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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

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by Angel Medina

  “Thanks a lot Angel. I’m so flattered, well I’m not!”

  “Sorry, just trying to make the best of a really bad situation.”

  Meanwhile in the other car Dayvon and Luis try to break free of their handcuffs with little success.

  “I guess you guys got nothing to do in this snowstorm but to arrest a black just trying to live his life, I was always afraid of law enforcement for this reason.”

  “Listen we’re no Mexicans these “Mexicans” have names you know, we’re Puerto Ricans damn it!”

  An agent says, “Shut up both of you if you guys want to live, you guys are in a deeper hole than you can comprehend.” Dayvon and Luis say in their minds, “What do they mean by that?”

  After an hour drive the four arrive at a FBI interrogation office in Albany NY. The four all look confused and scared, meanwhile the snowstorm turns into a full-fledged blizzard. All of the four are interrogated by Agent Bill starting with Angel.

  Agent Bill asks Angel “Ok Mr. Angel, I’m going to ask you once what do you know about project “Virtual”, what secrets you hide?”

  Angel says calmly, “I know nothing of the project I don’t even know what the project is at all, what it is? Some sort of a new virtual reality weapon of some sort. I’m a business man not a weapons expert ok.”

  “Liar Mr. Medina, but its fine your doom is coming soon enough, boys take him away.”

  It is Maria’s turn to be questioned, “Mr. “Bill” I’m a journalist so if there was a project “Virtual” I would had know about it by now. Can I have my lawyer now?”

  Bill says, “Take her away!”

  Next is Dayvon and he says, “Listen “bro” just because I’m a man of color don’t give you the right to accuse me of any crime, I don’t got shit to tell you alright big boy!”

  Bill yells and then taunts Dayvon, “That smart mouth attitude won’t get you far “boy” as far as I concerned you as good as dead.”

  Finally Luis is questioned, “Guys this “Mexican” has his citizenship already so leave me the hell alone.”

  Bill says taunting Luis, “Mr. Luis we know you and your friends were dying to use this project for a new world order, we been watching you guys since day one.”

  Luis says, “Boy now I know where my tax dollars are going, to pay these fools!” Bill says “Ok we shall see what happens in court how innocent you guys really are, tomorrow will be judgment day!”

  For the next two days the four are kept behind bars at the FBI office, the court date was due for the next day, but due to the blizzard it is pushed back two days.

  After the two days pass, the four head to the Supreme Court at Albany. Proceedings start with the defense claiming they had no knowledge of project “Virtual” and idea of a new world order. Then the prosecution comes up with their evidence and opening statement. After an hour of statements a recess is granted for about 30 minutes, where the four discussed plans to escape if they were found guilty and figure out what in the hell is going on?


  Meanwhile back in N.Y. Luis’s wife Erica and Dayvon’s girlfriend Serena tried to get in contact with their respective partners. No one answered, nobody knew where they went and nobody saw the four being taken away by the FBI. Therefore both women reported Luis and Dayvon missing that day, they asked police if they had seen these men, no one answered. However there was this one officer named Ismael who was at the scene when it happened and he saw it with his own eyes. However when asked if he had seen anything all he had said was that he hadn’t seen them.

  If Ismael had seen everything take place why did he not say anything to the ladies? Had he been paid off or is this part of a much bigger conspiracy that has many levels and to a degree Ismael is involved somehow. Have our four regular Joes been setup or have our regular Joes been planning to take over the world from right under our noses?


  Back in Albany recess is over and proceedings resume. The prosecution comes up with what is the “star” piece of evidence recovered from Virtual Labs Inc. It’s a virtual rendering of the earth that is being created at the main lab. This virtual world is so similar to earth that it’s actually earth at its current state. In fact, anyone with desires to take over the world could walk in move and remove anything from the world.

