Book Read Free

Carbon Life

Page 51

by HR Ringer

  Tevos thought about what Captain T’Lori had told her as she looked out on the fountains and lake below her. Whoever had purchased the figurine from the Suns was out a considerable amount of credits, and if the payment had not gone through, the Blue Suns were on the losing end. It mattered little to Tevos which of the criminals ended up on the losing side of the transaction – as it should be, the priceless figurine was on its way home.

  She removed her dressing gown as she walked back across the room, distractedly laying it on the foot of the bed as she contemplated her next move. Realizing her mind was moving much too quickly to return to sleep, Tevos let out a resigned sigh and turned toward the bath. ‘May as well shower, dress and start my day. Tossing and turning, unable to sleep with such news, would only serve to make me irritable and short-tempered. Dalis should not be forced to abide such all day… me being a bit tired is preferable to subjecting her to such ill-temperament.’

  * * *


  The Oseros class corvette Ionsaí slipped into her assigned docking bay on the outskirts of Serrice, having completed a four-relay trip from the Nemean Abyss, through Sahrabarik, Imir and Widow to Parnitha. The seven-hour trip from the Parnitha System relay to Thessia had taken nearly as much time as the relay jumps from the Abyss.

  As port workers secured the numerous thruster-packs at dock level by clipping deflectors over the nozzles, a hover-litter was guided from the smaller of the two cargo bays and carefully floated over the darkened area; the commandos accompanying the litter guided it into a large shuttle painted in the pale blue and yellow of a Serrice Hospital vehicle.

  Anyone watching what was apparently a routine arrival of the largest warship allowed to land on the planet might have been puzzled at the appearance of two people, obviously human, from the starboard ‘over wing’ airlock. The male and female, escorted closely by a pair of asari commandos, were led to a small aircar, bearing the same colors as the large shuttle; as soon as they were in the car and the hatches sealed, it rose from the deck, turned and slowly departed the area, following the large shuttle carrying Yuán Xiùlán in the hover-litter.

  During the short flight to the hospital, Ionsaí XO Traeria Shoni acted as a tour guide, pointing out various points of interest, including the university with its vast grounds and the grand building where the Matriarchal Forum held meetings to discuss affairs of state. It was only a matter of minutes before the car was circling for a landing, setting down within fifteen meters of its larger mate, from which the accompanying commandos were already removing the hover-litter containing Xiùlán’s still form.

  A pair of asari, dressed in crisp, light blue uniforms, came running out to the hover-litter; after speaking with the commandos for a few moments, these orderlies took over, moving the litter into the hospital building at a rapid pace.

  Samantha Traynor and Griffen Buchanan, having exited the smaller vehicle along with Traeria Shoni, walked up to the commandos just as the orderlies left with Xiùlán’s litter. Sam looked at Traeria as she asked, “Can we go in with her?” As Traeria started to decline her request, she simply said, “I need to be with her, Traeria. She needs to know she hasn’t been abandoned in a strange place. Please?”

  The asari studied Traynor’s eyes for only a moment before answering, “Come on… you too, Buchanan. I’ll clear it with the Matriarch in charge; have her find both of you a place to stay.”

  Traynor responded as they began walking. “Thank you, Traeria.

  * * *


  Luenia Phura passed a hand through the haptic interface, triggering a chiming announcement within the lesser of the Ionsaí’s two conference chambers; she stood aside for the antiquities minister as the door latches immediately unlocked, allowing the hatch to part in the middle and retract into either side of the opening. Captain Agana T’Lori stood from her chair at the far end of the table inside, bidding her guest a warm welcome. “Matriarch Elesia… please, come in.” Motioning towards a chair to the right side of her own, she asked, “Would you care for some refreshments?”

  The minister swept gracefully into the room, her travel cloak fanning out behind her like a protective cloud. “I would not say ‘no’ to a small amount of Elasa, should you have such on board.” T’Lori immediately moved to a side table, where she opened a small bottle and poured each of them a generous measure of the pale green liquid as Elesia removed her cloak; laying it over the back of another chair, she asked, “Now then, Captain. What is so important that I had to meet you here at the moorage, rather than in my office?”

