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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 5

by Angel Medina

  He says in a cocky tone "Hey goofballs looking for me surprise!!!"

  He presses the button to activate the sentry guns. The sentry guns absolutely massacres every single glooba watching the execution.

  He says in a cocky tone, "Bet you alien scum's weren't expecting that!" as he walked through the corpses. After that he says "It's time to break out of this joint; I gotta look for the others."


  Maria is in a cell not too far from the execution room, pondering on the condition of the others especially Angel. She looks at the plain tan walls and ugly green beams that can be found in the prision all around.

  She says in her head crying, "I hope you are still alive Angel, please I don't wanna lose you in. I think I'm in love with you." She turns the television on to amuse herself.

  The television displays a very important moderator for an upcoming debate in NY for senator. His name is Chuck Thomas and he is being interviewed and is asked if he thought the four runaway's that were accused of using the virtual world should had been proven innocent. His response is, "Yes I believe so, I think this is nothing but a government cover up or someone’s is getting paid off. Despite all this FBI action, crime is at an all time high and buildings are coming down like bowling pins with no explanation!" All of a sudden a hole appears through Chuck's chest; he begins to bleed rapidly and dies on scene. Further investigation points to no suspects, although a bullet hole was found on him there are no bullets on scene and there is no gun to go on by either. An autopsy determined Chuck died of a bullet wound, but with no signs of any bullets used or even a gun was even used. In otherwords Chcuk Thomas was killed without reason or explanation.

  After watching the news Maria could only assume the gloobas created a clone of Chuck; shot him in the virtual world therefore killing him on earth with nobody the wiser. She fears the gloobas will kill off each person of power and then claim Earth for themselves. She just wants to find a way out this hell hole she is in. She moves the bed around, finds a lead pipe and a secret passage only big enough for her to get in crawling.

  She says in her head, "Well this passage may lead to nowhere, but it's better than staying here waiting for a miracle." She proceeds inside the passage crawling, little does she know her love interest Angel just broke out of the execution room and was heading towards her cell.


  Quentin is locked up in a cell in Alpha sector which is the sector directly to the left of Omega sector which Angel and Maria were being held. Quentin would complain about how bad the food was, how much it stank in his cell and that his cell was too small. By the way Quentin is claustrophobic as well, which adds to his agony.

  Quentin cries and prays, "Please I don't wanna die here this is gotta be hell, I couldn't be that bad of a person to deserve this punishment."

  Then a boar cop came up to him and says violently, "Shut up fool, don't worry you don't have much time left here anyway. Hahaha!"

  He sits at the corner in a fetal position, and then a gunshot is heard. He sees it was Angel coming to his rescue Angel shoots the pig and says, "Trust me Quentin if you were a bad person you would be one of these goons. I'm breaking you out. I know you don't know how to use a gun very well, but I can't do this on my own.

  Quentin says still in panic "Don't worry I'll… learn as quickly… as I can, just don't let me die please!"

  Angel calmly says "Keep your shirt on buddy this is no time to panic, come on bro have faith we're getting out of here!"

  They explore a video/security room where they have access to the cameras, sentry guns and found a map of the prison. Angel found that the layout of this prison was slightly different than back on earth. Quentin tries to use the sentry guns to take out the aliens, but the system requires a password. He goes on to try a few different words, but none of them match, so the two of them decide to just move on.


  Dayvon is locked in a small cell in the delta sector of the prison, but the door isn’t a gate. It is a tightly sealed door and in the cell only a window covered with a metal gate can be seen. He is also next to a dead prisoner who was holding an ice pick possibly killed for trying to escape. He checks behind the picture of a swimsuit model and finds a hole was nearly completed. He could see though a small hole a cave that may or may not lead to a way out. The pick was dull but still useful. Hewould try to make the hole big enough to sneak out without attracting so much attention. He overhears a conservation saying all guards have to report to an emergency meeting due to a breakout somewhere in the prison, Dayvon thought who was able to escape.