  Anything from the Hoover Dam to the World Trade Center could be destroyed from the virtual world and no one on earth would be the wiser. Terrorists groups such as ISIS could walk in and make the world theirs because whatever happens on this world happens on Earth. The prosecution goes on to say that the only way to reverse the effects of the virtual world is an anti matter molecule would have to formulated with the proper formula and inserted into an anti matter machine within 10 days to reverse the effects otherwise the effects would become permanent and nobody would know why and how the events took place.

  Prosecutors then release the DNA results taken from the machine and take them to the Judge.

  The Judge opens the envelope and reads the results, “In the case of Mr. Angel, Ms. Maria, Mr. Luis and Mr. Dayvon the DNA match of these subjects is 100% the same to the DNA found at the lab.” The crowd stood silent and the four were shocked.

  Angel got up and said angrily, “NO WAY your honor I don’t even know anything, I bet none of us know where Virtual Labs is even located, someone stole our DNA and set us up. None of us are even scientists!”

  The defense lawyer says, “I object your honor these results.”

  Judge says, “Objection overturned!”

  Then Agent Bill gives the Judge the video taken from the DVR at Virtual Labs that day on January 19, 2015. The Video shows four people at the lab tampering or working on the machine, but the video doesn’t clearly show the faces of the four people. Another recess was given by the judge in which after the decision would be made of whether Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis were guilty or innocent.

  After an hour of recess both parties were both asked to enter the courtroom.

  The Judge would read his decision, “After careful review of both party’s statements and evidence; I have reached a decision. While the video does not show the faces of the four clear enough to see their identity, the DNA results and the fact that it matches to the fact their were four people on January 19, 2015 and the results state the fingerprints were left there that date, I’ve reached this decision. In the case of Mr. Angel, Ms. Maria, Mr. Luis and Mr. Dayvon I find the party of four are GULITY as charged of all charges including conspiracy, attempted terrorism and attempted genocide. The sentence carries the death penalty; as a result these four shall be executed no later than February the first of this year.”

  Angel tries to defend him self, but he is cutoff by the judge who announces that the court has been adjourned.


  Since the case was televised nationally both Serena and Erica finally found out where Dayvon and Luis were. They were both in shock that they couldn’t move for about 10 minutes and then they started to cry in agony saying, “This is wrong that they have the wrong men, I swear to God this is all wrong.”

  Despite all the crying and fuss Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis are taken to the Maximum Security Prison at Rochester N.Y. Then they are taken to Death Row, the four were in agony and fear knowing they were framed for a crime they did not commit and that they were only days away from death. Meanwhile both Erica and Serena both started to make preparations for what would be the funeral of the men they have loved, knowing they would have to live without them forever.

  Were these four regular Joes actually innocent or were they actually guilty of trying to form a new world order. If they were innocent how will they get out of death row? Is the prophet that the elder God was talking about going to come true, is this project “Virtual” the new evil that will threaten Earth, the same evil that plunged earth into darkness for many centuries over a thousand years ago. Perhaps these four regular Joes are the chosen ones that will see the warp to this virtual world and possibly stop whatever this ne
w evil may be.


  Days pass and February the first arrived for the Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis. In only a few hours they would all be executed for a crime they believe they did not commit. They are due to be killed at exactly 3:30 in the afternoon on national television where their loved ones would be able or wouldn’t want to see them be executed. 3pm arrives and the guards come to each cell and begin to escort each of the accused out of their cells to the execution room. While many people are protesting that capital punishment isn’t constitutional in the state of N.Y. the senate and congress passed an act that allowed anyone convicted of terrorism and conspiring to take over the world to be legally executed in any state including Puerto Rico. In other words the execution was going to happen and no person of power will be able to stop the execution.

  While the guards begin to escort the soon to executed four, they had no handcuffs for some reason so they used tie wraps. Angel notices his tie wrap is tied very poorly, which means he could easily breakout. He whispers to his mates that he’s going to break out. He has to break away carefully because the guards are heavily armed.

