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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 48

by Angel Medina

  The Elder God says “Congrats to you the chosen ones thanks to you the world is spared, everything will begin to return to the way it was back 10 days ago. All of you have grown strong each and every one of you!” Angel says “Thank you honorable Elder God thanks for your guidance!” The Elder God says “Your welcome but you should thank yourselves more as you were the brave souls to complete this mission.” Maria asks the Elder God “So everything and everyone will return to Earth alive and well?” The Elder God responds “That would be correct my dear and even those we despise will come back as well but that does not give you the right to kill them back on Earth,” Angel says “Don’t worry I got something better planned for Bill when we get back to Earth.” Quentin asks the Elder God “How do we destroy this virtual world and make sure no one can use this world ever again for evil?” Elder God responds “That’s a good question Quentin but the answer is we can’t just destroy this world as everything that happens in this world will happen on Earth even though you have just reversed the effects. I'm going to tell you unless I myself or you guys come up with an idea to take this virtual world out without harming Earth there are bound to be people with evil intentions that will try to use this world for their benefit.” Luis asks “So let me guess we’re going to be the guardians in case anything takes place? Elder God replies “Yes my friend if anything happens in this world you shall be call upon to save Earth once again.” Angel asks “So that probably means this war isn’t over and we can expect another attack in the future. Well we’ll be ready for anything!” The Elder God answers “Yes this war is far from over that’s why I call it the thousand year's war. I’m happy to hear that you will fulfill your duties as guardians of Earth.” Maria says “As long as we’re together we can do anything and overcome any obstacle that comes in our way. I’m just happy that I will be able to be with my Angel when we get back to Earth.” The Elder God replies “I would just like to praise you all for a job well done! Well the Earth is back to normal and I’ve finished the warp for you guys to use to get back to Earth. I’m proud of you guys good luck in your future endeavors and hopefully that next time we meet each other won’t be too soon, goodbye my chosen ones!”

  Our heroes look at the warp leading them back to their hometown of Earth and they will get a chance to relive January 21, 2015 the last day before all of the events took place. Angel says “It’s time for us to go now!” All of our heroes get into the warp back to Earth and after a short ride through the wormhole our heroes are brought back to the beginning of the day of January 21, 2015 the same way that their adventure had started, However this time the day went normally for our heroes except that they have become much closer. As for Samantha she’s back in the international space station back on her post to protect space from any intruders. For Fabian he has gone back to the Yukon where he reunites with all of his fellow tribe brothers and he sits to tell them the story of his experiences. Dayvon heads back to his girlfriend and two kids saying “Baby I love you and I’m glad that you’re here along with our kids. I know for sure nothing is going to happen to us now.” Luis heads back to his dealership where he is greeted by his wife and daughter. Rebecca heads back to the strip club in Hollywood where she decides to quit and pursue further education in medicine. Orlando goes back to his helicopter but is stopped by police who arrest him for treason. Maria heads to work but before she does she gets Angel’s phone number so she can link up with him at a later time. However when Maria calls Angel she gets no response from Angel. The reason for that is that Angel was busy going after public enemy number one Bill; Angel waits till Bill gets out of his truck and into his house then follows him. When Angel gets to Bill he pulls a gun to Bill’s head and says “Well look who has the gun now, I ought to shoot you right here in cold blood believe me if it was up to me I would. However I have something better in mind if you admit to me you killed my father I’ll spare you sounds fair?” Bill says “Fine I killed your father he deserved it he was killing my business and if I could turn the clock back around I would still kill your father!” Angel says “Well that’s fine you get your reward I’ll spare your life but not without a cost, boys come and arrest this man and by the way officers here’s my phone with this man’s words recorded. Well Bill bon voyage I hope you enjoy your stay at jail!” Bill says “You bastard I should had killed you when I had the chance, you won’t see the last of me I’ll be back!” Maria comes inside seeing the situation watching Bill being arrested and says “There you go looks like you caught your little pest here. You did the right thing Angel he’s going to suffer more in jail than he would ever suffer if you were to kill him.” Angel comes to Bill and says “Oh by the way Bill the gun I had was phony!” Bill says “I don’t believe it I been haggled by a toy gun, Angel you’re a dead man if I ever get out!” The officer says “Well tell it to the judge, you have the right to remain silent anything that’s said will be and could be used against you in the court of law.” The police haul Bill to jail where he will be awaiting trial. Angel and Maria share a kiss that will hopefully last a lifetime. Maria asks Angel “So what you getting me for my birthday?” Angel says in his head “Oh shit!”

