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Maiden Voyage

Page 14

by Dreama Faire

  He eagerly grasped her breasts, helpless to control her movements as she ground her hot, wet cunt into his groin. He watched her undulating hips, tried to pump into her, but was held captive by her strong thighs. She continued to move in a smooth, rocking rhythm, moaning softly with each thrust as she worked toward climax. He eased his finger between their bodies and found her rigid clit. The instant his finger touched it, she groaned and pressed harder against him.

  "Oh, yes, make it happen. I want it."

  He urgently jiggled the burning wet nub back and forth, and she felt it swell with his touch. Her breath came in short, ragged gasps, and she reached back to caress his balls, moaning his name over and over. She opened her eyes and boldly held his gaze as the wave mounted higher and stronger. Her muscles clamped around his cock and she gasped, then let out a long wail of release as his shaft pulsed, filling her with his seed.

  * * *

  Nick closed his eyes. If he could choose his heaven, this would be it. His fingers traced the line of her shoulder, his past forgotten as he lost himself in the beautiful aftermath of Amanda's passion. Visions of a future together eased into his thoughts. Amanda's delicate skin burnishing to a golden brown under the strong Greek sun as she played with their cherubic babies. Lots of babies. He opened his eyes and glanced down at her.

  She lifted her head and smiled back, her expression almost demure. "Big surprise, huh?"

  He stroked her cheek. "Not really. I knew I'd find you, eventually."


  Amanda burrowed deeper into the thick pillows, savoring the sex-induced heaviness of her body. If I never have to move a muscle again, it'll be all right with me.

  Nick emerged from the bathroom, a large white towel wrapped around his waist. A tremor of excitement ran up the insides of her thighs and she grinned with amazement at how quickly her middle-aged body had recovered, ready to plunge back into the game. She giggled.

  A mock scowl raced over his features. "What is so funny? You'd better not be laughing at me!"

  She rolled over onto her back, stretching luxuriously, every fiber of her body tingling with her newly found energy.

  "No. Just thinking about how practice makes perfect." She glanced over and grinned. "Use it, or lose it. Come over here and I'll help you stay in shape."

  He put his hands on his hips and cocked his head. "Later. Today we play tourist—no sex."

  She widened her eyes, feigning horror. "All day?"

  A deep chuckle. "We'll see."

  He dropped the towel and Amanda's thighs tightened. His hard body glistened with remnants of the shower. His relaxed penis nestled against his thigh, oblivious to her lecherous gaze. He moved to the closet and brought out a bulky package. Brown paper rattled as he tore it aside and pulled out a pair of jeans. As he eased them over his bare hips, he glanced up at her and grinned.

  "You're not the only clotheshorse in this group." He closed the zipper. "Okay, get up or we'll miss our ride."

  She threw back the sheet and jumped out of bed. "Where are we going?"

  "You'll see. It's a surprise. I'll get us some coffee while you dress."

  He disappeared out the door, and Amanda scurried into the shower, thrilled by the excitement of the unknown. The game seemed to have changed, become less mechanical. Sometime in the last twenty-four hours, emotion and camaraderie had become part of the equation. The moment would come when she could open up to him without fear.

  * * *

  Amanda swallowed the rich black brew, then exhaled sharply. "Whew! This stuff should be on a controlled substances list."

  Nick laughed. "Better get used to it. Coffee gets stronger the deeper you go into these countries. In Greece, the black sediment in the bottom of the cup is the best part." He rose and held out his hand. "Let's go."

  During the short taxi ride across town, Amanda thought about Nick's relaxed reference to getting used to the coffee. Perhaps things would just happen naturally and she wouldn't have heart failure every time she tried to talk seriously.

  The cab pulled through the gates of a small airfield, then stopped. Nick paid the driver while Amanda climbed out. Two very small, ancient looking airplanes were tethered to the ground just a few feet away. A strapping young man strode toward them, his shirt open and flapping in the breeze, a large gold cross sparkling through the curly black hair on his brown chest.

  "You go to Bonaire?"

