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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 47

by Angel Medina

  Dayvon helps out the other by shooting the ion shot on the other members of the four horsemen. Luis blasts Will with his shotgun numerous times while saying “Hope you like eating shells!” Then Will goes down saying “This can’t be happening!” and then dies when he hits the floor. Maria uses her machine gun to take Andrew out and Andrew says “Ahhhhhh!” Angel punches Bill endlessly until he starts to puke out blood and Angel while foam was coming out of his mouth says to Bill “Son of a bitch you killed my father! You dirty old man I’m going to do what I was supposed to do years ago!” Angel after seeing Bill down he uses a shadow blade and he stabs Bill in the chest while Bill says “No way… I don’t believe this…” then Bill bleeds to death when he falls to the floor. Angel filled with so much hate for Bill decides to head to his body to finish him off and says “I’m going to make sure even when you come back after I save earth that you suffer real pain and I promise you even when you come back I will keep you in my sights! Anyway at least I’ll have the pleasure of dealing you more pain like when you killed my father!” Maria heads towards Angel pushing him saying “No Angel it’s not worth it; I know he killed your father but I’m sure your father taught you better, besides Bill is coming back once we save Earth.” Luis says “Then you can get your real revenge and not by killing him on Earth but putting him in jail and throwing away the key!” Dayvon says to Angel “At least you got your hands on Bill even if it’s temporary, besides we got bigger fish to fry.” Angel responds “You’re right Dayvon the real enemy is the Emperor himself and now that we got rid of his personal henchmen it’s time to end this!” Luis says “That’s the spirit! You heard that emperor we’re coming to get you and there’s no where to hide!” Angel and company go check on Quentin and Angel feels Quentin's pulse, he still has a pulse to Angel’s relief. Angel asks Quentin “Are you ok?” Quentin responds softly “Yes… banged my head… I’ll be fine though… go get… that alien bastard… and make him pay…” Quentin falls back into a deep sleep. Our heroes prepare to enter the alien base core but out of nowhere an opening from the base starts to vacuum Angel in while keeping the others away. The voice of the emperor says “Hahaha Angel it looks like it will be just me and you no interference from your friends. Now we’ll see who really the superior living being in the universe is.” Angel gets sucked into the alien base to meet his final opponent who was the emperor himself. Maria screams Angel’s name in panic.

  This was it our heroes have finally reached the final goal which was the alien base in India where the Emperor was guarding the anti-matter machine; before our heroes could get the privilege to meet the emperor the four horsemen wanted a rematch with our heroes. Bill and his wingmen had some unfinished business they wanted to take care of with our heroes. Despite their improved armor and weapons our heroes are able to defeat the four horsemen. Angel gets so involved with defeating Bill that even after killing Bill he wanted to inflict more pain to Bill and vowed that even when Bill does come back to life after the Earth is saved that he will make him pay one way or another. While Quentin is still alive it is clear that he took quite the punishment from the four horsemen. As for the others they prepared to go inside the core to take on the glooba emperor himself and finish their mission. Only an hour was left until the effects of the virtual world would become permanent. The emperor had one more trick up his sleeve he took sucked Angel inside the core while keeping the others at bay. The final battle was about to be decided, the fate of Earth was about to be decided and the fate of our heroes was about to be decided. It will all come down to Angel all by his lonesome against the glooba emperor an enemy that Angel has heard many times but has never met. What will be the fate of Earth and Mankind and what does the glooba emperor look like?

  Chapter 41

  The Final Battle

  After defeating the four horsemen there was nothing blocking the way into the core of the alien base for our heroes. However Angel gets sucked inside the core while all of his friends get blown away from the alien base preventing them from catching up with Angel. All of a sudden Angel went through a hallway while he still has his jetpack on, the hallway had an ominous mix of orange and brown. Angel knew at the end of the hall he was going to meet the one who was responsible for all of the destruction that was taking place and the one who made his day a living hell.