  Maria says “You can get me a new dress, heels and sexy underwear for my post game show then we can get it on just me and you!” The Elder God appears saying “Sorry to interrupt you guys but I must warn you that you can not tell anyone about this.” Maria says “So no post game show for me?” Elder God replies “I’m afraid not sweetheart besides you guys who were in the virtual world no one here on earth will have any idea of what was taking place since you were able to reverse time. Like I said before once you succeeded it will be like if nothing ever happened. This must remain a secret between yourselves while you guys can celebrate amongst yourselves but it must stay that way. Exposing this secret to anyone else can prove to be dangerous as anyone with evil intentions will try to use that world to their advantage. I’m making all of you the official guardians of Earth as you’re the only ones I can trust with this great responsibility. I don’t come to ruin your celebration but only to warn you the battle may be won but in no way is the war won. You shall be called again.” Angel asks “So in otherwords we have to try to live in harmony with the virtual world?” Elder God responds “Yes in fact if someone like you enters the virtual world with good intentions you may even help the Earth out but I’m afraid human greed is too strong and people will not use this to help others but themselves. Another thing is that while you may have defeated the gloobas this time around but I sense their main home world is light years away and you won’t see that last of them. Would you care to share this with the others that were with you in your journey?” Angel and Maria both respond yes to the question. Elder God says “This is a dangerous period of time I wish I can say that everything will be ok but this is a war that has taken place before and a thousand years later the war is being fought once again. I wish you the best of luck and remember you two are mediums so you will be able to see, feel and even do things that normal humans are unable to. I must go now goodbye.” Angel says to Maria “Well if anything happens we’re strong and our love is stronger. Like he said we can see and do things normal people can’t do.” Maria replies “So as long as we stick together we can conquer everything!” Angel responds “That’s exactly what the Elder God wants us to think, so let's call the others for a Party.” Maria responds “A party that sounds like a plan to me! Love you baby! Angel says “I love you more.” Maria asks Angel "You mind if we do some overtime?" Angel responds "I should have expected that question from you but sure why not!" The couple walks off into the sunset.


  Our heroes have conquered all of the obstacles to save the world from total destruction at the hands of the gloobas. During the journey four people who didn’t know each other meet each by chance and grow to like each as the help one another. Angel, Maria, Dayvon and Luis have been through a lot but this experience has made them stronger not only physically but also spiritually and emo
tionally. During the journey they met other people who they made good connections with but who have gone on to bigger and better things. However they also met people who weren’t as loyal and were willing to do anything just for a little power and money. The four heroes gather for a party at Angel’s house where they celebrate along with their loved ones. Angel and Maria warn Dayvon and Luis not to mention the adventure that they endured as their loved ones would not understand as their memory have been wiped clean or at least anything after January 21st, 2015. Dayvon and Luis agree with Angel and Maria in deciding that they will keep this a secret, until a surprise visitor comes in. It was Rebecca and our heroes look at her shocked as she was killed in the virtual world to save Angel’s life. Angel tells Rebecca in private that she needs to keep their adventure to herself and that the world is still in danger as the Elder God told Angel. So the party went on as planned and Angel has a much better conscience knowing that the one who killed his father is now rotting in jail. After the party Luis and his wife get married in city hall with everyone witnessing it. Dayvon purposes to his girlfriend and they are due to marry in a year or so. Angel and Maria purpose to each other but unlike Dayvon they decide to get married four months later in what would be a beautiful outdoor wedding and ironically the date was May 27, 2015 the same date that was shown to Angel during Darkgaryl's mind trap. Quentin was unable to show up to the party because of his job but did show up for the wedding and he’s still looking for his soul mate but knows that he will find that person soon enough. The future is looking very bright for all of our heroes but in the back of their heads they know the virtual world is still in existence and they may be called upon again should the time come. After Angel and Maria got married Angel decides to sell his business and pursue a new career in law enforcement after being inspired taking down bad guys in his virtual adventure. Angel quickly rises up the ranks along side his uncle Ismael and becomes a lieutenant for the NYPD. Maria couldn’t be any happier that she is married to a man who has become one of the New York’s finest. Rebecca begins her college career as she tries to earn a degree in medicine. While it’s clear the immediate danger is over and the world gets to live another day. However as long as the virtual world is still existent the evil one Neropos will strike again, now will it be another glooba invasion or a much greater evil force? No matter what the next threat is our heroes will be ready as they have been crowned by the Elder God as the guardians of Earth. Don't worry Angel will be back!



