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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 6

by Angel Medina

  Angel says "Good thing nobody was in there."

  However before the duo can settle down, some aliens approach them from behind and from the top of the walls.

  Angel says, "Shit now we're screwed and I bet that door is locked how much you want to bet?" However the aliens behind the duo are shot from behind and behold it was Luis and Maria to the rescue.

  Angel and Quentin are relieved to see their friends are alive. The four teamed up to take care of the remaining enemies.

  Maria hugs Angel and says, "I'm happy you're alive I was worried that they executed you, I'm happy that we're all here."

  Angel says, "Almost everyone Dayvon is still missing, fact still is the alarm is still going off so more gloobas will sure be on their way. We can't climb over the wall our only hope is to open that huge green door."

  Quentin says, "Hey guys got it open!"

  Luis says impressed, "Wow Poindexter that was quick, I guess that solves that problem, lets go!" The four proceeded through the door.


  Dayvon on the other hand was still stuck at the sewer exit still pondering on what his next move will be. Then a spaceship lands and many of the aliens go into the ship to an unknown location.

  Dayvon says, "Damn this could be my chance if I can get that boar and his shotgun and maybe be able to see what's in the submarine."

  Dayvon waits for the spaceship to leave his sight, takes a second look at his surroundings, they grabs the boar beats him to a pause, takes its shotgun and throws it into the water. He finally gets out jumps onto the first poisonpus and shoots hit in the weak spot at the same time dodging the second poisonpus's tentacles. Dayvon takes out the other poisonpus with ease.

  Finally Dayvon finds himself meeting all the others and says, "Nice we're all here when this is all over we're going to have our own stories to tell each other hehehe. You guys see that it's a submarine lets get in it and see if we can get any leads to where the anti-matter ball is."

  Angel says, "The only place remotely close to hear is the nearest Native American reservation sounds like a place these goons would take the ball and do their crazy rituals. We should go there to investigate."

  Luis says, "Whatever, I don't any better ideas anyway."

  Maria says, "Okay hopefully we can get the chief on our side."

  Quentin says, "Well looks like we don't have much to work with, but I'm just happy we are getting out of here."

  Angel says to Quentin, "Hey "Q" you were great in there looks like you do learn quick, it's a miracle we all got out of here alive."

  The heroes head for the submarine they notice that they cannot find the entrance to the submarine.

  Dayvon says, "It's probably underwater but hey we can go underwater without holding our breath, I don't know if it's just me or this world."

  Luis says "Yeah I noticed the same thing when I fell through the window I didn't get hurt at all."

  Angel says "Well let’s go for it shall we!" The five all jump underwater to look for the entrance to the submarine.

  Our heroes are underwater looking for the entrance to the submarine. They see a square shape under the submarine which looks like the entrance. They all head for the submarine however a whirlpool comes out of nowhere towards our heroes. Maria, Luis and Dayvon are able to hang on to the entrance of the submarine and pull themselves in the sub.

  Angel and Quentin on the other hand are not so lucky the whirlpool grabs them and pushes them beyond the scope of vision of their friends. The other three are in the submarine searching the sub carefully they find a couple of salamander troopers that they take care of easily. They all proceed to the controls of the submarine and to no surprise nobody has any idea how to operate or even start the submarine. Then the three begin to notice that the submarine is beginning to move on it's own out of no where.

  Luis says. "Never mind we're moving I don't know where though!"

  Dayvon says in panic, "Got a bad feeling it's one of these traps again, like they knew we would break out." The submarine continued on its route to an unknown location.

  The submarine was moving on its own, where to nobody knew. Meanwhile the whirlpool took Angel and Quentin, however to where is anybody's guess. Are Angel and Quentin lost forever in the depths of the underwater world, will they die or end up in uncharted territory? As for Maria, Dayvon and Luis where will they end up or is the submarine rigged for their death as well. While our heroes escaped "death row" but is the road ahead deadlier? As the plot thickens as they say.

