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The Thousand Years War: The Trilogy

Page 51

by Angel Medina

  “Ah what the hell, we can have some fun let my sister and Dayvon wait a little while.” Angel and Maria have fun showering together. They feel each other and for once they are able to do it in peace. Angel’s body touching Maria’s body feels like heaven for him. Maria feels like that she is on could nine as the cool water drips down soothing any aches she or Angel may have. After a half hour in the shower the two are finally done.

  Angel and Maria begin to get dressed. Angel puts on a causal light blue button down shirt with blue jeans and blue/white sneakers. Maria gets dressed in her gym outfit because she was helping her sister move a few things.

  “Wow that was fun!” Angel says in satisfaction “Well I’m off to Dayvon’s place. I’ll see you later my love. Call me if anything happens.” Angel says confidently

  “Hold on baby. The news is talking about project “virtual” perhaps they found a way to kill the project.”

  The news reporter Michelle on television says, “In a twist of events, the four people who were accused of using project “virtual” have been cleared of all charges. However, scientists are working on creating multiple wormholes to this virtual world in hopes of creating an alternative world now that Earth is becoming overpopulated.”

  One scientist I interviewed says, “Yeah. We’re trying to create another world in order to make room on Earth, which is overpopulated. If this project succeeds it will give us a choice in living on Earth or this alternative world which duplicates Earth itself. For those wondering if this world will affect Earth that myth is false. We just have to get the legal matters out of the way, such as green cards and etc… However, this is an exciting time for humanity!”

  “There you have it folks a new world is upon us, at least according to the scientists from Virtual Labs. Reporting from Virtual Labs this is Michelle.”

  Angel in an angry tone says “What is wrong with people? Of course the virtual world will have an effect on Earth! Just wait until happens!”

  “We know the truth, but like the Elder God said we cannot tell anybody, as it will prove too dangerous.”

  “Problem is scientists are already playing around with this world. They don’t realize anybody with evil intentions that find out the truth about the virtual world will use it to destroy Earth.” Angel is angered that mankind is playing with something so dangerous. “Well at least nothing has happened. I’m sure the Elder God would have said something if anything was taking place. Well I gotta go, I’ll see you later love you honey.”

  “I love you too baby and try to have some fun this time without worrying so much.”

  Angel and Maria both leave their brownstone house on State Street in Downtown Brooklyn. Angel heads to Red Hook to visit Dayvon, while Maria goes to her sister’s house located in Forest Hills, Queens. Angel drives to and pulls up to Dayvon’s house. Angel is greeted by Dayvon when he gets inside. Angel asks Dayvon, “Where’s Serena and your kids?”

  “Serena went with her sister to her mother’s house for the same day. Luis is going to be a little late, but my brother in law is here. Have a seat on my new sofa, get comfortable and let’s grab a few cold ones.”

  “Thanks bro. I don’t know if you saw the news, but these scientists are messing with the virtual world that we just finished saving. I’m guessing with the memory loss nobody but us knows the truth. Besides I haven’t heard Commissioner Kelly talk for a while and I haven’t seen him for weeks.”

  “I’ve seen the news, but I don’t let it affect me, if something does happen the Elder God will tell us. Ah I’m sure the commissioner is probably on vacation or something. Just relax and let us watch the Yankee game, you need to relax after cracking that case last night.” Dayvon was not fazed by the news at all.

  “You’re right I do need to relax and a guys night out is the perfect way to celebrate, here comes the first pitch.” Angel clams down in his tone of voice.

  Angel, Dayvon and Dayvon’s brother in law watch the game, drinking beer and just having a good time talking about their women. The Yankees were beating the Orioles 5 to 2 in the bottom of the fifth inning. Dayvon goes to the bathroom while his brother in law runs off to the store for more beer. During the 5th inning the game cuts off and a news broadcast appears with breaking news.

