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Maiden Voyage

Page 15

by Dreama Faire

  He turned and grinned. "You going to swim in your clothes?"

  Suddenly, she felt really self-conscious. The captain lounged against the wheel, smoking his pipe, and Nick stared at her unabashedly. Leaving her clothes on sounded like a really good idea. Then Nick sat down and began adjusting his mask, and the captain went below deck. She quickly pulled the dress over her head, gasping as the warm air hit her nakedness. She looked down at the bikini. Why had she agreed to wear the damned thing? The red and black striped triangles barely held her breasts, and the tiny patch of matching fabric that covered her muff felt as though it might slip off at any moment.

  "Mmm. Very nice!" Nick's eyes sparkled. "You must not hide that body. In my country, men like something to hold on to. American women are too thin, have hard men's bodies, not attractive at all."

  Though she felt uncomfortable with her extra flesh, his compliment sent an arrow of delight through her. What did it matter what she thought about her appearance? If he liked it, that was all that counted.

  Nick climbed out of the boat, then helped her down the ladder. She slid into the crystalline water. Her feet sank into the warm sand, and the surface of the water lapped at her bare midriff.

  "Oh, it's so warm!"

  "Stays about eighty degrees year around." He took her hand and they walked a few feet to the stunning white beach. "Put your fins on and I'll show you how this is done."

  A few minutes later, Amanda's body drifted on the gently swelling surface of the sea as she gazed in awe at yet another world she'd never known. The brilliant white sand ocean floor was interspersed with smooth rocks and small green plants, waving in the currents. A purple starfish inched slowly up the side of a rock. A tiny silver fish darted past.

  All she could hear was her own even breathing through the snorkel tube. The sound was eerie, but relaxing. Something touched her fingers and she flinched. It was Nick. He grinned and motioned for her to follow him. They paddled slowly away from the shore. As they moved into deeper water, the sea floor changed, becoming more crowded with fascinating formations of coral in every shape and color imaginable. Delicate green and yellow fans of lace coral waved invitingly. A small, gray lump covered with wiggly ridges looked exactly like a human brain. Two black and yellow striped angelfish drifted just above a pink plant that looked like one of Calvin's prize-winning dahlias.

  Poor Cal. She hoped he'd done something interesting with his spring break.

  Nick touched her shoulder, gesturing off toward their right, and Amanda's heart skipped a beat. A long, sleek shark cruised slowly just above the sand, its shadow rippling over the curves and hollows of the ocean floor. With all the beauty of the sea, she'd forgotten about the dangers. Nick squeezed her shoulder and shook his head. The shark glided below them as though it didn't know they were there, or didn't care. Amanda relaxed and smiled at Nick. He gave her a thumbs-up gesture and they surfaced.

  "Let's get back on the boat and go out a little farther. The best sea-life stays away from the shore."

  They climbed back into the boat, and the sloop sliced through the water toward a spot that looked as though rocks were floating on the surface.

  Amanda squinted in the brilliant sun. "What is that?"

  "Bonaire Island is the visible part of a huge coral reef. The water around it is almost solid with submerged coral. You are looking at the top of a reef mountain. The diving is fantastic." He smiled. "Someday, you should learn to scuba dive."

  She gazed at the man who had coaxed her womanhood from her, who had become the only thing she wanted in her life. Nothing would ever be the same without him.

  "You certainly know a lot about this area," she said.

  "You forget, I grew up in this part of the world."

  The captain came forward. "I cannot get closer, too risky. I wait here."

  Amanda's pulse jumped and she looked nervously at Nick. "Risky? What does he mean?"

  "The reef can be damaged by touching it. The bottom of the boat could scrape off the living coral and injure the colony. We can't even drop anchor. All these waters are protected and policed by the ecological center."

  He checked her snorkel tube, adjusted his own mask, and motioned toward the side of the boat. A moment later, they slipped into the tropical water, and Amanda lost herself in the magical world of the Caribbean Sea.

