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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 50

by Angel Medina

  Angel makes his way into the nightclub, but finding Boris was going to be a different story. There were so many people that Angel couldn’t tell who was who. There were bouncers guarding the entrance to the dance floor, but Angel really wanted to get to the manager’s office where Boris was most likely hanging out.

  “Damn I gotta find a way to clear the crowd here, hmm that might just work.” Angel looks at the fire alarm and he pulls the alarm activating the alarm along with the sprinklers.

  “Time to cool this party down, everybody thanks for coming but its time to go home now.” The crowd clears the dance floor in panic as the sprinklers turned on and began to spread water. Angel makes a b-line towards the elevator which would give him access to the manager’s office. However before he could get to the elevator Angel was stopped by a couple of bouncers who stood behind.

  “Well well who do we have here Lieutenant Angel come to crash the party huh?”

  A second bouncer says, “You have no business being here Angel. Now it’s time for us to teach you a lesson: Never crash parties you’re not invited to!”

  “Well I guess I need to educate you on how the law works around here the hard way, come on you two hit me with your best shot!” Angel prepared for a melee with the bouncers.

  Angel would fight off the bouncers the best he could as they traded punches. However, he had a difficult time fighting the bouncers as they were well built. In fact, he was doubled teamed by the two, being punched down to the floor. One of the bouncers picks up Angel while the other begins to throw a haymaker at Angel. However, Angel is able to kick the bouncer throwing the punch, and kicks the bouncer holding him in the groin area. Angel uses his energy to drop kick one of the bouncers and punch the other bouncer in the face knocking him out. Angel while sweating bullets begins to call for backup to arrive. Angel is told the backup was about 15 minutes away. Before Angel could celebrate more bouncers came to the dance floor looking for a piece of him, Angel realizes that he has been discovered.

  One of the bouncers says, “He’s trapped! There’s no way out for you Angel!”

  Angel sees himself surrounded by the bouncers, but before Angel reaches for his gun, Angel sees that Luis and Dayvon were in the crowd and Luis say “Angel what the hell you doing here?”

  Dayvon who was African American was wearing a black suit with black pants along with a white blazer.

  Luis a big built Puerto Rican had on a buttoned down brown and green causal shirt along with Khakis and semi-formal brown shoes

  “Well I’m in the middle of trying to bust a big suspect and the killer of my brother!”

  Dayvon says, “Well let’s even up the odds a little bit shall we!” Angel, Luis and Dayvon begin to fist fight against the bouncers.

  The trio begins to deal with the bouncers even though they were outnumbered 9 to 3. Angel does a spin kick, knocking out all of the bouncers he had to deal with. Luis simply overpowers the three bouncers he had to deal with. Then Luis and Angel helped out Dayvon with the remaining bouncers but more bouncers came out to deal with the trio.

  Angel says, “Looks like we got more company!”

  “Let them come out they’re just going to get their asses kicked!” Dayvon says in a cocky tone

  “You got some explaining to do Angel!” Luis tells Angel in a high pitched tone, not showing too much emotion.

  The rest of the bouncers come down to the dance floor and the trio once again deals with more enemies. This time the bouncers gain the upper hand at first taking the trio down to the floor but Angel grabs his gun shooting a few of the bouncers which evened up the odds for the trio. After defeating the bouncers more bouncers arrive, but this time the bouncers are armed with guns and they begin shooting at the trio.

  Angel, Dayvon and Luis begin to run for cover with Angel shooting a few bouncers along the way. Angel gives Luis one of his guns he had left over and Dayvon runs upstairs to take care of the bouncers on the upper level. Some of the bouncers are armed with shotguns and machine guns the dance floor turns into a Wild West scene with bullets flying around and bodies going down. Angel and Luis run to grab the guns that were dropped by the dead bouncers while Dayvon takes care of the bouncers on the upper level by ambushing them from behind. Then a guy in a gold blazer with sliver pants comes out of the elevator with a street sweeper shotgun, it was Dmitri the right hand man of Boris.

  Dmitri says in a feminine tone “Oh no you don’t you better get your asses out of here!”