  The four arrive at the stairway for level 3 amd head down to level 2 where the execution will take place. Angel loosens the tie wrap ever so slowly as to avoid suspicion from the guards, when they go down the stairs he’s able to break free. He kicks the first guard down the stairs then disarms the second guard of his rifle. The he punches him, takes his handgun and gives it to Maria since she had mentioned while locked up in the car that she has handgun training. He shoots the two guards, breaks the others free of their tie wraps, and then the four head into the warden’s office where they find a map of the prison. They go into hiding, trying to figure out the best escape route. They find the best route is an underground door in the sub-basement, which leads to an underground passage that is unknown to many people.

  With the entire prison after them even the prisoners themselves after being told that they would either be let go or have their sentences lowered if they find and kill the four escapees, the four begin their attempt to break out. It is easy going until they found a gate that is locked and can’t be opened without a specific keycard with the proper credentials. However, Dayvon recognizes the system and claims he knows how to hotwire the system to open the gate without a keycard.

  He has to be quick because the guards and prisoners are closing in while Angel and Maria manage to kill several guards and Luis fights the prisoners. Problem is Angel and Maria are running out of ammunition and the prisoners are starting to overwhelm Luis. Dayvon guides a laser he finds in the wardens office through the circuitry, but it has to be done at a certain pattern otherwise it won’t open the gate. Plus the laser is running out of juice and the enemy is starting to catch up in numbers. He carefully moves the laser, at the same time he is very nervous. His heart rate begins to increase at an extreme rate, but he knows he can’t fail here or it would mean his death.

  Eventually just as the laser is running out of juice he was able to override the gate system and the gate opens the four quickly run forward. Eventually they get to the sub-basement and proceeded to find the escape door to get out of the hell hole they were in. They finally find the exit door, but the door is locked and then the gate behind Angel closes. The warden known as the ruthless Adam Pinnacle comes out the side door and confronts Angel. Pinnacle is a huge built man and extremely strong but very slow, however every prisoner feared and respected him.

  Pinnacle says to Angel arrogantly, “Looks like it’s the end of the road for you Mr. Angel and your little friends. So why not make this easier on yourself and just give up peacefully. You are just delaying the inevitable.”

  Angel says arrogantly, “Looks who’s talking, the man who can barely stand up straight and is the poster boy of today’s obesity epidemic. Look if you want me, come and get me. I would rather die here than give you the satisfaction of executing me. Well come on Pillsbury doughboy get me!”

  “Oh, Angel why couldn’t you just give up, like a normal person?”

  “That’s because I’m not a normal person!”

  Pinnacle says angrily, “You will regret those words, you’ve become too much of a thorn on my side!” Pinnacle chases Angel.

  Angel is able to dodge Pinnacle’s tackle and then Pinnacle chases him again, but this time hetrips on a crack on the floor and then Pinnacle begins to choke him.

  Pinnacle says arrogantly in a sinister tone, “I hope this was the death you desired, Haha!”

  He pokes Pinnacles eyes and he’s able to regain his conscience but barely. He jump kicks Pinnacle and the force of the kick only pushes him ever so slightly.

  Pinnacle says arrogantly “Ouch that tickled, you’re going to have to do better than that.”

  Pinnacle grabs Angel by the throat with one hand and begins to choke him again. He begins to lose consciousness, begins to turn blue and is ready to pass out.

  Maria screams from the other side of the gate “Angel, get your ass up! I don’t want to lose you!” Maria says these words with great emotion as if she’s showing her feelings towards Angel indirectly. Somehow Angel is able to regain his consciousness and kicks Pinnacle in the groin area.

  Pinnacle quickly recovers and throws a haymaker towards him. He is able to dodge his haymaker then jumps on Pinnacle’s back and begins to choke him and says, “How’s it feel to get a taste of your own medicine huh big man!”

  Angel begins to lose his grip on Pinnacle due to his sheer size and he is able to force him down.