  Colorful clouds of brilliant fish danced, flashing silver in the water-filtered sunlight. Along the sculptured side of the reef, sea anemones of every color undulated in the current, each movement in perfect rhythm with the swells. A sudden motion to her left gave her a fright, then she relaxed and stared at a very large fish with an undershot jaw, moving slowly upward toward them. She glanced at Nick for reassurance, but his attention was on the fish. He held out his hand and, to her amazement, the fish sidled up close and allowed Nick to stroke its red-brown side. Amanda reached out and touched the fish's snout. It felt cool and slippery, but different from the supermarket variety she usually handled. She wondered at the fearlessness of the animal as it glided away.

  Nick grasped her hand and motioned ahead. Together, they slowly paddled alongside the reef, watching the unconcerned watery world around them. Amanda's thoughts danced between the limbo she inhabited at that moment, and the reality that would soon decide her fate. As she gazed at the opulent beauty below, a tiny voice inside her head counseled her heart and, for once, it was telling her to do what she wanted, instead of what was responsible.

  Suddenly, a large dark form emerged from the shadows of the reef, and Amanda inhaled sharply. In slow motion, a sea-turtle glided through the water as though its some hundred pounds were only ounces. Amanda felt as though she were watching some prehistoric creature with a head heavily armored in dark green plates, and powerful, bone-crushing jaws accentuated by a frighteningly sharp pointed beak. Long, smooth fin-shaped legs propelled the creature easily through the water, carrying it away into the darker depths below. Amanda exhaled slowly and looked at Nick. He moved closer and she could see the merriment in his eyes, magnified by the mask. For a moment, she felt foolish at her unabashed delight in everything she saw. It didn't matter—she'd come a long way, and had farther still to go.

  Nick motioned for her to look down. A school of tiny fish swarmed below them, and suddenly Amanda saw what they were after. Nick's relaxed cock dangled below his prone body, moving gently in the current, just like the seaweed. A jolt of heat raced through her cunt, an incredible sensation in contrast to the water. She watched the tiny fish dart up and back, each nibbling at the head of Nick's penis. As they teased, the flaccid member began to grow, straightening out into a thick hard shaft. God, how she wanted to touch him. She tore her attention from his cock just long enough to search his face. He smiled wickedly and stroked himself, the minnows slipping in and out between his fingers, searching for more of whatever had attracted them.

  With the lewd display, Amanda's heat grew in her crotch, and her clit began to pulse with need. She reached out and grasped his cock, and a shudder of desire made her feel chilly, even in the warm water. Nick's hand quickly snaked out and pulled down her bikini bra, leaving her breasts floating weightlessly beneath her. Struggling to keep her breathing under control, she stroked his cock while he fondled and pinched her nipples. The harder he squeezed, the faster she pulled on his cock, feeling it grow and pulse as Nick approached orgasm. She wanted to climb on and take his cum, but the buoyancy of the water seemed an insurmountable obstacle to copulation. She struggled to stay afloat as the passion washed into her. She watched her hand moving strongly up and down the rigid shaft. When the plume of creamy semen spewed forth into the water, her cunt clenched with frustration. The school of fish swarmed through the milky cloud, gobbling up every tiny morsel.

  Nick's hand withdrew from her breast and he motioned for her to surface. She trod water, gasping for enough air to quell her thundering heartbeat.

  "God, Nick, that was so unfair!"

  He chuckled. "Just warming you up for later. C'

  They swam over to the boat and climbed aboard. Amanda's legs trembled as she maneuvered her way up the ladder and over the side. Dropping onto the cushioned bench at the back of the boat, she exhaled sharply. Her long-neglected leg muscles quivered their complaint for such strenuous activity, and all her limbs felt as though they'd been encased in lead. After the refreshing buoyancy of the water, she could barely raise a hand to brush the hair from her face. The weight of exhaustion pressed against every inch of her body, and she looked up at Nick and smiled forlornly. In moments, she was asleep.

  * * *

  Nick lit a cigarette and joined the captain by the wheel.

  The old man's eyes twinkled knowingly. "She's good, no?"

  Nick gazed out at the reef. "Too good."