  “Oh Dmitri you are also on the most wanted list, well it’s my lucky day two bad guys in one night!” Angel says content knowing he’ll be catching two criminals at the same night.

  Dmitri starts to shoot at the trio nearly hitting Luis, scraping Dayvon and missing Angel. Angel tries to shoot Dmitri but Dmitri hides behind a wall with the bullets hitting the wall. Luis tries to shoot Dmitri from the other side but his gun jams up on him. Dayvon has no bullets in his gun; Dmitri continues to shoot at the trio. Luis, Angel and Dayvon hide behind the walls and give Dmitri the impression that they left. Dmitri walks into the dance floor. The trio comes from behind and tackles Dmitri to the floor with Angel handcuffing Dmitri then asks Luis and Dayvon to stay behind watching Dmitri making sure he doesn’t escape.

  Angel says to Dayvon and Luis, “You two stay here I’m going to use this keycard for the elevator in order to go after Boris. That man is going to pay for killing my brother!”

  “Angel I’ll go with you!” Luis pleads with Angel

  “Look this is my case I need you to stay here until backup arrives, I appreciate the help Luis but I can’t put you in anymore danger ok.”

  “I feel you bro be careful up there, this isn’t virtual reality this is real life.” Dayvon warning Angel

  “I know don’t worry I’ll be alright, I didn’t become lieutenant by being nice or scared.”

  Angel leaves Luis and Dayvon on the dance floor while he takes the elevator on his way upstairs to the manager’s office area.

  Angel makes his way into the elevator heading upstairs to the manager’s office. When the doors open Angel sees a man in a black suit holding a .50AE pistol and grabs the man then chokes him. Upon further review it turns out Angel had just killed a hitman, one of the many soldiers in Boris’s Army.

  Angel says to himself, “Hmm looks like Boris has got a whole lot more worms hiding here and looks like I’ll have dig up these worms off the ground!”

  As Angel walks down the hallway he sees many hitmen in blue blazers, others in white blazers and others with black suits on waiting for him hiding behind the walls.

  One of the hitmen says “You’re a dead man Mr. Angel!”

  Angel grabs his pistol and hides behind a wall for cover. Angel peeks out and sees one of the hitmen walking out and shoots him killing him instantly. Then Angel jumps across the hall to another pillar while the other hitmen were shooting towards him.

  Angel says in his mind, “Screw it I’m going in, these guys think I’m scared of them.” Angel pops out of the wall diving while shooting the three other hitmen down.

  Angel says in a cocky tone, “One, two, three strikes and you’re all out!” Angel continues down the hallway.

  Angel reaches the waiting room when all of a sudden he is ambushed by more hitmen. Angel is surrounded my hitmen carrying pistols and assault rifles, some of them even have armor. He grabs one of the hitmen and uses him as a shield.

  Angel then proceeds to say, “Any funny moves from any of you and your friend here gets it!”

  So the hitmen begin to put their weapons down in panic, but once they put their weapons down Angel shoot’s all of them anyway with no remorse.

  “Aww did I do that?” Angel pretends to feel sorry.

  “Well I was pondering on what to do with you and I think you should join your friends down in the depths of hell!”

  Angel shoots the hitman in the head and then grabs the armor plus weapons that were left by the dead hitmen. Angel then makes his way into the manager�
�s office where he finds Boris and his henchmen playing a game of poker.

  Boris says, “Well who do we have here, if it isn’t Officer Angel. What brings you here tonight? Wanna play a few hands, just put up your ante.”

  “Well first off I don’t play poker and second of all I already have my ante which is your dead body! You see Boris I know you killed my brother! You just made this personal! I just wanna know why your boys whacked my brother!”

  “Wow how unfortunate Robert got killed in the line of duty.” Boris laughs evilly “Well all I can say is if I could, I would kill Robert he was too noisy for his own good. However Angel you are not looking at the killer of your brother, it really wasn’t me honestly.” However Boris continues to laugh

  “Yeah if that’s so why do you look so nervous? Besides you were the only one that had beef with my brother. Karma’s a bitch and you’re about to get yours right now! This is one poker game you’re going to lose!”

  Boris responds while running out of the room, “Boys take him down!”