  The submarine kept moving and then it speeds up all of a sudden. Then after 5 minutes the sub hits a rock, turns around everyone inside the sub and it falls on its back underwater. Then the escape hatch opened and the water began to rush in the sub like a waterfall. The water level was rising at an extreme rate.

  Maria panics, “Oh my God we’re gonna drown!”

  Dayvon asks in a panic, “Anybody got any good ideas; now it would be the time, because I’m sure we cannot stay underwater forever eventually we’re gonna drown!”

  You may say wait I thought Dayvon said they could stay underwater for a long time. While true but only to a certain limit 10 minutes to be exact, while all knew there was a limit but nobody knew the exact limit. In the virtual world the safe jump height without getting hurt was 35ft.

  Luis says, “Wait hold on I see three buttons to open the emergency hatch looks like all I gotta do is hit all three and we can escape through the hatch.”

  Luis goes down to the buttons and hits all three, but nothing happens. Luis realizes that the buttons have to be hit in a certain way such as 2 in and 1 out. He keeps trying until he gets the pattern correct then rises to the others and tells them he’s got the combination correct. They get out of the submarine using the emergency hatch then go out to the open water where a whole bunch of poisonpus’s and all of them rises out of the water to the surface.

  Luis says, “Should had known those alien bastards booby trapped the sub!”

  Maria reads the sign at the building, “Upstate NY’s sewage and toxic treatment plant”

  Luis responds, “So basically we’re at a chemical plant, watch out!”

  Salamander troopers attempt to surprise the three. Maria is hit slightly on the leg, but she’s still able to walk. The heroes managed to take care of the troopers. Then they sit down by the entrance of the chemical plant to decide the plan of attack.

  The snow has stopped where the three are located and the skies begin to clear to the point where even the starts can be seen.

  Luis asks everyone, “How are we gonna to do this, go in together or split up again, I mean neither one has paid off well.”

  Maria says, “I say we split up, there’s no telling how big this place is and if one of us finds the anti-matter ball that’s good enough; problem is without Quentin to formulate it this effort may prove to be worthless, but standing here isn’t gonna change anything.”

  Dayvon says, “I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I agree with her and call me crazy but I’m going to explore underwater again I saw a big cave opening it may lead to something. At the same time I’ll face my fear of poisonpus’s.”

  Luis says, “Me and Maria will go into the plant together and split up in there; Maria are you ok?”

  Maria says cheerfully “Yeah I’ll be fine no worries. Just hope Angel and Quentin are ok hopefully that whirlpool didn’t take them out.”

  Luis consoles Maria, “No don’t even think like that girl we gotta stay strong! Let’s get on going!”

  Dayvon dives into the poisonpus infested waters defeats a couple of poisonpus’s but is quickly overwhelmed by them by the submarine. He quickly swims towards the cave and a tentacle of a poisonpus just misses Dayvon. As he approaches the cave poison ink is being shot at him in every direction but each one missing.

  Dayvon says in relief, “Thank God these goons aren’t marksmen.”

  He hears a rattling sound like the cave is going to collapse and the cave is indeed ready t
o collapse. Dayvon swims for his life, gets through barley and loses his shoe in the process and one of the poisonpus’s is crushed by the rocks. Dayvon cruises the rest of the way following the path until he realizes he’s starting to lose his breath underwater and he needed to surface quick or he would drown. He eventually sees light and begins his ascent but he is grabbed by a poisonpus. Dayvon begins to turn blue, realizes the creature isn’t letting go and that he needs a perfect shot or he would perish. He aims his shotgun and hits the poisonpus in the perfect spot and Dayvon is able to ascend to the surface catching his breath.


  Maria and Luis enter the chemical plant kill a few salamanders and boars along the way. Then they enter the disposal area their faces in shock when they see the sheer size of the room. A whole bunch of boar pigs and salamander troopers appear and a gunfight begins, the fight lasts a good 10 minutes before the last trooper is killed.