  After being sucked in to the alien base Angel flies through the hallway and says “I guess you’re man enough for a one on one battle!” The glooba emperor says “Hahaha I’ve been waiting for you Angel!” Angel replies “I’m sure you have.” The glooba emperor says “It's foolish to come against me! You will die just like your father!” Angel responds “We’ll see about that!” The glooba emperor replies “Now you will feel true pain and regret you ever came against me! This will be your last day alive!” Angel goes through numerous hallways which lead him to some ammo for his rocket launcher and devastator which he would need every bit of. Angel says “Is this some kind of maze so I’ll never find you or are you finally going to come out like a man?” Eventually Angel finds the end of the hallway where it is pitch black but when he walks the lights turn on once again with the brownish reddish look. The room was simply the emperor's throne room and then the door behind Angel closes which meant there was no turning back. Then all of a sudden coming up the floor ahead of Angel was a cube with the face of an ugly looking iguana with one eye. Angel shoots the core but the core turns into the face of what was on the cube, it was the face of the glooba emperor! The emperor laughs and says “Welcome to my lair Angel where you shall perish. You were always too reckless for your own good!” Angel says “It’s going to take more than just an ugly looking face to scare me, do your worst!” The glooba emperor begins to throw rocks at Angel that he picked up using telekinesis or mind power to lift the rocks of the floor and direct them towards Angel. Angel shoots the rocks as they come at his direction, this pattern would continue until a weak spot showed itself.

  After dodging a few rocks being thrown at him Angel sees the eye of the emperor opens up and he begins to shoot the eye hoping to weaken it. As he shoots the eye the emperor closes his eyes and he begins to suck Angel towards his mouth while Angel tries to kneel down in an attempt to keep himself on ground level and not get sucked into the emperors mouth. Once the emperor stops sucking he begins to eat the rocks he swallowed and spits them back out towards Angel. Angel gets hit by one of the rocks and he hits the floor. Then the emperor starts to suck Angel in towards his mouth; Angel shoots rockets into the emperor's mouth and the emperor eats the rocket causing him to stop sucking. The rockets did very little but make the emperors mouth burning hot causing him to stop sucking but Angel also sees that the eyes of the emperor opens up once again. Angel shoots the eye repeatedly until the eye blows out and the face collapses, Angel says “There you go Cyclops looks like you won’t need that plastic surgery after all!” The emperor replies “You’re a tough one Angel but I’m far from finished!” The face falls apart but the core of the emperor reappears, Angel shoots at the core cube of the emperor once again and after a few shots the cube stays still. After a few seconds the cube transforms into a face of a demon in fact it was the same face of that of Darkgaryl who Angel killed back in the middle ages. The emperor says “Angel I’m sure you recognize this face very well don’t you!” Angel responds “Yes I do that’s the face of the one who tried playing with my emotions, how original couldn’t come up with anything new I guess!” Angel sees two eyes on the face of the emperor this time around.

  Angel notices his jetpack has run out of fuel but he was still flying that’s because the room had no gravity causing everything to float around. The emperor continued to throw rocks at Angel but he also mixes in energy balls as well. Angel tries to shoot the eyes but notices that the rocks were blocking his shots. Angel gets hit by an energy ball then gets hit by rock after rock until he falls down to the floor. When Angel goes down to the floor it’s a hard landing and then Angel begins to have flashbacks of when he first met
Maria, the times he would see her around the neighborhood and the times he spent with her during their adventure. After that Angel starts to remember the first passionate kiss he and Maria shared back in the fusion station in outer space. Out of nowhere Angel sees the spirit of Maria facing him and Angel says “Maria is that you how you got in here?” The spirit responds “I’m Maria but I’m with you in spirit and I come to deliver you a message from my human self and I quote “Angel the love of my life don’t ever give up, you’re a strong person and your father will be proud of you when you defeat this evil. By the way I love you!” Angel you must not give up I wish you good luck but before I go there’s something else I have to give you.” The spirit of Maria gives Angel a kiss lip to lip and then Angel is able to get up. Angel gets up and says “Thanks Maria and as for you emperor I may be down but I’m not out!”