  Angel then flips the table behind him and hides behind it for cover prepared for another shootout. The henchmen start to shoot at Angel and then Angel pops out of the table in which he shoots several of the henchmen. Another henchman tries to ambush Angel from behind but Angel is able to sense him grabs the man’s arm and throws him towards the other 2 henchmen on the other side of the room. The poker room became a mess hall full of dead bodies. Angel takes the blood of one of the dead men and licks it just to pleasure himself. After that Angel receives a call from Chief Manny.

  Angel says, “What’s up Manny?”

  “Hey Angel we got the backup you requested about 5 minutes away from your location. You found Boris yet?”

  “Yeah I found Boris, found him playing poker with some of his buddies, but let’s just say he folded. He got away, but he won’t get away I can tell you that right now, especially if he’s the killer of my brother.”

  “Good at least you spotted him that’s a good sign, but Angel I don’t want you to do anything stupid!” Manny tells Angel in a bold tone. “You can’t be sure he killed your brother, the other charges yes but murder no. You are to not kill Boris we want him alive, do I make myself clear Lieutenant Angel?”

  “Yeah fine I understand.” In a disgusted tone like Angel wanted Boris to pay the hard way. “He won’t get away from me there are not too many places where he can hide.”

  After hanging up with Manny, Angel says “Boris you’re one lucky son of a bitch, if it was up to me you would be dead! Don’t worry Robert I will still get you justice even if it means I have to play by the rules.”

  Angel continues his chase of Boris, however he is given a stern warning from Manny that Boris must be alive when apprehending him. Will Angel follow Manny’s orders or does Angel truly believe Boris killed his brother and take matters into his own hands?

  Angel heads out of the managers room down the stairs and back to where Helga did her strip tease.

  Boris was there still running away and saying, “Get this crazy nut off my back!”

  Boris orders his men to kill Angel. Angel slides into the bar area dodging shot after shot from Boris’s henchmen. Angel takes down one of Boris’s henchmen grabbing his AK-47 rifle and using it to clear the room of the henchmen. However before could continue his pursuit more henchmen approached shooting in his direction, the bar shootout resumed. Bottles were breaking all over the place, Beer got all over Angel and it flooded the bar. However Angel didn’t mind getting his uniform wet with a little beer. Angel then gets behind a pillar where the bullets hit and miss him. Angel then peeks out and shoots some of the henchmen. Then with his .50AE pistol he got from the corpse of one of the henchmen Angel dives out shooting the rest of the henchmen.

  “Well hopefully Helga is out of here already?” Angel gets a call on his phone, it’s Helga.

  “Angel, are you ok? What’s that gunfire I heard just a minute ago?”

  “Yeah just giving Boris’s men a royal flush, just go home I’ll be fine I don’t want anything to happen to you!” Angel tries to reassure Helga that he is ok.

  “Fine I’ll go home. Angel just be careful out there ok.” Helga says in a concerned tone

  “I will its Boris who’s going to have a long night!” Angel hangs up the phone

  Angel heads out of the side entrance back outside and Boris in shocked says, “You guys are useless, kill that damn cop!”

  The night sky was nice and calm like it has been since the beginning. However it was a much different story on the surface, turmoil would ensue.

  “You can run but you can’t hide Boris!”

  All of a sudden a bit of light rain begins to fall and while the scene looked quiet it was about to get very noisy. Angel continues to chase Boris even running over parked cars to make sure he didn’t lose Boris until a gang of thugs ambush Angel. These thugs looked nothing special, they had dirty shirts on along with torn up pants and some of them torn up shorts. One of the thugs begins to shoot at Angel and Angel goes towards the trash can to hide. He quickly deals with the thugs and even those who were above him. Cop sirens can be heard and the lights of the cops could be seen from the mirrors of the local business on 8th Ave. Angel sees Boris from far and begins to sprint towards his direction until he finally catches up to him. Angel was determined like an eagle chasing its prey to catch Boris.

  Angel tackles Boris, punches him till he stays down and says, “Now Boris I’m the one with the gun, who you gonna call now?

  Boris replies scared, “Please Officer Angel, don’t shoot me! I didn’t kill your brother I swear I didn’t!”