  The sloop's motor rumbled to life, and Nick's thoughts focused on what he would do next. Over the past two days, he'd seen Amanda's determination to stay with him. Was it because of the sex, or something deeper? He stared across the water at Little Bonaire and his vision clouded as he tried to imagine her life in America. How did she live? What did she do with her time when she wasn't teaching? Was there a man to fill her bed when she wanted one? Nick shook his head. He doubted it—she was too fresh and naive to have been involved in any regular sex. The things they'd done together had been a whole new world for her and, if he admitted it, to him, as well. The freedom to do or say anything that came to his mind was something he'd never really experienced—certainly not with Cassandra. He snorted out loud at that thought. Miss-I'm-saving-myself-for-marriage. The usual anger that accompanied thoughts of his fiancée screwing his brother didn't come, and Nick immediately realized he was over it.

  Amanda's reassurance that he'd find another woman to love echoed in his head. She was right. He had.


  Amanda clutched Nick's hand as she climbed out of the boat and onto the pier. Her legs felt like gelatin, and her entire body throbbed with exhaustion.

  "Why am I so whipped?"

  "Swimming uses every muscle in your body, and floating uses most of them. Dinner and a hot bath will make you feel better."

  They waved goodbye to the captain, then started down the pier, Nick holding her securely.

  "Would you like to stay here tonight? Tomorrow we could travel to the tip of the island to see the flamingoes."

  She looked up into his eyes. Still exotic, still mesmerizing, but now flooded with warmth.

  "I'd love to."

  She leaned against him as they walked toward the center of the village, her heart telling her the game was not over.

  A short taxi ride took them south past the airport and into a more residential area. Nick instructed the driver to take them to a place called Coco Palm Garden and, minutes later, they pulled up in front of a small bungalow. A cheerful pink-cheeked woman with white-blonde hair greeted them with a clipped Dutch accent.

  "Welcome." Her gaze darted between them and she grinned mischievously. "The honeymoon cottage?"

  Nick chuckled. "Whatever you have will be fine."

  Amanda blushed, wondering if their raw attraction for each other was so obvious. But, why did she care? The erotic session in the ocean had whetted her appetite for more, and she couldn't wait to get to the room—any room.

  The proprietress led the way along a red lava rock path, through a wonderful secluded garden, then stopped in front of another small bungalow.

  Handing the keys to Nick, she grinned. "Will you be wanting a wake-up call?"

  He shook his head, and the woman walked away.

  Turning to Amanda, he winked. "I suspect we'll be awake long before she is."

  Amanda's pussy clenched, but she smiled demurely. "I need a nap before I can even think about anything else."

  The small cottage had everything a visitor could want: large comfortable beds, a fully-equipped kitchen, full bathroom, and a charming porch with table and chairs. It was the perfect love nest.

  Nick caressed her shoulder. "You rest, and I'll go find out about a trip to the flamingo nesting grounds."

  She nodded and flopped down on the bed as the door closed behind him. Her body still quivered with the movement of the sea, and the aftermath of stroking Nick until he came. Her own passion was now smothered with exhaustion, and she drifted into more erotic dreams of making love underwater. Her hand slipped between her legs, but sleep came too quickly.

  * * *

  Warmth brushed her earlobe, and she awoke slowly to find Nick nuzzling her neck. She sighed and turned onto her back.

  "How long have I been asleep? Seems like hours."

  "Only thirty minutes. Feel better?"

  He stroked her hair tenderly, sending a rush of emotion through her chest, rendering her mute. She nodded.

  He took her hand. "Good, let's eat. I'm starving."

  A few minutes later, they walked hand-in-hand through the lovely gardens toward the private restaurant. The cozy atmosphere and tropical décor enhanced Amanda's romantic feelings. She glanced up at her handsome escort as he pulled out a chair for her. He looked so relaxed, perhaps for the first time since she'd met him. A few loose strands of curly hair drifted across his forehead, and she wanted to reach up and brush them back. Those impulses had gripped her more and more as they'd made their way through the past couple of days. Intimate and personal gestures, the underpinnings of a comfortable, intimate relationship. No longer did she worry about what would happen. Everything felt right and something good would come of it, she was sure.