  After receiving a kiss from the spirit of Maria Angel is able to recover and get back up. Angel is filled with a new determination so he begins to take the eyes out while dodging the rocks and energy balls. The glooba emperor is relentless though so Angel has to wait for the perfect moment to hit the emperor’s eyes. Once Angel sees an opening to attack he begins to take out one of the eyes leaving one more needed to be taken out. After taking out one eye Angel sees that the emperor isn’t shooting as many projectiles so Angel takes advantage and shoots the other eye out of the emperor. After Angel takes the eyes out of the emperor the face collapses and the core of the emperor reappears. Angel says “This is it you alien bastard eat this!” Angel shoots the cube core of the emperor then the cube stops to move for a few seconds giving Angel the idea that he has beaten the emperor. However the room turns into a forest green color and the core opens up revealing the true form of the glooba emperor which was his cycloid face along with his whole body. The glooba emperor also has claws and his right claw has a hole where he would shoot projectiles such as rockets, energy balls or blasts of plasma. The emperor says in a cocky tone “No Angel you haven’t won! Only I have the brains to rule the universe!” Angel responds in a cocky tone as well “So Cyclops you decide to show your true form!” Angel dealt with the first two faces of the emperor but now he had to face the emperor himself in his true form.

  Angel enters the lair of the glooba emperor where he meets the glooba emperor and as Angel quickly learns the emperor is an actual brain that takes many forms such as his own face and that of Darkgaryl. While Angel has no problem taking out the first form of the emperor the second form proves to be a lot more difficult. Angel is actually knocked down unconscious and during that time he sees the spirit of Maria who is outside the core waiting for Angel to hopefully come out. The spirit guides Angel back up showing him the memories that he’s had with Maria and before she leaves kisses Angel. After the kiss Angel is able to get himself back up and he destroys the second form of the emperor. However this battle is far from over, the emperor decides that its time to show Angel his true form which is his whole body and he is armed with high powered weaponry. Angel is so close to saving the world but he has two obstacles one the emperor himself and two there was only a half hour left before the effects of the virtual world would become Earth’s reality. Earth’s fate is up to Angel can he defeat the emperor or is the emperor too much for Angel to handle? Only time will tell although it isn’t much.

  Angel stares at the emperor impressed that he has finally seen the true form of the glooba emperor himself. The emperor wastes no time and begins to shoot energy balls at Angel; Angel is barely able to dodge the energy balls and tries to attack the emperor with little success. Then the glooba emperor releases his two smaller eyes on his side that Angel did not catch at first. The eyes pop out of the emperor himself and grow into big eyeballs with the stem still on them. The retina of the eyes shot out red laser beams once again Angel is able to dodge the laser beams just like the energy balls. As Angel tries to shoot down the eyes he isn’t able to get any good shots at them as the glooba emperor was guiding the eyes using telekinesis and the eyes were in constant movement. To add to the problem the emperor was shooting rockets in random directions since the emperor temporary gave up his sight, this would be the only saving grace for Angel as the emperor didn’t exactly know where he was. However the rockets come dangerously close to hitting Angel making Angel suspicious that the emperor does know where he is even without his eyes. Angel begins to notice that the eyes are not moving around in random directions instead they are moving in a circle making it easier for Angel to take them down.

  Angel grabs the plasma rifle that he acquired after defeating Bill and uses it to take out both eyes. Angel says “Well emperor looks like you’ll be shooting blindly now!” The emperor laughs in an evil manner and says “You’re a tough human being I’ll give you that but you’re also a foolish one as well!” Then a middle eye begins to grow in the middle of the glooba emperor’s head; the emperor says “I’m not blind anymore I was just toying with you but the games are over time to put you out of your misery!” The emperor starts to go all out on Angel shooting rockets, energy balls and plasma blasts. Angel tries the best he can to dodge every projectile but he gets hit by the energy balls and when the dust settles Angel is on the floor lying down not moving an inch. The glooba emperor laughs and says “Ha I knew I was too strong for you, you may had defeated all of my soldiers but when it counted the most you just failed!” The emperor prepares to finish Angel off with a concentrated laser blast and says “Well at least you’ll be able to see your father in the afterlife and tell him that you went out in a blaze of glory. Hate to say it but goodbye and good riddance Angel!” as the emperor continues to charge up his laser to finish Angel off.