  “How do I know you’re not lying! You’re the only one who would want him dead and believe me if it was up to me you would be blasted! However I play by the rules unlike you so I’ll let my crew do the dirty work.” Manny shows up to the scene along with some cops.

  “Good work Angel and I’m glad you took my orders seriously…”

  “Just doing my job he’s all yours chief!” Angel says calmly

  Manny says shocked, “Well… ok I guess. Boris Kolov you are under arrest for corruption, illegal drug dealing and conspiracy to commit murder. Boys cuff him! Hey Angel you can go home now we’ll take care of the rest and yes we’ll investigate if he was involved with the murder of your brother.”

  “Well I’ll live with that response, well chief I’ll catch you on Monday.”

  “10-4! Angel take it easy now.” Manny relieved that Angel kept his cool.

  Angel walks back to his car which was a Chevy Corvette in blue, calls Maria to let her know he’s on his way home. Telling her he wanted to sit down with her to discuss the case. After the conversation Angel drives off into the moonlight, once the rain passes by. A nice blue hue could be seen from street level.

  Angel busts his way into the Bouncers nightclub where he is on hot pursuit for Boris Kolov owner of Grant Construction and the one Angel believes killed his brother Robert. With the help of Luis and Dayvon Angel is able to gain access to the manager’s office where Angel’s suspicion is confirmed. However Boris doesn’t give in too easily in fact he orders his henchmen to kill Angel. Boris leads Angel on a wild goose chase throughout the Bouncers nightclub, until Angel is finally able to tackle Boris. Angel decided to play the game by the book and lets Manny along with a crew arrest Boris. While Angel still believes Boris was the one responsible for killing his brother, Angel decides to leave it in the hands of the justice system. Besides he has a wife to go home to and a weekend to look forward to.

  Chapter 3

  Making the Perfect Frame

  After dealing with the case and capturing Boris, Angel is parking the car in front of his house. He tries to call his uncle Carlos but gets no response. Carlos was probably too busy to pick up. Although the case was partially solved Angel can’t help it but to be worried. His brother was murdered in cold blood, and it was not in the virtual world which meant just like his father, Robert was gone forever. When Angel gets
inside the house, he gets into bed with his wife, Maria who massages him and comforts him. At least Angel had a good weekend to look forward to. He was planning to go out with Dayvon to his new house to watch the baseball game. However, would this be a normal weekend or was there about to be another wrench thrown into Angel’s plan?

  After Angel and Maria had sex, they decided to just talk for a little while even though it was close to two in the morning. Angel tells Maria that his brother was killed but he arrested the killer.

  Maria responds “That’s crazy, why would Boris want to kill Robert?”

  “My brother had beef with Boris, although Boris told me otherwise. What else would you expect from a person who is a murderer?” Angel replies with a sign. “It’s not like murderers are ever honest anyway. Don’t worry honey, I kept my cool and let Manny with his crew take care of Boris. Anyway, I don’t want to think about it too much we got a busy day tomorrow, or should I say later today.”

  “Yeah I know, you got that baseball game to watch in Dayvon’s new apartment. I would go but…”

  “Yeah I know you gotta go to your sister’s house to help her shop or help yourself, should I say.” Angel laughs at Maria.

  Maria hits Angel with the pillow and says, “Haha very funny babe, you’ll be mad drunk tomorrow I bet.”

  “Hehehe we’ll see, but let’s get some shut eye. If we get up early enough tomorrow, we can have early morning fun, if you know what I mean?”

  “Yeah I know what you mean! Good night honey.” Maria says while yawning.

  Angel and Maria head off to bed. The sun rises and our sleepyheads still haven’t got up yet. It’s now noon time and finally the couple gets up.

  Angel says, “Oh shit where did the morning go?”

  Maria responds while giving Angel a good morning kiss, “We slept through it honey, we did sleep at two in the morning. Well our pleasure time can wait till tomorrow we gotta get ready.”

  “Yup but there is one thing we can do together, and that’s to take a shower together. We haven’t done that since getting stuck at Area 51 in the virtual world.” Angel has a flashback to Area 51 when the two had their first sexual encounter.


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