  The waiter appeared and Nick ordered rum drinks for both of them. When the man had gone, Nick reached across the table and took her hand.

  "Did you enjoy yourself today?"

  "More than you could possibly know, Nick." She gazed into those dark eyes, hesitating for only an instant. "Thank you for making my vacation so wonderful."

  A flicker passed across his face. "I have enjoyed your company, too."

  The awkwardness of the conversation made her unable to respond. It almost sounded as though they were saying goodbye, a thought that brought a painful lump into her throat. The drinks arrived, and the tension faded.

  The waiter told them about the dinner specials.

  "We have fresh grouper tonight, poached with lime and cilantro, and served over wild rice."

  Nick glanced at her. "That was a grouper we were petting this afternoon."

  "Oh! No, I could never eat one now!"

  Nick chuckled. "I thought as much. They seem different when you meet them in person, huh?"

  "I'll have the Chicken Caribe—easy on the hot sauce, please."

  Nick ordered the same, the waiter disappeared, and the relaxing atmosphere closed in around them. Nick talked about the ports he'd visited during his years at sea, and when he questioned her, Amanda told him a little bit about her profession. Dinner arrived, and they ate in comfortable silence, with only the occasional murmured comment about how delicious everything tasted. Following dinner, they moved into the lounge, sipped cream sherry, and watched the moon rise over the sea. Amanda was sure she'd entered heaven.

  The garden was subtly lit by small lanterns scattered throughout the greenery along the path. The shadows and sounds gave the place a magical feel, and Amanda nestled closer to Nick. He slipped his arm around her shoulders and gave her an affectionate squeeze. A few minutes later, they stepped into the tiny house and closed the door behind them. Her heart thumped at the prospect of another luxurious night under Nick's command.

  He turned and smiled at her. "I'll draw you a bath. Get undressed."

  She watched him disappear into the bathroom, and a shiver of anticipation ran across her shoulders. What delights did he have in store for her tonight? She slipped out of her clothes, and rapped lightly on the bathroom door.

  "May I come in?"

  The door opened, and the heavy scent of something floral wafted over her. Nick took her hand and drew her into the warm room, closing the door behind her. She couldn't believe the scene. Six or seven small c
andles sat around the edges of the tub and on the counter, their warm flicker giving the small room a cave-like feeling. Steam curled across the mirror, further enhancing the coziness. The tub was filled with soft clouds of pale pink foam.

  "Bubble bath! Nick, how sweet!"

  "Climb in."

  He held her hand while she stepped into the deliciously hot water. Slithering down beneath the bubbly blanket, she threw him a seductive look from beneath her lashes.

  "Are you going to join me?"

  He chuckled. "You're supposed to be relaxing from your long day at sea."

  The water worked its magic on her tired muscles, easing the tense fibers and setting her thoughts adrift. She leaned her head back against a rolled-up towel, and closed her eyes.

  Nick's soft voice drifted on the steamy air. "I'll be back in a minute."


  She tried to concentrate on what the next few days might bring, but her brain had gone on strike. All she could see in her mind's eye was the wondrous world she'd explored that afternoon, thousands of miles from New England.

  The door opened and closed quietly, and she opened her eyes. Nick sat down on the side of the tub and smiled.

  "I brought you something to help you relax."

  He handed her a small glass of amber-colored liquid.

  She chuckled softly. "If I relax much more, I'll be comatose."

  She took a swallow and savored the fiery brilliance of the wine. In her entire life, she'd never been pampered like this. Sure, she'd taken bubble baths before, but she'd always had a book to read while she soaked. The romantic aura in the room made her want to reach up and pull Nick down into the water with her. Why not? She set the glass down on the edge of the tub. As she lifted her hand to follow the impulse, he stood up.

  "Let me wash you." He moved to the vanity counter and picked up a large sponge and a bar of soap. "Sit up."


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