  Nick nodded, and the two of them discussed the plans in Spanish while Amanda wondered where Bonaire might be. A minute later, Nick grabbed her hand and they headed across the grass toward the larger of the two planes. Inside the cramped aircraft, they settled into two of the four passenger seats. Amanda suddenly felt a little ill. She'd never flown in a small plane before, and a quick glance at the pilot taking a swig from a flask didn't help her confidence much.

  The engine coughed to life and the propellers on the twin engines began to rotate slowly, then picked up speed. Within seconds, they became invisible. By squinting just a little, Amanda could see the outer circle of the tips as they spun. The craft lurched a little as the brakes were released, then it began to roll across the bumpy field. Nick's touch made her jump.

  "Have you ever been diving?"

  She took a deep breath and shook her head. This was some adventure she'd gotten into.

  He smiled and squeezed her fingers. "You will love it. Wait and see."

  She closed her eyes as the plane taxied onto the runway. The pitch of the engine hammered through the thin aluminum frame, vibrating the floor and seat. The plane picked up speed and she held her breath. Nick slipped his arm around her shoulders and hugged her tightly.

  "It's okay. Don't be frightened."

  Suddenly, the plane lifted up, the rattling stopped, and the cabin was filled with only the hum of the engines, now working at peak capacity. She opened her eyes and looked at Nick. His features glowed with compassion, and she smiled in embarrassment.

  "Sorry. I don't fly much."

  "Look out the window. This is a sight few people get to see."

  Below, the azure ocean spread in every direction, punctuated by dark spots that were islands. The plane banked, giving her a better view. Around each small land mass, concentric bands of color changed from stark white at the shoreline to light aqua, to deep turquoise easing into dark blue, farther out to sea.

  She sighed with the magnitude of the view. "It's beautiful, almost like a dream."

  "This is no dream, Lovable."

  Nick's warmth against her shoulders, his gentle tone, the beauty below them sent emotion crowding into her throat. She'd been given a second chance at life.

  Nick withdrew his arm and took her hand. "Boxer's in jail."

  A jolt ran through her stomach. "How do you know? Oh, God, didn't he sail with the ship?"

  Nick smiled. "I saw an article in the newspaper yesterday. Apparently, he came looking for me, went on a shooting spree, and got himself arrested."

  She searched Nick's face. "What about you? Won't you get in trouble for deserting your ship?"

  His face clouded just a little. "Yes, and no. I called Olsen, told him that Boxer had attacked you, and that I was accompanying you back to America." He chuckled and winked. "Captain said he thought you could take care of yourself. Why would he think that?"

  She started to laugh, more from embarrassment than mirth. "He, a little frisky the day he accompanied me shopping."

  Nick's face darkened. "He touched you? The bastard! I knew he was up to no good. In fact, I was headed out to find you—" A stunned look settled across his features, he cleared his throat, and looked down at his hands. "Well, anyway, I'm glad you handled him."

  A warm feeling crept into her chest. Nick had been jealous, even then.

  She smiled and touched his cheek. "I couldn't think about anything that day but getting back to you."


  The small plane banked sharply, then plummeted nose-first toward the sparkling surface of the ocean. Amanda's st
omach turned over and, terrified, she glanced at Nick for reassurance.

  He squeezed her hand. "It's okay. The landing strip is very close to the shore. He needs to come in low."

  Through the window, Amanda saw the water racing beneath the belly of the plane. Then, suddenly, she was staring at sand, then black tarmac. A moment later, the wheels bumped onto the runway and the engine noises roared through the cabin, making her ears ring. She closed her eyes, fighting the sickening feeling that churned through her stomach. Nick's warm breath tickled her ear.

  "You okay?"

  She opened her eyes and gazed at his sympathetic smile. "Could we please return by boat?"

  Nick's hearty laugh calmed her trembling, and she haltingly began to chuckle. She felt like a bumpkin off the farm for the first time. Nick took her face in his hands and kissed her tenderly, then searched her face.

  "I promise I won't let anything bad happen. Okay?"

  He took her hand and steadied her as she crawled out of the cramped seat. The pilot appeared in the aisle, looking quite pleased with himself.

  "Very good ride, yes?"