  Luis says, “This is a big area, I think we better split up. I’ll go upstairs; you stay here on the lower level.” Luis gives Maria orders. “Hold on look an orange keycard it says, “Downstairs level plant area” you better hang on to it. I’ll go to the door that’s upstairs.”

  Maria says in a disgusted tone, “Eww it stinks here!”

  Luis responds “I feel you Maria, but we just gotta have the will power to hold on.”

  Luis heads to the upstairs room its rusted shut, Luis shoots the lock and he’s able to open the door. Luis ends up in a small room with a convener belt in the back. Luis finds a green keycard which reads “Underwater Compactor Area Access Card”.

  He says in his mind “I’ll keep going but I got a feeling I may have to go back down.”

  Luis is unable to get to the other side of the room, so he comes up with the ingenious idea of activating the convener and having the grabber pick him up transporting him to the other side. He gets to the other side, finds a card reader, uses the card, finds a switch for the underwater compactor room and activates the switch. Problem is what door he activated, until he sees the camera screen and sees a red door downstairs open up showing water inside.

  Maria tries to see where to use her orange keycard; she’s met with some boars that she defeats easily. Finally she sees two small holes and an access panel to use the card. Maria pays special attention to the instructions which say “To gain access to the downstairs plant area use these small holes, in order to get in have the shrink ray in the Access Panel will shrink you down to size to fit. However the effect will make you run at half speed and only lasts for 2 minutes then you will grow back to normal size again. If you are still in the hole once the effect is passed you will burst inside and of course die!” Maria had no idea what pattern would get her to the plant area she took a deep breath, inserted the card and let the ray shrink her.

  She went into the first hole and follows it but it leads to a dead end, already a minute passes. She realizes that she won’t make it in time, so she let the effect pass and went back to the hall. She shrinks again and goes into the second hole and she makes it to the downstairs plant in about 45 seconds. However, she has another problem there were salamander troopers patrolling and if they saw her they could simply step on her. One was dangerously close to her so she went to a corner to hide and by a miracle the trooper misses her. She restores to full size, takes care of the troopers and continues along her way.

  Dayvon reaches the surface still gasping for air lays on the rock to catch his breath. He sees salamander troopers guarding the area and decides the best way to deal with this was stealth. So he climbs up the rocky hills gingerly to avoid suspicion takes out the first trooper by choking it. He kills the second by doing a German suplex and pounding it till it died. The third one spots him shoots a beam missing Dayvon, then it shoots again but Dayvon grabs the corpse of a trooper to take the bullet, takes the dead troopers gun and shoots the third trooper. Dayvon would make a long jump across to the other side of the broken hill. He finds two switches not knowing what they do, he presses them any way. One opens the door next to him which leads to a passageway and by the smell it was another sewer system. Unknowingly the other switch opens an underwater door that Luis would need to be open to continue his path through the underwater part of the chemical plant. Dayvon went into the passage way and his suspicions were correct it is indeed another sewer system.

  Dayvon says to himself, “Damn I if only I could hit the lotto as many times as I ran into sewers, God damn.”

  The sliver lining was that the sewer system had pretty good lighting. Dayvon finds a maintenance room, where he finds more shotgun shells which he could really use because it was inevitable that he would have to face his nemesis “poisonpus” again and probably for the rest of the adventure. He goes through the sewers and of course his nemesis appears why not? He dodges its numerous attacks until he blasts it.

  Dayvon says, “One down, but a million more to go I’m sure.”

  He gets grabbed by another poisonpus and he shoots it killing it. He moves along then notices the walls open up and a wall of poisonpus ahead unlike last time there’s no way around these guys and his ammo is running low.

  Dayvon says, “Well then if all fails I’m going to have to just run for it!”

  Dayvon sprints through the wall of poisonpus’s then just as they are ready to attack he summersaults above all of the attacks and says, “You all missed me suckers!”