  Meanwhile Maria takes a second look at her handgun and notices it has one bullet left. She begins to think if she can get a shot across the gate and hit Pinnacle that she maybe able to kill him.

  She lines up the gun to the gate and begins to put her finger on the trigger.

  She says in an angry tone “Hey bully screw you, I’m taking you out right now you bastard!”

  Maria squeezes the trigger and the bullet lands right in Pinnacle’s heart, he lands hard on the floor face first.

  Angel proceeds to say, “The bigger they are the harder they fall and Maria by the way that was some nice shooting there.”

  Maria replies, “Thanks, you weren’t too bad yourself.”

  Dayvon says while taking a sigh, “I’ll admit Angel you were good.”

  Luis says impressed, “For a small dude you got skills there brother.”

  He searches through Pinnacle’s jacket and finds a key that unlocks the gate. The four proceed to use the key to unlock the door leading to the underground passage. When the door is open all that can be seen is a bright white light that blocks the view beyond.

  He and the gang hear a godly voice say, “If you are to survive and save the world jump into the light.” The four decide it is better to jump into the light than to get shot by the guards so one by one each of them jump into the white light not knowing what is next…


  Voice of the God that spoke to Angel: “Well done my four children you have escaped Neropos’s trap, which was set up to kill all four of you. Soon you will learn that the FBI agents that took you in were not human in nature, that they were actually being controlled by Neropos himself; some of them forcefully, others by bribing them promising them part of the world when the conquest was over. Neropos targeted you because it seems like the way you stick up for each other although you don’t necessary get along well, it seems that you four Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis are the chosen ones that saw the warp to the virtual world of earth itself.

  You are the ones that destiny has chosen to serve as the soldiers of everything good and you are the ones destined to protect earth from what is the next big threat to mankind. I sense Neropos is sending in an alien race known as the Gloobas to launch an attack on virtual earth and attempt to recreate the dark ages of history that followed the fall of the roman empire around 476 BC. The fact that you saw the warp that other mortals couldn’t I’m now convinced that the mortals of earth now have a chance to defeat th
is new evil threatening earth as I speak. Don’t worry young ones once you cross the warp it will all be explained to you.”

  Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis enter the warp are transported through an area of different colors and shapes, not knowing what’s ahead of them. Finally the four are transported to the top of a high rise building in the middle of Manhattan and say to themselves what just happened.

  Angel asks, “Where in the hell are we!” The voice of the Elder God cuts him off and shows a bright white face of it’s self.

  The Elder God responds, “My children you have arrived, you are now on Earth well at least the virtual world which replicates the same Earth you currently inhabit.”

  Angel replies puzzled, “So you saying project “Virtual” is real! This must be some joke.”

  Elder God replies, “No Angel this is very real the danger is very real and the enemy is very real. Let me explain you see the FBI agents that grabbed you, they are not human.”

  Angel says, “They looked human to me.”

  Dayvon says, “They spoke like humans.”

  Maria says, “They acted like humans.”

  Luis says, “They thought like humans, so what do you mean?”

  Elder God continues to explain, “While they showed human like capabilities, but their hearts are not human they are being control by a great evil force. I don’t have enough time to elaborate on this force, but I will say this, the Earth will soon fall to the next great evil shall the four of you fail. This next great evil is an alien race known as the gloobas from an unknown planet, but they come to this world to take it over and then copy what happens in this virtual world onto earth. Take that building for example.”

  Luis says in shock, “Wait isn’t that Lenny’s, the sandwich shop I love so much.”

  Elder God says, “Now watch…” An alien ship shoots a laser to the sandwich shop completely destroying it.

  Luis screams, “No! They just destroyed my favorite sandwich shop.”

  Elder God replies, “That sandwich shop will be destroyed on earth for good unless you four can stop the glooba race in their conquest. In 10 days if you are unsuccessful what you see here will be your future and you four will be forever indebted to the gloobas. The earth will be plunged in darkness for centuries, possibly thousands of years or even for all of eternity.”


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