  Angel says to himself, “Wonder who got whacked this time in this crazy city, I may have to do overtime after all.” The news broadcast begins as follows…

  “We interrupt the Yankees game to bring you a special report. Police Commissioner Frank Kelly has been found murdered in his home in White Plains New York and the police have the murder weapon as well as a suspect they are looking for. In fact we have surveillance video showing Lieutenant Angel showing up inside of Kelly’s household and killing him at point blank range. Captain Carlos says that he is disappointed that his nephew committed the crime, but Angel needs to be disciplined just like any other criminal. The murder weapon seems to be a Smith and Wesson M&P45 handgun. Apparently the same weapon Angel was issued when he was recruited into the force. An arrest warrant has been placed on Angel. As we are reporting now police are closing in on Angel as they head to Red Hook. For more information we are heading to our reporter Mike who is down in Red Hook.”

  After watching the news broadcast Angel mutes the television so Dayvon is unable to hear the television and tells Dayvon he needs to go as he has gotten an emergency call. In reality Angel was just trying to get home and then find a place to hide out for awhile until he could find a way to prove his innocence.

  Dayvon says, “Everything ok bro?”

  “Yeah I just got an emergency call, I know another one but this city is crazy. I can’t stay any longer I’ll see you later.” Angel is running for the exit.

  “Ok bro go do you thing and be careful.” Dayvon becomes puzzled to Angel’s sudden departure.

  Dayvon notices Angel is running towards the elevator and that the television has been muted. Dayvon eventually gets the volume back on the television and realizes that Angel is trying to run away from the law. He also sees the same video of Angel killing the commissioner; his face turns to one of shock and disbelief. Dayvon felt like that Angel had stabbed in the heart and this act alone discredited Angel of any respect he may have gained before.

  Meanwhile Angel is trying to figure out how the tape shows that he did the crime, but he was nowhere near the commissioner’s house on that day. Heck even the gun used was the same which was a Smith and Wesson SW1911, the same weapon he was issued. Angel fears that either the gloobas or someone was trying to get back at him. Then the clone found a way into the virtual world, where he was cloned. Then the clone was sent from the virtual world, to commit the murder with Angel’s body to make it look like he was the murderer.

  Right now Angel only had one mission, which was to find a way out of Red Hook and into hiding. He was in no position to figure out who framed him. When he gets out of the apartment complex he sees a couple of cops waiting for him, but instead of surrendering Angel pushes through the cops and runs towards the street. Angel knows that he can’t simply shoot his own crew members. Angel tries to get to his car, but finds several cop cars surrounding it.

  “Crap if I go there I’m a dead duck, hopefully Luis can pick me up.” Angel calls Luis on his cellphone in desperation.

  Luis answers the phone, “Angel if you want me to pick you up forget about it bro, I saw what you did and I can’t help out a criminal. Also we can’t be friends anymore. Damn Angel why did you shoot the commissioner, what were offered? If I catch you I’ll have to report you to the authorities. Bye!”

  Before Angel could answer Luis hangs up. Angel thinks of another person to call who is Helga, but he gets no answer from her. Angel didn’t dare call Maria as he was unsure if she had any idea of what has happened. Angel the last person to try was Quentin.

  Quentin cordially answers, “Hey buddy how are you?”

  “Not good at all I need you to do me a favor. Can you pick me up under the BQE Expressway I’ll tell you the d
etails later, just come get me please?” Angel says while out of breath

  “Sure I’ll be there in five minutes, hope you are ok.” Quentin remained calm

  “Thanks bro I’ll see you soon.” Then Angel hangs up the phone. Angel breathes a sign of relief.

  Angel runs towards the BQE Expressway while being chased by police some of them even shoot in his direction trying to neutralize him. Angel eventually loses the cops and sure enough Quentin is there waiting under the BQE Expressway. At first Quentin doesn’t recognize Angel at first because he was out of uniform. Angel jumps in the car and Quentin begins to question what Angel’s problem is.

  “What’s going on, why you needed me to pick you up?” Quentin tries to ask Angel and calm Angel down.