  Yeah, swell.

  A few minutes later, they stood in the brilliant sunshine. Nick talked to the pilot while Amanda gazed around her. Not far from the airstrip, a row of low buildings gleamed white against the dark tropical foliage. Behind her, in the direction from which they'd landed, the sea stretched to meet the sky, the blues melding together, making it almost impossible to determine where one ended and the other began. The air was warm and filled with exotic odors, sharp and sweet.

  Nick stepped up beside her and slipped his arm around her waist. "Ready for a new adventure?"

  "Lead the way."

  * * *

  A short taxi ride took them into the coastal Dutch-settled village of Kralendijk, huddled around a beautiful harbor filled with an assortment of boats. Lined neatly along both sides of the narrow main road, stucco buildings painted in varying shades of yellow, orange, and lime-green gave the place a toy-village atmosphere. Wispy high clouds drifted across the unbelievably blue sky.

  The cab pulled up to the curb and, a minute later, Amanda found herself in a small shop, staring in wonder at the confusing array of dive equipment.

  A ruddy-faced man greeted them. "Howdy. You folks plannin' to go divin'?"

  Nick took out his wallet. "We need suits and snorkeling gear."

  The shopkeeper took the wad of bills Nick offered. "Best snorkeling's over to Little Bonaire, 'specially this time of year." He smiled at Amanda, letting his eyes drop to her breasts, then back to her face. "You'll like it."

  Feeling naked under his beady gaze, she crossed her arms. "I've never been—I don't know how."

  He chuckled. "Hell, if you can float, you can snorkel."

  He moved off toward the cash register, and Nick took her elbow, guiding her toward the corner.

  "Find a swimming suit." He lowered his voice. "Preferably one I can get my hands into."

  Heat raced across her cheeks, startling her with its intensity. After everything they'd done together, he still affected her as though it were her first time with him. She turned away and headed for a rack of swimwear, and Nick sat down on a bench by the door.

  A few minutes later, she stared at herself in the mirror. Swimsuit model, she wasn't. The simple black one-piece molded itself to her shape, covering up most of the sins, but her flabby thighs looked pasty and dimpled. She sighed, remembering the brief thought about getting into shape, and her fantasies about exposing her body to a man. Warmth spread quickly into her crotch. She'd certainly taken care of the latter of the two.

  Suddenly, the curtain swept aside and Nick stood in the dressing room doorway.

  "No, no, no, that is not what I had in mind."

  He stepped inside, and the curtain drifted back across the opening, hiding them from the browsing customers. A glint in his eye made her breath catch in her chest. No, he couldn't possibly be planning to... She took a step back.

  He held out his hand, his fingers clutched around a flash of color. "Take that ugly thing off and put this one on."

  She stared at the two tiny pieces of fabric and string, then looked up at him. He wasn't kidding.

  "Uh, Nick, I can't wear that, I'm too—"

  Without a word, he reached out and grasped the strap of the suit she had on, and drew it smoothly down over her shoulder. The elasticity of the fabric snapped the edge of the suit over her breast, exposing it. Her nipples hardened and, suddenly, the idea of riding his cock in that tiny dressing room was all she could think about.

  He chuckled and pulled the other strap down, and the suit settled around her waist. Her cheeks flamed and she looked away.

  He snickered. "Come now, how can you be embarrassed in front of me? I have seen the very best of you."

  The sudden flush of modesty disappeared and she reached for his crotch, now bulging.

  He grinned wickedly and stepped back. "No sex, remember?"

  She licked her lips and lowered her voice. "Don't you think it would be exciting to fuck right here? With all those people just outside the curtain?" She opened her eyes wide and lifted an eyebrow. "What if someone came in?"

  The bulge in his pants grew bigger and he shook his head. "You are some hot woman, Lovable. I may have to teach you some more lessons."

  She held her breath, watching his hand move toward his crotch. He shifted the mound to ease the strain of his tight jeans, and disappointment crawled over her skin.

  With another sly smile, he grasped the curtain. "Come on, we're wasting dive time. Put the suit on, and get dressed...I'll wait outside."

  She gazed at the bikini. What the hell.