  Agana smiled as she gently set the heavy crystal goblet containing the matriarch’s drink on the table. Taking a sip of the sharp beverage, T’Lori set her own glass down and retook her seat. “I assume you are familiar with the search for a small figurine from the Age of Exploration?”

  Elesia paused, her arm and hand holding her glass poised midway between table and lips. Resuming her movement, the minister took a sip of Elasa, then set the glass down as her eyes searched those of T’Lori. “You must be referring to the carving that was recovered, then lost by the turian Septivus Vulpez. What do you know of this?”

  The captain reached down beside her chair, on the opposite side of the matriarch’s chair; standing again, she brought a cylindrical case up and set it on the table in front of her. “We had the honor of hosting three humans working for the Systems Alliance; one is currently in the hospital with a serious injury incurred during the recovery of….” releasing two fasteners and removing the upper two-thirds of the case to reveal the carved figurine of Janiri, T’Lori finished with, “…this. The Ionsaí was the support vessel for these humans as they tracked the artifact’s movements; they just recovered it from a shipping container on Cartagena Station.”

  Elesia’s eyes went wide with surprise. “They found it!… Recovered it!” A statement, not a question. “I had almost given up all hope of ever seeing…” Reaching out a hand, she touched the bottom of the container rather than place her bare fingers on the carved wood. “To have this artifact here, intact, sitting on the table…” Elesia covered her mouth with a hand to get her emotions under control. “You said the humans are here? In Serrice?”

  T’Lori carefully replaced and latched the cover to its base as she replied, “Yes… two females and a male. One of the females is in the hospital awaiting surgery to repair a horribly injured left leg. The other female, Samantha Traynor, is the reason all three were successfully extracted.”

  Carefully sliding the figurine over to sit in front of the matriarch, she said, “The Ionsaí will soon depart Thessia, so I am officially transferring possession of this antiquity into your custody and care, Minister Elesia.” Returning to her seat, T’Lori added, “There are few among our people aware of this recovery, Minister; not even the Matriarchal Forum has yet been informed of our good fortune. You may wish to contact Councilor Tevos on the Citadel when you return to your office, as she was instrumental in choosing to allow the humans to work on our behalf.” Taking the last sip from her glass, T’Lori concluded with, “When you are ready to leave, I will provide an escort to ensure your safe return to your shuttle.”

  * * *


  Raesia Tevos continued to work at her desk as she waited with increasing impatience for the secure call from Thessia – she was hoping to speak with one of the three team members that had recovered an invaluable piece of asari history. When the unit in the adjacent room trilled, Tevos rose from her chair and walked briskly into the communications room; stepping up to the control console, she entered several commands in the haptic interface and waited.

  Within several seconds, an image began to appear from seemingly random specks of light. With the time-lagged distortion of distance, her voice flanged up and down, similar to that of a turian. “Councilor Tevos. It is a pleasure to be able to speak
with you today.”

  Responding with a nod of her head, Tevos replied, “Matriarch Elesia? What may I do for the Minister of Antiquities today?”

  “I just returned from visiting Captain Agana T’Lori onboard the Ionsaí – she presented me with an item recovered from the Nemean Abyss. While I do not question the positive results of the recovery, I find the methods employed to be a bit unorthodox. Involving humans in asari affairs, Councilor?”

  “They came highly recommended by the human ambassador here on the Citadel, Minister. At the time we decided to employ them, it seemed to be our best and only option. Have you met with the humans?”

  “I will be visiting them at Serrice Hospital shortly – I expect to hear firsthand how they were able to track down and recover the object after our own efforts failed.”

  Tevos did not respond to the implied criticism, other than to say, “Asari commandos don’t generally have the skills needed to clandestinely hack into computer networks; both human females possess the required skills, and both are skilled warriors.” Changing the subject, she asked, “Has the Matriarchal Forum been informed?”