  He says in his head "Hmm meeting huh I'm going to try to use this pick to break through, it maybe my only shot out of here." So he removes the picture and soon as the coast was clear begins picking at the wall.


  Luis is in the same kind of cell as Dayvon was, but on the other side in the beta sector. Luis begins to have flashbacks of when he was locked up for drug possession, being in a cell, bad food and no freedom.

  Luis says in his head, "This prison on the other hand must be hell compared to where I was locked up at Rikers Island, hmm wait a minute hold on."

  Luis sees something interesting on the window, a small but deep crack into the gate. Could it be big enough to take the gate down, Luis has no way of knowing that. He first needed something to cut into the metal. So Luis waits for a salamander trooper to deliver his food, he sees ho one's looking he grabs the trooper, slams it to the wall and beats it to a pause. The trooper is unconscious Luis takes a small laser along with the beam gun. Luis uses the laser and begins to focus it into the crack of the gate.


  Angel and Quentin head back to the Omega sector hallway where they were met with more boar cops. Angel would make quick work of them with Quentin killing one or two of them along the way. They spot another cell, so they go inside to investigate hoping to find another member of the group. What Angel doesn’t know is that Maria was just in that cell finding her own way out of the prison through the secret passage.

  Angel says fustrated, “There’s no one here crap! Wait the bed it looks like it’s been moved and there is a secret passageway, somebody was here.”

  Quentin responds “If only we could get in but both of us are too big to fit. Only a person who was with a small enough body could fit in there. My theory is Maria was probably here and she found this way out hopefully it won’t lead her to a trap.”

  Angel says “I agree it can only be her or could there be someone else here. Well whatever the case is there’s nothing here, let’s get moving.”

  The duo fights their way out of the Omega sector into the main hallway, they take a quick look at the map.

  Quentin says, “The other two guys are probably in the beta and delta sections of the prison, but we’re gonna have a dog fight because in order to get to one side to the other we gotta get through the central high security area.”

  Angel says “Let’s start at delta then since this hall leads there, we’ll deal with central later, besides we can use another hand.”

  The duo arrive at the delta sector which is clear to their surprise, the guards were still in their meeting that was taking place at central station. The door to Dayvon’s cell is locked but Quentin recognizes the locking mechanism and is able to reprogram the door to open without hand verification. However when they go inside the cell is empty no body around; meanwhile the sign covering the hole Dayvon was digging is still hanging.

  So where were Dayvon and Maria if they weren’t in their cells? Perhaps looking for their way out, probably assuming the other was dead.

  Maria continued her journey through the secret passage with the lead pipe she found in her cell.

  She says in pain, “My back is killing me, God I hope this leads me straight out of here. I hope the others are ok.”

  Eventually Maria sees light at the end of the road and when she gets out she finds herself in a hallway labeled “Beta Sector”.

  Maria says in a dis
gusted tone, “Damn all that and I’m still in this hell hole, but at least I’m not in that cell anymore, now to get out of here.”

  Maria sees a boar cop she sneaks up from behind and stabs the head of the boar with the lead pipe then she takes the boar’s shotgun. “Now it’s time to party!” Maria says in a cocky tone.

  She approaches the beta sector cells but there’s a force field surrounding it and she says, “A force field, looks like I need a keycard.” Maria enters the showers and she hears a boar cop say, “Don’t drop the soap missy.”

  She responds “Show yourself coward!”

  The boar cop tries to take a sneak shot, but the pillar blocked the shot, then both the cop and Maria exchange shots until the boar has to reload. Maria then approaches the boar and kicks him in the groin area, throws him to the shower and turns on the water super hot which burns off the boar’s skin leaving only his flesh remaining. She gets out of the bathroom and finds a small room with a keycard to the cells sitting on a table. Maria cautiously grabs the keycard then she sees parts of the wall open and a red dot on them. Quickly she realizes these are laser trip mines, so she dives forward out of the room with one of the laser trip’s barley missing her foot.