  * * *

  Another short taxi ride took them to the jetty. They climbed aboard an island sloop, and Amanda smiled to herself. More sea adventures. She imagined herself making love to Nick on the deck in the moonlight. Her gaze stopped abruptly at the polished teak mast on the foredeck of the boat. A thrill ran through the pit of her stomach and she glanced at Nick leaning against the rail, the wind whipping his hair around his face as he stared at something in the distance.

  Being back on the water brought a rush of thoughts about everything that had transpired over the past four weeks. Had it only been that long? She gazed at the shoreline fading as the boat motored away from the island. It was hard to even remember what home felt like. What was everyone doing? Probably plodding through the dull routines of life in a small college town, just as she had for the greater part of her life. What had Cal done with his time off? A prickle of guilt snaked into her head. She'd mail the postcard as soon as they returned to the mainland. Maybe it would even get there before she returned.

  Reality slammed into her like a freight train. How much more time did she have with Nick? And was there anything she could do to change the course of her life?


  Nick glanced at Amanda. She sat quietly, her eyes closed. What was she thinking about? Going home? Back to some semblance of normalcy? An uncomfortable feeling crept across his shoulders. All this time together, and he still didn't really know her, couldn't guess how she might react to what he had in mind. It would be easier to simply let it go, say goodbye when the time came. Wouldn't it?

  He suddenly became aware that she had opened her eyes and was looking directly at him. A gentle smile played about the corners of her full mouth, and his cock stirred with remembrance of how those lips felt wrapped around his shaft, the inquisitive tongue exploring the slit, tasting his passion. He grinned back at her. His no-sex policy for the day might just have to be modified.

  Offering her a hand, he suggested they visit with the captain. Her fingers twined comfortably through his, and Nick knew he'd do anything to keep from losing her.

  The captain stood behind the wheel, a pipe stuck at a jaunty angle beneath his bushy gray moustache. He whipped off his cap as they approached, bobbing his head politely to Amanda.

  His gravelly voice was thick with accent. "
Welcome to Gezwind. Is beautiful day, no?"

  Amanda nodded her head vigorously. "Magnificent. What does "gezwind" mean?"

  "Is Dutch for speedy." He grinned. "Sloop is fastest ship on Caribbean waters."

  "No one seems to be in much hurry around here."

  He chuckled. "Yah, these days, we relax." He winked at Nick. "But in the old days, when pirates roamed these waters, the sloop was the only ship could escape them."

  Nick watched Amanda's face as the captain expounded on piracy. Her cheeks colored, and he saw her breast rise and fall just a little faster. He knew what she was fact, he'd had such thoughts earlier. The glossy mast would be the perfect place to tie her, then drift for days at sea, partaking of her luscious juices and smooth skin, feeding her tidbits of fruit and cheese, quenching her thirst with wine, losing himself in her willing and eager passion for pleasures of the flesh. His cock stirred again beneath his snug jeans.

  The captain chuckled. "Sloop is so fast that soon the pirates also used." His eyes took on a faraway look. "Yah, those must have been exciting times."

  * * *

  Amanda could not believe what she was hearing. Of all the subjects to come up for discussion, pirates were the last thing she'd expected. Visions of swarthy men—all of them looking exactly like Nick—swirled through her head, and her breath came in short puffs. She could feel Nick's gaze delving into her thoughts. He knew.

  The captain's voice changed tone as he pointed across the bow. "There is Kleine Bonaire. You wish to dive from boat, or beach?"

  Nick answered. "We'll start from the beach, give the lady a chance to get used to it. Then you can take us out a little farther, and we'll try that."

  The sloop motored slowly toward the shore. Amanda leaned over the side and gazed into the crystal clear water, stunned by the magnification of the world that lay beneath the surface.

  Nick shrugged off his shirt, then slid his jeans down over his hips. Amanda tried not to stare at his brown skin glistening over well-toned muscles, struggled to keep her eyes from straying to his loins. Impossible. A bright yellow bikini barely covered his round butt, sat saucily across his muscular hips, and accentuated his bulging penis. The only diving I want to do is right into that!


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