  “They have not, nor will they be until my department can confirm the authenticity of this figure.” Elesia slowly moved her head from side to side. “I expect the tests will confirm that what we possess is actually genuine; I just want to be sure before I inform the matriarchs.”

  “Makes sense, Minister. No reason to get everyone’s hopes up only to later tell them the figurine is a disappointing forgery.”

  “I have to attend a staff meeting, Councilor… You may wish to contact the human ambassador… inform her of the success of the mission. I am sure she will be pleased with the results. Once we have our confirmation and can set a date, perhaps she would like to be here on Thessia when we introduce the humans to the matriarchs.”

  “That sounds like a fine idea… I’ll contact her right away. I appreciate your call, Minister.”

  It has been a pleasure to speak with you, Tevos. Go with the Goddess.”

  * * *


  Ambassador Anita Goyle was looking through a few colonization reports when the secure communication console beside her trilled for an incoming call. ‘Probably that fool Udina wanting to know when he’ll be appointed as the new human councilor… as if!’ Anita sighed as she entered her personal code and password, then waved her hand through the ‘accept’ control; she was pleasantly surprised to see the image of asari Councilor Raesia Tevos. “Councilor Tevos! It’s been too long… To what do I owe the pleasure?”

  “Anita! I just wanted to thank you for all your assistance in recovering a thousand year old example of asari wood-carving skills!” Tevos was positively beaming. “Your team found it, Anita! The figurine’s been recovered… it’s back home on Thessia, along with the three agents, who are currently our esteemed guests.”

  Tevos grew silent as she looked down for a moment. Returning her gaze to the camera, she continued, “I owe you an apology, Anita. When you offered to assign two newly graduated agents to this task, I admit I was skeptical they would be able to obtain positive results.”

  “No apology is necessary, my friend. Your skepticism was completely justified… had our positions been reversed, I am sure I would have questioned their assignment myself. Should I arrange for their transportation home? I imagine there are very few humans on Thessia, if any at all.”

  Tevos looked down for a moment before returning her gaze to the ambassador. “Unfortunately, a female named Yuán was injured during the operation…” holding up a hand to forestall Goyle’s interruption, Tevos continued solemnly, “… the severity of which I do not know. However, if Captain T’Lori felt it necessary to transport all three of your operatives to Thessia, then I would imagine the injuries she sustained to be severe enough to preclude meeting an Alliance vessel to effect a transfer.”

  “When do you anticipate a mission report will be ready, Councilor? I would really appreciate having a copy, and I would especially like to know the extent of Yuán's injuries."

  “I should have that information when the next diplomatic courier arrives from Thessia… two days from today. As soon as I have the report, I will be happy to share that which pertains to the operation just concluded, along with the medical reports on all three agents.” Tevos paused for a moment before continuing. “The artifact is being confirmed as authentic by our Minister of Antiquities. Once that has been completed to her satisfaction, she will present the figurine to the Matriarchal Forum, accompanied by your agents responsible for its recovery. She mentioned that, perhaps, you would like to be present for the unveiling?”

  “That sounds like a wonderful idea, actually. I would love to see Thessia, even just a small portion, and have a chance to sample some more Thessian cuisine.” Goyle sighed audibly before concluding, “If there is anything I can do… anything… either personally or on behalf of the Systems Alliance, please let me know. In the meantime, I’ll contact the Marine General in charge of the group; fill her in on what I know of the mission results at this moment. Thank you for contacting me, Raesia.”

  “It was my pleasure, Anita. Please convey my gratitude to the General for assigning two ‘newly-minted’ agents to tracking down and recovering a priceless artifact for the Asari Republic. The entire operation proved to be a stunning success.”

  * * *


  Samantha Traynor’s asari escort opened the door to what everyone expected to be Xiùlán’s room for the next two months. Seeing her inamorata turn towards her and smile lifted Sam’s spirits immeasurably. “Hey…” Sam squeaked out. “How are you feeling?

  “Better, now that you are here. My dear Sà mǐ… I was afraid the asari would attempt to keep me isolated.”