  She says slightly out of breath, “Wow that was too close!” She goes to the force field uses the card and the field destabilizes and she heads to the cells, eventually she finds the cell Luis is being held. She approaches him from behind and says “Hey” then Luis turns around pointing a laser beam gun to her face.


  Dayvon unaware Angel and Quentin are in his cell moves along in the cave he found behind the wall he broke through.

  When he finds the end to the caves he finds it leads to a sewer system and he says in a disgusted tone, “Oh come on not another sewer system, crap got to watch my back here.”

  He is concerned about poisonpus because of its highly toxic properties and sewers are their main habitat. He reluctantly moves through the sewer system and then he sees a poisonpus up ahead. He has two options either he faces the poisonpus or go into the murky water and dodge it.

  He says “This is going to stink, but I rather stink than get poisoned, here goes nothing!” He jumps into the sewer water, but he notices something he can breathe underwater without holding his breath just like the Elder God said, “Also don’t expect this world to be like yours in that certain rules of nature maybe able to be broken such as jumping from heights and surviving.”

  This was one rule of nature broken in this world, so Dayvon continued to swim until he saw a wall block his way and then rises from the water. There he sees what looks like a submarine just sitting there. However just as he is ready to walk towards the submarine he notices two poisonpus’s, a few salamander troopers and a few boar cops guarding it. Dayvon having no weapon to defend himself sits and ponders what his next move will be.

  Dayvon says, “Crap I’m just going to have to hang here for a while until they leave or by some miracle one of the others break out and come get me.” Dayvon continues to stay there indefinitely until something happens.


  Angel and Quentin come up empty handed in the delta sector cells, now they need to go the beta sector.

  Quentin says, “Wait, hold on I don’t think it’s worth it going to the beta sector. We’re probably going to find the same result “nothing” besides either way we are going have to get through the central security area one way or the other. We should go straight for the exit instead.”

  Angel puzzled asks, “Quentin no offense, but are you out of your mind! That’s suicide man, but then again according to the map there’s no other way out of here.”

  Luckily for Angel and Quentin there is an armory which contains several shotguns, machine guns and armor.

  Angel says, “Quentin it’s time to clean house and bust out of this joint.” The duo approaches central station prepared for quite the shootout.

  They walk into central station and begin to empty bullets onto the enemies. However the duo notices they are getting out number badly.

  Angel sees sentry guns on top and tells Quentin, “Go upstairs and see if you can get control of one of those guns to help even up the odds a bit.”

  Angel holds firmly behind a desk while peeking out and shooting as many aliens as he can. However he notices the desk is actually showing bullet holes so he gets up backflips avoiding many laser beams.

  Angel finds himself moving around often to avoid giving enemies a good shot and says in a frantic tone, “Come on Quentin I can’t keep on forever I’m getting tired quickly, I’m counting on you.”

  Quentin is in central command finds the control for the sentry gun gains control of it and begins firing.

  Quentin says excited, “Now it’s our turn to have fun, die die die!”

  Angel follows “Hell yeah die alien bastards, die!”

  After the long shoot out central control is cleared and Quentin releases the lock to the main exit.

  Angel says to Quentin, “Good job partner but I got a feeling its going to be worse outside lets go to the armory get more supplies for us and in case we find the others we'll have some for them.”

  Quentin in agreement says, “Sounds like a plan!”


  Meanwhile in the beta sector cell where Luis is being held at Luis has his beam gun pointed at Maria.

  Maria says desperately, "Wait Luis hold your fire I'm not an alien don't shoot!"

  Luis recognizes Maria and lowers his gun then says frantically, "Maria don't scare me like that again you were almost toast. Didn't anybody teach you to never approach anyone from behind?"

  Maria says in a sad tone "Sorry about that Luis just got excited at the moment, what are you up to here?" as she sees part of the metal of the window red.

  Luis answers calmly, "I saw a crack in the window and I'm trying to see if I can use this laser to cut it open then possibly bust out of here."

