “Enough is enough if I wanted to see a triangle match I would have stood home and watched Jerry Springer all day! Stop fighting, damn people can’t act civilized even when waiting for a bus. FYI to all of you, if I was still a criminal all of you would have been buried alive by now. So don’t even start testing me is that clear!” The other three stood silently and continued walking to the dollar van stop.

  The four are at the corner of Flatbush Ave and Canton Ave waiting for a van to pick them up. A dollar van is a cheaper alternative to the bus, however they only go a certain distance and some of them are not looking to do legitimate business. Eventually only five minutes later a couple of Cadillac Escalades pull up.

  However, the men who pull up are FBI agents and the lead agent only known as Bill says, “You four are coming with us whether you like it or not, guys grab them!”

  Angel says, “Hey man if you looking for terrorists you sure got the wrong people, the black man maybe but not me.”

  Maria responds, “I may be sexy, but I’m not a prostitute or sex trafficker! You guys better let me go or you will be hearing from my lawyer!”

  Dayvon fights with the agents, “Hey this isn’t 1970, racism is over I didn’t do anything. It’s illegal to arrest someone cause they’re black you know! But hey that $5 prostitute you can keep her she was probably going to “make her money.”

  Maria screams angrily, “Dayvon screw you, I hope you burn in hell!”

  Luis says puzzled, “Hey guys I’m just a normal American taxpayer don’t know bout the other three, but I’m clean, the truth shall set me free!”

  Lead agent Bill says in a strong tone, “Shut up all of you, white boy and your girlfriend can come with us. Boys take blackie and the Mexican thug in the other car.”

  Maria says, “HE’S NOT MY BOYFRIEND!!! How many times do I have to say it?”

  Angel calmly says, “Maria I know we’re not together, but I think its best you just shut up and listen to what they have to say. We’re in the position that if we say anything we are gonna get the book thrown at us, so just be cool ok, by the way though you do look kinda hot hehe.”


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