  “Not gonna happen.” Traynor grabbed one of Xiùlán’s hands. “Griff’s with me as well – we have temporary rooms downstairs. With all the new construction going on, available housing is at a premium, even for their own people; my understanding is we’re being accorded special treatment because of that figurine. XO Shoni did not say, but I’m guessing the success of our mission has garnered a great deal of interest among the Matriarchs… Captain T’Lori even contacted Councilor Tevos on the Citadel.”

  Xiùlán asked, “So, what’s going to happen now? Are they going to reconstruct my leg?”

  Stroking the back of the hand she was holding, Sam replied, “That’s the plan. Normally, you’d be transferred to an Alliance facility, but the asari seem to think they can provide you with better care here in Serrice.” Traynor glanced at Xiùlán’s elevated left leg as she asked, “How’s the pain? You managing okay?”

  “Medicine’s keeping most of the pain at bay… certainly a lot less than it was on that station.” Xiùlán fixed her lover with a hard stare as a single tear overflowed her right eye and trickled down her cheek. Lapsing into Mandarin, she said, “Xièxiè nǐ jiùle wǒ de mìng, sà mǐ.” [謝謝你救了我的命,薩米 - Thank you for saving my life, Sami] With her emotions barely in check, she added, “Thank you as well for getting me out of that shit-hole. I don’t know if I can ever repay you, Sà mǐ, but you need to know that until I can, my life belongs to you.”

  “Nonsense, Xiùlán. Seems to me our situations were reversed during our mission in the Dis system… had to deal with batarian pirates there as well… bastards mutilated and killed our tank driver… You got me out of that Hellhole none-too-soon… Saved my life. I’d say we’re even… and who’s counting, anyway?”

  Xiùlán’s smile was so radiant Sam thought another sun had come out. “How can it be that I was so blessed to run into you our first day on Luna? Look how far you’ve come since then.” Xiùlán reached up, stroking an upper arm that was nearly rock-hard with corded muscles. “I need to see Buchanan… need to hear from him how you cleaned out a hanger filled with batarians hell-bent on killing us.”

s facial expression was in direct conflict with her next statement. “He’ll sing my praises to the sky! If I tell you what I did, then you hear it from him? The reality would be somewhere in the middle. But yeah, I impressed him… impressed a bunch of batarians as well.”

  Xiùlán had been Sammy’s lover long enough to be able to read her quite well, so immediately knew she was holding something back… something that troubled her… something just beneath the surface, and it involved the batarians. “Sammy, you know I love you, right?”

  Traynor was instantly on guard – sometimes, Xiùlán was much too perceptive – it appeared to Sam that this was one of those times. “I do… and I love you, Yuán Xiùlán.”

  “You’re keeping something from me, Sammy… I can see it. It’s eating at you like the larvae of an Asian spider wasp eats at its host.”

  Traynor hung her head as tears began seeping from her eyes. “I didn’t want to tell you until you were up and around, Xiùlán. I’m afraid… afraid of what you’ll think of me.”

  For once, Xiùlán didn’t know what to say, but tried anyway. “Sammy, how could you be…? I would never judge you, Sammy. If you think back, we’ve been down this path before, during our first few months of training… I told you then not to presume what my feelings were concerning you.” Retaking her hand, Xiùlán continued, “Now, you sit there and tell me what’s bothering you.”

  Sam started slowly, relating how she had strung up the batarian that had shot Yuán in the thigh, how she had begun to torture him. “He wanted to fuck me… told me to let ‘im rest for a few minutes so he could use me. I just…” Sammy’s expression flashed on the misery of that moment. “… for a moment I was back in college on Earth, trapped in a gym locker room.” Sniffling, she went on, “I was gonna use my blades, Xiùlán. Thought about cutting his nuts off and feeding ‘em to ‘im. I had it all planned out in my mind to open ‘im up on both sides and make soup of his organs with my Húdié dāo… I had the point of one of them pressed hard against his side… was gonna make ‘im suffer more than any of his kind had ever suffered.”


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