  Framed: The Second Book of the Thousand Years War

  By: Angel Ramon


  After Angel’s previous adventure against the gloobas was it time for some Rest and Relaxation for Angel relatively speaking at least? Angel would marry the love of his life Maria who he met in the previous adventure; Angel and Maria had more than just a sexual connection they were also both mediums that could see things normal human beings couldn’t see. The two married each other on Angel’s birthday in May and they enjoyed their honeymoon in Puerto Rico;Luis and Dayvon would tag along, with their loved ones. Angel decided to sell his computer repair shop in exchange for a chance to become a NYPD detective since he was so inspired to join the men in blue. Angel got into the force from a referral from his uncle Carlos who was a captain for a NYPD precinct, through hard work, dedication and some help from his uncle Angel quickly rose up the ranks to a lieutenant. Carlos who was Angel’s uncle was in his upper 50’s closing in on 60, but has been on the force for more than 20 years.

  However his past is rather checkered, he was accused of police corruption around 15 years ago but the evidence against him wasn’t strong enough, so the charges were dismissed. However that does raises a few red flags for Angel, but Angel doesn’t pay too much attention to his uncle’s past. Angel’s brother Robert came over to Brooklyn for a visit for the summer just to see how his brother was doing. Angel was only too ecstatic about having his brother come over now that he was doing well in life. Angel and Maria not only enjoyed Robert’s company but also each others company. It was the perfect marriage especially after what the couple had went through in their previous adventure. Robert liked the idea of being with his brother Angel so much that he wanted to move to NY to be closer to Angel. Robert was a middle-aged person around 40 who was in the Marines 20 years ago and served honorably for 5 years until he was discharged for medical reasons. However Robert brought himself back to health to the point where he could be an officer. Fast Forward to Friday August 15, 2015 Robert was still in training but was due to finish his session at around 6pm and was due to graduate in a week.

  Angel on the other hand was waiting for his brother as they prepared to go out for the night to celebrate Robert’s graduation which was in a week. All of the officers and crew members were given a random drug test which was necessary to make sure no one was under the influence and were subject to give their DNA as well. Angel receives a call from the precinct saying that a dead body was discovered in a construction site shootout possibly between rival construction companies; Angel is ordered to investigate the scene and move in with extreme caution as the suspect or suspects could still be on scene. Carlos also told Angel that the scene could still be an active scene, as no one was sure of what actually took place or the circumstances surrounding the case were. Angel calls Robert to let him know that he would have to take a rain check for the night out on town since he was on an emergency call. Angel receives no answer from his brother’s phone; Angel assumes that Robert was busy or he was in the underground platform waiting for a train to come back home. Angel leaves a message on Robert’s phone saying that he would not be home as he was on call and then he proceeded to the scene.

  Angel also lets Maria, Luis and Dayvon of what has just happened. The construction site was on 82nd street and 3rd Ave in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn and was supposed to house a large affordable housing complex, but a couple of rival companies were fighting for weeks to get the contract. Angel makes his way to the scene of the crime where several cops were waiting for him to commence the investigation, but the investigation would turn into a shootout as the crew was being shot at by some hostile workers. Angel takes the workers out rather easily but he was more concerned that Robert still hasn’t called him back. Angel tries to call Robert but this time it goes straight to voicemail, Angel doesn’t bother to leave another message. Angel was concerned for his brother but he had to deal with the case that was presented to him.

  Angel while concerned for the safety of his brother realizes that Maria could contact his brother in case of an emergency. Angel had to prepare for his first real case as a lieutenant, Angel while in his uniform crocks his Smith and Wesson pistol and says, “Time to put all of this training to use! Let’s rock and Roll!

  Area 1 - Bay Ridge Brooklyn

  Chapter 1

  Getting Cement Shoes

  Angel is called to investigate a shootout scene in a construction zone in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn, Angel still has no idea where his brother Robert is, but Angel’s attention is focused on this new case. It was a warm normal summer night with crisp clear skies. Angel heads into the site with his lieutenants uniform on and his gun at the ready. As Angel goes down a hill he is approached by construction workers who look like they don't want Angel around.

  A construction worker pulls a gun and begins to shoot towards Angel and Angel hides behind a steel beam with the bullets hitting the beam. Angel while normally cool, calm and collective and also an arrogant kind of guy, was a bit more nervous this time as he was a family man. He was really close to his brother Robert.

  Angel nervously says, “Damn these guys mean some serious business! I’m definitely not welcomed here!”

  Angel slowly makes his way away from the steel beam and peeks out to shoot the worker killing him. As Angel proceeds through the site a couple of more workers look to take Angel out but Angel takes of them rather easily. Angel smells the blood of the dead workers, which has a rotten smell like a dead pig
. After killing off the workers Angel gets to a site where many steel pipes are located.

  Angel is ambushed from behind with a construction worker pointing a gun to Angel’s head saying “Freeze put your hands up”

  Angel says while raising his hands cool as a cucumber “Fine no need to get so rough!” As the worker point the gun closer to Angel’s head Angel grabs the right hand of the worker in which he was holding the gun. Angel then proceeds to take down the worker neutralizing him and orders the cops to arrest him.


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