  He continues running, then a set of laser beam trip mines are ahead of him. Dayvon has to negotiate these lasers carefully as some are low, others are chest high and others hip high. One false move and boom Dayvon would blow into a hundred pieces. Dayvon gets through the laser beams when a poisonpus goes after him. Dayvon activates a switch to discharge water to the system. The force of the water pushes the poisonpus to the trap and blows it up. The force of the explosion forces Dayvon straight out of the system and out to a waterfall where he falls to the bottom and…


  Luis heads to the underwater compactor area and dives underwater. He would meet the same poisonpus Dayvon had to deal with before he kills them wall. There were also spike ball traps that had to be negotiated.

  Luis says “What the hell is this place?” as he see the amount of garbage in the water. Remember the door Dayvon inadvertently opened Luis continued through the door way.

  Little did Luis know was that the door he just went was opened by Dayvon in the hills just above Luis location. Luis finds more poisonpus’s and deals with them and then he sees huge double doors in front of him. He pondered how to open the doors; he finds a switch to open the doors only to find a compactor crushing garbage. The wall behind him mysteriously blows up forcing Luis extremely close to the compactor. Luis hanged on to the door for dear life until the forces dissipated. Luis sees a small opening in the compactor during its rotation just big enough for him to fit in. He also finds himself running out of breath, he knew he only had one shot he waits for the opening and goes through. The resurfaces back at the upper level compactor area. He travels a waterfall until he sees another compactor at the bottom of the waterfall. He quickly jumps to a platform which leads to a sewer system, however this sewer system unlike Dayvon traveled is much calmer and at the end there’s a ladder. Luis climbs the ladder then after he’s up he sees a sign reading “Welcome to the Tiberus Launch Pad Facility”…

  Maria continues to investigate the downstairs plant facility. Maria passes through many barrels of toxic waste along the way. She finds a small office up the stairs; from the window she can see a door and an exit sign. A salamander trooper comes down from the vent and attempts to slice her throat; however Maria is able to sense the trooper, grabs its arm and throws the trooper through the window. More boar cops show up to the plant. Maria grabs the keycard for the exit door then jumps out to a stack of metal boxes. She pushes a huge metal box onto the boar cops and crushes them. Then a trooper jump from above and lands on her using her legs she flips the trooper of the stack of boxes onto the metal box she pushed.

  Maria says to herself "Damn I’m good! Hopefully the others are having the same luck I’m having."

  Before Maria can get to the exit three salamander troopers block her way; while dodging their lasers Maria shoot’s a barrel reading “Battery Acid”. The battery acid drops on the troopers burning their skin and into their flesh leaving them dead. Maria uses the keycard then sees the wall behind her start to crack. Sewerage water begins to rush into the room, Maria quickly rushes out and make sure she closes the door to prevent the water rushing out. She sees herself surrounded by huge mountains and a flowing river of green slimy water if a dime is dropped inside it burns into a crisp. Then Maria hears two strange noises in the background one is of an Indian rain dance ritual and the other a loud roar of an unknown creature but by the sound of it was huge.

  Maria says “I don’t like the sound of that doesn’t sound like a creature I have seen, it maybe their emperor. Looks like I’m in the Indian reservation that Quentin was talking about hopefully there are some survivors here. This is one weird place and one weird adventure!” Maria ponders where to begin her exploration not knowing where her partners are or if they are even alive.

  Maria, Dayvon and Luis took separate routes exploring the chemical plant and each of them enduring separate fates. Maria finds herself probably the closet to the Indian reservation that Quentin described. Luis finds himself completely sidetracked to what is only known to him as a launch facility. Were these aliens preparing to strike with a missile or perhaps go into space? Dayvon becomes the victim of rushing sewer water pushing him to a huge waterfall where Dayvon falls through. Will Dayvon survive the fall or will he become the first victim of the virtual world. Finally what has become of Angel and Quentin after they were swallowed up by the whirlpool, are they still alive in a lost part of the world or did the whirlpool swallowed them into a black hole in which they were doomed to never comeback again. Things begin to look bleak as each of our heroes has separated into their own different fates, each presenting its own different challenges. Can our heroes fight through their respective challenges and once again reunite?


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