  “Look “Q” you’re the only one I trust right now… I’ve been framed for murdering Commissioner Kelly… last week meanwhile I was with you that day along with Dayvon.” Angel constantly running out of breath.

  “Well of course? Quentin tries to calm Angel down “So how they figured it was you?”

  “They claim to have me on tape and it is me. I’m 100% sure that isn’t the real me, that I’ve been cloned in the virtual world and that Kelly was cloned as well. Whoever the real murderer is, cloned me and the commissioner and is trying to trap me because they are planning their next attack on Earth as I speak right now. You believe me don’t you?” Angel trying to convince Quentin based on their previous adventure.

  “I believe you, but it’s getting everyone else to believe you. Anyway let’s get outta here, where should we go to hideout?” Angel calms down ever so slowly

  “Call Maria, but don’t say you’re with me and tell her where she is that you need to talk to her. I hope she believes me she can’t be that blind.”

  Quentin quickly drives away with Angel and jumps directly onto the BQE and then Quentin calls Maria. Maria answers the phone and tells Quentin that if he wants to see her that he needs go to Forest Hills. That’s where she was, Maria gives Quentin the address. Quentin and Angel are able to lose the cops and begin to drive to Maria sister’s house in Forest Hills.

  Angel has a funny feeling that the construction site and the players involved might have something to do with him getting framed. The question remains will his dear wife Maria trust Angel or will she turn her back on Angel and have him arrested? For now the only ally Angel had was Quentin.

  After the hour long drive from Red Hook to Forest Hills Angel receives a call from Dayvon, but for obvious reasons decides to ignore it.

  Dayvon left a message saying, “Angel you son of a bitch I guess you wanna take over New York City, I should had known you had a hidden agenda when you joined the force.” Dayvon sounded very angry towards Angel on the recording. “You better hope I don’t find you!”

  “Damn there goes Dayvon, he thinks I murdered Frank Kelly. I’ve become a marked man!”

  “Well we can’t worry about him right now we’re here. Quentin gathers himself and says “Hey Maria!”

  “Oh hey Quentin and what a surprise my husband Angel, what are you doing here baby? I thought you were at Dayvon’s house.”

  “Well I thought I had an emergency call around here but it was a false alarm and my car was all smashed up.” Angel looked nervious

  “Oh dear at least you’re ok and that’s what counts!”

  Angel says to Maria, “I need to talk to you in private.” Angel’s hands were shaking with fear.

  Maria answers “Sure hun we can talk in private.” While the two were heading to a private area the news comes up on the television which reports that Orlando the one who betrayed our heroes back in the previous adventure has broke out of jail.

  “Damn the turncoat got away, just one more thing we need to worry about!” Maria goes into her purse and looks for her gun.

  “Maria listen something is going on and I need you to listen carefully…” Angel is shocked when Maria points the gun on him.

  Maria aims her gun towards Angel and says, “Don’t make a move honey or should I say soon to be ex-husband. I know you killed the police commissioner and I can’t stay with a person who is a murderer!”

  “You mind pointing that thing somewhere else? Honey I swear it wasn’t me! I know the camera tells a different story, but I think I may have been cloned in the virtual world. Maria you gotta believe me!” Angel pleads with Maria

  “Shut up Angel you can say whatever, but on that day you weren’t home and you told me you were stuck in traffic. You lied to me, why did you lie to me? Why did you kill Frank Kelly? I’m afraid that I’m going to have you arrested. I don’t want to shoot you, so put your hands behind your back where I can see them.”

  “You’re making a big mistake baby believe me I would never kill Frank I never had beef with that man before.”

  “Well you may not have beef with Frank, but you sure were hungry to rise up the ranks quickly. I never knew you were that greedy! After I have you arrested I’m divorcing your ass right away, I don’t believe I married a murderer. You said you would protect me, how do I know I wasn’t going to be your next target! I should have never married you. I should have waited to learn your true colors first and you sure have shown your true colors.” Maria felt betrayed by Angel. Maria felt like she had married a snake instead of her prince charming.