  Maria says "Hmm a long way down even if we do get out."

  Luis responds "Better than rotting here waiting to be executed, tell you what you can finish cutting the window and I'll stand out here keeping guard."

  Maria says "Okay sounds good."

  Maria resumes cutting the window. Meanwhile Luis notices footsteps and then a salamander trooper shows up, Luis shoots it but the trooper teleports out of the way and disappears into thin air.

  Luis says confused, "What was that? The Elder God is right about one thing this world doesn't follow natures rules, that thing just disappeared out of nowhere! Where did it go?"

  The trooper teleports behind Luis preparing to take a sneak shot on him; Maria looks behind her to make sure Luis is okay and sees the trooper.

  Maria screams, "Luis lookout!" She tackles the trooper and then Luis blasts the trooper killing it. He gives the troopers laser gun to Maria.

  Luis then says, "Thanks Maria you saved my life. Damn just something else to worry about, this "disappearing salamander" shit; can this shit get anymore weird?"

  The duo finish cutting the window and the window actually falls down.

  Luis says amazed, "Wow can't believe that worked! Now who's jumping down?"

  Maria responds, "No ones jumping we're going to use the bed sheets, tie it down to the bed and make a rope down. Now for what's down there I can't answer that."

  The two make the rope, Maria then successfully makes it downstairs, Luis goes down but his weight causes the rope to break and he falls to the ground. Amazingly enough despite the height of the fall, he is still alive and endures little pain.

  He says in shock "Wow this is just weird first a disappearing salamander, now I fall and I'm not injured at all. Wow! At least we're out of there." However the two have little time to celebrate as an alarm goes off and then a whole rush of alien troops come charging in.


  Angel and Quentin get out of the armory reloaded and ready to go. They approach the door to the exit, however the see a vent that can be opened.

asks Quentin "Well should we go in the vent or go directly to the exit?"

  Quentin ponders "Well we know where the door leads to, the vent on the other hand we have no idea where it leads to there's no indication on the map itself. On the other hand the main door is sure going to lead us to plenty of resistance from the enemy. So lets do this I'll go in the vent and you take the main door."

  Angel blatantly asks Quentin "Whoa there brother you don't expect me to fight all those guys but myself now do you?" Quentin looks in the vent, sees sunlight and a ladder.

  Quentin says "Look you go in slowly I got a feeling this takes me to a sentry point, I would have you come with me but there's only enough room for one of us."

  Angel says "Fine go see what's up there." Angel goes out side and says, "Its quiet too quiet, oh shit!" An alarm sounds and the alien voice that Angel heard when he was captured says "Hahaha too late Medina, we're in control now!"

  Angel says, "You're not in control yet, why not come out and show yourself!"

  Aliens begin to show up and Angel takes them down, but their numbers begin to increase at a fast rate.

  Angel says to himself, "What is taking Quentin so long?"

  Then a hovership arrives towards Angel and he's able to dodge the initial attack. Then the hovership begins to charge its laser, Angel realizes he can't move out of the way as if he was frozen. Then a combination of salamander troopers and boar cops surround Angel. Quentin finds that the vent does indeed lead to a sentry point, when he sees the hovership he understands he doesn't have the weapons to shoot it down.

  He decides he's gonna try to jump on the ship's pilot; one flaw of the hover ship was that the pilot was exposed. Quentin thought if he could kick the pilot off and gain control of the ship he and Angel would be able to defeat all the aliens. Quentin makes the leap of faith, lands on the ship, shoots the pilot and gains control of the ship. Unsure of the controls Quentin randomly presses each button which causes the ship to spin out of control and shoots its laser beam. The beam hits the aliens surrounding Angel, he ducks down last second the beam misses him and the ship rises back up. Quentin panic when he realizes that he can't control the ship, he sees the eject button pushes it the ship ejects him out of the ship. The hovership crashes into the delta sector cell.


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