  Angel fights the true form of the glooba emperor, at first he seems a bit easy well too easy. However the emperor tries to use his eyes to shoot Angel down; after shooting down the eyes Angel assumes that he has blinded the emperor. Little does Angel know is that the emperor grew a new bigger eye in the middle of his already ugly face. The emperor turns to attacking Angel relentlessly and while he misses Angel with the rockets and plasma blasts Angel could not dodge the energy balls. The glooba emperor prepares his final attack to finish Angel off but the spirit of Maria reappears and this time she gets into Angel’s body…

  The spirit of Maria tells Angel “I’m in your body now lets' do this together. I’ll be your guiding hand my love.” Angel gets up right away and says “Well ok I guess as long as that laser doesn’t kill me!” The glooba emperor shoots the laser but instead of killing Angel it is deflected off Angel. The glooba emperor looks in disbelief and says “No way how did… you survive… that? You’re not the same anymore what did that girl do to you?” Angel responds with a renewed sense of confidence “I’ll tell you why it's because love will always overcome any evil such as yourself and this spirit of my girlfriend is only empowering me. Maria and me are about to kick your ass, why the shocked look on your face? Like I told everyone else mediums are hard to defeat and you’re about to learn that the hard way! It’s living things like you who fear us; this must be your worse nightmare come true!” After Angel gets up he and Maria’s spirit combine their attacks to take down the emperor to the floor. After that they use a combined laser shot of their own onto the eye of the glooba enforcer and then the glooba enforcer breaks apart back into his cube core. Angel shoots the cube destroying it and the spirit of Maria says “Good job my love you have won. I can’t wait to see you back on Earth I love you.” Angel says “I love you too; we’ll be together soon enough.” Before the core explodes the emperor says “If I go down I’m taking you with me!” then the emperor explodes and Angel screams “Ahhhhhh!” Then about one minute of silence is heard so silent you can hear a pin drop. Then out of nowhere a voice tells Angel “Don’t ever give up my son!” Angel says “Father?” Then the alien base begins to self destruct and collapse from the exploding glooba emperor.

  Angel sees the door has opened leading to the hallway and his father tells Angel to follow him that he would lead the
way out. Angel simply sprints as fast as he can to get away from the explosion and to make sure he doesn’t lose sight of his dead father’s spirit that he was able to see clear as a bell. Angel’s father says to Angel “This way Angel!” as he points to the right hall. Angel has to make sure that he doesn’t lose sight of his father or else risk taking the wrong hall which would lead to a dead end. Angel continues to run after his father’s spirit although he’s tired Angel knows this is no time to rest that he needed to get out just to survive and to get to the anti-matter machine to put the anti-matter ball inside. Angel father says “Never give up trust what your heart says!” Angel continues to run trying to keep up with his father as tired as his legs were. Angel says in his head “Come on Angel just a little bit more I’m sure.” After a couple of more hallways Angel is super happy to see the end of the hallway; Angel’s father says “You’ve become so strong Angel. I couldn’t be any prouder! Good luck in your future endeavors!” Angel gets out of the alien just in the nick of time before it completely explodes. Angel finds the anti-matter machine in front of him with only a half minute to spare Angel inserts the anti-matter ball inside the machine then the machine begins to activate. Angel screams out “Yes I made it!” The other heroes hear Angel’s scream and head in his direction, they find out that Angel has inserted the anti-matter ball and the world would be saved. Dayvon asks Angel if he’s ok and Angel responds “Yes I’m fine that was a tough one.” Maria says “Way to go baby!” Luis says “That’s our leader!” Quentin says “I gotta admit you did well Angel, we’re going back to the way things should be.” Angel looks around to see if his father’s spirit is still around but it is no where to be found and then Dayvon asks “Angel what's wrong?” Angel responds “Nothing nothings wrongs.” Samantha and Fabian show up to the celebration and then the Elder God shows up.


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