  After a few minutes the cops show up and Maria leads the cops right to Angel. Maria also has the cops arrest Quentin for assisting Angel in getting away from the cops and being an accomplice to obstruct justice.

  The arresting officer says, “I hate to do this Mr. Angel, but you are under arrest for the murder of Frank Kelly and resisting arrest. As for you Quentin you are under arrest for your role in helping Angel get away from law enforcement and obstructing justice. I will read you both your rights. You have the right to remain silent, you have the right to an attorney and anything you say or do can and will be used against in the court of law. Do you two understand your rights?”

  Angel and Quentin both nod their heads yes and are placed into a marked police car then are driven off to jail. Maria shows some emotion by crying and one side of her conscience wants to believe that Angel is innocent but after seeing the video she is convinced that Angel committed the crime. Her older sister goes to Maria to console her. Maria begins to have second thoughts about divorcing Angel. Maria decides that she will wait and let the justice system decide the fate of Angel then make a decision from that point on.

  Area 2 – Rochester State Prison

  Chapter 4

  Angel Is Framed

  Angel finds himself back in court yet again for a murder that he knows he did not commit, but yet the cameras tell a different story. While the idea of him being cloned in the virtual world seemed real enough from his first experience in the virtual world, but convincing the public would be a whole other story. Angel was indeed framed, but what was going to be his sentence, he already knows Maria wants a divorce. However it was in the hands of the justice system.

  Angel was led into the courtroom in Albany, NY with his hands cuffed and wearing an orange jump suit along with Quentin. The case begins with the prosecutors with their case, a process that Angel has been through before. The prosecutors gave their evidence and testimony of what Angel did. Obviously Angel knew that the prosecutors had a very strong case against him. He tried to convince the judge that he was indeed with Quentin the day of the murder and that the person who did the murder had a mask on. However when the defense was called to provide evidence they had none to prove their case. Angel even pleaded with the judge that he would never kill anyone and the gun used was not the same as his. He also added that his brother was shot to death.

  The judge tells Angel and Quentin to quiet down, that the court was going to go into a one hour recess.

  So during the recess Angel was talking with Quentin and he says, “Hey man we’re going to jail there’s no way the judge is going to believe us.”

  “I’m dead scared because you put half of those conv
icts in prison and they’re going to be after you.”

  “Well all I can tell you is that I know of one guy who can help us out, he is known as “Bones”. I didn’t lock him up, but he respects me like a brother. I’m sure once he hears of us going to prison he’ll find us a way out.”

  “How are you going to deal with the divorce?”

  “Well I can’t worry about Maria right now, and most likely we’ll have to find a way into the virtual world.” Angel was annoyed by the question. “I think we have better things to worry about that my marriage! I’m sure the one behind all this is hiding in that world.”

  After the hour long recess was over both parties were called back into the courtroom where the judge was ready to render his verdict.

  The judge says “Well after the recess I’ve come to a decision and I have to say it was a rather easy one. In the case of Angel I find him guilty of murdering Frank Kelly which carries the sentence of the death penalty. As for Quentin I find him guilty of assisting a criminal, resisting arrest and obstruction of justice which carries a sentence of 5 years. That is my verdict, court is now adjourned.”

  Angel and Quentin were taken by the guards into a correction officer van which was going to take them from Albany to Rochester NY back to Rochester State Prison a place that Angel knows all too well. This time around he would have no help from Maria, Dayvon or Luis. It would be only him and Quentin. After a two hour drive Angel and Quentin are booked into prison where Angel was going to be given a date for his execution. About 3 months later Angel was told he was going to be executed on November 1, 2015 at three in the afternoon. November the first comes around. Angel spoke to Bones on occasion and to Angel’s surprise Bones knew a way out of the prison.

  So what idea does Bones have to break Angel and Quentin out of prison? One thing is for sure Angel would see many of the people he put in jail once again and they would have no problem kicking his butt to the point of no return.


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